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November 13, 2018

“Thanks to the Lord, we will be able to help 12 villages in Indonesia hit by the recent natural catastrophes”, says Dr. Daniel Ronda, President of the Alliance Church of Indonesia. “The contributions and prayers of the Alliance Family are enabling us to reach thousands of people with the love of Christ. Please continue to pray and contribute.”

November 13, 2018

National Church leaders from 15 countries of the AWF Asia-Pacific Region (APAC) reassured their spiritual roots and discussed how a Spirit-empowered missionary movement can move forward to fulfill the Great Commission in the present era.

November 8, 2018

They came from far away and today they are the part of the first Alliance church in Finland. In 2018, the Grace Montagnard Alliance Church got the official recognition from the Finnish government and conducted a celebration worship on October 27th, with 130 people attending the service.

October 26, 2018

Although the Mongolian Alliance Church is young, it already has 12 organized churches and eight house churches. They also have many ongoing ministries that focus on counseling, development and giving care to those around them no matter their age or social condition. However, they still need our prayers to keep growing stronger, wiser, and more mature so that God’s light can shine brightly in all of Mongolia.

October 10, 2018

As part of our communication strategy, we are launching a new outreach campaign.

October 10, 2018

The Symposium of Alliance Theology made its debut at the AWF CLA (Latin America) Region in Argentina last month.

September 26, 2018

For the first time in the history of the Alliance men in Africa, a meeting was held to discuss their role in the family, church, and society. It was certainly a time of growth and blessing.

September 20, 2018

With over 40 years of experience and dedication to God’s work, Michael Baraniak is the new president of the C&MA Church of the UK.

July 24, 2018

As the new President of the National C&MA Church in Venezuela, Reverend Natanael Gil Lamas hopes that God will use him to bring unity, harmony and support to the C&MA churches and ministries in his country.

July 16, 2018

The new president of the C&MA Church of Jordan and the Holy Land, Rev. Bashar Nimat, has a motto: “Living a devoted life for Christ requires growth in the Christian character through discipleship.” Elected in March 2018, he desires not only to see people getting saved but live a fulfilled life for Christ.

July 16, 2018

Rev. Munther Shahatit attended the 12th graduation of the Christian Alliance Institute of Theology (CAIT) in Beirut, Lebanon, in June 2018. The ceremony brought back memories.

July 16, 2018

During his recent visit to Erbil, Rev. Shahatit met with Rev. Joseph Francese, pastor of the C&MA Church of Baghdad, in Iraq. He received the good news that the church is growing and continues to share God’s Word.

July 12, 2018

The C&MA Church of Erbil is bringing many people to Christ and expanding its reach as those new believers are returning to cities formerly occupied by ISIS to start a new church.

July 9, 2018

The CLA (Latin America Region) team and some leaders from South-American Alliance churches will be traveling to Mali, Guinea, and Senegal in July 2018. They hope to bring encouragement and blessings to the churches, brothers and sisters they visit.

June 29, 2018

Praise the Lord for the Alliance Youth Convention that was held in India in May 2018 and for the 22 young people who committed their lives to Christ.

June 29, 2018

In the May AWF Prayer Requests, we prayed for the first National Alliance Fellowship of the India (NAFI) Coordinating Committee meeting. God answered our prayers and the leaders present had a fruitful and blessed time together.

June 29, 2018

The Alliance in Germany is focusing its effort to reach Arab speaking immigrants and refugees from Muslim background in Berlin and Koblenz to Christ.

June 25, 2018

The missionary couple from Vietnam, Narong and Tinh, has wonderful news to share. Their work in Nakhon Phanom is steadily progressing. They have been planting the seeds of God’s love in the hearts of many and, with God’s blessing, many more will hear about our Lord Jesus.

May 30, 2018

Reverend Victor Ndoukou Moukoko, president of the C&MA of Gabon, and Pastor Pedro Micha Obama of Equatorial Guinea are partnering to expand God’s Kingdom throughout the land in the West African region.

May 30, 2018

In January of 2019 the Alliance Church of Guinea, Evangelical Protestant Church of Guinea (EPEG), will be celebrating 100 years of age! In that time, our brothers and sisters have dutifully spread God’s love and His word to as many as they could reach. Let us raise our voices and thank our Lord All-Mighty for this wonderful achievement!