Since 2018 the Alliance World Fellowship has been publishing short videos on its website and social media to strengthen the idea that each one of us is not just a local Alliance church member, but we are part of a global family. Reinforcing this connection, we would like to invite you to be part of this campaign.
Losing a baby could be a powerful and understandable reason to give up a mission. Not for Nathan’s parents. The one-year-old son of Lagyi Sin Nang and Sarawut Sikrinpacdekun, a Burmese missionary couple in Thailand, died recently. He was seriously injured when an audio speaker fell on him during a worship service. Despite the deep sadness, his parents have decided to keep holding onto God and trusting Him, working among Burmese migrants in Bangkok.
Several members of the Alliance Churches located in Beirut, Lebanon, were injured and their homes damaged by the explosion in the port of Beirut that occurred yesterday. Please pray for our Alliance family there, and for the recovery of the people, the church, and the city of Beirut.
Rev. Bahij Khoury was ushered into glory after a life full of rich eternal fruit. He served the Lord faithfully for over sixty years, and he was a special gift to the Alliance Church in Syria.
Earlier this year, we witnessed the first steps of the Sudanese Alliance Fellowships in North Africa. They are translating the Word of God into the believers’ mother tongue, training new leaders and deacons, and much more. They continue to grow wonderfully despite this difficult time.
At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the pastors in Colombia had to close the doors of their churches. Then they asked: What do we do now?
The Global Alliance Family has been serving thousands of vulnerable communities in more than 50 countries since the pandemic started. The local churches are distributing food, masks, soups and medicines and are creating awareness of proper hygiene habits and the use of protective measures. The AWF Global Response to COVID-19 will help those local churches with more funding to reach an additional 170,000 people who will experience the love and mercy of God through the hands of His servants.
The C&MA in Cuba has faced increasing difficulties with the Pandemic. The country has had limitations in many areas of life, from access to water and electricity to the purchase of basic hygiene and food products. That situation has worsened with the new coronavirus. See how you can help our Alliance family in Cuba.
“Cecilia Albornoz: her convictions, words, joy and desire to reach the lost will be engraved in our hearts as a constant sound that will last forever.” These are the words of Pastor Jorge Barra, Director of the National Department of Missions (NDM) of Chile, when remembering Cecilia, who died on May 11, 2020 in the city of Temuco, Chile.
Reverend Merari Rodríguez accepted our Lord Jesus at the tender age of seven and has more than 20 years of experience in ministry. As the new President of the C&MA Church of Guatemala, he is aiming for continuous integral growth and strengthening of pastoral care in Guatemala.
As part of the AWF Global Response to COVID-19, we ask the pastors of local Alliance churches that sponsor Relief Projects to answer the Relief Project Questionnaire by May 31, 2020. We are praying that the information we receive will help AWF to strengthen the hands of those at work in ways that are meaningful, productive, and sow seeds of witness to the love of God in Christ.
The Alliance family in Russia is facing a huge challenge as the result of the coronavirus pandemic. The recreation facility Gorni Rodnik, where thousands of boys and girls have been impacted over the years, is in need of 3 million roubles (41 000 US$) by June 5 to continue to operate. Please pray that God will provide the necessary resources to preserve this unique resource for reaching the lost in Russia.
This was what the president of an African national church said during one of four meetings this week to organize a global response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It summarizes our leaders’ understanding that the challenge before us is beyond our capacity, but God has given the necessary provision to His people, and we have the resolve to share it with those most in need in the communities we serve.
Do you have expertise in Relief & Development efforts through the Church? We need you!
The SALT ministry in Huancayo, Peru is perhaps one of the longest and most successful ministries under the C&MA and SALT partnership. Students from many towns around this city come at considerable expense to receive training in theology, and many go on to graduate and receive a degree which they can put to good use.
AWF and CAMA Services (Alliance Missions – USA) are working together to mobilize a global response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Jesus is a compassionate savior calling us to action. As we prayed together, we felt compelled to seek a fast and effective response to the needs of the most vulnerable people among those served by Alliance churches worldwide. A donation link to the project is already in place on the AWF website.
As the pandemic grows, we are planning webinars to share experiences of how churches are facing the challenges posed by this pandemic.
Pastor Nour and his team believes that this crisis is just an opportunity to put God’s compassion on display. They are finding people more open now than ever! As Pastor Nour says, “As Christians, we should help people in their most difficult time of their life, as the light is most needed when the darkness is greatest.”
In addition to the pandemic that everyone is experiencing, Guinea and other West African countries have faced persecution. The Protestant Evangelical C&MA Church of Dorata (N’zérékoré), reputed to be one of the largest in Guinea, was destroyed by fire the evening of March 22, 2020, following political and ethnic clashes.
The AWF Executive Committee met last week in a videoconference in the midst of the greatest global health crisis of the century. The preparations for the AWF Quadrennial Convocation in October 2020 drew much of the attention. God continues to work by strengthening the Alliance identity and by forming many new cooperative missionary projects around the globe.