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Uruguayan Prison Experiences Spiritual Revival
September 11, 2023

Approximately two decades ago, a remarkable journey of faith began in a Uruguayan prison, where the power of prayer and relentless dedication have led to an astonishing spiritual revival among people.

Seeds of Change in Cabinda, Angola
September 8, 2023

In the warm and welcoming community of Cabinda, Angola, a group of 55 individuals gathered with anticipation and hope in their hearts. They were about to embark on a transformative journey that would change their lives forever.

Missions Mobilization Seminar in Mexico
September 1, 2023

As part of its mission to facilitate cooperation among those in the worldwide Alliance movement, the Alliance World Fellowship (AWF) seeks to mentor missions mobilizers in every nation, ethnic group, and local church to work together for the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

Horticulture Project in Gabon
August 7, 2023

The C&MA of Gabon, the local church, community leaders and people interested in being part of the AWF Development Project have set out to improve their quality of life – and food security.

AWF EMERALD Regional Conference 2023
July 24, 2023

After more than 15 years, the AWF EMERALD Regional Conference returned to France, providing fellowship and challenging participants to refresh their thoughts and perspectives about global missions.

Peruvian Missionary Mirtha Espino
July 21, 2023

Mirtha Espino is the first retired missionary of the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church (C&MA) in Peru. She served for 14 years in Equatorial Guinea, Africa. After finishing her ministry there, she once again said yes to her missionary call, and she tells us why.

Training the Trainers in Liberia
July 17, 2023

Participants in a series of recent workshops analyzed Liberia’s agricultural problems and proposed sustainable solutions for them. Those who participated are now willing to take an active role in the effort and invite others to join them.

AWF Alliance Theological Symposium
July 6, 2023

The first AWF Alliance Theological Symposium was held in June 2023 in France. The objective was to deepen the understanding of the history and theology of the Alliance movement and to reflect on ways the Alliance should engage in ministry and missions today.

July 4, 2023

Thanks to a joint effort involving horticulturists, the C&MA church of Cote d’Ivoire and the Alliance World Fellowship (AWF), the Assakra community has improved the food supply and socioeconomic situation of farm families of the Toumodi Department.

Fulani believers in Niger in 2019
June 26, 2023

Lisa Rohrick dedicated 20 years to being a missionary in West Africa, mainly in Niger. She found ways to reach the Fulani people and invite them to be part of God’s love story.

Missions, Our Legacy: Tivane Family
June 22, 2023

Patricia Tivane believes in the transformational power of the Scriptures and has invested her life and resources in making it available to unreached people. Her passion and life stories inspire us and lead us to reflect and move in response to the greatest needs of the people around us.

June 19, 2023

Food security and nutrition have improved the lives and economy for our brothers and sisters in communities and villages of Congo DRC through Phase II of the AWF Global Response to COVID-19.

May 22, 2023

The Latin American region continues to advance in spreading the Kingdom of God through Business as Mission. In Colombia, one student says he “was able to understand that being a barista is a useful way to start conversations about the gospel naturally and effectively.”

Traininng in Savings and Loans
May 15, 2023

Congo faces significant difficulties in agriculture, so coaches and participants in a training session in Brazzaville were creative and eager to implement, replicate, and learn more as they came up with some solutions to their problems.

April 25, 2023

The Chinese Alliance World Fellowship (CAWF) hosted its 7th Conference, March 14-17, 2023 in Manchester, UK with the theme “Mission Next! New Waves in the New Era.”

April 24, 2023

“Developing a young generation of pastors and lay leaders to carry on the mission of the church” is one of his priorities as the new president, says Rev. Munther Shahatit.

April 11, 2023

Lian Suan Pau has been leading the C&MA Myanmar as its president since March 2022. It is a four-year term. “Our main challenge,” he says, “is the evangelization of Buddhist Myanmar.”

March 28, 2023

The members of the Alliance Church of Aleppo continue to work tirelessly to provide food and shelter to those who lost their homes in the February earthquake. Every day, prayer meetings are held in the church, and many people have come to salvation. We invite you to be part of this effort through your prayers and donations.

March 22, 2023

“Lead the way to the next generations” is the vision brought by Ángel Sabino Barrientos Chuquillanqui, the new president of the C&MA Peru. Ángel was elected in September 2022 for a five-year term, starting in February 2023. He cannot hold back his enthusiasm for his new role with the Alliance, and he is looking forward to seeing new generations meet Jesus. What a great way to celebrate the 100 years of work of the Alliance in Peru.

March 13, 2023

Getting a passport for work in Singapore was an aspiration for a bright future for young professionals from the Philippines. They saw it as a career move and an economic uplift for their families. It was a personal plan, but God has used this plan instead to accomplish his purposes.