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December 3, 2021

Founded in 1994, the Alliance of Russia (ECMU) focused on church-planting and missionary work from the very start. The Russian C&MA conducts many ministries and wishes to continue growing and expanding God’s kingdom. They ask us to pray for their ministries and international workers during these difficult times.

November 25, 2021

Rev. Sergey Rybikov has been serving the Lord for 26 years. Now, he is guiding the Russian Alliance forward. He intends to strengthen the prayer culture within their churches, train new ministers and unify the Alliance family in Russia. With this, he plans to rekindle the flames of missionary work in the Russian Alliance.

May 24, 2020

The Alliance family in Russia is facing a huge challenge as the result of the coronavirus pandemic. The recreation facility Gorni Rodnik, where thousands of boys and girls have been impacted over the years, is in need of 3 million roubles (41 000 US$) by June 5 to continue to operate. Please pray that God will provide the necessary resources to preserve this unique resource for reaching the lost in Russia.