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April 24, 2018

The Alliance church in France is building a new vision for the future and has just started a grassroots movement among its churches to develop that vision. Please pray that God will provide clarity and bring the Alliance churches there closer together for His glory.

April 18, 2018

The Middle East is the cradle of Christianity but nowadays is dominated by the strong presence of other Abrahamic religions. Europe is the birthplace of the Western Church but nowadays is a secular post-Christian society. Proclaiming Christ in this region has been a great challenge but the Alliance churches there are sensitive to the opportunities that arise. Please pray for the requests sent by our representative from the EMERALD (Europe and Middle East) region.

March 21, 2018

The Alliance in France had its Annual General Meeting on March 10th and it was a time of blessing and encouragement for all those involved. The Alliance in France has grown from four churches to 39 churches in 40 years, and three new Chinese churches are seeking to join in 2018. Please pray for wisdom and renewal of the national leadership in France as they seek to guide the church through continued growth.