AWF Quadrennial Convocation 2021
You are invited to register to the 12th AWF Quadrennial Convocation that will be held at the Central Milagro Alliance Church, a city nearby Guayaquil, Ecuador, October 19-24, 2021. International guests will stay in selected hotels in Guayaquil and use the conference shuttles daily for transportation to/from the church campus.
The theme of the 12th AWF Quadrennial Convocation is “Going Deeper and Going Beyond.” The convocation will also emphasize on building and strengthening ministry networks across the worldwide Alliance.
If you are passionate about Jesus Christ and eager to use your talents, skills and spiritual gifts to make Christ known in a very creative way to all nations of the world, then this convocation is for you.
The registration fee is US $425 per person. It includes materials, meals and conference shuttles from the hotel to the church campus. Not included are various costs such as other transportation, accommodations, visa and COVID requirements, etc.
You may register by clicking here.
Please have your credit card (Visa or Mastercard) at hand to proceed with the registration.