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Serving to Refugees in Jordan

January 24, 2018

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The Bible is filled with mentions of immigration and refugees. It was mentioned when Abraham went down to Egypt in a time of famine; it was later mentioned when God was giving His law to His people, making it clear that foreigners were to be treated fairly and equally. In the new testament, we have the classic examples of the parable of the Good Samaritan and Jesus’s explanation about those who would enter the Kingdom of God:

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’” (Matt. 25. 35-36 New International Version)

Jordan is among the top 10 countries that serve as a haven for refugees. The country has a long history of being a safe place for refugees of neighboring countries that found themselves in the midst of conflicts and wars. The numbers are continuously increasing and the country has been, and is, hosting people from many nationalities and ethnicities, especially Syrians, Iraqis, and Palestine.

However, despite the long history of both legal and illegal immigration, the fastpaced rising of the refugee population makes it difficult for the country to properly absorb them. Being a refugee denotes a hard reality, even in the best of circumstances.

They are the ones that live in communities within the country, away from the camps, and face very precarious living conditions. For example, Syrians are not allowed to legally work in Jordan, and as a result, have been using all their finances and are sinking in debt. This leads to various less than desirable scenarios, such as accepting low-paying jobs, and other adverse situations. Adding to that, the increase of housing costs, the stigmatization faced, and the trauma of those who fled war-ridden countries, among other challenges, make it hard for them to see a better future.

With little to no hope, facing debts and other extreme situations that can be considered inhumane, these people need our help and prayers. The C&MA Jabal Amman church in Jordan has been working with these people since the 1990s and offers assistance to around 1000 families. Their Mercy Ministry aims to bring assistance to 500 families from various nationalities through food packages. But this comes at a cost.

These food packages will consist of basic food items such as rice, sugar, cooking oil, powdered milk, and others. That alone will cost around $85 per package, making it an estimated $42,500 in total. They will also be requiring a storage warehouse, to store the food and prepare the packs. This will cost around $5,000. There will also be costs for delivery of food to the storage place, packaging, and transportation to these families, which adds another $12,500. The project will also need approximately $10,000 for urgent medical needs and for school tuition coverages for the children where it is needed. In total, the project needs $70,000 to cover all expenses and reach these families.

The C&MA church will be providing on its own a cost share of $7,500 for the Christian literature, children’s books, sweets, and personal hygiene items that will be added to each pack.

Through the project, they hope to bring these families a little bit of dignity and hope, as well as telling them the good news of the Gospel and the love of our Lord Jesus for them.

Let’s spread His word and His love to those in need through our prayers, financial aid, and any other form of help.

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