Latin American Missions Crossing Borders

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In Peru, a diverse group of individuals converged with a purpose—to be light in the midst of darkness, heralds of love to the marginalized, and messengers of salvation to those yearning for redemption.
At the forefront of this inspirational movement was the Latin American Region (CLA) of the Alliance World Fellowship, whose missions theme “Sent – Light to the Nations”, based on Acts 13:47, orchestrated a transformative journey from January 23-26, 2024, in Lima, Peru. From eleven countries and diverse backgrounds, 204 passionate hearts gathered, united by a common calling: to spread the gospel message far and wide.
The joy of arriving at an encounter with nature, the presence of God, and a missions atmosphere was evident among all the participants. Led by Rev. David Muthre, the AWF Regional Coordinator for Latin America, the event started with a call to embrace the divine mandate of a Spirit-filled church, as exemplified in Acts 13 and echoed throughout Scripture.
Translator Adolfo Betancourt’s teachings focused on the significance of biblical translation, with each participant urged to become a steward of linguistic inclusivity. As hands eagerly formed groups to translate Scripture from its original tongue, the realization was that language serves as the gateway to salvation, that translation is the key to unlocking hearts.
But the journey was not solely about linguistic barriers; it was about personal sacrifice and commitment. Pastor Martin, an experienced missionary with a quiet yet compelling voice, shared his testimony of daily dying to self for the cause of Christ. His words resonated deeply, stirring hearts to embrace the calling of martyrdom—not in the physical sense, but in the sacrificial surrender of personal desires for the sake of God’s Kingdom.
During this spiritual awakening, Keyla Espinoza, an Ecuadorian international worker in Senegal, challenged participants to view mobilization as an integral facet of discipleship. Keyla emphasized that “a missions mobilizer is a disciple of Jesus who has managed to accept his role in the extension of the Kingdom of Heaven, therefore, he will seek that everyone around him also finds his role in the fulfillment of the Great Commission to the last ethnic group.”
As the journey unfolded, Dr. Jonathan Ritchey, the U.S. missions mobilizer for Latin America, advocated the cause of financial stewardship, reminding believers of their responsibility to support those laboring in God’s vineyard. His message was clear: generosity is not merely a duty but a privilege—an opportunity to participate in God’s redemptive plan.
Yet, amid the teachings and testimonies, the true essence of the journey lay in the collective transformation of hearts. For one participant, it meant a paradigm shift—a newfound realization that missions encompasses far more than sending workers to the field. It is about mobilizing, fundraising, nurturing missionaries, and above all, prayerfully engaging in God’s mission.
An international worker who had recently returned from the mission field shared her experience: “It showed me the other side of missions,” referring to the missionary work from the perspective of the local and national church in the diversity of the task in the mission of God that the Latin American region is developing.
Another highlight of the event were Mission Stations, where each national leader and other delegates, dressed in attire representing their countries or the cross-cultural field, joyfully and creatively showcased the work their nations are doing in other countries through their international workers. With the distinctive flavors of distant lands and their shared information, they extended an open invitation to cooperation among Latinos for the expansion of the Kingdom of God.
All participants reveled in the missionary atmosphere of the camp. They indulged in Peruvian cuisine, absorbed teachings, embraced teamwork, worshipped God, and prayed for the lost. The vibrant cross-cultural night, with the typical attire of most participants, indigenous praise, and a challenge to respond to the call, united attendees in a fervent desire to pray for international workers and their ministries.
As the event reached its climax, 104 attendees declared their commitment to engage in cross-cultural mission. We praise God for the immediate results achieved from this divine journey, aimed at strengthening the mission and missionary vision in the region. Please pray that this movement of God continues to grow in each person who was part of this event.
As their collective commitment echoed into the night, a profound sense of purpose filled the air. They knew this journey wasn’t just an event—it was a catalyst for transformation. Carrying the flame of missions, they dispersed, aware that their efforts would reach far beyond, touching lives and reshaping communities in ways they never imagined.
In the end, the gathering was a testament to the power of unity, faith, and unwavering commitment to God’s call. And as participants ventured forth, they did so not as individuals but as ambassadors of hope, heralds of redemption, and bearers of God’s boundless love.