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Innovation in Missions: Businesspeople and Professionals

May 24, 2022

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The first AWF International Business and Mission Congress was held in Chile in April 2022. Pursuing collaborative projects that will specifically send Latin American Marketplace professionals, the Christian and Missionary Alliance keeps working on joining efforts to include businessmen and professionals in missions. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact [email protected].

During the workshops at the 2021 Guayaquil AWF Quadrennial, one of the focus topics was how to increase the mobilization and current engagement in both business and marketplace. The discussions led to the next practical steps to continue conversations on how to begin partnerships and collaboration. The goal is to strengthen the social capital of professionals and entrepreneurs in the Latin American region, as well as to design new joint actions to implement new business projects at an international level.

The first AWF International Business and Mission Congress was organized by the Missions Department of the Chilean Alliance due to its interest in bringing together denominational leaders, pastors, and businessmen to promote a culture of entrepreneurship among intercultural workers. This will allow them to build companies and businesses as a platform for missions. There are many businessmen in the Alliance of Chile who are actively developing business models that can be implemented in different countries.

In countries with restricted access to the gospel, it is necessary to have new platforms that allow missions to have legitimate entry and obtain economic resources that also make it possible to finance missions.

Pr. Iván Bonilla, missions director of the Colombian Alliance, presented the “Barista Missionary School” project. It seeks to create a barista program for Alliance international workers from all over the world who are interested in entering countries with restricted access on a business visa or as expert workers in the preparation of coffee-based beverages.

Professionals and entrepreneurs were encouraged to continue to use their gifts, talents, skills, and resources to be a part of the missionary mobilization to extend the Kingdom of God.

Let us pray that the Lord will guide and give wisdom to our brothers and sisters to continue developing their business and professional mission ministry. Pray also for the next steps and partnerships they will take. May the Lord help them to solidify this ministry. If you are interested in getting involved, please contact [email protected].

By: Eunice Ron Mateo
Related Topics: CLA, Chile, Latin America, Missions