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Hundreds of Families in India were Helped in the First Phase of the AWF Global Response to COVID-19

November 11, 2020

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India is the country with the second highest number of COVID-19 cases, behind only the United States. Since the beginning of the pandemic, more than 100 families in Kolkata and Maharashtra have received aid for basic foodstuffs.

Although there are many needs, the team responsible for food distribution through the AWF Global Response to COVID-19 program was able to stand beside the communities and give relief during the lockdown period. They distributed grocery kits to 750 families in the congregation and needy communities in and around the city of Kolkata.

A 70-year old woman and her husband thanked God and all the people behind the distribution for providing the grocery kits. To earn 50 INR (US $0.67) per day, the husband must walk 2.5 kilometers daily to a bus stop. The couple has six children, but they do not have time to look after their elderly parents. With tears in their eyes, both husband and wife thanked all those who made the distribution possible. We praise God that we could help them.

A community leader of Dorgatola village said: “We are very thankful for the grocery kits. Many people in our community are daily workers and due to the COVID situation we do not have any income at present. Out of 150 families, 100 families have lost their jobs. The government is providing some help, but that is truly little and not enough for all the family members. These kits will help us to run the family well for a few days.”


In Maharashtra, 250 families – nearly a thousand people – received grocery kits. The person responsible for this program said: “It is quite satisfying to see the needy being helped out. Orphans, widows, destitute, neglected as well as our Christian brothers and sisters in need are helped. Some of the responses are that ‘it is timely help when I was worried about my next meal.’ Some tried to bow and touch our feet. Some expressed their feelings by shedding their tears.”

The Christian and Missionary Alliance churches in Kolkata and Maharashtra are working and attending to people’s needs in the church and community even beyond this project. Let us pray that they continue to be a blessing and shine God’s light on many more lives.

By: Priscila Yanagihara