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The C&MA Church of Erbil Expanding Its Reach

July 12, 2018
Rev. Munther Shahatit (white shirt) and Rev. Malath (purple shirt)

The C&MA Church of Erbil is bringing many people to Christ and expanding its reach as those new believers are returning to cities formerly occupied by ISIS to start a new church.

In a recent visit to Iraq, Rev. Munther Shahatit preached at the C&MA Church in Erbil and gave encouragement to its members. Rev. Shahatit says the room was full of people, many of whom had started attending the church after fleeing from ISIS. “They came to know the Lord,” he says, “and they changed in the midst of their crisis. Amazing!”

The church’s pastor, Rev. Malath, is investing his time to build up his congregation focusing more and more on mentoring new leaders. One great development is that some of the families are going back to their places after the ISIS group occupying the area were kicked out. The church uses the gospel and the church’s vision to help those families start a new church.

Please pray for Rev. Malath and his family, the church leaders, their vision, and their spiritual and financial needs.

Related Topics: Church Planting, EMERALD