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A New Church is Born in Kuwait

December 10, 2018

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Located between Iran and Saudi Arabia, the country of Kuwait is receiving a new Alliance Church. It is an extension of the Christian and Missionary Alliance’s work in Syria. The church’s first pastor will be Reverend Basil Homsi, who was ordained by Reverend Edward Awadbeh. We thank and praise the Lord for all that He has done. Please pray for the Syrian church so it remains strong and faithful.

With approximately 80% of its population declaring to be Muslim, Kuwait is a conservative country located between Iran and Saudi Arabia. It has seen many violent episodes, such as the Persian Gulf War, but has recovered and is one the richest economies of the region. It is in this Muslim-dominated context that a new Alliance Church is taking its first steps.

As an extension of the Christian and Missionary Alliance’s work in Syria, the church planted in Kuwait will receive Rev. Basil Homsi, who is from Aleppo, as the first pastor. The president of the national C&MA church, Rev. Edward Awabdeh, was the one to ordain Homsi. Church leaders in Kuwait joined Rev. Edward in the ceremony, including the pastor of the National Evangelical Kuwait Church and Rev. Charbel Malak, from Lebanon.

Despite being in the middle of a terrible war, the C&MA Church in Syria remains strong and faithful, proving that God gives us the strength to face any situation.

Please continue to pray for Rev. Homsi as he leads the church, and pray for the church in Syria, so that it may continue to thrive despite the suffering caused by the ongoing war.

Related Topics: Church Planting, EMERALD