Appeal to Save Gorni Rodnik Camp Facility in Russia

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The Alliance family in Russia is facing a huge challenge as the result of the coronavirus pandemic. The recreation facility Gorni Rodnik, where thousands of boys and girls have been impacted over the years, is in need of 3 million roubles (41 000 US$) by June 5 to continue to operate. Please pray that God will provide the necessary resources to preserve this unique resource for reaching the lost in Russia.
The Alliance camp facility Gorni Rodnik, on the Black Sea, is faced with immanent closure due to economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic. For the last 21 years, it has impacted thousands of children, bringing them into a relationship with Jesus Christ.
The National Christian and Missionary Alliance Church of Russia (ECMU) is now faced with the closure of the facility because:
- All June camps had to be cancelled due to the pandemic,
- All the families have sought refunds for the cancelled camps whereas the income from camp bookings had already been spent on renovating and preparing the facility for the summer season,
- The July and August camps are now facing cancellation due to the fact that insufficient funds remain to purchase food for the camps.
To save the facility and successfully launch the July and August camps, ECMU desperately needs to find 3 million roubles (41 000 US$) by June 5, at the latest. If these funds cannot be found:
- The July and August camps will then have to be cancelled, followed by refunds to the families,
- The camp facility would have to be sold to cover the cost of cancellation and refunds.
We pray that God will provide the necessary resources to preserve this unique resource for reaching the lost in Russia.
For more information, please watch the video, which shows the impact this ministry has on children’s lives.
If you would like to make a donation, please contact Eoghan Cosgrave, Secretary of the AWF EMERALD Region, at [email protected], or make a wire transfer to the following bank account, including “Appeal to Save the Gorni Rodnik Camp Facility” in the payment details:
Account holder: EMERALD
IBAN account number: NL81 INGB 0007 8974 66
Account holder address: Hoofdstraat 55, 3971 KB, Driebergen, Netherlands
Bank Name: ING
Bank address: Bijlmerdreef 109, 1102 BW, Amsterdam, Netherlands
For tax-deducible donations in the United States, please make a donation to the following bank account, including “Appeal to Save the Gorni Rodnik Camp Facility” in the payment details:
The Alliance Development Fund, Inc.
Alliance World Fellowship Account
C/O Wells Fargo Bank
90 S. Cascade Avenue
Colorado Springs, CO 80903
Account # 3942919865
FW ABA # 121000248