Eladio Medina, Latin-America’s Mister Mission
Pastor Eladio Medina went to be with the Lord on Monday April 13. For many years Eladio served as AWF’s Regional Coordinator for Latin-America and his most prominent legacy may be his passionate vision for mission, which he shared incessantly with the Churches in Chile and in Latin-America. Please pray for his wife Gladys and his children and grandchildren.
Eladio has been a real blessing to me personally. I got to know him as a humble man who dedicated his life to the Lord. His English was as good as my Spanish, which meant that we could hardly talk with each other. Nonetheless, we had a strong bond and…. a lot of fun.
His sense of humor was contagious and I will always remember him for the twinkling in his eyes.
His sense of humor was contagious and I will always remember him for the twinkling in his eyes.
But even more so for his Christ-like character. It never seemed to be about him as he always intended to serve according to God’s agenda.
May God comfort Gladys and the family.
Let’s follow his example of humble discipleship.
Let’s follow his example of humble discipleship.
Pioneer Pastor Dieke Koffi Dies at 99
Recently another national Alliance Church leader passed away: Rev. Dieke Koffi Joseph. He was the first pastor and the first president of the Church in Côte d’Ivoire. He died at the age of 99 and the Lord allowed him to be a pioneer in the early years of a young church that is now one of the main protestant churches in the country. His body was buried on April 11 in his village Sessekro, nit far from Bouaké.

May God bless his family and his example stimulate us to faithfully serve the Lord.