AWF Women Ministries continues to be a blessing to our women worldwide. Formed by President Jura Yanagihara to prepare workshops for the 2021 AWF Quadrennial Convocation, this ministry has sought to connect the Alliance family worldwide through women’s ministries. This year, this ministry’s leaders take another step in God’s plan to carry out the Great Commission.
For the past 30 years, Reverend Silas Yang has been studying and serving as a pastor in the Alliance church of Taiwan. He was elected President in October of this year and he hopes the Lord will guide him in preparing new church planting strategies, furthering the education of their pastors, and taking care of each ministry.
The AWF Latin American Region is holding webinars to update its presidents, missionaries, pastors and executive leaders from the continent on the AWF’s Global Response to COVID-19. The webinars are the result of meetings held with national presidents during the first half of 2020.
Earlier this year, we witnessed the first steps of the Sudanese Alliance Fellowships in North Africa. They are translating the Word of God into the believers’ mother tongue, training new leaders and deacons, and much more. They continue to grow wonderfully despite this difficult time.
The C&MA in Cuba has faced increasing difficulties with the Pandemic. The country has had limitations in many areas of life, from access to water and electricity to the purchase of basic hygiene and food products. That situation has worsened with the new coronavirus. See how you can help our Alliance family in Cuba.
The SALT ministry in Huancayo, Peru is perhaps one of the longest and most successful ministries under the C&MA and SALT partnership. Students from many towns around this city come at considerable expense to receive training in theology, and many go on to graduate and receive a degree which they can put to good use.
The Alliance church in Spain began in 1978 by Fred and Ann Kowalchuk, missionaries sent out from the U.S. Alliance. The early years were difficult, with five congregations being reduced to three. A relay team ministered from 1993 to 1994, and the focus changed from Barcelona to Madrid.
“Building Healthy Churches” was the theme of the First International Congress of Healthy Church Development held in Lima, Peru, August 26 to 30, 2019. This congress, commissioned by the C&MA of Peru, was organized by the Lima Encounter with God movement of the C&MA.
The only Portuguese speaking Alliance National Church in Africa, the ICAA (Igreja Cristã de Aliança em Angola) is concentrated in the oil-rich province of Cabinda but plans to expand its presence in the “mainland” Angola, planting new churches in the provinces of Malanje, Moxico and Zaire.
Forty participants of Arab origin from ten countries met in the Arabic Ministry Pre-Conference Workshop at the AWF EMERALD Regional Conference to share about their churches and discuss Muslim outreach.
Although the Mongolian Alliance Church is young, it already has 12 organized churches and eight house churches. They also have many ongoing ministries that focus on counseling, development and giving care to those around them no matter their age or social condition. However, they still need our prayers to keep growing stronger, wiser, and more mature so that God’s light can shine brightly in all of Mongolia.
In the May AWF Prayer Requests, we prayed for the first National Alliance Fellowship of the India (NAFI) Coordinating Committee meeting. God answered our prayers and the leaders present had a fruitful and blessed time together.