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May 23, 2022

The Christian and Missionary Alliance of Côte d’Ivoire advances in Papara in strengthening the faith of the brothers of the 12 villages closer to the border of Mali. Let’s pray so they may continue to reach them with the gospel.

March 22, 2022

Burkina Faso and Mali are western African nations that have faced famine for decades. In recent years, jihadist terrorist attacks have resulted in the displacement of many. Nationals, mostly women and children, are being relocated west to the Sahara Desert. Surviving primarily through agriculture, these people fall victim to the droughts and floods that are common to the Sahara, further jeopardizing their lives.

February 24, 2022

Terrorism has plagued Mali for years, causing political and socio-economic upheaval for the people. The Alliance church reached out to the most vulnerable pastors and families, providing much-needed assistance. While travel is still dangerous and the general situation is insecure, the local team has touched the people with hope and support.

July 15, 2021

The Alliance church in Mali continues to grow and bless. The ministry has reached many lives, and they continue to reach out to their communities under God’s guidance. Soon they will be celebrating their 100th anniversary. Pray that the Lord continues to use our Malian brothers and sisters to shine his light in Mali.

June 4, 2021

With more than 30 years of ministry experience, Sadrac Diarra is the new President of the C&MA Church of Mali. Under God’s guidance, he plans to boost missionary and evangelization ministries to reach more ethnic groups. Pray for the spiritual, physical and material needs of Pastor Diarra’s family and the church.