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March 1, 2021

Praise the Lord for the overwhelmingly good news from the Sudanese Alliance Church! Despite the challenges they face, our brothers and sisters are thriving under our God’s blessings. Let us pray that they continue to have the strength, wisdom, and faith to keep growing.

December 7, 2020

Always relying on His promise that He will not forsake us, I would like to wish everyone a new year filled with blessings and success in all our endeavors.

October 10, 2020

During the first phase of AWF’s Global Response to COVID-19, three African countries have had many fruits and blessings. Our brothers and sisters from Cote d’Ivoire, Gabon, and Mali ask us to continue praying for them. May God bless many more lives through them.

August 5, 2020

Earlier this year, we witnessed the first steps of the Sudanese Alliance Fellowships in North Africa. They are translating the Word of God into the believers’ mother tongue, training new leaders and deacons, and much more. They continue to grow wonderfully despite this difficult time.

June 11, 2020

The Global Alliance Family has been serving thousands of vulnerable communities in more than 50 countries since the pandemic started. The local churches are distributing food, masks, soups and medicines and are creating awareness of proper hygiene habits and the use of protective measures. The AWF Global Response to COVID-19 will help those local churches with more funding to reach an additional 170,000 people who will experience the love and mercy of God through the hands of His servants.

May 14, 2020

This was what the president of an African national church said during one of four meetings this week to organize a global response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It summarizes our leaders’ understanding that the challenge before us is beyond our capacity, but God has given the necessary provision to His people, and we have the resolve to share it with those most in need in the communities we serve.

April 1, 2020

In addition to the pandemic that everyone is experiencing, Guinea and other West African countries have faced persecution. The Protestant Evangelical C&MA Church of Dorata (N’zérékoré), reputed to be one of the largest in Guinea, was destroyed by fire the evening of March 22, 2020, following political and ethnic clashes.

February 19, 2020

The Alliance in Africa is willing to expand its missionary effort, especially targeting unreached people groups inside their countries, in North Africa and among the diaspora population. This is the conclusion of the discernment process that took place during the AWF Africa Missions Consultation in Cotonou, Benin, January 23-25.

January 30, 2020

The EMERALD (Europe and Middle East) Region of the AWF (Alliance World Fellowship) sent one of the young scholars trained this past year to impart the DNA of the Alliance to a city in North Africa to introduce more than 40 refugee believers from another background to our history and distinctives.

December 19, 2019

We wish a blessed year for each son and daughter of the Kingdom, may it be rich in grace.

September 9, 2019

The African Youth Union of the Alliance gathered in August for their Biennial Congress. The event brought together more than 1,300 young people, who shared and learned about the foundations of our faith and what God wants His righteous people to do. May God continue to bless this movement, its leaders and participants.