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Hundreds of digitized documents relating to missions in Indochina since 1911, with special emphasis on evangelical Protestant, and especially Christian and Missionary Alliance, sources.

This digital library contains hundreds of historical documents pertaining to the Body of Christ in Indochina over the past 100 years.

This library allows you to search for documents in several ways. You can search by names of individuals, names of specific places, the year an event occurred, by names of groups of people and the type of document. If you want to dig even deeper you can use the search feature which allows you to find specific words from each document.

As you study and read through these files you will understand how we, as believers, stand on the shoulders of those who came before us. Without their effort and sacrifice we could not accomplish the task we have in front of us. But, more important, you will be able to see a glimpse of God’s Glory and how He works through people and time to make His Name known among the nations.

We trust this library will be a blessing to you and many others.

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Celebrating 100 years of God’s Glory


Source of Information: Indochina1911: Celebrating 100 Years of God’s Glory

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