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Constitution of the Christian Alliance

The Christian Alliance is designed to be a simple and fraternal union of all who hold in common the fullness of Jesus in His present grace and His coming glory. It is not intended in any way to be an engine of division or antagonism in the churches, but, on the contrary, to embrace Evangelical Christians of every name who hold this common faith and life….At the same time there are special truths which…need to be doubly emphasized, and there are chords of spiritual unity more deep and dear than any denominational affinities. And these truths the Alliance is called to witness to and these ties to cherish and deepen….The following constitution was adopted after careful and prayerful conference by a large body of ministers and evangelists:

I. — Name

Its name shall be “The Christian Alliance”

II. — Attitude

It shall be, not an ecclesiastical body, but a fraternal union of believers, in cordial
harmony with Evangelical Christians of every name.

III. — Objects

1. To bear united testimony to these four great essential truths of the Gospel of Christ, viz.:
A. Salvation through Christ for all who believe.
B. Complete Sanctification through Christ for all who fully yield themselves to Him.
C. Divine Healing through the name of Jesus for those who believe and obey Him.
D. Christ’s Personal and Pre-millennial coming.
2. To promote the wide diffusion of these great truths and principles, and lead all the children of God into the practical experience of all the fullness of Jesus.
3. To afford a bond of union and fellowship for all who hold this common faith and life.
4. To pray for each other daily for the sanctification of believers, the progress of Christian truth, the evangelization of the world, and the speedy coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

IV. — Organization

Its organization shall embrace a National Association with general officers and executive control over all the general work of the Alliance, with subordinate branches in the several states or other large sections of the country, and provision ultimately for a larger international organization as soon as it shall be deemed expedient and seasonable.

V. — Officers

Its general officers shall consist of a President, Vice-Presidents, Secretaries, Treasurer and Executive Committee which shall include the other officers.

VI. — Members

Its membership shall consist of all professing Christians who shall subscribe to these principles and enroll their names as regular members, and who are approved by the local Association where they reside. Inasmuch as many persons who desire to become members of this Alliance and are in full accord with its principles in other points, cannot yet fully accept the doctrine of Christ’s Pre-millennial Coming, it is agreed that such persons may be received into full membership, provided they receive the first three points of testimony, and are willing to give this subject their candid and prayerful consideration.

VII. — Work

The work of the Alliance shall include the holding of an annual convention for the National Association, and as far as possible district conventions in every State and district; and in conjunction with the State Associations, the formation of branches in every locality where its influence can properly be extended.


Source of Information:

-> 1887 Constitution of the Evangelical Missionary Alliance
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