This is what we are praying for this month...

AWF Prayers – March 2025
March 12, 2025
Please pray for:
- The growth of the church in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, and the six-month training program for workers. Pray for strength, protection, and health for both students and trainers.
- The construction of the mission stations in Lomé, Togo, and in Cotonou, Benin. These stations will include guest houses and accommodations for pastors.
- The election of the new National Board of the Alliance in Gabon at the National Synod in July.
- Gabon’s presidential and legislative elections in April. Pray for peaceful elections and that God’s will be done.
- God to render justice to the land of the church whose case is before the courts in Bata, Equatorial Guinea. The land was bought by the church in Bata, but another person has taken possession of it.
Praise God for:
- The successful holding of the National Missionary Consultation in Boma, February 28-March 1.
- The leaders’ retreat in Kinzau-Mvuete, to prepare for the installation of their organization’s office.
Please pray for:
- God’s comfort for the family of Rev. Salomon Ngoma Masiala, a retired pastor from the Palanga Mbuda District. He died on March 2.
- A pastor from the Ecclesiastical District of Inga, who is facing legal charges related to a manslaughter case.
- An end to the ongoing war in eastern DRC. Pray for strength and wisdom for the authorities to bring lasting peace and end the devastating loss of life.
Praise God for:
- His protection during our missionary visit to the north of the country.
Please pray for:
- The preparations for our National Synod in October.
- The programs of our National Evangelism Department throughout the year.
Please pray for:
- The C&MA Liberia National Board fast and prayer, April 7-13 in Zeewroh, Lower Nimba County.
- The success of the 43rd Convention of the National Women’s Association, July 3-6 in Montserrado County.
Please pray for:
- The General Assembly of the Alliance of Burkina Faso, April 10-12.
- The successful implementation of the 2025 strategic plan.
- The relocation of internally displaced pastors.
- The church’s program to assist widows and orphans.
March 5, 2025
Please pray for:
- The health of our pastors and ministers, especially those battling terminal illnesses.
- The success of new missionary projects developed by our National Missions Department.
- Our 2025 National Evangelistic plan, which aims to establish new ministries through local churches.
Please pray for:
- Pastor Mario Melo’s health and recovery following his stroke.
- Preparations for our National Council, May 27-30 in Mexico City. The main speaker will be Rev. Walter Perez with the theme “Pentecost, Time of Harvest.” May God renew the passion and love for his work in every pastor.
- The church planting project in the city of Pachuca.
- God’s peace and protection over churches in Chiapas and towns in the Sierra area affected by organized crime.
Praise God for:
- Successful Regional Assemblies, where leaders, pastors, and members gathered, leading to the appointment of young assistant pastors.
Please pray for:
- God’s guidance and wisdom at our National Assembly, March 21-22.
- God’s provision and guidance for the national events that will take place this year:
- “Echo” Pastors’ Children’s Encounter
- Pastoral Couples Encounter
- Prayer Encounter
- “Shine” Alliance Women’s Congress
- Children’s “CampAventura”
- Alliance Convention
- “Position Yourself” Alliance Men’s Congress
- “Acts” Alliance Missions Congress
- Church Planting Camp
- “Connected” Young Alliance Leaders Congress.
Praise God for:
- New churches planted in São José dos Campos (State of São Paulo), and in Caxias do Sul (Southern Brazil).
- The Lord’s protection and provision for the Tivane family, our missionaries in Mozambique. Due to the political crisis in the country, they have had to return to Brazil. Praise the Lord that they can continue their Bible translation work and support the workers and the church in Mozambique.
Please pray for:
- The start of the academic year at the A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary, especially for the seven new students, including two from Mozambique.
- The Albuquerque family, missionaries in Portugal, as they embark on a missionary trip to Guinea Bissau to implement the Smile Project, a dental health initiative. Pray also for their trip to Brazil (March-June) to promote their work and announce the planting of a new church in Porto.
- The Ueda family, missionaries in Japan, as they visit Peru and Brazil over the next three months for family visits and rest.
Praise God for:
- The establishment of the El Encuentro Bíblico C&MA church and the appointment of a new interim pastor.
Please pray for:
- Preparations for the ALMA Marriage Encounter and for the couples who will participate.
- The Los Guayos church that is organizing an evangelistic work to reach more people for Christ in the Paraparal area, a neighboring municipality.
- The legalization process for land designated for the Cartanal C&MA Church, enabling the start of its construction.
- The political and economic situation in Venezuela. Hyperinflation continues to affect the population and church finances.
Praise God for:
- Ada Caraballo, the wife of the president of the Alliance of Haiti, who has completed cancer treatment and is healed by God’s grace.
- The purchase of four motorcycles to help reach remote locations.
- Over 50 children attending our Bible school.
Please pray for:
- Protection for churches located near dangerous areas affected by gang violence.
- God’s provision for expansion projects at the St. Michel and Capotillo C&MA churches.
Praise God for:
- Pastors who have been established in various congregations.
- The many students that are starting classes at our Bible Seminary.
Please pray for:
- Our National Convention on April 12 in the city of Rivera, where a new national board will be elected.
Please pray for:
- Healing for pastors who are ill, including Pastor Luis Lora and Pastor Miqueas Felix.
- The revitalization of churches and the successful planting of new ones.
- Completion of various church building projects and the construction of our camp.
Please pray for:
- God’s guidance and wisdom for the Board of Directors and Ministry Directors to work effectively as a team in advancing the gospel.
- The success of ongoing national church construction projects.
Please pray for:
- The National Assembly of the C&MA of Bolivia in May, and for God’s guidance in the election of his servants for the 2025-2028 term.
- The growth of a new church in El Alto, La Paz.
AWF Prayers – February 2025
February 26, 2025
Please pray for:
- The sensitive situation in our country. Please pray for wisdom from God for our king to make the right decisions.
- God to protect our country in these challenging times.
- Those who have lost their jobs due to the suspension of USAID business in Jordan.
- The Jordanian economy that still needs God’s intervention to improve.
Please pray for:
- The Leadership and Spirituality Training Conference in Bologna, Italy, on March 29. Pray that this training will reinforce the unity of the Alliance family in Italy, unity that can only come from the Holy Spirit.
Please pray for:
- Pastor David Turpin, the new interim director of the C&MA family in Great Britain, as he serves until a permanent director is appointed. Pray that God will lead the way forward in fellowship and mission in a country that has rich history of sending missionaries.
Please pray for:
- The preparations for the Upper Room worship initiative on March 30 in the 900-seat House of the National Philharmonic Orchestra in Skopje.
- God to stir the hearts of many people to participate in the organization of the concert to bring the gospel to the wider society in Skopje. God is leading his church to boldly step out from being an underground church and into the mainstream of the culture where his church will have visibility and opportunity to freely share the gospel in new ways.
Please pray for:
- The couple who are considering joining the church planting effort in eastern Kosovo. Pray that they will hear confirmation from the Lord in several key areas as they seek his will.
February 19, 2025
Praise God for:
- International Workers Gary and Sharon Howell, who have seen miraculous progress in the publication of the Bible in a dialect of Pulaar, spoken by the Fulani in Senegal. Despite previous challenges, multiple groups have successfully signed a partnership agreement, with the Old Testament expected to be published by the end of the year.
Please pray for:
- All the international workers and their children attending Global Gathering 2025 in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Pray that hearts will be ready to receive from the Lord and that they will share testimonies of God’s work. Pray for travelling mercies and incredible connections with other international workers and Canadian church leaders. Pray for the international workers leading pre- and post-trips during the Global Gathering event. Pray for strong spiritual protection, as many travel cross-culturally over multiple days.
Please pray for:
- Our brothers and sisters at Standing Stone Church in Bly, Oregon. They suffered a significant loss when their church building was destroyed by fire on January 28. While we are grateful to report that no one was injured, pray for Pastor David Pranter, his family, and the church leadership as they make crucial decisions. Pray for the congregation as they process this loss and seek God’s clear direction for their ministry.
- Over 100,000 families in Los Angeles affected by the recent wildfires. Many have lost their homes. Two Alliance churches — New Life Church in Woodland Hills and Cornerstone West LA — are partnering with Samaritan’s Purse to provide volunteer fire relief efforts. They are seeking to mobilize a coalition of churches to share the love of Jesus while helping homeowners remove debris and sift through the ashes. Costs may include travel, protective gear, and tools, but the situations and needs are changing daily. Pray for God’s provision and that many hurting people will turn to Jesus through the compassion of his people.
Please pray for:
- The 58th General Assembly of the Alliance Churches of Philippines (CAMACOP), June 3-7 in Puerto Princesa, Palawan City. They are expecting an attendance of 3,000 workers. Under the theme “Empowering Generations,” inspired by Psalm 78:4, we will celebrate God’s greatness, inspire the next generation, and strengthen our faith as a community. Pray for spiritual covering and guidance for our main devotional speaker, Dr. David Chotka, and other lecturers and guests. Pray also for God’s guidance and discernment in electing a new national Board of Directors.
- The continuation of church planting, discipleship, and the “Plus One” Movement beyond the current administration.
- Our Bible schools—both residential and non-residential—to effectively train more church workers, missionaries, and church planters.
Please pray for:
- Continued healing for three of our pastors who’ve recently had serious health issues including hearts attacks and cancer: Rev. Joshua and Rev. Esther Lee, and Rev. Raymond Yeung.
- The arrival of Pastor Jo Paynter from Australia in April to pastor the English congregation at one of our Chinese churches.
- The Alliance Prayer Retreat on March 8 as churches gather to pray and seek God’s will and empowerment for this next season of ministry.
Please pray for:
- Silas Yang, the president of C&MA Taiwan, as he recovers from surgery February 14. Pray for a smooth and safe recovery.
- The prayer gatherings and Executive Committee meetings in each district on February 25.
Praise God for:
- The establishment of two new associate churches: C&MA Gracious Bridge Alliance Church (Tsim Sha Tsui) in September 2023, and C&MA Gracesprings Alliance Church (Yuen Long) in December 2024.
Please pray for:
- The revival of our Suen Douh Camp initiatives and for God’s direction and inspiration.
- The Lord to raise up more pastors to take on leadership roles as we face upcoming pastoral retirements.
Please pray for:
- Our General Council meeting, February 28-March 2, in Tuivar, Sagaing Region, Upper Myanmar. Due to road blockages and confrontations, gathering is challenging. Pray for God’s timing, protection, and financial provision for the 60 pastors and leaders attending.
- Protection and provision for church members in Pein Ne Bin village, Bago Region, Lower Myanmar. They have been fleeing homes for more than four weeks as the war broke out in the surrounding area. Revolutionary forces are currently living in their village.
Please pray for:
- The annual conference of the Alliance of Thailand (TCMA), March 25-27, with an expected attendance of 250 pastors and church representatives. Pray for God to guide us on how to move forward with our ministry work plans.
- The preparations to send more TCMA missionaries to work with Thai people in the U.S. Pray for doors to open and for this opportunity to become a reality.
Please pray for:
- The strengthening of the church in the home countries of the 2.5 million foreign workers in Korea, especially from Southeast, Southwest, Central, and Northeast Asia.
- Ministers from their home countries to be sent to Korea to share the gospel with foreign workers. Pray for them to reach the Korean people.
- Preparations of C&MA Korea to start the Joshua Project in North Korea, Tibet, Inner Mongolia, and Uyghur.
Please pray for:
- Bat Bayan, the president of C&MA Mongolia, as he visits churches in Darkhan province on February 23. Pray for encouragement and unity among believers.
- The Men’s Fellowship on March 16. May God work in the lives of men in Mongolia.
- The short-term missions trip to Hokh Khot, Inner Mongolia (China), on March 17.
February 12, 2025
Praise God for:
- The success of the Synodal Council, January 16-17, and the decisions it made, especially regarding the preparations for the AWF Quadrennial in October in Kinshasa.
- His protection and provision for the five delegates from DRC who participated in the AWF Africa Missions Conference in Togo in January.
Please pray for:
- God’s comfort for the families of Rev. Jacques Nzau Vuvu of the Kinshasa-Central District, and Rev. Augustin Lisungi Ngema of the Plateau de Bateke District. Both died in January.
- God’s comfort for the family of Professor Phaka, Rector of the Higher Technical Institute of the Alliance Church in Kinshasa, who died at the end of January. Pray also that God will guide the institute’s leadership in choosing a successor.
- Our Youth Ministry’s preparation to attend the African Alliance Youth Conference in Gabon in August. May God provide for the needs of the participants.
- Provision for the workers serving in West Africa. We are looking for possible partnerships to send even more workers to other regions.
- The DRC and the conflict in the east to not set the country ablaze. Pray also for the authorities to put an end to this conflict.
Praise God for:
- Our national pastor’s retreat with 900 participants under the theme “The Pastor, a Disciple of Jesus Christ.”
- The election of C&MA Cote d’Ivoire president Rev. Noël N’Guessan to chair the Evangelical Federation of Cote d’Ivoire (FECI). Please pray that the Lord will guide Rev. N’Guessan in this new responsibility to bring together the whole family of evangelicals for the evangelization of Cote d’Ivoire.
Please pray for:
- The 21 days of fasting and prayer, February 10 through March 3.
- The success of the first national day for the 12 Great Works of the Centenary on February 23.
Praise God for:
- His protection and provision for the trip of the delegation from Benin to attend the AWF Africa Missions Conference in Togo, January 21-24.
- The visit of the DRC delegation led by Rev. Denis Kombetassie to Benin as part of a collaboration for church planting in Benin.
- The successful visit of ECHO’s global director, accompanied by West Africa ECHO director Dr. Robert Sanou, to follow up on the training in Farming God’s Way principles.
- The establishment of the Bible and Theology Institute of the Christian Alliance of Benin (IBITAC).
Please pray for:
- The trip of Rev. André Binet, the president of the Alliance of Gabon, and his delegation for a working session with Rev. David Sessou, the president of the Alliance of Benin, February 10-17.
- The drafting of the church’s statutes and regulations.
- God’s financial provision for us to be able to build the Bible Institute.
- God to raise up workers to enable us to reach the goal of having at least one church in each of our 77 municipalities.
- The election of the board of the national coordination of the Women’s Association of the Christian Alliance of Benin (AFAC).
Praise God for:
- The acquisition of new equipment for the RSM radio station and its high-tech video studio, as well as the installation of a tower and solar panels for the stability of the electrical power.
Please pray for:
- Some members of the national executive board who will carry out an evaluation mission of the health of the churches in the mission field of Likouala, specifically in Impfondo, during this month of February. Please pray that the Lord protects their journey and their stay.
- The 10th General Assembly of the Alliance Church of Congo, October 1-5 in Pointe Noire. Pray that the Spirit of the Lord will guide the preparations and give participants the same heart and mind.
- The launch of the Tchiamba Nzassi mission field on the Cabinda border.
- God to raise up workers for the Mossendjo church, which currently has no pastor.
Praise God for:
- The successful completion of the first phase of the construction of the church building in the village of Lândana in Cabinda. It is funded by ICM (International Cooperating Ministries). Pray that we will be able to start the second phase soon.
Please pray for:
- The anniversary celebrations to be held on February 16 marking the foundation and recognition of the Alliance church by the Angolan State.
Please pray for:
- The General Assembly of the Christian Alliance Church of Burkina, March 22 in Bobo-Dioulasso. Pray that the Holy Spirit would guide and give wisdom as we elect the new national executive board.
- The trip of the National Evangelization Team to remote areas to share the good news. Pray for the Lord’s protection and for the success of this mission.
February 5, 2025
Please pray for:
- The pastoral couple, Luis Carrillo and Amelia, who work with the Wixaritari (Huichol) people in Jalisco. Pray for physical and spiritual protection. Christians in these area face persecution and opposition, including witchcraft practices against them. Pray also that the Huichol people will receive the Word of God and have an open heart for the gospel.
- The construction of the church building in Haimatsie. Pray that God will provide the necessary materials and bless Porfirio and Lorena, the pastors serving there.
- The outreach project to business leaders in the Guadalajara metropolitan area. Pray for God’s guidance in reaching businesspeople with the gospel.
- The missionary work in San Quintin and Santa Rosalita, in Baja California. Pray also for provision of a vehicle to help them visit the different groups in San Quintin.
- The Missions Congress in February in the city of Monterrey.
Please pray for:
- God’s comfort and strength for the family and congregation of the late Rev. Jairo Pulgarín, who faithfully served the Lord for 42 years with tenacity, courage and dedication. He was a testimony of God’s sacrificial love, prioritizing the mission above all else.
- The leadership of each church headquarters. Pray for wisdom, strategies, and tools to help them mobilize the local church to engage in multiplication and church planting.
- The nation of Colombia amidst its socio-political conflicts. Pray for God’s care, justice, and love to be extended to the country.
Praise God for:
- The National Pastors Retreat, January 24-26, where 23 pastoral families experienced fellowship, rest, and reflection on the theme “Heart, Staff, and Mission.”
- The safe return of the Tivane family, missionaries in Mozambique, amid the country’s demonstrations and violent protests following the presidential elections.
Please pray for:
- Healing for pastors and church members undergoing medical treatments.
- The church planting efforts in São José dos Campos and Caxias do Sul.
- Students continuing their studies this semester at the A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary. Pray also that God would call more individuals to prepare for ministry.
- The National Women’s Congress in June. May God prepare both the speakers and attendees.
Please pray for:
- The national retreat of the Alliance churches in Panama in March. The theme will be “One Kingdom, One Heart, One Alliance.” Pray for the attendees, organizers, and speakers.
- The short-term mission’s visit from the Eastern Hispanic District to Zahina, a local mission field, from February 27 through March 4. Pray for the team’s health and protection as they share the message of salvation.
- The Lord to enable us to acquire property for the Brisas del Golf C&MA church.
Please pray for:
- The National Assembly of the Alliance of Ecuador, February 20-22 in Guayaquil.
- Various evangelistic projects and church plants in different regions of the country.
- The presidential election on February 9. Pray that the Ecuadorian people will choose wisely.
- Protection for Ecuadorians, due to increased danger in the streets caused by gang conflicts.
- The country’s economic stability and for job opportunities.
Praise God for:
- Our national assembly in January. More than 400 brothers and sisters celebrated baptisms, weddings and children’s dedications.
Please pray for:
- Our Christian school, ensuring that we fulfill our mission of preparing and educating the children and supporting teachers and staff.
- The acquisition of land to build our national office and hold special activities.
Please pray for:
- The evaluation process of candidates for the National Board elections. May God provide wisdom in choosing leaders aligned with his will.
- The official recognition of the C&MA in Cuba by the government, securing legal status for better operational functioning.
- Economic stability, as financial hardships continue to impact Cuban families.
Please pray for:
- The National Assembly of the C&MA of Bolivia in May. Pray for divine guidance in selecting leaders for the 2025-2028 term.
- Growth of the new church plant in El Alto, La Paz.
- The establishment of a missionary hub in Cobija, Pando, in the Amazon.
- The Bible seminary as a training ground for future pastors and missionaries.
Please pray for:
- The centennial celebration in November 2025. May God be exalted as we mark 100 years of the Alliance in Peru.
- The church in Peru to reach our people with the gospel and with the love of Christ.
- Our government authorities. Pray that they may exercise a better government in the fear of the Lord, always seeking the welfare of the Peruvian people.
Please pray for:
- Summer vacation time and the renewal of strength in pastoral families.
- The finances of our churches and for the support of our missionaries.
- Preparations for the new school year at the Buenos Aires Bible Institute.
AWF Prayers – January 2025
January 29, 2025
Please pray for:
- The church in Jordan to continue providing refugees with medical assistance through the clinics.
- Ministries supporting families in need of school supplies, rugs, and heaters.
- A new vision for the church to have spiritual power to be more influential in these difficult times.
- God to send rain, because we are short of water in Jordan.
- God’s peace for Jordan and the surrounding area. Pray also that God would intervene and give wisdom to the government to find solutions for the economic situation.
Please pray for:
- God’s protection for our Alliance family in Syria as they face an uncertain future in the changing political landscape.
Please pray for:
- The ceasefire to hold and become permanent, allowing displaced people who have returned to their homes to continue rebuilding their lives.
Please pray for:
- Peace to hold in the region, and for this war to end permanently.
Praise God for:
- The 30 years of ministry of the pastoral couple Pablo and Ève Martinez in the Alliance Church in Boulogne-Billancourt, Paris. The Alliance family will be celebrating their ministry with a special Thanksgiving service on February 9.
Please pray for:
- The Alliance Women’s Conference under the theme “Woman, Stand Up and Take Action for God” in Limoges, France, April 25-27.
Please pray for:
- Churches and their members to recognize the importance of missionary work to keep reaching new people with the good news of Jesus, leading to increased involvement in missions as a result.
- The CAMA Zending team, as we are reflecting on the direction of CAMA Zending for the coming years. Please join us in praying for wisdom and insight as we engage in renewal in organization and communication.
- Good and increasing engagement between our missionaries and office team.
- The CAMA Zending office team and their relationships with one another.
- Insight and energy in ending the financial year and properly leading and managing cash flows.
Praise God for:
- Good developments in our small group in Erbach and people’s interest in talking about faith. Pray for wisdom and open doors.
Please pray for:
- The team and the new ministry in Rostock. Pray that they will have wisdom in how to develop the work.
- “Oasis,” a new location that was opened at the end of the year in Berlin. We have three ministries working among Arabic-speaking people in Berlin. Pray for cohesion and success for their work, which is not easy.
- The Spanish church in Frankfurt that is urgently waiting for its new pastor from Colombia. Pray that he will receive his visa in time to come to Frankfurt in February/March to learn the language better and serve the church.
- Our national gathering weekend, April 4-6. The focus will be on the vision, goals, and concrete key results to further develop the congregations and the national church.
Praise God for:
- The new INFORMA (Alliance Institute for Ministry Formation) students who have registered for courses. Thirty-nine students are enrolled in the course on Corinthians and 27 students in the Introduction to Missiology course.
- The willingness of the Alliance in France (AECM France) to host the new Alliance Identity and Theology Training Conference in Toulouse, May 22-23.
Please pray for:
- The preparations for the Alliance Identity and Theology Training Conference, as the ICTE and the AECM France Theological Committee work hand in hand. Pray that resources will be found to maximize participation in the forum among all French speaking Alliance workers and church leaders in the EMERALD Region.
- The preparations to launch INFORMA in the Italian language with Italian speaking teachers in Italy. Pray that this initiative will strengthen the Alliance churches and their members in Italy.
Praise God for:
- The renewed health of brother Eoghan Cosgrave, the AWF EMERALD Mission Mobilizer, following the health issues that led to his long period of sick leave.
- The Christ-centered conversations that took place at the Converge Missions Conference in the United States at the beginning of January. It was a blessing to fellowship with more than 400 brothers and sisters who share our passion to proclaim the good news to all nations.
Please pray for:
- The restarting of the Alliance CAN Network’s monthly Zoom calls. Pray that God will use these opportunities to build community as we seek to create a network of churches that welcome and love people from every tribe, language, people group and nation, without exception.
Please pray for:
- The C&MA family in Great Britain as they fast and pray to seek the Lord’s leading and the way forward in fellowship and mission in a country that has rich history of sending missionaries.
January 22, 2025
Please pray for:
- The health of Rev. Silas Yang, president of the Taiwan Alliance Church Union (C&MA), as he prepares for surgery on February 14.
- The families of Taiwan pastors and missionaries attending the Chinese New Year’s Eve dinner and retreat, January 22-24.
Praise God for:
- The establishment of the Noto Earthquake Christian Disaster Support Association, “Noto Help,” which continues to provide aid following the Noto Peninsula earthquake on January 1, 2024.
- The dedication of the new building for the Japan Alliance School of Theology on September 23, 2024.
Please pray for:
- Several pastors in the Japan Alliance Church who are undergoing medical treatment, that they may experience healing and continue to serve the church.
- “Noto Help” as it serves the disaster-affected community with Christ´s love.
- Students who are considering enrollment in the seminary in 2025.
Please pray for:
- The National Annual Meeting of the C&MA of Indonesia (GKII), taking place April 22-25 in Tarakan, North Kalimantan Province. This event, attended by 250 leaders, aims to reinforce the church’s commitment to growth and national impact.
- Unity in prayer during the 40 Days of National Prayer and Fasting, February 10 through March 21, coinciding with the 97th anniversary of GKII on February 10.
Please pray for:
- Our Annual Council, February 3-7 in Sydney.
Please pray for:
- Pastors, missions mobilizers, and individuals from Alliance churches across the nation who gathered in mid-January for the Converge conference. This event empowers U.S. Alliance people to mobilize their churches in missions and join God in what he is doing in our neighborhoods and the nations. Pray that God will use those who attended to ignite a passion for missions in their churches and to help cultivate a sending culture in their congregations.
- Those affected by the devastating wildfires in the Greater Los Angeles area that began on January 7. As of this writing (January 10), there were no Alliance churches near the fires, and Alliance leadership was not aware of any C&MA families suffering loss. There was smoke and ash but no reported damage to C&MA properties. However, many others have suffered great heartache and loss because of the fires. Pray for comfort for those who have lost homes, belongings, and loved ones; wisdom for long-term recovery efforts; and opportunities for Alliance people to demonstrate Christ’s compassion to those suffering grief, anxiety, and uncertainty.
Praise God with:
- International Workers (IWs) Wade and Cara for the growth of local fellowship in Central Asia as they witness strengthened relationships among the members. They are grateful for God’s protection during their gathering on January 1, where they united in prayer for their city and nation. It was a joyful experience to read and even act out the Word, and it was truly meaningful to celebrate the Lord’s Supper together. Praise God for this gift of community.
Please pray for:
- Children of International Workers. Pray for teenagers and young adult children living far away from their parents. Some have returned to Canada to attend post-secondary institutions while their parents remain abroad. Pray that God grants them wisdom in their decision-making and provides them with a supportive community.
January 15, 2025
Please pray for:
- The AWF Africa Regional Missions Conference in Lomé, Togo, January 21-24. Pray for God’s protection and provision for all the delegates traveling to Togo.
Please pray for:
- The Holy Spirit’s comfort for the families of three pastors who passed away due to illness in late December 2024:
- Noé Nsasi of the Muanda District,
- André Mavungu Mbenza, a retired pastor in the Makungu Lengi District, and
- Samson Nsalasani Mbungu of the Inga District.
- The mission partnerships being developed by the DRC national church with sister churches and organizations to send workers to unreached areas.
- The Synodal Council meeting January 17-18 in Boma. Pray for God’s guidance in their decisions, particularly regarding the organization of the AWF Quadrennial Convocation in Kinshasa in October 2025.
Praise God for:
- Ten new believers coming to faith from the dominant religious background.
- The birth of two babies, with two more expected in the coming months.
- The successful distribution of the first half of Exodus during our Special Christmas Meetings. It was well received, and the reading competition sparked a greater desire among our people to read fluently and grow in their mother tongue.
Please pray for:
- The integration of the ten new believers into our partner Bible schools. Pray that their studies will deeply transform their lives.
- The effective application of Look, Listen, and Live Bible visuals, starting with Book 1, covering Genesis 1-27. Pray for families and house churches to learn and apply these teachings faithfully.
- Healing for Abbigail and others suffering from nasal infections caused by the cold weather.
Please pray for:
- The health of Rev. Pierre Mavoungou’s wife. She has been suffering from persistent pain from her kidneys to her feet for the past six months. Pray for wisdom for the doctors and for effective treatment.
- The national office visit to the mission field in the northern region of the country February 3-10.
- The planning and preparations for the Synod Council in October 2025.
- God to raise partners to support church construction projects.
Please pray for:
- The national evangelization team program to reach an area where the gospel hasn’t been preached yet.
- The protection of churches that are being persecuted.
- God’s wisdom and guidance for the national committee activities in 2025.
- The Lord to save us from a religious war in Mali.
Please pray for:
- Internally displaced people to safely return to their homes.
- The successful relocation of internally displaced pastors.
Praise God for:
- The funds to continue construction of the N’Zuessy church building.
- The successful implementation of the 2024 Operational Action Plan (OAP) drawn up by the National Executive Board. The OAP will be presented at our pastors’ retreat.
- Mobilizing the churches around the 12 Great Centenary Projects.
Please pray for:
- God’s guidance and wisdom, and for unity at our national pastors’ retreat, January 19-25 in Yamoussoukro.
Please pray for:
- A successful working relationship among C&MA churches in Liberia this year.
- The 42nd Annual Convention of the C&MA of Liberia, to be held in Zarwulugbo Town, in Lower Nimba County, January 19-26.
Praise God for:
- The first installment of funding for the construction of the church in the village of Lândana in Cabinda. The project is funded by ICM (International Cooperating Ministries), in partnership with the AWF.
Please pray for:
- The anniversary celebrations to be held in February marking the foundation and recognition of the Alliance church by the Angolan State.
AWF Prayers – December 2024
December 11, 2024
Please pray for:
- The Alliance Church of Syria as it faithfully ministers amidst the challenges arising from the fall of the former regime. Ask God to strengthen its leaders and members, equipping them to meet the needs of the suffering, and proclaim the message of peace and reconciliation with boldness. May the church’s actions and testimony foster unity, rebuild trust, and lead many to embrace the eternal hope found in Jesus Christ.
Praise God for:
- Our street kitchen ministry in southern Gaza, which has provided warm meals to thousands, including children. More than 30 individuals have given their lives to Jesus through the ministry’s social media and relief efforts.
Please pray for:
- Peace in the region and a swift end to the war.
- Strength and growth for the new believers in Gaza.
- Our Redeemer’s Praise Team as they lead Christmas outreaches.
Please pray for:
- The ceasefire to hold beyond the initial 60 days, ensuring that displaced people can return safely to their homes and permanent peace can be established.
- Displaced individuals who experience the love of Christ through Alliance churches to come to know Jesus as their Savior.
- God to raise leaders and pastors to serve in Lebanese Alliance churches where needed.
Praise God for:
- All the young people who have been converting to Christianity in The Netherlands.
Please pray for:
- CAMA Zending workers in creative access countries to remain encouraged and find hope in unexpected ways.
- Several young couples preparing for missions in 2025 to secure financial partners and support.
Please pray for:
- Silas Yang, president of the Taiwan Alliance Church Union (C&MA), as he recovers from abdominal surgery and prepares for another procedure.
Please pray for:
- Our Hanoi Protestant Community which will present a sermon at Yen So Park, Hanoi, on December 14, with the theme “Christmas of Hope.” We are expecting an attendance of 15,000 to 20,000 people.
Please pray for:
- The “One for Borneo” program, which focuses on church planting in Nusantara, Indonesia’s new capital under gradual development over the next five to ten years. Pray for the 10 national workers dedicated to planting new churches with a holistic ministry and for reaching the city’s many unreached people groups.
- The over 700 men and women currently studying at the Jaffray Theological Seminary in Makassar, the oldest and largest theological school owned by the C&MA Indonesia. Pray also for the construction of a dormitory for women that will accommodate 250 students.
Please pray for:
- Our churches’ Christmas outreach opportunities to be fruitful for conversion growth.
- Our pastors and workers to enjoy a restful summer break.
- Our Annual Council early next year in Sydney.
AWF Prayers – November 2024
November 20, 2024
Praise God for:
- The provision for sister Evelyn’s surgery and her ongoing recovery. Evelyn is the wife of Pastor Natanael Gil, president of the C&MA in Venezuela
Please pray for:
- Three of our churches currently without a pastor. Pray that God will raise up faithful servants called to pastoral ministry.
- The Lord’s protection over his church amid the country’s political and social challenges.
Please pray for:
- God to raise the new generation of workers for both the national church and missionary work.
- Healing for Pastor Marcos Tiburcio as he undergoes cancer treatment.
- Conversations with churches interested in joining the Alliance in Brazil, and pastors seeking to be part of the Alliance’s global mission.
- God’s provision for our missionaries in Portugal as they face challenges due to high exchange rates.
- The Tivane family, our missionaries in Mozambique, amid a serious political crisis. Pray for peace and for God’s protection and provision.
- The National Missions Department’s cooperation with mission leaders in local churches, care for missionaries, and strategic planning of short-, medium-, and long-term projects.
Praise God for:
- The national missions conference under the theme “The Holy Spirit in the Mission,” where more than 150 people were inspired to pursue their role in fulfilling the Great Commission.
Please pray for:
- Continued support from the Alliance family for the Green Window project in the Colombian Amazon. Pray for financial, material, and human resources to enable the gospel outreach in this region.
- God’s guidance for the National Missions Department during its period of transition.
Please pray for:
- The health of several of our pastors. Some have recently undergone surgery.
- Our support ministries such as the Children’s Home, the Semejantes Foundation and the Alliance Educational Foundation. All of them are reaching out to the neediest in our society.
- The district conventions, and the election of the committees for the 2025-2027 term.
- The national church’s General Meeting, January 16-18, 2025, in the city of Temuco.
Praise God for:
- Support for the Christian Alliance’s radio station, which reaches remote areas and provides the Word of God to those who cannot attend church.
Please pray for:
- The Lord’s guidance and wisdom in reaching areas where people have yet to hear about Jesus Christ.
- Peace and security to Haitians, as gangs continue to oppress the population, including Christians.
Please pray for:
- The work with youth and children in the interior’s Chinese churches, particularly in Chitré.
- Deepening spiritual leadership among church members in Panama.
- Candidates preparing for baptism in our churches.
- Year-end evangelistic activities in the Hispanic church.
- God’s guidance for organizing the youth camp for Chinese churches in February 2025.
Please pray for:
- Healing for the wife of one of our pastors.
- December’s evangelistic outreach programs by our churches.
Please pray for:
- The health of several sick pastors.
- The National Assembly, scheduled for January 9-12, 2025.
- Goals for 2025 to open new churches and double church membership.
- Recruitment of new workers for evangelistic ministry.
Please pray for:
- Two church planting projects in the city of El Alto.
- More missionaries to come to Bolivia.
November 13, 2024
Please pray for:
- Comfort and strength from our Heavenly Father for the family of Rev. Felix Jimenez, the former national president of the C&MA of Argentina. Rev. Jimenez died on November 8. He had dedicated his life to the service of the gospel, touching the hearts of many with his preaching, wisdom and unconditional love.
Praise God for:
- His protection and deliverance of Rev. André Binet, the president of the Alliance of Gabon; Rev. Philippe Yola, and the missionary couple Ondo and Eva. They were involved in a car accident on the night of Monday, November 4, while returning from a mission trip to Equatorial Guinea. We thank God for preserving their lives and health despite the violent impact on their vehicle.
Please pray for:
- The mission in Kye-Ossi, Cameroon, for the recruitment of well-trained workers, numerical and financial growth, and the start of construction of a church building in Yaoundé. Pray also for the safety of the missionary family.
- The salvation of many unreached indigenous groups in Gabon, and for God to raise up missionaries to work among these communities.
- The smooth execution of the third session of the national evangelistic campaign, from December 2024 through May 2025, across all church districts. Pray for a strong mobilization of Alliance church leaders and workers, an abundant harvest, and the establishment of new branches in each church. May the Lord provide the necessary funds to meet the needs of this campaign.
- Our nation, as Gabon will hold a referendum on November 16 to adopt a new constitution. Pray that God’s will prevails and that the vote aligns with his plan for Gabon.
Praise God for:
- The success of the Missions Month activities that have already begun in all C&MA districts across the DRC.
- The deployment of 131 ministers assigned to community districts for ministry. We thank God for calling the youth of our churches.
Please pray for:
- The Holy Spirit’s comfort for the family of Rev. Dieudonné Ngoma Nzita of the Mbavu Ecclesiastical District. Rev. Nzita died on October 27.
- The recovery of the wife of Martin Bosongo, our missionary in the Bumba, Mongala mission field. His wife recently underwent surgery.
- God’s provision to send three workers to the Katanga region.
- The funds needed to secure the land for our base in Zambia. The base is at risk of eviction by local authorities.
- International worker couples in Guinea, Van Niosi and Ali Tsumbu, who are now engaged in the Youth Training in the Word ministry program. Pray also for resources to plant new churches.
- The relaunch of activities to establish a Congolese diaspora ministry in London, with future expansion to other cities in Great Britain. May God provide for this work.
- The Lord’s protection over the few workers serving in the conflict zone of Plateau de Bateke, where people face discrimination due to their origins.
Praise God for:
- His protection during recent youth camps across several districts.
Please pray for:
- Successful surveys in Mauritania and Côte d’Ivoire for potential missionary deployments beyond our borders.
- The pastors’ seminar planned for March 2025.
- The organizing committee of the Protestant Union of Christian Alliance Women (UPFAC ) congress, to be held in Bamako in August 2025.
- Christians facing persecution from jihadists, who demand payments. Pray also for churches forced to worship without musical instruments.
Please pray for:
- The health of Pastor Francis M. Kollie, the C&MA District Superintendent of Lofa County, who was recently diagnosed with duodenal ulcers.
- An increase in church workers and leaders within the C&MA in Lofa County.
- The success of the 42nd Annual Convention of the C&MA of Liberia, to be held in Zarwulugbo Town, Lower Nimba County, December 1-7.
Praise God for:
- The installation of superintendents in the Atlantic-Coastal and West Plateau Synodal Regions.
- The establishment of the Bible and Theology Institute of the Christian Alliance of Benin (IBITAC) and the successful launch of courses.
Please pray for:
- The funds needed for the construction of the Bible Institute.
- The trip of AWF Africa Regional Missions Director Rev. Denis Kombetassie from the DRC to work with the national office on the Benin mission.
- God to raise up workers so that we may reach our goal of having at least one church in each department, municipality, and district.
- The election, scheduled for December, for the office of National Coordinator of the Christian Alliance Women’s Association of Benin (AFAC).
- The drafting of church statutes and regulations.
Please pray for:
- God’s guidance and wisdom for the students in our Bible Institutes.
- The health of our pastors’ wives.
- Resources to build churches in mission fields.
- Preparations and resources for our General Assembly in 2025.
Praise God for:
- Pastors who have been sent to various regions.
Please pray for:
- The Lord to move the hearts of church members in Soyo to purchase land and construct a church building by December.
November 6, 2024
Please pray for:
- Those who were affected by hurricanes in the U.S. southeast. On September 26, Hurricane Helene made landfall in Florida, causing at least 300 deaths and widespread destruction in six states. Alliance pastors and facilities experienced relatively minimal damage and therefore have been able to help their communities recover.
- Rich and Elisa Brown, Alliance international workers in Latin America and founders of Inca Link. They lost everything in their house in Florida which filled with three feet of water. Pray for peace and comfort for them, as well as God’s provision to replace that which was lost.
- Those who were affected by Hurricane Milton that made landfall in Florida on Wednesday, October 9, causing at least 23 deaths. Tom Flanders, the district superintendent for The Alliance Southeast, reported multiple tornadoes within the state. Some touched down near the homes of Alliance pastors and church buildings, but there were no reported injuries to Alliance Southeast workers.
- The long-term recovery of communities affected by both storms. It will take years. As recovery efforts continue, may God use his people to demonstrate Christ’s love to those who are suffering.
- S. Alliance Church Ministries. During the next couple of weeks, Church Ministries has activities and conferences that many people around the country will be participating in. Please pray for:
- Our district missions mobilizers who are gathering in Ohio to discuss how to better mobilize our churches for Kingdom impact.
- Our young adults as they head to the Twin Cities for an Alliance Young Adult Conference.
- Alliance youth pastors who are participating in a vision trip to Atlanta, Georgia.
- District leaders as they head to Ohio for Interchange, a conference for district superintendents and staff.
- Our youth workers in the Minnesota area who are attending the NEXT Conference at Crown College.
Praise God for our Internacional Workers (IWs):
- Wade and Cara. The small local church in Central Asia that they’re part of is engaging in meaningful discussions about its future. They’re exploring what it truly means to be a New Testament, Jesus-following church and how they can deepen their relationships and grow together in faith. Pray for wisdom and unity as they navigate this journey. Pray, too, that more men will come to know Jesus and commit to the growth of Christ’s body.
- Sharon and Nikki Howell for the opening of the first pediatric operating room in the Christian hospital in Senegal. They were able to attend a dedication ceremony on October 4 to celebrate this significant event. One of the most common pediatric surgeries is cleft lip and palate repair, which they perform free of charge thanks to generous partners.
- Foster and Ebby and the Children’s English class in the Mint church. Eleven children ages 12-14 showed up. They were primarily Muslim students from the neighborhood. None were church members and, for some, it was their first time entering a church. Pray that they will continue to attend church events and that there will be a visitation for these kids and their families. Pray they will get to know our heavenly Father.
Please pray for our International Workers (IWs):
- Doug and Denise Cameron in Niger. Despite an increase in Jihadist activity, the number of believers triples every year, but this is not keeping up with the population growth. The cultural pressure to remain in the majority faith hinders efforts to share Christ. Pray that God’s Kingdom comes in Niger and that there will be leaders who rise up to lead Christ’s church.
- Janelle’s growing friendship with her new refugee friend ‘Jamie’. Pray for Jamie as she finds herself alone in the country, far from family. Jamie struggles with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and anxiety, so please pray for her to find peace and freedom from her lifetime of hurt, abuse, and trauma.
Please pray for:
- Rev. Silas Yang, the president of the Taiwan Alliance Church Union (C&MA), who has undergone major abdominal surgery and will need another operation after he recovers sufficiently. His recuperation time is expected to be quite long. Pray for God’s comfort, peace, and strength in Rev. Yang’s heart and for Jesus’ healing touch on his body. Pray also for his family and church during this challenging time.
- Several churches and church plants that are currently without local pastoral leadership. Pray for God to raise up and equip servants after his own heart.
Please pray for:
- The health of Pastor Yakob Ingle, the director of Maharashtra Synod. Pray also for his wife Ranjana, who has been sick for a long time.
Please pray for:
- A space for an Alliance church to gather on Sundays for worship. Please pray that the Lord will provide a regular space very soon.
Please pray for:
- The young people who are willing to serve in remote areas. Currently, many C&MA churches in the interior of Papua and Kalimantan do not have pastors, because it is difficult to find people willing to serve in such remote areas.
- Mr. Prabowo Subianto, the newly inaugurated president of the Republic of Indonesia, to be able to lead this nation of various ethnicities and religions while protecting the minorities.
Please pray for:
- The pastoral vacancies at one of our Chinese churches. We are looking for a Cantonese speaking pastor with experience working with both Cantonese and English speaking congregations, plus a pastor for the English congregation.
Please pray for:
- Pastor Lhagvasuren, for Elder Altantuya, and for Erdenebulgan. Pray for their protection and wisdom as they serve God through prison ministry.
- Gantumur, the coordinator of the Joy of Recovery program. He wants to connect and collaborate with Pastor Rick Warren, the initiator of the Joy of Recovery in Pennsylvania, USA.
- Key people involved in the Joy of Recovery program. Pray for Oyungerel, Oyunchimeg, and Erdenetsogt’s health, protection, and persistence in this ministry.
Please pray for:
- The selection of a new director of Chinese Churches Ministry in 2025.
- The National Board as they prepare the budget and outline objectives for 2025.
AWF Prayers – October 2024
October 23, 2024
Please pray for:
- The Al Amal Educational Center team in Naour city, serving approximately 70 Syrian and Jordanian students.
- A medical team offering care to 30–45 people weekly. The care includes treatment, medications, lab tests, and follow–ups.
- Provision for an Iraqi family in need of a surgery, school supplies, fees, transportation, etc.
- A brother responsible for supporting disabled people. He’s distributing aid to 40 families every month. Pray for his visits to these families and for opportunities to share Christ’s love.
- Protection for our country. We are in a region plagued with wars. Pray for secure borders and national safety.
- An economic breakthrough amid the challenges posed by regional wars.
- Peace in the region and for the war to stop.
Please pray for:
- The final modules of the year: the Pentateuch, and Pastoral Counselling.
- The Theology and Alliance Identity Symposium, October 25–26, in Madrid for Latin pastors and missionaries from Europe. This is a joint event with AWF, EMERALD, FIACME (the Alliance of Spain) and INFORMA.
- The graduation ceremony at the Alianza de Amor Alliance church in Madrid, November 23, where 16 students from two programs will receive their diplomas.
Please pray for:
- The AECM France annual pastors retreat that will be taking place in the historic village of Cussac in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, October 27–29.
- God to provide the necessary resources so that the purchase of the building for the Empalot Alliance Church in Toulouse can be completed before the end of the year.
Please pray for:
- A special prayer meeting to be held in London on Saturday, November 9, to pray for revival and for the leadership of C&MA GB.
- A citywide initiative in Newcastle, distributing Luke’s Gospel booklets to every household.
Please pray for:
- A potential church plant in Beilen in the northern Netherlands.
- The plans to invest in the Hague area. The Unie-ABC Churches have the financial funds and are looking for the best way to use them, either by joining existing initiatives or starting a new one.
Please pray for:
- The new church building for the Alliance church in Sama, Asturias. The renovation work is now complete. This new building will allow the church to grow to three times its current size. Pray that God will provide the resources to complete the purchase with the final payment in a year’s time.
October 16, 2024
Please pray for:
- Sister Evelyn, the wife of Pastor Natanael Gil, president of the C&MA in Venezuela. She has undergone a second surgery to place a prosthesis in her knee, and her recovery has been very slow. Also, pray for Pastor Natanael’s health.
- The Lord’s guidance for the newly elected national church Board of Directors as they face the challenges ahead, both for the country and the church.
- The pastoral leadership of the C&MA in Venezuela. May the Lord provide protection, guidance, and revelation to each one. Pray for their physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.
- The Lord to raise up new servants with a pastoral calling in our churches.
- Venezuela’s worsening situation following the presidential election in July. May the Lord bring peace, strength, and hope.
Praise God for:
- Over 100 young people who attended the Alliance Youth Conference in São Paulo on October 5, focusing on vocation. Many reflected on their role in the future of the church and reinforced their calling to urban and cross-cultural missions.
- The recent baptisms in Ponta Grossa, Brazil, and Mozambique. Pray that the Holy Spirit continues to work in the lives of those baptized.
- The missionary retreat in Portugal, which encouraged fellowship and commitment to church planting in the region.
Please pray for:
- The raising of funds for church planting and missionary projects supported by Brazilian churches.
- Discussions with churches interested in joining the Alliance in Brazil and pastors who wish to be part of the Alliance’s global mission.
Please pray for:
- Pastoral couple Luis and Amelia Carrillo. Pray that God would help them in their ministry reaching more people for Christ among their ethnic group in La Cofradía, Jalisco.
- Pastor Daniel Zatarain, the director of the South Pacific District, and for the new work in La Paz, in the State of Baja California Sur.
- Sister Brenda Granados and the team who will be ministering to the women in Chiapas.
- God’s guidance for the organization of our first youth congress next year.
Please pray for:
- Our missionary, Fanny Levicoy, as she prepares to return to Hungary to serve for a new two-year mission period.
- Our pastoral families. Pray for renewal in their strength, health and finances.
- The financial stability of our churches during this economic crisis.
Please pray for:
- Six couples from the Brisas del Golf church who will attend the ALMA Marriage Encounter in Santo Domingo from October 18-20. Pray for transformation in their lives and provision for their expenses.
- The Latin Festival in November, organized by the Brisas del Golf Alliance Church as an evangelistic event.
- The growth of the Fuente de Agua Viva Chinese church, both in small groups and evangelistic efforts.
- God’s guidance in planning the Chinese churches’ youth camp in February 2025.
Please pray for:
- The pastors’ and families’ retreat in Manta, October 31-November 2.
- Our country, as the population suffers from rising violence and insecurity, especially in Guayas and Esmeraldas, the provinces most affected by conflicts between crime organizations.
Please pray for:
- The leadership of the new generations. May God guide, sustain and grant them wisdom.
- Financial provision for Alliance churches nationwide.
Please pray for:
- God to fill the church in Bolivia with a missionary spirit.
- The residence documentation for missionary Rafael Elías Cruz and his family who will plant a new church in the Amazon region.
- The National Women’s Gathering under the theme “Divinely Designed,” November 16-17 in the city of La Paz.
Please pray for:
- God to open doors and provide financial support for pastoral families.
- The women’s ministry event with pastors and missionaries on October 28.
- The gathering with pastors and missionaries in November.
- The meeting of the Theological Seminary of the C&MA of Cuba in November.
- Our nation, that it may be touched by God´s power.
Please pray for:
- The brothers and sisters who gather in churches every Wednesday to pray. May their faith be strengthened.
- Preparations for the National Assembly in January 2025. Pray for God’s provision, guidance, and strength.
- The new school year, which started on October 3. Pray for the necessary supplies to provide quality education.
- Productive communication between the country’s ministers and the UN soldiers to encourage the disarmament of gangs and bring peace to the people.
Please pray for:
- God’s comfort and strength for the children of Pastor Ramona Volquez who died recently.
- Peace between the Dominican Republic and Haiti.
Please pray for:
- The Growth Route, a discipleship program focused on teaching the Bible to church members.
- The Ministry’s Pathway program, which aims to train new leaders.
Please pray for:
- The churches in Peru to be salt and light in these difficult times we live in as a nation.
- Our nation’s authorities, so that they may govern in the fear of the Lord and act wisely on behalf of the people.
- Security in our country, so that crime, assaults and targeted killings may be reduced.
October 9, 2024
Praise God for:
- The Pan-African Men’s Union camp held in Bobo-Dioulasso, August 28-31, with 172 participants. Rev Y. Esaïe Dakuyo, the keynote speaker at the conference, challenged the “men of the Christian Alliance Church, let’s rise up and build a stronger, more sustainable economic future for our church and our nation.”
- The successful national pastors conference with speaker Dr. Rob Bashioum and the theme “Re-examining the Foundations of Our Vocation.” Approximately 300 pastors attended the conference.
Please pray for:
- The start of the 2024-2025 school year. May God protect the children and provide for the needs of the parents. Pray also for the internally displaced children, that they may be able to enroll and continue their education.
- The return to Bible schools, especially for the student pastors who are in areas with difficult access because of political insecurity.
- God’s comfort and strength for the families persecuted because of their faith in Jesus Christ.
Praise God for:
- Adella’s recovery from a knee injury. She is working out and healing well. Please continue to pray until she is 100% recovered.
- Pastors Joel and Hezekiel, who did their first communion. Please pray for Pastor Joel’s wife Katura and a couple of other sisters who are fighting fatigue and dizziness.
- “A,” who is very encouraged by a new worker for her team. They are making good progress in their work, and we will print and send out the book of Nehemiah this next week.
Please pray for:
- Rami, the 14-year-old son of Hawa, a widow who also has a three-and-a-half-year-old daughter. Rami has a serious case of asthma that caused him to miss school last year. Pray for healing so that he can return to his classes this year.
- Mahamud, the 15-year-old nephew of Amos, one of our deacons. Mahamud suffered a serious accident a couple of years ago and now his arm is swollen at the wrist. He needs quality and effective surgery or a miracle, as God chooses. He also needs the Lord. Amos and his wife are zealous witnesses.
- Three pregnant women in our community: Esther’s baby dropped already at the seventh month, so she is resting at home. Both she and the baby are fine, but the baby may come early. We are praying that Esther will not need surgery. Hanan’s pregnancy is going well, but she has three bad teeth. That makes it difficult, as she cannot take much medication with her pregnancy. Magdalena and her baby are doing well.
- “D,” as he mentors the new pastors on a higher level and builds their capacity to multiply the ministry as God grows it among us. Pray also for wisdom in installing any new elders, deacons, or deaconesses whom God might choose.
- One of the cities with many family members of our people was bombed by the government trying to eliminate the opposite army. Please pray against the powers of darkness that are at work.
Praise God for:
- The General Assemblies in all the church districts of the Alliance of DRC. Through these assemblies each district has found its line of conduct for the ecclesiastical year that has just begun.
- The installation of new servants, which has led to new assignments for pastors in various churches.
- The official opening of a church planted by the African diaspora in France under the guidance of AECM France.
Please pray for:
- Comfort for the families of pastors Gabriel Tsumbu Mayunda of Boma, David Senda Lelo of Kinshasa, and Makaya Makoko of Lukula. All three died at the end of September because of illnesses.
- Overseas workers who are experiencing financial difficulties. Pray that funds will be available for their mission.
- The organization of the Missions Conference scheduled for the second half of October in Kinshasa and Boma.
Please pray for:
- The wife of Rev. Pierre Mavoungou, the president of the Alliance of Congo. She has been suffering from osteoarthritis for a year now, and the doctors say there is no solution. Pray that Jesus, our Healer, will touch her body and bring healing.
- God’s guidance and wisdom for the young people who are being prepared for succession in our churches.
- God to raise up donors who will give generously so that we can build churches in the mission fields.
Praise God for:
- The Youth Congress of the Alliance of Angola, held in Luanda, September 27-29.
Please pray for:
- God’s wisdom and guidance for the Executive Committee in the implementation of the decisions made at the August meeting. Please pray especially for the purchase of a plot of land at the Soyo Mission Center, a church being established in Zaire Province, Angola.
Praise God for:
- The success of the National Day of Excellence organized by the youth of the C&MA church of Cote d’Ivoire on Saturday, September 14.
Please pray for:
- Missions Week, October 27-November 3.
- The healing of God’s servants in our churches who have been ill for months.
Praise God for:
- The success of the 21-Day fast and prayer of the C&MA church in Montserrado County, September 1-21.
Please pray for:
- The annual convention of the C&MA of Liberia in Zarwulugbo Town, December 1-7.
October 2, 2024
Please pray for:
- Rev. Silas Yang, the president of the C&MA Taiwan. On September 23 he had intestinal surgery to fix a problem caused by a blockage of water in the brain.
Praise God for:
- His preparation and guidance so that national church leaders can participate in the APAC Regional Conference in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, October 28-31, 2024.
Please pray for:
- Northern Vietnamese churches that were severely damaged by Typhoon Yagi, which brought devastating rains, floods, and landslides. The disaster has claimed hundreds of lives, with many still missing. Early reports indicate that 61 believers have lost their lives, and their homes, possessions, livestock, and crops were swept away. Pray for families and churches as they grieve and rebuild. Ask God for comfort and provision for those who have lost everything. Lift up in prayer the relief efforts led by Christian organizations so that they may be blessed and effective in restoring the lives of the victims.
Please pray for:
- Our brothers and sisters in Nduga Regency, Papua Mountain Province. They have been deeply affected by the recent conflict. This involved the hostage-taking of a New Zealand pilot by armed fighters. Although the pilot has been released, the resulting military operations have forced thousands of members of our congregations to flee their homes, seeking refuge in the forest and other areas. Due to this, church ministries have been disrupted, and communities are in great distress. Please pray that with the release of the pilot they can safely return to their homes, and that church ministries can be restored to bring hope and healing.
Please pray for:
- Our C&MA International Workers as they return to their churches after being encouraged and challenged at our Pastors Retreat.
- Our faith pledges for our Great Commission Fund. We are seeking support for 2025 for our workers, ministries, and college.
- Our new generation of pastors, workers, and missionaries. We seek to expand our team into other opportunities.
Praise God for:
- The new appointees. They were sent out to four locations: Asia, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Pray for their language study and that their kids will make good friends as they adjust to their new schools. Pray that these families and individuals will quickly develop good rhythms of life, work, and relationships in their new homes and that their residency applications will be processed quickly and without complications.
Please pray for:
- The children of international workers, for teens and young adult children far from their parents. Some have returned to Canada to attend post-secondary institutions while their parents remain abroad. Pray that God would grant them wisdom in decision making and that he would gift them with a caring community. Pray for good educational opportunities and that children will have concerned and caring teachers. Pray for God to provide for those children with educational special needs.
Praise God for:
- His protection in the Alliance congregations in the South Pacific Alliance during three major fires in the greater Los Angeles area. Two Alliance churches—one in Wrightwood and the other in Big Bear Lake—had to evacuate, but the churches are still standing – and without damage. There have been no reports to the district office of loss of property. David Gilmore, the district superintendent, says, “We praise our Lord that the fires have been held off from destroying both Wrightwood and Big Bear Lake.”
- Alliance churches and leaders as they serve in a culture where the foundations of faith are increasingly being shaken. Also pray for those who attended The Alliance’s 2024 Legal and Culture Update in early September. Participants heard from ministry leaders and practitioners about how to effectively minister the gospel during this crucial time for the advance of God’s Kingdom. Pray that, as they apply what they learned, they will bring faith, hope and love into a culture that rejects God, the authority of Scripture, and the sacredness of life and truth.
AWF Prayers – September 2024
September 25, 2024
Please pray for:
- The church in Jordan to continue to provide the refugees with medical assistance through various clinics.
- Provision for ministries offering school materials, rugs, and heaters for needy families, especially as the school year begins and winter approaches.
- God’s peace over Jordan and its neighboring regions, and wisdom for the government to address the country’s economic challenges.
- A fresh vision for the church, empowering it to have greater spiritual influence during these difficult times.
Praise God for:
- The successful Olympics Paris Praise Festival where God’s people answered his call in numbers never seen before in France:
- 33 artists from four continents performed in nine concerts with full houses.
- Distribution of 15,000 New Testaments, leaflets and books.
- Worship music and dance afternoons in six strategic public spaces in Paris.
- The successful seminar for the Alliance churches in Cacao French Guyana (South America), July 11-14. The theme of the seminar was “Raising the Christian,” and the speaker was Pastor Xeng Yang, the Missions Mobilizer for the Hmong District of the U.S. Alliance.
- The signing of the tripartite partnership between AECM France, the Toulouse International Church, and the Vietnamese Church of Toulouse to share their resources to use and develop the TIC building together to create a sanctuary with a capacity of 300 people.
Please pray for:
- The preparations for the AECM France annual pastors retreat that will be taking place in the historic village of Cussac in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, October 27-29.
- God to provide the necessary resources so that the purchase of the building for the Empalot Alliance Church in Toulouse can be completed before the end of the year.
Praise God for:
- The two new churches that were formed based on Alpha courses in Dronten and IJsselmuiden.
- The church in Ede. It has grown to 750 members, and they are discussing the option to split into two churches.
Please pray for:
- A possible church plant in Beilen (north of the Netherlands).
- The plans to invest in the Hague area. The Unie-ABC Churches have the financial funds to do so and are looking for the best way to do that, either joining existing initiatives or starting a new one.
Praise God for:
- The blessed time in Turkey with a group of students touring the seven churches of the Apocalypse. It was the first module that was held at the scene of the events. We thank God for his care and protection. God willing, INFORMA will have another group in 2025.
- The provision of a new laptop for the INFORMA rector, an indispensable work tool since the one he had no longer works.
Please pray for:
- The modules for the month of October: “The Prophets” in Madrid, “Epistle to the Hebrews” in the Canary Islands, and “Ethical Dilemmas in the Youth” as part of the Certificate in Youth Leadership program.
- The graduation ceremony scheduled for November 23 in Madrid. The first group of students from the Certificate in Youth Leadership and another group from the Bachelor of Theology program will be receiving their diplomas.
- The Theology and Alliance Identity Symposium, October 25-26 in Madrid for Latin pastors and missionaries from Europe. This is a joint event with AWF, EMERALD, FIACME (the Alliance of Spain) and INFORMA.
Please pray for:
- The new church building for the Alliance church in Sama, Asturias. The renovation work is now complete. This new building will allow the church to grow to three times its current size. Pray that God will provide the resources to complete the purchase with the final payment in a year’s time.
Please pray for:
- The Alliance Manchester (TAM) and the Ashby Alliance Church. In November, they will launch the ALMA Weekend for married couples with support from the Monterrico Alliance Church in Lima (Peru), and the global ALMA family, who are sending several couples to help with this event. Please pray for the couples invited to join for the first time, and for the logistics, as we coordinate with people from around the world. Pray also for unity and for financial support.
Praise God for:
- The opportunity to run apologetics events in universities in Italy. Pray that God will open more doors for these events so that we can engage students in a discussion about who God is and why we are called to follow Jesus.
Praise God for:
- The successful speaking tour that mobilized C&MA churches and believers in Australia for missions. Pray for a harvest of new workers from Australia to join the global mission field.
September 18, 2024
Please pray for:
- Evelyn, the wife of Pastor Natanael Gil, the president of the C&MA of Venezuela. Evelyn suffered a severe fall after her knee surgery and needs another operation for a new prosthesis. Pray for her peace, strength, and for financial provision for her medical needs.
- The Lord to raise up new servants called to pastoral ministry.
- The pastoral team, leaders, and congregations to be a light in the darkness, and instruments of peace and blessing.
- The physical, emotional and spiritual health of the pastors.
- God’s mercy upon Venezuela following the recent elections in July, that citizens may surrender their lives to Jesus.
- Each young person detained in the post-election. May the Lord keep their lives and hearts, and may they put all their trust in the one true God. Pray also for peace for their families.
Praise God for:
- Successful national events organized by men’s, women’s and youth ministries, drawing hundreds of believers.
- The growth of “ROUTE 1.8,” a discipleship program integrating many churches.
- Our pastors and missionaries, who carry out the task of evangelism and discipleship, both locally and globally.
Please pray for:
- Daily guidance from the Lord for our Children’s Home ministry.
- Success in church planting and revitalization.
- The district elections in November (2025-2027 term), that the Lord may confirm the men and women appointed.
Praise God for:
- The many individuals committed to missionary work at the Vocations and Missions Day that took place in the churches of the Brazilian Alliance on September 8.
- The 328 verses approved in the translation of the Jaminawa language in Brazil, led by our missionary, Patrícia Tivane.
- The six brothers and sisters who were baptized in the Salt of the Earth Community in Japan, led by our missionaries, Luis and Tani Ueda.
Please pray for:
- The Lord’s provision for our missionaries in Portugal amid high exchange rates.
- The spiritual journey of the baptism candidates in Mozambique.
- A new home for the Ueda family, our missionaries in Japan. They need to move out of their current home in less than a month.
- The visits of missionaries Romário and Jaqueline Moraes to Brazilian churches to share about Project Asia. This project aims to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ through sports.
Please pray for:
- The participants and speakers at the National Missions Congress in Comodoro Rivadavia October 11-13.
- The development of the churches amid the economic crisis that the country is going through. May it be an opportunity to bring hope in Jesus to many.
- The final bimester at the Buenos Aires Bible Institute and for the graduation of the students who will be finishing their programs.
- The families and workers serving in the mission field.
Please pray for:
- God’s direction and strength for Pastor Arturo Velasco, our missions director.
- God’s wisdom and guidance for the pastors of the South Pacific, North, South, Northeast, Northwest and Central Pacific districts. Pray for church growth, both spiritual and numerical.
- The AWF Latin America Regional Conference (CLA) and the AMADA Women’s Congress to be held in Guadalajara, September 23-27. Pray for God’s provision, visa approvals, and a blessed time of fellowship.
Please pray for:
- The health of pastors Fausto Lopez and Ramona Volquez.
- God’s guidance in the camp construction, which has already started.
- The successful establishment of new churches in San Juan, Bonao, and Azua.
- God´s help to prepare new workers for the ministry.
- A renewed vision for God’s work in the country.
- God’s provision for church needs and pastoral families.
- Peace between the Dominican Republic and Haiti.
Praise God for:
- The pastors and their families, for their dedication to evangelism and missions. Pray also for financial provision for their ministries.
Please pray for:
- Open doors with new strategic partners and donors to continue developing projects that benefit our communities and congregations.
- The local Alliance Men’s congresses that are taking place this month. May God bring healing, freedom and filling by the Holy Spirit.
Please pray for:
- The residency documents of the Cruz family, missionaries from Cuba, as they prepare to establish a new work in Bolivia.
- The National Women’s Gathering in La Paz, whose emphasis is “Divinely Designed.”
- God to open doors to renew the church’s legal status, which expires in October.
Please pray for:
- A revival in missions both nationally and internationally.
- The group of leaders preparing to become new pastors of the Alliance in Guatemala.
- The Central American Alliance Congress to be held in Guatemala, October 7-10.
Praise God for:
- The presence, organization and growth of the churches in Panama. Four established churches (Cerro Viento, Obarrio, Fuente de Agua Viva and Chitré) focus on the Chinese ethnic group and one church (Brisas del Golf) focuses on the Spanish speaking people.
- The recovery from surgery of Ana Raquel, the daughter of Pastor Beltran.
Please pray for:
- God’s guidance in the organization of the Chinese churches’ Youth Camp in February 2025.
- The evangelistic sports project of the Fountain of Living Water Alliance. Pray that the kids may come to know Christ in each study of the Word.
- Healing for Pastor Luis Beltran’s leg.
- The Lord to bring a spiritual revival in the Cerro Viento church, to increase their missionary vision and willingness to obey.
- Teachers for the Sunday school and discipleship groups for the Obarrio church. Pray also for those preparing for baptism.
Praise God for:
- The women’s and youth conferences that took place in August. We saw God’s hand at work in their lives.
Please pray for:
- God’s direction, provision, and wisdom to expand the Capotille church due to its growth.
- The health of Pastor Daniel Mulathre and Deacon Joseph.
- Peace and safety for the Alliance churches in Port-au-Prince amid the violence there.
September 11, 2024
Please pray for:
- Rev. Silas Yang, the president of the C&MA Taiwan. He has been experiencing frequent falls and dizziness. He is undergoing medical evaluations.
- Ruth Lu, the wife of Rev. Silas Yang. She requires cataract removal and lens replacement surgery.
Please pray for:
- Chuluunbaatar, a church leader with diabetes. He is experiencing severe leg pain. Pray for God’s healing and support during this difficult time.
- Tsogzolmaa, another church leader. She has recently suffered two strokes. Pray for the Lord’s healing for her heart and brain, and for encouragement for her.
- Opportunities for the church to reach the unreached Soums in Huvsgul. Pray that local churches will find effective ways to connect with and serve these communities.
- Gantumur, the national coordinator of the Joy of Recovery program. Pray for God’s protection, power, and wisdom for him as he leads the program from October 2024 to May 2025.
- The youth ministry within the C&MA family. Pray for a dedicated leader to reach and disciple the youth effectively.
Please pray for:
- The construction of a dormitory for women at Jaffray Theological Seminary in Makassar. It’s the oldest seminary of C&MA Indonesia. A construction permit for a three-story building with a capacity of 200 people was recently granted, but funding remains insufficient. Pray for wisdom, strength, and provision for Rev. Dr. Robi Panggarra, the president of the Seminary, to complete this project.
Praise God for:
- The safe arrival of international workers Jordie and Lisa in their host country in Africa. Their children have started school, and they have begun language studies. Pray for diligence in their studies and opportunities to practice with new friends, especially those from the Sheba people, who are refugees in the region. The Sheba people will be Jordie and Lisa’s focus. Pray that God will provide connections and deep relationships.
Please pray for:
- All international workers preparing for fall ministry and planning for the upcoming season. Praise God for the wonderful ways he is moving and reaching hearts.
- The children of international workers as they adjust to new cultures and languages. Pray for ease in learning new languages, confidence in communication, and a sense of belonging amid unfamiliar surroundings.
- International workers Mike and Nikki Howell, and the local church in Senegal. Recent deaths have affected church members. Pray that the church will not become discouraged, and that members will not believe lies from unbelieving family members who may blame them for these tragedies. Pray that strongholds of darkness will be demolished.
Praise God for:
- The success of the first annual Multicultural Ministries Summit held at the Hmong District Office in August. Presented by the Office of Multicultural Ministries, it focused on next-generation ministry, providing a spiritually uplifting experience and opportunities for engagement with all Multicultural Ministries leaders and partners.
Please pray for:
- The U.S. C&MA as it celebrates Church Planting Sunday in September. The Alliance aims to plant more than 50 new congregations in the next year. Pray for the training and equipping of the church planters, and for established churches to develop partnerships for planting new congregations. Congregations are encouraged to choose any Sunday in September to highlight the importance of church planting and multiplication in bringing gospel access to all peoples. We envision a Christ-centered movement of local churches that plant multiplying churches until the Great Commission is complete. Pray that God will inspire church members to support church planting in their areas and raise up a new wave of passionate and creative church planters dedicated to reaching underserved communities in their own backyards.
September 4, 2024
Praise God for:
- The release of Pastor Tite Guindo, who had been kidnapped by jihadists for 10 days.
Please pray for:
- Safety at youth Bible camps in the Kimparana, Yorosso and N’torosso-San districts.
- Wisdom for the national church executive committee meeting (September 12-14) to make decisions that align with God’s will.
- Protection for churches facing threats from jihadists imposing the Zakat on Christians.
- Support for flood victims from people of goodwill and NGOs.
Praise God for:
- The reduction in killings in the Bateke Plateau districts, although safety concerns remain. The presence of attackers in the forests of the great and vast plateau remains a cause for concern.
- The first year of our missionaries’ work in Guinea, which has seen two churches planted and many baptisms, despite challenges. Our two missionary couples report that collaboration with the national church is moving this work forward by the grace of God.
- The celebration of the 140th anniversary of the Alliance in the DRC. It was well received with a renewal of true Mission thinking in the minds of many of our faithful.
Please pray for:
- A delegation of leaders from the Alliance Church in the DRC who will travel to France this month to attend a special celebration of the African Diaspora Church in Dijon.
- The missionary partnership project between the DRC and Gabon for missionary work in the Sixth Region.
Praise God for:
- The smooth organization and deliberations of the National Synod, July 21-26 in Libreville.
Please pray for:
- Guidance for new pastors and support for church workers who were sent to different locations.
- God’s comfort for pastoral and missionary families who have recently lost loved ones: Rev. Jean Pierre Moukingui; Sister Beatrice, the wife of Rev. Alex Koumba Moundounga; Sister Henriette, the wife of Rev. Voubou; Rev. Bilongou, a missionary in Congo; the wife of Rev. Obama, a missionary in Equatorial Guinea.
- Successful implementation of activities of the synodal year (2024-2025) and the completion of major projects.
- The completion this year of projects led by the National Office: the construction of the multi-purpose hall for major conferences and other large-scale activities, and the launch of ELTV Alliance television programs.
Praise God for:
- His guidance and wisdom during the executive committee meeting, August 15-18, with a great closing service on Sunday, the 18th.
- The promotion of two young people to trainee pastors, Bem-vindo Reis and David Mabiala Zola, both theology graduates, after having worked in the diaconate.
Please pray for:
- The Holy Spirit to guide and strengthen the new pastors in the holy ministry.
- God’s guidance and support for the workers who were sent to different locations.
- The health of workers who need hospital treatment.
- The young people in our country who want to graduate. The government is restricting many courses in higher education this year.
Praise God for:
- The success of our church’s 13th National Convention, held in Yamoussoukro, August 5-10, with 18,000 participants. We thank the Lord for the teaching we received and the impact it had on the attendees.
Please pray for:
- A harmonious deployment of God’s servants from our church to their new assignments.
- The various regional camps of the National Women’s Association and Youth.
Praise God for:
- The Pan-African Men’s Union camp held in Bobo-Dioulasso, August 28 to 31. It brought together men from eight African countries.
Please pray for:
- Our country. The winter season will be a difficult one, with heavy rains causing flooding in several localities.
- Peace to return to Burkina Faso. Pray also that the pastors and servants who were kidnapped are released unharmed.
Praise God for:
- The success of the C&MA Lofa District 21-Day Fast and Prayer, August 1-21.
Please pray for:
- The success of the 21-Day Fast and Prayer of the Montserrado County C&MA church, September 1-21. Pray also for the participants who will leave their homes and gather at the church for prayer.
- The reopening and growth of the Christian High School and seminary.
Praise God for:
- The success of the national office’s tour, with the aim of assessing the situation in each local church.
- The creation of the Bible and Theological Institute of the Christian Alliance of Benin (IBITAC).
Please pray for:
- The drafting of the statutes and regulations of the national church.
- Funds for the construction of the Bible Institute.
- God to raise up workers to help achieve the goal of establishing at least one church per department, municipality, and district.
- The effective holding of a national consultation to finalize the main ideas for evangelization, missions, and management of local churches.
- The election this month of the Board of the National Coordination of the Women’s Association (AFAC).
Please pray for:
- The health of pastors and their wives.
- The spiritual growth of the church’s youth.
- Our Bible institutes.
AWF Prayers – August 2024
August 21, 2024
Please pray for:
- The health of Sister Gloria Roa de Polanco, the wife of retired pastor Pedro Polanco. Her health condition is very critical. May the Lord comfort and strengthen the family and have mercy on the life of our sister.
- The Ministerial Vocations vision that’s being raised in our churches this month. May the Lord give us the gift of future ministerial callings both locally and in the national church.
- The National Children’s Day Offering during this month of August.
- Our country which is in turmoil in many aspects. Recently, the Satanic church has requested recognition from the state, and this is undoubtedly worrying. Please pray for the brothers and sisters in Christ who are deputies (among them Mauro González, a member of the First C&MA church in Puerto Montt), that they may have the strength and clarity to defend the truth of God.
Praise God for:
- Four new Alliance church planting projects.
- The partner churches that continue to invest in the lives of new students to prepare them for the sacred ministry of God’s Word.
- The rest time in Brazil of the Lima family, our missionaries in Portugal. They are enjoying time with family and friends.
- Answering our prayers by providing financial support for three young people in Mozambique in the soccer training course completed this month.
Please pray for:
- Hispanic immigrants in Curitiba, in southern Brazil, who are looking to start a new work focused on reaching Latinos.
- Churches that are in transition – some with pastors leaving and others who are changing pastors.
- Funds to invest in the publication of books by A. B. Simpson to use as a financial and material resource for churches and missions.
- The need for the A. W. Tozer Theological Seminary to have a qualified professional or volunteer to help with social media outreach and other media tasks. Pray also for the seminary’s in-person activities as a way of enriching training and bringing churches and new students closer together.
- The Bible translation consultancy in September, led by our missionary Patrícia Tivane from Mozambique and her team.
- The continuity and expansion of the Faith Promise for the financial support of our missionaries.
Praise God for:
- The group of 50 people who participated in the mission trip to the Wichi community in northern Argentina.
- The beginning of the second semester of studies at the Buenos Aires Bible Institute.
Please pray for:
- Pastoral families and missionaries in the cross-cultural field, so that they may experience God’s provision in these complex economic times in Argentina.
- The new congregations that are being established.
- The young people who have embraced the call to pastoral ministry and are beginning their spiritual development.
Praise God for:
- The different REVER (Restoring Lives, Equipping Restorers) groups that have been working this year among the pastoral families of the Alliance Colombia. REVER is an association with which the ministry of Wellness and Pastoral Care works.
Please pray for:
- The 2024 Alliance Convention under the theme “Obeying the Call,” August 22-25 in Ebenezer, Circasia, Quindío.
- The Holy Spirit’s guidance in the evangelism and discipleship of the new generation, so that the Word of God that has been sown in each child may bear fruit.
Please pray for:
- The Hurtado family, our first missionaries abroad, who are in Germany. Pray that they can solve their administrative immigration problems. Pray also for the missionaries’ children, that the Lord may help them in school since they only speak German there.
- The children of the eight nationalities who attended summer school. May God keep his Word in those children so that their parents may also be reached for Christ.
- The pastoral couple Bosco and Alejandra and their church in Guadalajara. May God help them bring the gospel to the families in this city.
- The entire missions ministry team of the Alliance. May God continue to encourage, guide and support them in all the projects they are planning.
- The new executive committee work team in the northeast district, and for Pastor Genovevo Gonzalez as the new director. May God give them wisdom and strength to minister to the pastors and their churches.
- Persecuted Christians in the states of Oaxaca and Chiapas.
- The new churches that are being planted in Ciudad Juarez in the city of Chihuahua, and among the Guarajios ethnic group.
- God’s protection and provision for pastors who are working in marginalized places.
Please pray for:
- The church in Venezuela to be a light in the midst of darkness. May it bring God’s hope and comfort to the people.
- Protection for all Venezuelans, especially the most vulnerable. Pray for safety and that people will put their trust in God.
- Peace in Venezuela, that the violence ceases, and that the country finds a path to peace.
- The government. Pray for wisdom, integrity, and justice in the country. May God touch the hearts of those in power to act for the benefit of the nation so that we may live in peace and tranquility.
Praise God for:
- The Christian Alliance radio station, which on its seventh anniversary continues to be a tool for bringing hundreds of people to the feet of Christ daily.
Please pray for:
- Preparations for the beginning of school classes. May God provide everything we need. The school was founded 24 years ago. We have orphans, children who attend church with their parents, and those who live near the church. The school operates with scholarships. Contributions from sponsors help us to continue this work.
- Wisdom, protection and guidance for pastoral families and their ministries.
- The violence in Haiti to cease, so that there is order and structure within the governmental cabinet.
Please pray for:
- Our pastors and their families. May God continue to uphold their homes, provide daily livelihood, and use them for his glory.
- The leadership of our churches. May God keep them steadfast and with a good testimony in all areas of their lives.
- The Peruvian people, that all may surrender and recognize that Christ alone saves, sanctifies, heals, and is our coming King.
August 14, 2024
Please pray for:
- Eoghan Cosgrave, the AWF EMERALD Region Mission Mobilizer, as he travels to Australia from August 22-September 9 to speak at the annual national conference and at several Alliance churches to help mobilize C&MA churches and believers in Australia for missions. Pray for safety when traveling, and for wisdom and strength.
Please pray for:
- The group of INFORMA (Alliance Institute for Ministry Formation) students who will travel to Turkey, September 2-11 to tour the “Seven Churches of the Apocalypse.” Pray for protection and for the experience to be one of edification and blessing for the students.
- The INFORMA students who are finishing the Bachelor’s program and the Certificate in Youth Leadership. The graduation ceremony will take place on November 23 in Madrid. May God give them strength to finish their programs.
- The plans and projects to train Hispanic students living in Europe in Bible and theology. There are many who want to be trained to serve better.
- The INFORMA Director Dr. Francisco Cerron who will be traveling to the Latin American Fellowship of the Alliance in Guadalajara, Mexico in September to give a report on INFORMA. After that, he will be participating in the symposium on “Theology and Alliance Identity” in Madrid in October.
- The plans of the AWF ICTE (International Commission of Theological Education) to develop a symposium on “Theology and Alliance Identity” for national churches in the EMERALD Region, helping Alliance pastors and church planters to grow churches that are radically Christ centered. Pray for financial provision to maximize participation in the symposium among all Spanish speaking Alliance workers in the EMERALD Region.
Praise God for:
- The successful Paris Praise Festival bringing the gospel to the nations during the 2024 Paris Olympics through music and worship.
- The partnership agreement between the Vietnamese Alliance Church of Toulouse and the International Church of Toulouse to share resources to reach the nations in France with the gospel.
Please pray for:
- The leadership team at C&MA Great Britain as they seek to grow their leadership team with new leaders. Pray that God will open doors and equip new leaders to come forward.
- The preparations for an Alliance Fellowship Forum for Great Britain to build fellowship and unity around a shared Alliance identity.
Praise God for:
- The living testimony of a teenage believer, Jort, who impacted so many lives despite being terminally ill with cancer. Pray for Jort’s family as they cope with their loss knowing that Jort no longer suffering any pain.
Please pray for:
- The Unie-ABC churches as they prepare for their next church and seminary season.
Please pray for:
- The sixth FIACME (C&MA of Spain) Cross-Cultural Missions Conference, November 8-10, under the theme “Let the People Praise You, O God; All the Peoples Praise You (Psalm 67:3)”, led by Rev. Esteban Irvin.
- The LIFE School, which has some urgent staff needs for the fall semester and asks for intercession and networking to fill them, even on a short-term temporary basis: Elementary teacher, Preschool/Elementary teacher’s aide, English as a Second Language (ESL), Guidance Counselor, IT/Technology.
- The provision of resources to complete the purchase of a building for the Alliance church in Sama, Asturias, that will allow the church to grow to three times its current size.
August 7, 2024
Please pray for:
- God’s guidance and financial provision, salvation, and spiritual growth for the many poor widows and children of the communities served by the Alliance churches.
- Mongolian families. Some of them are addicted to alcohol and live in poverty in the capital Ulaanbaatar and rural areas. Pray that Mongolian Alliance churches will reach them with God’s love and the good news. Pray also for wisdom for the churches as they spread the gospel to the community.
- God’s protection and wisdom for Pastor Bat Bayan’s trip to the countryside churches. He is the president of the Alliance of Mongolia.
- The children and youth of Mongolia to come to know the Creator God and become disciples of Jesus Christ.
- Financial provision for evangelical ministries of the church. As children of God, may our faith be strengthened and may we start small businesses under his guidance.
Please pray for:
- Myanmar C&MA members who are displaced internally and for others who are taking refuge in India due to civil war. Pray that they may be safe, be in good health, and get their essential needs met. More than 80 families have fled their homes.
- Missions Emphasis Week in September. Pray for the participation of churches and for good results in evangelization.
- Lian Suan Pau, the national church president. He is preparing to attend the APAC Conference in Vietnam. Pray for good and fruitful connections with the regional church.
Please pray for:
- Missionaries applying for visas to travel to Israel with the Taekwondo Sport Mission.
- Our pastors and church leaders to be able to participate in the APAC Conference in Vietnam in October.
Please pray for:
- C&MA Life Church Pastor Lu Chy-wen (Ruth Lu), who will be ordained on August 31. She will be the first female pastor to serve there.
Please pray for:
- The revival of the churches in Vietnam. Pray also that many Kinh people will come to know Christ.
Please pray for:
- Our Missions Great Commission Fund Conventions. Pray that people will continue to faithfully support our mission work.
- The Holy Spirit’s guidance and wisdom for the speakers for our pastors’ retreat in August.
Please pray for:
- The general elections for governors and regents throughout Indonesia in November. Several members of the Alliance Church in Indonesia are running for governor, deputy governor, regent, and deputy regent, especially in the Papua and Kalimantan regions. Pray that the campaign and election process will be honest and orderly, and that some members of our congregation will be elected.
Praise God for:
- His protection of Alliance churches and family members in the Alliance South Central during Hurricane Beryl, which hit Texas on July 8. The district is grateful that the storm did not bring about catastrophic consequences to the area, where there are 15 Alliance churches. A district response team was organized and ready to engage in relief efforts. Alliance congregations in the Houston region did report minor flooding and downed electrical lines, but the churches sustained no damage.
Please pray for:
- The One Alliance Place project in Reynoldsburg, OH, which has been in a momentary pause that turned into weeks and then months of concentrated prayer and discernment. At their June meeting, the Board of Directors voted to pursue a redesigned model of the Alliance Place campus. The new plan significantly reduces the fundraising goals. In comparison to the previously remaining amount to raise, we believe this is achievable and wise stewardship for the U.S. Alliance family. Praise God that the purposes of the move to Columbus from Colorado Springs are already being lived out in a preliminary fashion. We are more centrally located, our staff is more diverse, and we have never been more engaged in a local community.
- S. Alliance international workers who returned to the United States in July for their home assignment ministry seminar (formerly HAMS, now known as Connect). Pray for safe travels as they tour churches to engage the greater U.S. Alliance family in completing Christ’s Great Commission in countries around the world.
Please pray for:
- International Workers (IWs) as they seek to refresh over the summer before resuming ministry in the fall. Pray for each one to find time alone with the Lord. Pray for wisdom, discernment for next steps, strength, and encouragement to meet the various needs that cross their paths daily.
- The various IW teams who are in transition. Some are saying goodbye and others are receiving new teammates. Pray for unity and bonding on each team, smooth transitions, the ability to build community quickly, and peace knowing that God will lead the way.
- IWs Gavin and Nadia as they discern next steps and continue to share with churches in Canada the ministry they had overseas. Pray for the speech clinic in the Arabian Peninsula that Nadia was pivotal in forming as they seek to fill vacancies.
- A three-day workshop and prayer ministry for a group of IWs in Southeast Asia during their retreat in early August. Pray for the smooth arrival of the international workers, as many of them were affected by a recent severe flood. Pray that God would be speaking to them and would revive their souls and hearts to serve him more effectively.
- The Arab Diaspora. Along with other nations, Canada has a substantial population of Arab Diaspora (approximately 1 million). They have come from countries and states such as Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Lebanon, and Iraq. The vast majority of Arabs are Muslims. Pray that the underground fellowships of Arab believers would persevere and bear witness to the gospel even though they are suffering and persecuted. Pray for an increasing harvest among the Arab Muslim diaspora through dreams, visions, and faithful Christian witness.
AWF Prayers – July 2024
July 24, 2024
Please pray for:
- The release of Pastor Tite Guindo, who was kidnapped by armed men on the night of July 9. May the Lord intervene so that he can be released unharmed. Pray also for God’s strength for his wife and children during this difficult time.
- The smooth running of the youth Bible camps during vacation. May the Lord protect all the participants.
- Church buildings that are under construction so that communities become more committed to finishing these works and learn to rely on their own efforts.
- With the winter season here, rain is still scarce and there is only a month left to sow crops. May the Lord show his compassion and mercy to avoid a humanitarian catastrophe.
- Provision and support for hundreds of displaced people.
Praise God for:
- Board of directors meetings of all churches’ departments held at the end of the ecclesiastical year. These councils have helped guide the departments’ actions for the coming year.
- The success of the evangelistic crusade in the town of Muanda, which saw the participation of large crowds and hundreds of people who devoted themselves to the Lord.
- The successful provincial elections in Kongo Central, following some tug-of-war, and the peaceful installation of a provincial government. This is the province where our church’s headquarters are located.
Please pray for:
- The success of other evangelistic crusades planned for the towns of Boma, Matadi and Kinshasa in the next few days, with evangelists coming from Ghana.
- The mobilization of funds to support workers in economically deprived areas.
- Support for Rev. Denis Kombetassie, our national missions director, who has returned safely after completing his mission among the forest peoples of deep Congo.
- The church in accompanying newly consecrated young people engaged in ministry in rural areas.
Praise God for:
- The successful visit of Rev. Marcel Bunda, the president of the Alliance Church of the Democratic Republic of Congo, to Angola, June 12-17. Rev. Bunda visited the Christian Alliance Church in Angola as part of the cooperation between AWF member churches. He visited the old mission station in Mboca, founded in 1907, and preached at the Jordan River church in Massabi and at the Fountain of Life church in Cabinda. The closing service on Sunday, June 16, was attended by hundreds of believers, with choral groups and government entities from Cabinda province participating.
- The meeting of the Alliance churches of Angola, DRC and Congo-Brazzaville that took place in the border commune of Massabi on June 14. Ecclesiastical cooperation in the various areas of the three AWF member churches was discussed, and especially the Quadrennial Conference and the commemoration of the AWF’s 50th anniversary in 2025 in Kinshasa, DRC.
- The Extraordinary General Assembly of the Alliance Women in Angola that was held at the Promises of God church, June 12-14 under the theme “Be a Woman who Rebuilds God’s Work.” The attendees had the opportunity to take stock of the year’s activities and plan others for the next two years.
- The contribution and purchase of a plot of land in Cafumfo in the province of Lunda Norte. It will be used for the construction of a church building.
- The conversion and baptism in June of more than 30 members in the Missio-Dei, Good Hope and Icazo churches.
- Support from the AWF for the development of agriculture in the context of the second phase of the COVID-19 project.
Please pray for:
- The newly converted and baptized, so that they remain steadfast to the Lord and are guided by the Holy Spirit.
- The health of the pastors and their families. Pray also for the members of our churches. Many of them suffer from high blood pressure and some have had strokes.
- God’s guidance and wisdom at the Executive Committee meeting, August 15-18 at the New Millennium church in Cabinda.
- The national youth congress in Luanda at the end of August. May God call and raise up young people for church ministry.
Praise God for:
- The success of the 42nd district conference of the C&MA of Liberia, June 26-30 in Monrovia.
Please pray for:
- The reopening of the Christian High School and the seminary so that God can direct more students to both institutions. Pray also for the budgets of these institutions.
- The success of the Liberia Leadership Summit scheduled for August 29 in Monrovia by the C&MA national church. Pray also for our facilitators as they prepare for this one-day conference.
- Francis M. Kollie, the new C&MA district superintendent in Lofa County as he plans to expand his outreach in various towns and villages in the district.
- The C&MA home missionaries in Grand Gedeh County. Pray for God’s blessings upon them as they reach more people in that part of the country.
Praise God for:
- The success of the closing ceremony of the academic year at the Christian Alliance Bible Institute in Yamoussoukro, during which 63 student pastors received their diplomas.
- The three new Doctors of Theology for our churches: Rev. Serge-Armand Yao, Rev. Ema Tiecoura, and Rev. Bernadette Ella.
Please pray for:
- The success of our church’s National Convention in Yamoussoukro, August 5-10. We are expecting 20,000 people.
- The successful transfer and assignment of the church’s pastors during August.
- The achievement of the 2024 target for the 12 major works of our church’s centenary in 2030: The purchase of land to increase our land holdings, the completion of the new N’Zuessy church in Yamoussoukro, and the equipping of the Christian Alliance Radio House.
Please pray for:
- Support for missionaries and their families and the development of mission fields in Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, São Tomé and Príncipe, Benin and Togo.
- The conversion and strengthening of people who have received Christ during the last two evangelization campaigns as part of the interior mission. Pray for the seven extensions that were created particularly in the provinces of Ogooue Maritime and Haut-Ogooue as a result of these campaigns. Pray also for God to raise up leaders for these missions.
- The administrative regularization of land in Cameroon, as well as the recovery of the Ambam land that a former missionary had appropriated without authorization.
- The renovation of the National Missions headquarters building and construction of a guest house in Libreville.
- The Lord’s provision of land for mission sites in Accra, Ghana and Lomé, Togo.
July 17, 2024
Please pray for:
- God’s guidance and financial provision for the rescue home for drug addicts and alcoholics in Saltillo, Coahuila, led by pastoral couple Gabriel and Yolanda Charles.
- The missions conference under the theme “Kairos, Get on the Wave”, and the missions trip afterwards to Sierra de Chihuahua in the Tarahumara ethnic group, August 9-16.
- Pastoral couple Mario and Maricela Rueda, who manage “The Refuge” shelter in Ciudad Juarez Chihuahuas. Pray for the salvation of the migrant families there so that they may know the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Pastoral couple Amey and Lupita, that God will supply the finances for the land for the new church in Tlaxcala.
- The security and protection of our churches in Chiapas. Some regions have been affected by organized crime.
- Pastoral couple Guillermo and Alma, that God may guide them in the decision-making of their ministry: for physical health of Alma’s father, Luis Zamora, and that God may provide leaders and funds for the missions that the church has.
Please pray for:
- The health of Pastor Natanael Gil, president of the C&MA of Venezuela. He suffers from an autoimmune disease called Ankylosing Spondylitis, a kind of degenerative arthritis that attacks the spine and joints. Prays also for his wife Evelyn, who urgently needs surgery to replace one knee by a prosthesis. It is a genetic problem, and she has a lot of pain and difficulty walking. Natanael and Evelyn are counting on the Lord to provide the financial resources for the treatment and operation.
- The extension work in Los Guayos, Valencia, so that the Lord may be glorified in this community and many may come to his feet. This is an area of very low resources and a lot of crime.
- The legalization and normal operation of FUNDALFA, our family assistance foundation, which has not yet been completed. Pray that the Lord will open the doors and that we will be able to complete all the procedures in the respective governmental entities.
- Our country’s needs and the political tension due to the presidential election this month. As children of God, may our faith be strengthened, and may we not lose the peace that we feel threatened.
Praise God for:
- The five brothers and sisters preparing for baptism in Japan. We also thank God for the evangelism training held on July 7 with a guest speaker with experience of the Japanese people and the impact practice on the same day. We praise the Lord for the work of our missionaries Pastor Luis, Tani and Lucas Ueda for almost 20 years in Japan.
- Answering our prayers for new leaders who are available to work in the ministry.
- The Brazilian Alliance youth movement with the Street Party in June and the InterAlliances sports tournament in July.
Please pray for:
- The Albuquerque family, our missionaries in Portugal. They are supporting the Alliance church in Paredes, while the Lima family is in Brazil for a time of rest. Please pray for the plans for a new church planting in the metropolitan area of Porto and a new short-term travel project with a health team. Pray also for Claudete, mother of missionary Simone Albuquerque, who has been diagnosed with cancer.
- Church plants and churches that are mobilizing to saturate their regions or new regions with the gospel.
- Pastors who can take on new works or established churches in the coming months.
- Financial resources to invest in the translation into Portuguese and publication of books by A.B. Simpson to be used as a financial and material resources for churches and missions.
- The courses at the A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary in the second half of the year: Alliance History, Pastoral Care for the Christian Family, Acts, Apocalyptic Writings, Alliance Theology.
Praise God for:
- His work at the national youth camp Connection 2024: Fighters. More than 750 attendees were challenged to win the battle against the evil one by being and making disciples.
Please pray for:
- Economic resources for the exploratory and vision activities for the intercultural students of the A.B. Simpson Training Center.
- The 2024 Alliance Convention, August 22-25 in Ebenezer, Circasia, Quindio. May God provide the necessary resources for our pastors, leaders and servants to attend the conference.
Please pray for:
- Healing of the wound in Pastor Luis Beltrán’s infected foot. He has been doing various treatments for more than a month and the wound has not closed. May the Lord complete his work and guide the doctors in the correct treatment.
- The evangelistic project of the Fuente de Agua Viva Alliance church to reach new young people through sports (volleyball).
- The Lord to increase the missionary vision of the Cerra Viento Chinese church. Pray that church members will have a passion for souls and want to obey the Lord’s command to go and make disciples.
- God’s provision for the acquisition of a property for the Brisas del Golf C&MA church.
Please pray for:
- Summer Bible Schools that are being carried out in each of our churches.
- Four new missions that will be presented as C&MA churches. Our process to become a church first has to go through the condition of missions, and after a year it is evaluated to become a church. These four missions will be evaluated by the Board of Directors to be presented as new churches of the C&MA.
- Leadership training and new leaders for new churches. Pray also for the growth of our churches.
Please pray for:
- The national women’s conference, August 23-25, and the youth conference, August 28-30. May God supply all that is necessary, and may the Holy Spirit be at work in the hearts of those who will participate.
- Wisdom to the new members of the government, so that they can seek solutions that will bring peace and calm to Haiti. The Kenyan soldiers have arrived, and we ask for God’s protection for them. May the Lord help them in their mission to bring order to Haiti.
Please pray for:
- God to guide and bless us with wisdom in opening a new church in Colonia Venecia, in the city of Intibucá. May this project serve as a model of how to plant effective churches, preparing our leaders to expand the ministry to other cities in the near future.
- Pastors ministering in the mountains of Intibucá and in the cities of La Esperanza and San Pedro Sula. May God strengthen the disciples who are receiving biblical instruction, giving them the power and courage to apply their knowledge and spread the gospel, reaching remote regions and unreached groups.
- Unity and collaboration among the various churches and ministries in the cities of Intibucá, La Esperanza, San Pedro Sula, and surroundings. May we work together to reach more people and establish a solid network of support and spiritual growth.
- The new pastors and leaders training programs, both inside and outside our church. May these initiatives, which include massive evangelistic activities and discipleship of new believers, be fruitful and reach many with the transforming message of Christ.
- Spiritual and financial support for us to continue with the expansion and construction of new satellite churches. May each new congregation be a beacon of light and hope in its respective communities.
Praise God for:
- Our missionary projects both at home and abroad. The provision for all missionaries comes from the local churches.
- The recent Christian Education Conference, with attendees from various parts of the country.
Please pray for:
- The Children’s Home, where we care for some 40 girls in vulnerable situations.
- Provision for churches that are constructing buildings and facilities.
Praise God for:
- The arrival of Pastor Rafael Cruz and his family in Bolivia to support the opening of a new work.
Please pray for:
- The work in the city of Cobija, in the Bolivian Amazon. May God continue to expand his work in the region.
- The national women, youth and missions ministries to be the seed for a missionary movement.
Please pray for:
- The pastoral transition in the Colima C&MA church.
- Physical and emotional health of our pastoral couples.
- The start of the National Discipleship Program called The Growth Path.
- The start of the National Ministerial Training Program called The Ministry Route.
July 10, 2024
Please pray for:
- The more than 100 young people who will go on Envision trips this summer (to Spain, Suriname, Italy, Ghana, Portugal). Pray for protection and teachable moments.
- People who have indicated that they are called as missionaries but are not yet sure how to fill it all in. Pray for insight and wisdom.
- God’s wisdom and insight for our international workers in relation to which local partners they may work with in the field.
- Our office team for whom the past year has been very tough and tiring. Pray for a relaxing summer and that we have enough energy to get back to work.
- The workers who are now back in the Netherlands. Pray that they will be rested and be restored. Pray also that their ties with constituencies and churches can be properly strengthened.
Praise God for:
- The two churches in Asturias that have grown to 50 people in only three years.
- The opportunity to purchase a building for the Alliance church in Sama, Asturias that will allow the church to grow to three times its current size. It is a miracle that we can purchase this building at such a low price and with gradual payments. Pray that God will provide the resources for the down payment and for the final payment in a year.
- The 16 disciples who were recently baptized at the Barcelona Alliance Church.
Please pray for:
- The LIFE International School that has just completed its seventh school year to the glory of God! Pray for the Board of Directors as they assess the additions to the facility, the handover to a new Board president, and the need to have a full-time Human Resources and Development staff member.
Please pray for:
- The AWF Mediation Team, which is playing a key role in supporting our dear brothers and sisters on their journey to healing and reconciliation.
- God to continue the work that he is doing in people’s hearts to bring healing and reconciliation through fellowship and love that only comes from Jesus.
Praise God for:
- The successful Alliance Diaspora Ministries gathering that took place in Burbach, Germany, in June. All Alliance workers were encouraged in their ministry among diaspora peoples as they came together in fellowship.
AWF Prayers – June 2024
June 26, 2024
Praise God for:
- The generous response to National Great Commission Day, Thursday, May 30. To date, the U.S. Alliance family has given over $2,000,000 USD to send workers to the hardest places in which to share the gospel.
- The Alliance Women’s conference, The Gathering, June 7-9. Pray that the Spirit who filled the conference will continue to permeate with his presence the attendees’ homes and churches, and everywhere that their influence is felt.
Please pray for:
- Many U.S. Alliance international workers on home assignment who are awaiting their visas and residency permits or will soon apply for them. In some cases, a miracle is needed for permission to return to their host countries. Ask for God’s favor, provision, and intervention.
- The Alliance Kids staff as they develop curricula and spend much of their time traveling. Alliance Kids exists to equip leaders of the next generation be resilient followers of Jesus. Through resourcing, training, and connectivity, they bring quality tools and engagement for faith formation in children.
Praise God for:
- The Fall 2024 Envision Interns who have been experiencing God’s provision through their fundraising efforts. The team is praying that their eight-month internship will be a time of deep spiritual formation for them and those who will be part of this journey with them—both in Canada and Mexico.
- Joel and Shaylynn Hurst who have arrived in Canada after completing their two-year assignment in Mexico. As they begin to work on details for their upcoming move to Germany, pray that their preparations will go smoothly.
- The arrival of intern Haleigh to Phuket, Thailand. She will work with For Freedom International Vocational Bakery training and JSEM (Justice Semester). Pray for her as she adjusts to Thailand. May she be affirmed in her giftedness and calling as she begins her time overseas. Pray for the JSEM students who will spend three months in Phuket as they prepare spiritually and emotionally. Pray also for their financial needs.
Please pray for:
- Gavin and Nadia as they discern the next step and seek to understand God’s leading in their lives. Pray for Gabe during his sports ministry trip to Southeast Asia to lend his skills and athletic therapy to help support the leadership team.
- Our international workers in transition between their countries of ministry and Canada. Pray for the logistics of finding housing, vehicles, schools, and completing paperwork. Pray for many opportunities to share what God is doing overseas.
Please pray for:
- Churches in 14 regional ministries throughout Indonesia that are holding annual meetings from May through July. Pray for Rev. Daniel Ronda, the president of the C&MA of Indonesia, as well as for the general secretary and general treasurer who are required to attend these meetings. Pray for safe travel and good health during these trips. The trips are very tiring due to the vastness of the ministry area.
Please pray for:
- The training of new missionaries so that they can be sent to the mission field.
- Continued growth of our churches and new church plantings.
- The 4th Seoul-Incheon Lausanne Congress, September 22-28 at the Songdo Convention Center in Incheon. We are preparing to set up a C&MA Korea booth to introduce people to the AWF and APAC. Please pray that we will have the finances to do this.
Please pray for:
- Unity, further cooperation and wisdom from God for our Mongolian Alliance church leaders.
- Spiritual growth and protection from cults. May we, as believers, be witnesses of Jesus Christ to reach out to as many people as we can by our lifestyle and behavior.
- Good and honest leaders who will be elected in our parliament on June 28.
Praise God for:
- The seminary graduation ceremony June 16, with two graduates.
- The online theology courses with multiple participants.
Please pray for:
- Two of our churches that are still without pastors.
Please pray for:
- Our pastors retreat in Sydney, August 26-29.
- Our Vietnamese pastors who are seeking to attend the APAC Conference in Saigon, Vietnam, in October.
- The Missions Great Commission Fund Conventions.
June 19, 2024
Praise God for:
- The ordination of 54 ministers on July 2 in Nlemba, Central Kongo. They will work mainly in rural areas.
- The successful holding of seminars for young people, women and men during this last quarter in all the community’s districts.
- The successful deployment of two missionary families under very difficult conditions in the remote, forested regions of Mongala Province. The Lord was in control and protected the team led by Missions Director Denis Kombetassie.
- The first visit by the leaders of the Plateau de Batéké-Est Districts, since the region faced one of the deadliest conflicts in its existence. May this visit enable God’s people in these two Plateau Districts regain peace and rest.
Please pray for:
- The Evangelization Crusade in the coastal town of Muanda this month. May God add to the church those he has chosen.
- The Lord to open the way and provide the means for implementing the Summer University project to upgrade the training of our church’s full-time workers.
- The leadership of the church districts in the province of Katanga. Pray that tensions among the leaders will cease and that they will work together in harmony and peace for the glory of God.
- The province of Central Kongo, where our church’s headquarters are located. May the turmoil caused by political struggles not destabilize our missionary work.
Please pray for:
- God’s comfort for Pastor Abel Dembele, the president of the Bamako District. His wife died on June 3 after a short illness.
- The new graduates of our Bible schools to be ignited by a passion to preach the gospel to lost souls.
- The Lord to continue to protect the district leaders as they carry out their mission across the country.
- The preparations for the conference of the Pan-African Union of Women of the Churches of the Christian Alliance (UPEFAC) in Mali in 2025.
Praise God for:
- The successful installation of the national office of the Alliance of Benin, February 16.
- The appointments of Elder Boniface Agbekponou as national prayer director; Rev. Gaëtan Hounnanou as the director of Evangelization and Missions (DNEM); and his assistant, Pastor Ephrem Botoyiye.
- The success of the national office’s tour to visit each local church.
- The invitation of our national church president, Rev. Franck David Sessou, to participate in the Synod of the Alliance of Gabon in July. Please pray for God’s provision and for safe travels.
- The follow-up to relief and development training on “Farming God’s Way” with Dr. Robert Sanou of ECHO West Africa.
- The creation of the Bible and Theological Institute of the Christian Alliance of Benin (IBITAC-BENIN). Pray for the funds needed to build the institute.
Please pray for:
- The course on discipleship to be given as part of the Bible and Theological Institute, June 24-29.
- God’s guidance and wisdom for the committee responsible for drafting the national church’s statutes and regulations.
- God to raise up workers to plant at least one church in each municipality.
- The election of the National Board of Coordination of the Women’s Association of the Christian Alliance of Benin (AFAC-BENIN) in August.
Please pray for:
- The National Youth Camp in Bobo-Dioulasso, July 29-August 5. Pray that our young people will be mobilized to get involved in the church’s ministry.
- The pastors’ conference, September 2-6, with nearly a thousand pastors expected to attend. May the Holy Spirit guide the activities so that all goes well.
- The Pan-African Men’s Union Camp in Bobo-Dioulasso. This camp will bring together men from eight African countries.
Praise God for:
- The success of the 42nd anniversary celebration of the C&MA of Liberia, May 20-26 in Monrovia.
Please pray for:
- The C&MA-Liberia district conference, June 26-30 in Monrovia.
- The C&MA Liberia Summit, August 29 in Monrovia.
- The successful implementation of the plans the church’s National Board of Directors have approved.
Praise God for:
- Pastor Daniel Ndongani’s recovery. He had the beginning of thrombosis.
Please pray for:
- The Angola Alliance Executive Committee meeting in Cabinda in August.
Please pray for:
- The spiritual growth of the church.
- Support for the Executive Board in its programs.
June 12, 2024
Praise God for:
- The Alliance Women’s “Fullness in Action” conferences that took place in more than 130 churches throughout the country during the month of May.
Please pray for:
- The celebration of the 101 years of the C&MA of Colombia in June in all our churches. We want our Alliance family to respond to God’s faithfulness, being disciples who make disciples all the time, everywhere.
- God’s protection for the population in the Cauca area and surrounding municipalities, especially for our churches in Morales, Silvia, and Miranda. These municipalities have recently been attacked by armed groups.
Praise God for:
- The great number of students in our Buenos Aires Bible Institute. More than 500 brothers and sisters from the Alliance and other denominations are being trained with our programs.
Please pray for:
- The training and mission vision trip to a Wichi community, a native people of northern Argentina, in the province of Salta. Sixty volunteers have already registered to participate.
- The financial support of our missionaries in Central Asia, Italy, Hungary, Croatia, Spain, and England. The economic situation in our country makes it difficult to send the necessary funds.
Please pray for:
- The assembly of the Chuao C&MA church, June 12. They will elect a new Board of Directors.
- The activation of the youth ministry in the Chuao C&MA church.
- The women’s meeting on July 20 in Caracas.
- Physical and spiritual strength for our pastors.
- The evangelism work in Tinaquillo, Cojedes State.
- The electoral process in Venezuela in July.
Please pray for:
- God’s guidance and provision for the organizing team of the National Women’s Congress, which will be held in Cuenca in August.
- The preparations for the AMADA Latin American Women’s Conference and the AWF CLA Regional Conference to be held in Guadalajara, Mexico, in September.
- Ecuador and the national security team who are looking for solutions to provide protection to the population amid the country’s wave of violence and insecurity.
- The country’s economic situation and for work for Ecuadorians.
Please pray for:
- The Lord to take control of situations that occur in the care of vulnerable children in the country. The C&MA Chile concentrates its work in a Girls’ Home (Hogar de Niñas) and is facing the consequences of this situation.
- The churches to boldly proclaim their faith in Jesus Christ, and to offer a biblical view of the needs that families are facing.
- The Lord to guide the national political class. Sectors of it are proposing free abortion and euthanasia laws. Pray that sanity prevails and that, as a church, we respect and defend the sanctity of life.
Please pray for:
- A small group that we will start this month in a rural community called Zahina. May God fill us with love and grace for them, and may they receive the gospel with pleasure.
- Spiritual and numerical growth in the discipleship groups of the Fuente de Agua Viva church. Pray also for the evangelization of the area where the Lord has placed them.
- The Obarrio Alliance church. Pray for youth discipleship, Sunday school teachers, evangelism in the Dorado area, and a visitation plan for new contacts.
- Our English Camp, June 10-14.
- The “Impact Church” event, June 17-20, with churches of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Panama as hosts. May the Lord guide us and may our hearts be filled with his fire, to reach the unbelievers and be Christ-centered churches.
- The students of the seminary and the Bible academies. Pray that they will remain committed to deepening their knowledge of God.
Please pray for:
- Our short-term mission trip to Isla La Calzada in August. We will be traveling with a group of brothers and sisters from two Alliance churches to do practical training.
- Our small groups in the communities. Pray for the multiplication of these groups and for new leaders to disciple the new believers.
- Evangelism activities in our communities. Pray that people will open their hearts to the gospel.
- The training of new leaders. May our brothers and sisters be filled with the Holy Spirit to work in the ministry.
Praise God for:
- His faithfulness amid the difficulties our country is facing. The churches continue to open, and the work continues to grow.
Please pray for:
- The Lord’s wisdom and guidance for the members of the Alliance National Board of Directors. May they be faithful and continue to do their work with love.
- Our country and the new presidential council and its minister. Pray that God will give them wisdom and that they may build an honest and peaceful government.
- New strength for people amid the food crisis. May they experience God as their provider.
June 5, 2024
Praise God for:
- The successful Annual General Meeting of the Alliance family in France on May 25. It was a time of celebration and thanksgiving as God guided our steps to shine with his love, grace, and truth all over France.
Please pray for:
- The French Alliance Missions Trip to bring the gospel to Senegal, a French speaking country in West Africa, June 3-15. Senegal has a population of 13 million of which 94% are Muslim and only 0.14% are Christian. Pray that God will open hearts and minds to hear the gospel.
- The Paris Praise Festival. The French Alliance is working with other denominations to bring the gospel to the 2024 Olympics in Paris through music and worship. Pray for the Paris Praise Festival preparations that hearts and minds will be opened to the good news of the prize of a crown that will last forever.
Praise God for:
- The inaugural exhibition organized by Alliance workers in Madrid to engage Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and public officials to intervene to end the trafficking of migrant women who work the vast strawberry greenhouses in southern Spain. The Alliance team published their first “Strawberry Girls” poem and sketch book in English and Spanish for the exhibition.
- The great turnout for the Iranian cultural night with food and folk dancing in Madrid, and for the new contacts made. Seekers A and A and A invited friends, and we pray that “Triple A” and their friends find new life in Christ soon!
Please pray for:
- The AMOR Project family where tragedy struck with the drowning of Hamide, one of the young men in the program. Please pray for his younger brother, Junior, who is also in the program and misses Hamide dearly. He and his brother were abandoned by their parents in their homeland, so they left to find a future. Pray for Jon and Asun Neff and the AMOR team as they console Junior, grieve themselves, and guide the young men through the valley of the shadow of death.
Praise God for:
- The continued healing of Eoghan and Brigitte Cosgrave’s daughter, Lucille, who can now walk and sit without pain. Pray that God will continue to heal her body, give doctors wisdom, and bring her back to full health.
Please pray for:
- The Alliance Diaspora Ministries Gathering that is taking place in Burbach, Germany, June 3-6. Pray that the Alliance workers will be encouraged in their ministry among diaspora peoples as they come together in fellowship.
Please pray for:
- The group of students of INFORMA, the Alliance Institute for Ministry Formation, who will travel to Turkey in September as part of the course “The seven churches of the Book of Revelation.” Pray for the preparations, arrangements, and funding, and for safe travel.
Praise God for:
- The openness of the Missional International Church Network (MICN) at the MICN European Recharge Conference in Rome to engage with the Alliance Church of All Nations Network.
AWF Prayers – May 2024
May 29, 2024
Please pray for:
- Our Asia Pacific Regional Conference to be held in Vietnam, October 28-31. Pray for God’s guidance and wisdom for the organizing team. Pray also for the Lord’s provision for all pastors and leaders who will attend the conference.
Praise God for:
- Three new believers who were recently baptized.
Please pray for:
- Our Alliance members. Some families who fled their homes are taking refuge in India. Those who stayed are facing hardship and shortages of income and daily needs. Battles and conflicts are around the corner. Please pray for God’s intervention, healing, and restoration.
Praise God that:
- The number of Alliance churches is
Please pray for:
- The expansion of our national office and the funds that are needed.
- C&MA Korea to share its vision to start a collaborative ministry with APAC countries.
- The 4th Seoul-Incheon Lausanne Congress, September 22-28 at the Songdo Convention Center in Incheon. We are preparing to set up a C&MA Korea booth to introduce people to the AWF and APAC. Please pray that we will have the finances to do this.
Please pray for:
- The flood victims in Mahakam Ulu, East Kalimantan. Many members of our congregation had to evacuate to higher ground or to church buildings. More than 500 people are displaced, and they need food assistance because they are in the interior. The same flood also occurred in Apau Kayan, North Kalimantan, where two Alliance church buildings in Long Sule were damaged and houses were swept away by the flood. Pray that church members affected by the disaster will receive strength and all the support they need.
Please pray for:
- Our country, and especially for Hua-Lian City following the earthquake of April 3. There are still many aftershocks. Please pray for the church to bring the hope and light of Jesus Christ to the people affected by the temblor.
Please pray for:
- Our new international worker ministry partnership in the Holy Land.
Praise God for:
- The video series that international workers (IWs) Kent and Clara put together for earthquake survivors in the Middle East. It has resulted in open hearts. One person responded, “Because of your videos, my soul has found peace. I want to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ more closely. Would you help me on this journey?” Many of the churches in earthquake areas are overflowing. The services are live-streamed, and people enter the Kingdom almost weekly.
- A successful vision clinic that IW Nikki Howell held at a girls’ vocational school in Senegal at the beginning of May. A local pastor came and shared the story of Jesus healing a blind man. More than 100 people had their vision assessed and 50 pairs of glasses were distributed! Pray for continued connection and impact among the students and community members who participated.
Please pray for our international workers:
- Anne Louie who returned to Mexico City on May 2. Pray for good teamwork between her and Shiqin Hong as they serve Mandarin-speaking Chinese professionals in Mexico City. Pray for divine guidance for the development of the Mandarin ministry in Mexico City.
- The Yemeni refugee women and children with whom Janelle is connecting. Many of them are depressed and feeling hopeless about their lives. Pray that they will experience Jesus through the help, hope, and light shared by Janelle and others at the community center.
Please pray for:
- Rosilio Roman III, the interim vice president for Church Ministries, following Rev. Terry Smith’s transition back to pastoral ministry. Pray for Rosilio as he works with Church Ministries to fulfill the U.S. Alliance’s vision to bring “All of Jesus to All the World.” Pray also for Terry and his wife, Ruth, as they begin ministry at Locust Valley Chapel in Coopersburg, Pennsylvania.
- Alliance Youth (AY) vision trips. In partnership with Envision, an Alliance Missions specialized structure, AY is providing an opportunity to witness what God is doing globally by learning from long-term workers who are leading Kingdom ministries at Envision sites worldwide. This is the second set of vision trips to these Alliance Missions locations. Their purpose is to provide Alliance youth pastors and leaders with the opportunity to experience the work of The Alliance locally and globally. Pray that God will use these experiences to confirm his call to those who participate. Also, pray for Envision as it seeks to identify and develop missional leaders committed to fulfilling the Great Commission.
- Summer camps. AY partners with 18 camps across the United States. These camps develop student leaders and provide spaces for encountering God in nature. Pray that attendees will experience life-long transformation at these events.
- Follow-up of those who attended the Alliance Young Adult (AYA) Pacific Conference. This year’s AYA Conference took place in San Jose, California, May 24-25, at the San Jose Christian Alliance Church. The conference focused on the deeper life in Christ and finding purpose in God’s Kingdom through the local church.
- The Great Commission Day Offering. This is one of the U.S. Alliance family’s key moments to send new workers and sustain those already active in the world’s hardest places. Churches have been encouraged to choose a day between April 1 and June 30 for their congregations to hold an offering. Please pray that U.S. Alliance people will give generously to support the greatest cause on earth: making disciples of all nations.
- Nominations for the U.S. Alliance Council 2025. Please pray for this process throughout the coming months. Ask the Lord for wisdom, guidance, and discernment from the Holy Spirit regarding his will in these important decisions.
May 22, 2024
Praise God for:
- The success of the 42nd National Women’s Association Convention, April 18-21 in Monrovia.
- The ordination of Pastor Francis M. Kollie as the new District Superintendent of Lofa County, May 5 in Voinjama City. Pray for God’s guidance, wisdom, and protection for him in his new role.
- The healing of Pastor Joseph W. Karbowhen who broke his legs in September 2023.
Please pray for:
- God’s wisdom for Sister Doris Z. Toe, the newly elected president of the National Women’s Association and her officers.
- The 42nd anniversary celebration of the C&MA of Liberia, May 20-26 in Monrovia.
Praise God for:
- The successful General Assembly of the national church in Koutiala, February 29-March 2, with the participation of delegates from the 19 districts.
Please pray for:
- The Alliance Church of Mali to remain committed after celebrating its centenary with great joy. Pray that it will continue to be a missionary and evangelical church.
- God’s comfort, peace, and provision for the families of three servants of God who died within a month.
- The construction of our church headquarters. Pray that Christians would be mobilized for the success of this site.
- The security and stability of secularism advocated in Mali’s new constitution.
Praise God for:
- The success of the first Synod on Evangelization, held in Yamoussoukro, April 25-27.
- The Evangelical Unity Day, May 18, in which the Alliance church participated.
Please pray for:
- The effective implementation of the Synod resolutions in the 31 administrative regions of the C&MA church of Cote d’Ivoire.
- The perfect organization of our church’s 13th National Convention to be held in Yamoussoukro, August 5-10. Pray for a strong mobilization of all churches to ensure that the target of 20,000 participants is met.
Praise God for:
- The successful regional synods in April that precede the national synod. These synods bring together regional leaders to review the work accomplished during the 2023-2024 synodal year. Each of the 12 reports from the synod regions will be examined and evaluated at the national synod in July 2024.
- The Inclusive National Dialogue in April, a forum that brought together all the driving forces of the Gabonese nation. The Dialogue was led by a clergyman and was attended by the national president of the Alliance Church of Gabon. The conclusions of this national forum are intended to give a clear direction to the main lines of work in all sectors of the state for the coming years.
Please pray for:
- The national mobilization of teams and resources for an abundant harvest during World Evangelization Month in May.
- The proper follow-up and implementation of the resolutions of the Inclusive Gabonese National Dialogue to bring about real change in the restoration of state institutions, improved living conditions for the population, good governance, and the holding of truly democratic political elections in 2025-2026.
Praise God for:
- The Burkina Faso Alliance Evangelism Team, which had their annual program running from February through April. God heard our prayers, and everything went smoothly.
Please pray for:
- Burkina Faso. The government has declared every May 15 a national holiday for ceremonies of libation and prayer “to the ancestors and protective spirits.” This being the first edition, please pray that the Holy Spirit takes control and that all works of darkness are doomed to failure in Jesus’ name.
- The government of Burkina Faso to make decisions that will contribute to the advancement of the Kingdom of God.
Please pray for:
- This time, as our international workers are away on tour for an extended period. Pray that we might truly mature and grow in our management of the 11 house churches.
- God to bring the maximum number of new immigrant Darfur people to himself through our multi-tiered way of outreach to the lost here: 1) Home Bible studies; 2) Film showings in homes; 3) A new website targeting the lost Darfurians globally in their mother tongue; 4) House church meetings to integrate new believers and lead the lost to Christ.
- The recordings with our radio station partner: 1) Scripture in the mother tongue of Darfur; 2) Sermons (now being prepared by our leaders in their language); 3) Bible studies being prepared for recording in their language.
- Food to be purchased and obtained safely by the families of our people surrounded by violent militias that have practiced genocide on them for decades. Pray for the Lord to bind the powers of darkness that cause starvation and death to our people.
- The verbal witness that with the gifts given for food will penetrate the broken hearts of the families of our believers in Darfur.
- Effective tour ministries in 30 churches by our international workers now in the United States.
Please pray for:
- The National Commissioner, Elder Théodore M. Assogba, as he draws up the finance procedure manual for the national church. Pray also for the National Office and the church resource staff to draw up the new statutes and internal regulations of the national church.
- The church leader training sessions being carried out during May and June.
- The Bible school construction project.
- The National Missions and Evangelism Department to take up its duties and draw up a strategic national missions and evangelism plan.
- The church to set up national co-ordinations of men’s, women’s and youth ministries and Sunday School.
- God’s provision for us to acquire a means of transport (a car) to go to the villages.
May 15, 2024
Praise God for:
- The 24 brothers and sisters who were baptized in Mozambique on Sunday, May 5. They are fruits of the work of our missionaries, Daniel and Patrícia Tivane.
- The gift that our theological seminary has received from the Japan Alliance Church, our ministry partner of many years. We are grateful for their love and investment in the lives of new students who are preparing for the sacred ministry of God’s Word.
Please pray for:
- The children’s ministry leadership training in Mozambique and the start of Pastor Daniel Tivane’s master’s degree.
- The Lima family, our missionaries in Portugal, who will be returning to Brazil at the end of June for a period of six weeks. Pray that this will be a time of rest and renewal. Then, pray for them as they return to Portugal.
- The plan for new in-person activities at the A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary to complement the curriculum for this and future years as a way of enriching our community and bringing churches and prospective students closer together. Pray also for the need for a professional or volunteer to help with social media outreach and other media tasks.
- The southern region of Brazil, specifically the state of Rio Grande do Sul, which has been hit by an environmental disaster that has resulted in severe flooding and landslides. Pray for the churches that are sheltering people who have lost their homes that they will bring the hope and love of Jesus Christ to those affected by this tragedy. Pray also for God’s comfort for those who have lost loved ones.
Please pray for:
- A new missionary project for Belize. Pray for the Lord’s guidance and strategies in the Hispanic church plant that has begun this year.
- The missionary project being planned in partnership with CAMA Services for the opening of a medical clinic in Managua, Nicaragua.
- The legal process for the recovery of some properties belonging to the Alliance of Guatemala.
Please pray for:
- The integral health of the pastoral body, leadership, and congregations, especially for those whose physical problems have worsened. May God be glorified in their lives and may they bear witness to his power.
- The “Fullness in Action” Alliance Women’s conferences around the country in May. Pray for God to use women pastors and leaders in preaching, worship, logistics and more.
- The regions that are affected by high temperatures. May God extend his merciful hand over our country.
Praise God for:
- The more than 10 people from the Brisas del Golf Alliance church who were baptized on May 12. May this step of faith challenge them to share the gospel in their circle of influence.
- The recovery of missionary Maritza Cumba, who underwent knee surgery.
Please pray for:
- Missionary couple Miguel and Yngrid Grassals, who have moved to a new community. May God open doors for them to share the gospel with their neighbors.
- A small group that we will start this month in a rural community called Zahina. May God fill us with love and grace for them and may they receive the gospel with joy.
- The “Impact Church” event, June 17-20, with the churches of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Panama as hosts. May the Lord guide us and may our hearts be filled with his fire to reach unbelievers and to be Christ-centered churches.
Please pray for:
- The National Missions Conference on May 18, where the National Missions Committee will be formed. Pray for a renewed missionary spirit in the national church.
- The missionary family that will arrive in Bolivia to start a new work.
Please pray for:
- The seminar in June with the participation of Rev. David Muthre, the AWF Regional Coordinator for Latin America. Pray that he will be able to come. Pray also for our seminary students across the country who are planning on attending the seminar, especially now that costs have increased greatly.
- Growth of national work in the face of the challenges in the economy.
Please pray for:
- The pastors’ retreat in June. Pray that it will be a time of learning and restoration.
- The churches that remain without a pastor. Pray that the Lord will call people who will take on the responsibility.
Please pray for:
- The start of a discipleship program called Growth Route, which seeks the integral formation of Alliance members in Costa Rica.
- The start of a ministerial training program called Ministry Pathway, which seeks the integral formation of a new group of leaders in the Alliance in Costa Rica.
- The spiritual health of the C&MA church in Costa Rica. May God bring us a revival that leads us to focus on the search for his presence.
Please pray for:
- The health of Sister Ada, who is undergoing cancer treatment. May God heal her and give her new strength. Ada is the wife of the president of the Haiti Alliance.
- The preparations for the national women’s and youth committee conferences to be held in August. May God give them grace and may everything go well.
- The Haitian people suffering at the hands of gangs. They have lost their homes and have no food. Pray for God’s provision and protection.
- Children who cannot go to school because gangs have shut them down.
Please pray for:
- The new satellite church that we are opening in the Venecia neighborhood in the city of Intibucá. The purpose of this new church is for our leaders to understand the dynamics of church planting as we hope to reach new cities in the near future.
- The pastors in the mountains of Intibucá and in the cities of La Esperanza and San Pedro Sula. Pray for the disciples who are already receiving biblical knowledge that they will be able to put into practice what they have learned and take the good news to others.
- New projects for the training of pastors and leaders inside and outside the church. This project involves activities such as massive evangelism and the discipleship of new believers.
Praise God for:
- Our 170 pastors who day by day take care of the Lord’s flock in all the churches throughout the country.
- Our team of international workers. God’s care has been evident in the midst of their circumstances.
Please pray for:
- The various evangelism, church planting and missions programs carried out by our churches.
- Several of our pastors in retirement, some of whom are advanced in years.
Please pray for:
- God to call servants to pastoral ministry for two of our extension works.
- Open doors in government entities for the update of documents of our churches.
- Venezuela and the electoral process. Pray for mercy, peace, protection, and guidance for every citizen as they exercise their right to vote.
Please pray for:
- A new generation of trained and committed youth leaders and pastors with Alliance roots.
- Parents to instruct their children in the Word of God and build healthy families for the testimony of a society that needs the right family model.
May 8, 2024
Please pray for:
- The Alliance churches in the region as they grapple with the impact of war in the Holy Land. Pray that that God will give wisdom to all the church leaders. Satan is trying to gain control and take many souls with him, and our role as a church through the power of Christ is to break the plans and oppressions of Satan over the Holy Land.
Praise God for:
- His faithfulness and the resources that he provided to bring Eoghan Cosgrave’s daughter, Lucille, home for medical treatment. Pray that God will continue to heal her, give her doctors wisdom, and bring her back to full health.
Please pray for:
- Eoghan as he travels to the United States for additional Alliance Peacemaking Training to help with the mediation process in the Alliance Fellowship of Italy.
Please pray for:
- Our efforts to start a digital journey with international workers who were evicted from a country in Southwest Asi. We are seeking to reach the people in that country in their language through the Internet.
- Our plans to support the Alliance Church in Manchester, Great Britain, with a team from a Bible school in the Netherlands. Pray for open doors, good contacts, and fun.
- Our brothers and sisters in the Netherlands, that they will have the courage to ask missionaries from the Global South to “come over and help us” support Dutch churches in their efforts to reach their own country. Pray that God will show us a clear path forward as we are only learning.
Praise God for:
- The successful Alliance Women’s “Recognizing God’s Voice” Conference that took place in April with more than 130 Alliance women attending from all over France.
Please pray for:
- The Annual General Meeting of the Alliance family in France on May 25. Pray that God will guide our steps as we seek to shine with his love, grace and truth in all of France.
- The preparations to share the good news of the gospel in Paris during the Olympics. The Alliance family is partnering with the wider evangelical family in France on the Paris Praise Festival project for this purpose.
- The new national Alliance Youth initiative for France and the preparations to bring together the youth leaders from all our churches in November.
Praise God for:
- The time that international workers Elisa and José Nemet were able to be in Argentina during March and April, visiting churches and sharing about the work that God is doing in Hungary.
Please pray for:
- The Lord to continue to sustain us in preaching the gospel in the four villages where we are working today: Pusztaszabolcs, Adony, Iváncsa and Besnyő.
- God’s wisdom to continue to reach the lost and lead them on the way to Christ in more than 20 villages where there is still no Christian presence.
- Our missionary Fanny Levicoy, who in June will return to Argentina for a few months. Pray that the Lord may bless her stay there and guide everything for her return to Hungary.
Praise God for:
- The Alliance Peacemaking Support Team which is providing much needed training, advice and wisdom to the Mediation Team as we seek to support our brothers and sisters on their journey to healing and reconciliation.
Please pray for:
- Peace to rule in our country, and for God to end the war that is affecting the whole region.
- The difficulties Jordan is facing due to the war. We need an economic breakthrough.
Please pray for:
- The church planting projects in both Leidschendam and Beilen. We are working with other local churches and churches in the area to see what God’s plan is for the region. It’s still in the early stages.
- The General Assembly on May 24 with all the churches from our community. We will, among other things, discuss the regulations for pastors, and vote for new board members.
Please pray for:
- The searchers (A & A & A) who are asking deep questions and grappling with the confession of Jesus as the only Savior. The Alpha-style study Al Massira has been the vehicle that the Holy Spirit has used to bring several Iranians to recognize Christ as Lord and God. Two of them are close to the Kingdom of heaven.
- Said in the AMOR Project and his adjustment to both the provision and rules of a group home as well as his acceptance and assimilation into the group.
- The negotiations for the LIFE School expansion in Tres Cantos (Madrid). They have come to an impasse, which may be God’s way of closing that door and opening another, or it may be spiritual resistance by the owner that God will overcome by softening his heart this week.
Praise God for:
- The ministry of the Missional International Church Network (MICN) and their openness and support for the Alliance family.
Please pray for:
- The MICN European Recharge Conference in Rome. We will be sharing about the Alliance Church of All Nations Project.
Please pray for:
- The preparations for the Alliance Diaspora Ministries gathering in Burbach, Germany, June 3-6. Pray for finances to maximize participation in the ADM gathering among Alliance workers.
Praise God for:
- The willingness of the Alliance in Spain (FIACME) to host the new AWF International Commission of Theological Education (ICTE) Alliance Identity and Theology Training Conference in Madrid, October 25-26.
May 1, 2024
Please pray for:
- Our congregation in Enangena-Homeyo in Central Papua. They have experienced a landslide disaster. Seven houses and one Bible school were destroyed, and their farmland is also damaged. Their lives are highly dependent on agricultural products. The national church is working to send food aid to them.
- Sister Yunita who is being prepared as a missionary to Timor Leste. This country was once part of Indonesia, but in 1999 it separated to become an independent country. We used to have a C&MA church there, but it no longer exists. Please pray for new mission plans and church planting in Timor Leste. Pray also for our partnership with C&MA Australia in this work.
- Kaminus Maniagasi, who at the age of 82 continues to pastor a remote Alliance congregation in Fimore Village in the Wonti District, a far northern island of Papua. Pray for his and his wife’s health and ministry.
Please pray for:
- Church ministry – pastoral and missions. Pray that the church may be faithful and fruitful amid civil war.
- Our congregation in Tuivar in Upper Myanmar. They recently fled their homes and took refuge in other cities and remote areas because of the clash between Myanmar military and revolutionists. Their properties were robbed, and the church building was slightly damaged by artillery shelling. Most of the people have now returned to their homes, but some remain displaced, and others have fled to India. Please pray that God will comfort, protect, and restore them.
Please pray for:
- The Spanish Eastern, Western Great Lakes, Korean, Alliance Northwest, Central Pacific, Great Lakes, and South Pacific districts as they meet for District Conferences this spring. Some districts will elect new district superintendents; ask God for his wisdom and guidance in this process. Pray, too, for rest and unity among those gathered, for safe travel, and for God’s will to be done in all gatherings.
- Rest and refreshment for Alliance church staff and leaders across the United States after the busy Easter season. Pray for lasting spiritual impact from all the activities. Pray especially for meaningful follow-up of seekers who attended special services and other outreaches during Holy Week. May Jesus’ name be known and proclaimed; may pastors and workers also be encouraged by the fruit of their labor.
Please pray for International Workers:
- Foster and Ebby as they begin language learning in their new country in Asia. Pray for wisdom and patience to learn the language well. They will submit their permanent residency application soon; pray that the authorities will accept all the documents.
- Gavin and Nadia to rest and recuperate as they settle into Canadian culture. Pray for future work exploration and opportunities that weave life, passion, and balance into their family.
AWF Prayers – April 2024
April 17, 2024
Praise God for:
- The more than 400 women who attended the national women’s gathering in Rivera. It was a special time of fellowship and edification under the theme “Restored by Faith.”
- The successful national convention where we were able to see what the Lord is doing in different congregations.
Please pray for:
- Our country to see an advance of the gospel. Recent studies show that Uruguay is the least believing country in Latin America. Only five percent are evangelicals.
Please pray for:
- The A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary and the first meeting of the new Board of Directors at the end of this month. Pray also for the students who will graduate this year and for the students who will start a new four-year cycle in 2025.
- The National Missions Department: for the health, finances, and ministerial challenges facing the leaders of this department. Pray for new partnerships both in projects and in faithfulness to contributions to expand the care of missionaries in the field. Pray also for God’s wisdom, guidance and provision for the sending churches and their pastors.
- The marriages of pastors, ministers and missionaries. May God protect their families from the lies of the enemy about themselves and their spouses.
- New church planting projects that are starting in southern and southeastern Brazil.
Praise God for:
- His faithfulness in the church’s finances. Even amid the crisis that our country is going through, we can see the Lord’s provision.
- The visit to Argentina of the Nemet family, our missionaries in Hungary. They had the opportunity to visit churches all over Argentina.
Please pray for:
- The money we need to acquire properties for several churches that are renting buildings. They are paying high rental fees due to the country’s high inflation rate.
- Physical health for several members of our pastoral families who are undergoing treatment for various diseases.
- The youth and teen leaders’ retreat, May 4-5.
Praise God for:
- The evangelistic campaign by the La Esperanza Alliance church in the Tocuyito Sector of Carabobo State.
Please pray for:
- The leaders committed to activate the youth ministry in the Chuao C&MA church.
- God’s guidance, direction, and provision for the two locations where the Belén C&MA church (Carabobo State) and the Cartanal C&MA church (Miranda State) can congregate.
- Health, guidance, direction, and revelation for the pastoral body of the C&MA of Venezuela.
- The Lord to open doors for updating legal documents of several of our churches with the governmental agencies.
- Pray for God’s mercy and grace in the upcoming elections, given the political, social and economic crisis.
Praise God for:
- The spiritual retreat among the Chinese churches during Holy Week, and the message shared by Guatemalan Pastor David Ruiz and the challenge he left us.
Please pray for:
- The ministerial work of the six recently ordained pastors at the Cerro Viento church.
- The men’s ministry of the C&MA Brisas del Golf and for good participation during the event they will hold on April 27.
- The baptism scheduled for May 12, and for the new believers who will take their public step of faith.
- God’s provision and guidance for missionary couple Miguel and Yngrid Grassals as they move to a new house.
- The Lord to provide a property for the Brisas del Golf C&MA.
Please pray for:
- Our REACH 30 Vision to produce 1,000 new disciples and 350 leaders by the 30th anniversary of the C&MA of Cuba in November 2025.
- The logistics and preparations for the seminar in June, with the participation of Rev. David Muthre, the AWF Regional Coordinator for Latin America.
- The construction of the Eastern Regional headquarters.
Please pray for:
- The training of the ten new students at the A. B. Simpson Intercultural Training Center. Pray for their commitment and for the churches that will accompany them in the process.
- Our Alliance Children’s Ministry “Pequeños Aliancistas” throughout Colombia. May the Lord keep the children from the attacks of the enemy, and may they resist the temptations of darkness.
Please pray for:
- Sister Ada’s health, that her cancer treatment will be effective, and she will be strengthened throughout the process. Ada is the wife of Haiti Alliance president.
- New strength and peace for Alliance pastors, so that they may continue to carry the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Our country amid this catastrophic situation. Pray that those who are causing destruction and murder may come to know Jesus. Pray also that the people of Haiti may experience God’s peace during the crisis and have the food, water, and fuel that they need.
Please pray for:
- The Vacation Bible Schools that the churches of the C&MA of Ecuador are conducting. Pray that children, youth and adults will learn about the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Preparations for the Women’s National Conference, August 8-10 in the city of Cuenca.
Please pray for:
- The students of the new Alliance Seminary of Bolivia that they may confirm their dedication to the Lord.
- A missionary family to come to Bolivia to start a new work.
- Spiritual strength for the church’s leaders as they face new challenges.
Please pray for:
- The pastors who still do not have their own homes or church buildings. May God open the doors of blessings and touch people to support the pastors and their church ministries.
- The youth and musicians of our churches. Pray that God may use them as a channel of blessing, that he may give them wisdom to continue growing in Christ, and that he may provide them with new gifts and ministries.
April 10, 2024
Please pray for:
- God’s comfort for Sister Claire, the wife of the late Rev. Albert Bilongo, president of the Alliance Church of Congo. He died on Easter Sunday, March 31, in Brazzaville. Rev. Bilongo had been suffering from diabetes and high blood pressure for the last two months. Pray also for God’s comfort, guidance, and wisdom for the C&MA of Congo.
Please pray for:
- God’s comfort for the families of 16 individuals who died recently in a mudslide at a gold mine in Rivercess County. Some of the workers were members of the Alliance church.
- The national women’s conference, April 18-21. Pray also for Sister Doris Z. Toe, the newly appointed acting president of the women’s ministry in Liberia.
- The ordination May 5 of Pastor Francis Kollie as district superintendent of the Lofa County District of the C&MA Liberia.
Praise God for:
- The blessed anniversary celebration of the women’s ministry of the Alliance of Angola, March 6-10 in the Province of Zaire.
- The successful pastors “exchange,” in which they visited churches across the country during Holy Week. Many people who heard the message decided to follow Jesus. There were also testimonies about the Lord’s marvelous deeds.
Please pray for:
- Pastor Daniel Ndongáni. He had a hypertensive crisis while he was greeting the church members after a service on March 29. He was taken to the Central Hospital, about 150 km away. His left arm and leg are paralyzed. Pray for his healing and for the Lord’s provision for his family and church.
Praise God for:
- The DRC Women’s Ministry Seminar held in Muanda, April 2-5 with the theme, “Walk Confidently Towards Your Destiny.” This seminar brought together more than 1,400 women who followed the teachings and made a commitment to walk with God.
- The financial participation of CAMA Zending (Netherlands) in missionary partnership with the DRC in Guinea. Pray that the Lord will open the way so that resources are always provided for the advancement of his Kingdom through this partnership.
Please pray for:
- The deployment of two missionary families to the Mongala Province, among the Pygmies, in northern DRC. Pray that the Lord will keep Rev. Denis Kombetassie and his wife, who are accompanying these two missionary families in a remote, roadless region more than 2,000 kilometers from the National Office. The journey will take them more than two months aboard wooden boats.
- Evangelism month in May, when activities are organized for new church plants, church growth, and edification.
- The ordination of nearly fifty servants from a new generation in June. Pray for God’s guidance and provision for the preparations and success of this ceremony.
- The two districts of Plateau de Bateke. Religious activities have gradually resumed in some places, while rebel groups continue to make incursions. Most churches remain closed. Pray that peace will return to this region in the western part of the country. Pray also for the eastern area, where the prospects for peace in the Kivu region are receding by the day, and the suffering of the population in this region continues to grow.
Praise God for:
- His protection and guidance for the National Evangelization Team since the start of their annual program.
- The successful National Convention of the C&MA of Burkina Faso, March 25-29 in Ouagadougou.
Please pray for:
- Youth Month, when young people exercise their gifts and talents in various services in the church, praying for ministry among children and young people. Ask the Lord to reveal himself to them and use them powerfully to advance his Kingdom in Burkina.
April 3, 2024
Please pray for:
- The region that is still under pressure due to the war. Pray that God would intervene and stop the conflicts.
- A breakthrough in the Jordanian economy. Pray that God would open new opportunities for investments.
- Revival in the churches so that they will be busy in the Kingdom work more than ever.
- The unemployment level and the rise in prices. They are continuously increasing.
Please pray for:
- The health and well-being of Pastor Mike Baraniak, the director of C&MA GB, and his family.
- The C&MA GB Trustees (David Turpin, Mark Sharman and Tony Benham), who are managing the day to day running of the Alliance in Great Britain in Mike’s absence. Pray that God will give them wisdom, grace, and energy to deal with the many issues at hand.
- The C&MA GB efforts to become a sponsoring organization with the Home Office to bear fruit so that they can sponsor new missionaries to serve in Great Britain.
Praise God for:
- The recent General Assembly in Spain that was a blessing to all who attended.
- The serious seeking going on during the weekly Bible study gatherings organized by international workers from the Alliance Diaspora Ministry teams in Spain. They can hardly contain their excitement at the wonderful conversations they have had recently with individuals and in the gatherings through the Jesus Film, Al Massira and the Gospels.
- The new people coming to The Net, the international Christian student group at the University of Malaga. Many are young men, who are either new to the faith or just trying to figure things out. We are thankful to be a part of their discipleship journey and want to form a foundational Bible study for that purpose. Pray for Alex, Jonas, and Innocent who are in various stages of faith. Pray also for Wesley as he helps lead.
Please pray for:
- The LIFE School director and for board President Benoit Foucault as they negotiate the rental of additional space in their current facility and the provision of funds to expand. Pray that new students will join following the recent open houses at LIFE School.
- The preparations to host the Alliance Identity and Theology Training Conference organized by the AWF International Commission of Theological Education (ICTE).
Praise God for:
- The new national Alliance Youth initiative for France under the leadership of Samuel Kondano and his team of eager volunteers.
Please pray for:
- The Alliance Women’s “Recognizing God’s Voice” Conference in Limoges, April 5-7.
- The conference speaker, Laura Sharer of the Salem Alliance Church in Oregon, in the USA. Pray that she will be inspired by the Holy Spirit as she shares the unique ways we relate with God, and she provides participants with tools and opportunities to hear his voice.
Please pray for:
- The growth and impact of the Alliance ministry in Italy, as it extends its reach through the establishment of new churches, particularly among the Latino diaspora community.
- The mediation team: to play a key role in bringing reconciliation and healing where needed.
Praise God for:
- The INFORMA Bible Institute and for their two programs that are running well (bachelor’s in theology and diploma in youth ministry) with a good number of students.
Please pray for:
- The plans of the ICTE to develop an Alliance Identity and Theology Training Conference for national churches in the EMERALD Region, helping Alliance pastors and church planters to grow churches that are radically Christ centered.
- Resources to maximize participation in the training conference among all Spanish speaking Alliance workers in the EMERALD Region.
- The INFORMA Bible Institute as it will hold a conference on “The Role of Women in Ministry” (May 10-11), conduct the module “The Seven Churches in the Book of Revelation” in Turkey (September 2-12), and start a Diploma in Missions program in January 2025.
Please pray for:
- The preparations for the Alliance Diaspora Ministries gathering in Burbach, Germany, June 3-6. Pray that resources will be found to maximize participation in the ADM gathering among Alliance workers.
AWF Prayers – March 2024
March 20, 2024
Please pray for:
- The National Annual Meeting in Surabaya, East Java, April 30-May 3. During this event, the Indonesian Gospel Tabernacle Church (C&MA Indonesia) will conduct a performance evaluation and coordinate the things that will be done next year. 250 church leaders from all regions of Indonesia will attend. Pastor Timothy Her and Pastor Thai Hoang from the C&MA Vietnam will share their experiences about the involvement of lay people in the ministry.
Please pray for:
- Three of our churches to go independent and become self-reliant this year.
- The health of Rev. Silas Yang, the president of C&MA Taiwan.
Please pray for:
- Mongolia’s herdsmen. They have been facing severe cold, causing the death of livestock. Many families have faced shortages of food and fuel. Pray for the Mongolian Alliance Church that is planning to help herdsmen overcome the damage with minimal risk. Pray also for relief finance and teamwork, and for the church to share hope and love with the herdsmen.
- The Mongolian Alliance Church members’ meeting, April 12-13.
Praise God for:
- The beginning of the school year at the Buenos Aires Bible Institute in Argentina. More than 400 students are enrolled.
- The great start of classes at the Alliance Theological Seminary in Uruguay. Pray that the Lord will continue to sustain the students, challenging them to grow in his Word and in their faith.
- The beginning of the activities of the Alliance Theological Seminary in Chile, operating in three locations in the country. Many of the students are candidates for pastoral ministry.
Please pray for:
- The newly elected board of the A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary in Brazil for the next four years. May God continue to send students to be trained there for his service.
- The students of the Seminary and the Bible Academies in Panama to remain committed to deepening the knowledge of God.
Praise God for:
- The joint retreat of the churches held in Panama in February under the theme “Pathway to Excellence.” The Lord blessed us with an atmosphere of fellowship and with his Word through Rev. Luis Ma from the Chinese ministry, and from Dr. Mario Barbosa of the Spanish ministry.
Please pray for:
- The six newly licensed pastors. They completed their four years of training and passed their interviews and written exams with the licensing committee in February. They are now officially Alliance workers in Panama. Pray for their continued learning and future ministries.
- The Holy Week retreat of all Chinese churches in Panama. Pray for the main speaker, Rev. David Ruiz, and the theme “A Heart of the Kingdom for the Mission of the Church.”
- The Lord’s provision for the acquisition of property for the Brisas del Golf C&MA church.
Please pray for:
- The National Women’s Gathering, March 25 and 26 in Rivera. May it be a time of edification and fellowship in the Lord.
- New missionary projects to be established in our country.
- The Lord to raise new pastors and workers to lead the churches.
Please pray for:
- The 20 new people who are in the Elysian program. This program is made up of people who have felt the Lord’s call to pastoral ministry and are preparing themselves biblically and theologically in seminary and in practical areas through meetings with experienced pastors.
- The start of our missionary projects to Belize and Nicaragua.
Please pray for:
- The self-sustainability of the Alliance churches in Venezuela. The exodus of brothers and sisters has increased again, and this affects the income of churches trying to fulfill their commitments. Some of them do not have a place to meet.
- God to raise new leaders to strengthen the youth ministry at the Chuao C&MA church.
- The church building expansion project and the upcoming evangelistic campaign that the C&MA La Esperanza will be carrying out in April.
- Material provision for each citizen. We are currently suffering from continuous power outages, rising prices of gas, gasoline, transportation, and other commodities. Pray especially for our pastoral body that the Lord will supply their needs and strengthen their faith.
- Peace and justice in Venezuela. Pray that there may be genuine reconciliation between the various government groups and the Venezuelan people. Pray also for wisdom for each voter in the July election. May God touch the hearts of government authorities to make decisions that will bring peace and prosperity to the people.
Praise God for:
- The preaching of the gospel in churches through Alliance ministries in Brazil and around the world.
- The pastors and ministers who dedicate themselves to caring for and equipping people for the Kingdom.
Please pray for:
- The new leadership of our National Missions Department, elected at the council at the end of January. Pray for God’s wisdom, guidance, and discernment.
- Physical and emotional health, and financial provision for our missionaries in Portugal, Mozambique, Japan, Asia, and Brazil.
- Our vision of planting 50 new churches by 2030. May God continue to raise workers to fulfill this vision.
Please pray for:
- The Lord to call a new generation of workers to pastoral ministry.
- Our pastoral families and cross-cultural workers. In view of the country’s economic situation, may they experience the Lord’s supernatural provision, supplying every need.
- Funding for the purchase of properties for our growing churches. High rental costs are limiting the operability of the congregations.
Please pray for:
- God’s provision for churches, pastors, ministers, and their households.
- Evangelism campaigns through the Vacation Bible Schools that are being carried out by Alliance churches throughout the country.
- Preparations for the National Women’s Congress, August 8-10 in Cuenca.
- Families that have been affected by the heavy rains and landslides on the coast and in the highlands.
- Insecurity has increased due to street crime and drug trafficking groups.
Praise God for:
- The newly elected women’s and youth’s national boards.
- His mercy and protection of our Alliance families from recent forest fires.
Please pray for:
- The health of our retired pastors.
- Holiness in the lives of our church members and pastors.
Please pray for:
- The national leadership training and education planning meetings, April 2-5.
March 13, 2024
Please pray for:
- Wisdom, compassion, and patience for the leaders of the Alliance churches in the Holy Land.
- Comfort for those who lost their loved ones. By now, probably more than 30,000 people died in the Gaza strip alone. This includes thousands of children and women.
- The safety of the kidnapped people and their return to their families. Pray for those who lost their loved ones on the Israeli side.
- Fast recovery for the injured. By now, probably more than a 100,000 thousand people are wounded.
- The churches (mostly Catholic and Orthodox) in Gaza that became refuge houses for many people.
- The Muslim Background Believers community in Gaza (around 50 that we know of).
- The safety and wellbeing of the residents of the West Bank. Pray also that the economy will not collapse.
- Wisdom for the Israeli, Palestinian and regional leaders.
Praise God with:
- Our team in Thailand for hiring a Thai Christian social worker for For Freedom International. Continue to pray for a Thai Christian psychologist and a site for the safe house. Pray for future team members in Canada, preparing to minister in Phuket. Pray for clarity and guidance in this process.
Please pray for:
- Foster and Ebby as they leave Canada for Central Asia, their new field appointment. They will have one stopover to get the necessary documents and authenticate their visas. Pray that the whole process will go smoothly and be completed quickly. Pray for good times of connection with friends, family and churches as they wait for the documents.
- Bob and Karin about their visa situation in South Asia. They are less than two months from their visa expiration date, but the government refuses to accept their applications. Pray that the right people will approve the new visas and the required residency registration without them having to leave the country.
- The Pashtun people, many of whom live in Afghanistan and Pakistan, with a diaspora residing in the Arab Gulf and many Western countries, including Canada. They are 99.9% Muslim. Pray that the Lord would draw many Pashtun people to himself worldwide and for Christians to reach out to Pashtun people with the gospel message, especially in Western nations.
Praise God for:
- Seventeen new International Workers (IWs) appointed by the U.S. C&MA Board of Directors in February 2024. The locations where they will serve include the Asia Pacific, Germany, Mexico, Paraguay, Guinea, Indonesia, Japan, Atlanta (Georgia), and Senegal. In addition, 19 IWs were appointed during the Board of Directors meetings in October and December 2023.
- Steve Davids, an Alliance chaplain in specialized ministry and the Awana regional director for Germany. He rejoices in the program’s revival at the U.S. Army Garrison in Ansbach. After a five-year hiatus, Awana is back in full swing with Kingdom-focused impact in the community. Awana’s vision is that all children and youth throughout the world will come to know, love, and serve the Lord Jesus. More than 70 garrison children are enrolled in the program, and new requests to join are coming in weekly. With approval from the garrison commander, Awana is thriving in Ansbach, fostering spiritual growth and community bonds. Praise God for this encouraging development. Pray for lasting spiritual impact on the Awana participants and their families. Pray also for Awana’s volunteer staff and for Steve as he continues to provide support and oversight to this vital Kingdom ministry.
Please pray for:
- The Candidate Recruitment and Development Office that hosted a group of more than 50 ministry students from across the United States for Engage 2024 in Columbus, Ohio on February 12-13. Each of these students is interested in serving in ministry after graduation and joined the U.S. National Office staff to learn where they could fit into the Alliance family. They had the opportunity to learn about church planting, Alliance chaplaincy, youth and kids’ ministry, pastoral ministry, missions, church residency, accreditation, and more, as well as meet with leaders from the National Office, district offices, and local churches. To close our time together, they participated in site visits at One Alliance Place and two local Alliance churches, where they learned about outreach to refugee and inner-city ministries. Pray for these students as they continue to pursue God’s call on their lives.
- U.S. Alliance chaplains as they serve as change agents in federal prisons, helping some 150,000 inmates find spiritual purpose amid tough circumstances. Pray also for our institutional chaplains who minister in state, county, and city facilities. Recently, Alliance Chaplain Terry Leininger initiated a Missional Mini Congregation program in response to the challenges posed by the pandemic lockdowns. This five-week plan fosters congregational life through small gatherings focused on the Word, fellowship, prayer, gospel proclamation, and mission. As the congregation grows, it will divide into smaller groups to maintain intimacy and facilitate effective ministry, empowering believers to serve according to their spiritual gifts and engage in proclaiming their faith immediately. Terry is serving as a chaplain at the U.S. penitentiary in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. Please pray for a gathering of people who are willing to invest in this pursuit to see lives changed eternally.
March 6, 2024
Praise God for:
- Fulfilling his promise to build an indestructible church by his great power as we utilize new outreach tools he has placed in our hands: (a) Home film showings; (b) a new Internet site for outreach; (c) radio programming up to 24 hours a day in the mother tongue of our people; and (d) a new film of John’s Gospel in process now.
Please pray for:
- The food supply trucks now waiting at the Darfur border with Chad but blocked by the authorities. Pray also for protection over the food supply that it reaches those who are starving in Darfur and that it is not stolen by the Janjawed militia there.
- Good health for the two new mothers who required C-sections, and for the babies born these past five weeks. Pray also for a safe delivery for the third mom now in her seventh month.
- The safe arrival of the fiancée of one of our elders from Sudan. It is a very difficult and costly trip and warrants serious prayer.
- The ordination requirements to be solidified for our men and for their final process towards this, God willing, at this Easter time.
Praise God for:
- The recent renewal of pastoral vocations in several districts of our church.
- The involvement of our church districts in the evangelization and mission activities that have taken place in recent times.
Please pray for:
- God’s comfort for the families and churches of two servants who died in February: Mrs. Esther Diau Kuvuna, the widowed pastor and president of the Federation of Protestant Women in Boma, who died of illness, and for Mrs. Clémentine Ndelo, the wife of the missionary committee coordinator and director of a group of singers of the church in Boma. Mrs. Ndelo died following a traffic accident.
- The deployment of two missionary families to the Mqongala mission field at the beginning of this month.
- Our “Vacation University” project that will train servants in pastoral care and evangelism. This project is the brainchild of the University of the Christian Alliance of DRC. It consists of bringing together servants of God such as pastors, evangelists, ministry leaders, etc., during summer vacations for practical training to raise their level in the exercise of their ministries. These courses are given by professors from the university. This project has been in the pipeline for a long time, and we want to put it into practice this year.
- The preparations for the AWF Quadrennial Convocation to be held in Kinshasa in 2025. May the Lord guide the team working on it in collaboration with the AWF office.
- The retreat for pastors and their wives in July.
- Peace in our country. The war in the east is creating tensions and unrest that threaten international relations.
Please pray for:
- The Lord’s servants and their families who are ill: Rev. Albert Bilongo, the president of the national church, who is currently in the hospital; Pastor Antoine Loudi Ossama, who is in charge of the Mossendjo church; and for many others. Pray that the Lord will grant them a speedy recovery.
- God to send young workers into his harvest to plant new churches.
- The Holy Spirit to grant us the ability to fulfill the resolutions and recommendations for the smooth running of the church that were made during the Board of Directors meeting in Pointe-Noire on January 27.
Praise God for:
- The successful National Council of presidents and heads of departments, February 17.
Please pray for:
- Our national evangelism team, whose annual program runs from February to April. Pray also for all those who work in this evangelization ministry. In light of the insecurity in our country, may God watch over them and favorably dispose the hearts of the unreached people so that all Burkina Faso may be won to Christ.
- Our National Church’s convention, March 25-29 in Ouagadougou. May all the activities and decisions be led by the Holy Spirit.
For the past three years, the Alliance Church in Gabon has been engaged in a vast enterprise involving several church development projects. Some of these projects are already up and running, while others are still to begin.
Praise God for:
- All those who have been praying, advising and effectively participating in the implementation of these projects.
- The “Elohim Services” intercity ground transport company that is already in operation.
- The Alliance’s Agricultural University, which is now a reality.
Please pray for:
- The mobilization that is under way as part of the church’s investment projects to continue to produce real, concrete results.
- The implementation of the “Elohim Radio/TV” project. Pray that this radio and TV ministry may be a powerful vehicle for proclaiming the gospel and for winning and impacting the nation.
- The Lord to raise workers in this media field to promote the proclamation of Christian values – workers who distinguish themselves by the quality of their broadcasts and by their respect for professional and ethical standards in the treatment of information.
Praise God for:
- The smooth running of the national church’s General Assembly, February 28-March 2 in Koutiala.
Please pray for:
- God to use the country’s current situation to give us a great opening to the gospel and for a good harvest of lost souls for Christ.
- Our headquarters construction project. May the Lord raise faithful Christians to give generously.
- The national evangelization team to carry out its action plan with faith.
- The inter-Malian dialogue to make social cohesion and peace a reality. It is a reconciliation dialogue between the Malian people to avoid revenge and their refusal to accept each other. The Head of State has therefore set up meetings at all levels for a return to peace.
Praise God for:
- The successful celebration of the national church’s 139th anniversary. It was attended by pastors and representatives of sister churches, as well as by traditional and government entities.
Please pray for:
- The purchase of a plot of land for the church in Luanda.
- The pastors and their wives who will be visiting Alliance churches across the country, March 25 to 31. This “exchange” of pastors during Easter week is a tradition of the Alliance Church of Angola.
Praise God for:
- The installation ceremony of the 1st president of the Alliance church of Benin, February 17 in Cotonou. Pray for God’s guidance, wisdom, and discernment for President David Sessou and for the national church’s Board of Directors.
AWF Prayers – February 2024
February 21, 2024
Please pray for:
- The beginning of the school year of the Buenos Aires Bible Institute. Pray for the staff, the faculty and students.
- The “In the Arms of the Father” Summit of the Living the Bible Christian Education, March 2, organized by Publicaciones Alianza (Alliance Publications). It will be offered in person and online for all Latin America.
- Our workers in the mission field: Central Asia, Italy, Spain, Croatia, Hungary, and England.
- The economic situation of the country. May it be a time in which we, as Christ’s Church, experience the supernatural and superabundant provision of our Father.
Please pray for:
- Our evangelistic crusade week, March 17-24. May it be a time of salvation and blessing for the people of Bahon.
- Provision of a plot of land in Leogane and another one in Tru Du Nord for the construction of church buildings in both cities.
- Wisdom for the Alliance Committee. May they fulfill the work that God has placed in their hands.
- Our country. Haiti’s problems are increasing, bringing insecurity and fear for the whole society. Pray for peace and for God’s guidance and provision during this difficult time.
Praise God for:
- The strategic alliance of our Apopa C&MA church with the NGO Vínculo de Amor (Bond of Love), which will provide food and nutritional assistance to the children of the Sabatino Children’s Canteen program.
Please pray for:
- Our cell and small group work in the communities. Pray that these groups would multiply, and that God would raise new leaders to disciple the new believers.
- God to strengthen and empower us in our missionary work. We want to send people to preach the gospel to the least reached countries.
- The Lord’s guidance for us to open a new church within the next five years in El Salvador.
Praise God for:
- His care and protection for the pastoral families and churches throughout the Pacific region that have been in the midst of conflict since 2023.
- The new missionary fields that were opened in the Pacific region.
Please pray for:
- The different Regional Assemblies that are being held in February. They are a prelude to the National Assembly to be held March 21-23 at Camp Ebenezer in Circasia, Quindío.
- Our A.B. Simpson Intercultural Training Center. Pray for the finances for the adaptations that this place requires. Pray, too, for wisdom and guidance for the teachers, and that each student can be successfully trained.
Praise God for:
- His faithfulness and mercy, which allows us to proclaim the good news and serve the community of Los Guayos in Carabobo State.
Please pray for:
- Committed servants and for the provision of audiovisual equipment, chairs, computers, microphones, cables, etc., for the new work in Los Guayos in Carabobo State.
- God’s guidance and direction – and for two new places where the Belen C&MA (Carabobo State) and the Cartanal C&MA (Miranda State) can congregate.
- Health, guidance, wisdom and revelation for the pastoral body of the C&MA Venezuela.
- The financial needs of the churches in Venezuela. The exodus of brothers and sisters continues to affect the churches’ income and therefore their operational, administrative, and institutional commitments.
- Our country, Venezuela. We are in an electoral year with a serious political, social and economic crisis.
Praise God for:
- The National Council at the end of January and the election of the new Board of Directors. Pray for the Lord’s wisdom and direction for the National Board.
Please pray for:
- God to raise the next generation of leaders, pastors and ministers who answer the call in Brazil and around the world.
- Our missionary projects in Portugal, Japan, Asia, Mozambique and Brazil. Pray for support and direction.
- Partnerships with other churches and ministries in Brazil that can reach the Brazilian people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Please pray for:
- The beginning of the new school year at the Alliance Bible Seminary of Bolivia. May the Lord put the desire to know him more in the hearts of these future pastors and missionaries. Pray also for their financial provision.
- The arrival of the pastor who will help in the planting of a new church in 2024.
- A piece of land for the church in Quillacollo.
- The new work in Cobija, Amazon. May the Lord continue to add more people to his work.
- The procedures before the government authorities to have the legal status of our entity.
Please pray for:
- Our National Convention, March 23 in Rivera. Pray that it may be a time of fellowship, edification, and breakthrough.
- The National Women’s Gathering, March 25 and 26 in Rivera.
- God’s guidance and provision for our three new seminary graduates.
- The economic situation of several of our churches. Pray that the Lord our provider may supply their every need.
Praise God for:
- Membership growth in 2023 and infrastructure development in most churches.
- The General Assembly at the end of January, where a new National Board of Directors was elected.
Please pray for:
- A medium-term missionary project that includes sending a pastoral couple to Managua, Nicaragua.
Please pray for:
- God to open doors for two new works in the cities of Azua and Bonao.
- The Lord to raise new workers for the national church.
- Peace during the election of new government officials.
February 14, 2024
Please pray for:
- Missions mobilizers from Alliance churches across the United States. They recently met in Columbus, Ohio for Converge, a gathering of pastors, missions leaders and Alliance Missions advocates. This year’s theme was “Innovate.” It was a time to engage with Alliance leaders, collaborate with other missions leaders, and receive new information to help raise the level of passion for Alliance missions among U.S. congregations. Please pray that as the attendees return to their churches, they will be better equipped to increase engagement in missions.
Praise God with:
- Foster and Ebby. They have received approval to relocate to a new country to serve the Mint people. Meanwhile, they are preparing documents for their visa applications. Pray for a smooth process and that they can obtain the necessary documents before their departure in March.
- Wade and Cara. They were able to visit Central Asia recently while still in Canada waiting on paperwork. The communities they saw were so thankful that they had visited, and for all the years of fellowship. Pray for God’s favor for the paperwork needed so they can return to the region again. Praise God that Cara led a trauma healing day for 13 national believing ladies. The Holy Spirit moved in visible ways to bring breakthroughs.
- The Japan Team for Alan and Joan Yin’s installation service. Pray for their transition to life and ministry among the Chinese Diaspora in Fukuoka, and for humility and love as they serve with their co-workers, Ken and Winnie.
Please pray for:
- For Jerome and Morgan, who are currently in Canada, for quick returns on their visas and for them to be granted long-term visas. Pray for their boys as they continue school while in Canada, keeping up with their classes and schoolwork while half a world away. And pray for renewed interest in digital mentoring as they share with churches how Canadians can get involved with missions work in South Asia.
- Kaura-lea and Chris Codding as they have concluded their work in Thailand and are settling into Canada over the next few months. Pray for all the transitions ahead.
Praise God for:
- His protection and guidance amid battles and hardship in 2023.
Please pray for:
- The Lord’s favor, spiritual blessings and protection for our District Conference in February, and our National Assembly, February 29-March 3, in Kalaymyo in the Sagaing Region of Upper Myanmar. About 70 delegates, including pastors and missionaries, are planning to attend. Nationwide, the civil war is getting worse, and transportation and communication are not as safe as before. Also, everything is becoming more expensive.
- Our missionaries in Lower Myanmar. Pray for their safety and fruitfulness in ministry. The military regime is forcefully trying to “collect” (arrest illegally) civilians to fight for them.
Please pray for:
- Pastor Yeah, our new general assistant director. Pray for God’s guidance and wisdom as he takes on multiple responsibilities in planning and coordination.
- Our church in the Sanxia District. They have no pastor, and the church is experiencing great financial difficulties.
February 7, 2024
Please pray for:
- The families who have been affected by the forest fires, losing their homes and properties. Pray especially for those who have suffered the death of their loved ones. Pray also for a young couple from the C&MA of Viña del Mar who lost their home.
- God to work in our nation. May this be an awakening back to faith in Jesus Christ.
- The Lord to encourage his Church to be an instrument of peace and spiritual support, so that many will be reached with the gospel.
Please pray for:
- God’s comfort for Pastor Poba and his family. His 7-year-old daughter died recently after undergoing several medical interventions.
- The 139th anniversary of our national church. The celebration will be held at Necuto church on February 18. Pray for God’s protection for all those who will participate. The celebration is in honor of the date the church was founded. It marks the arrival of the first missionaries in the region of Cabinda, Angola, February 4, 1885.
- The anniversary of the Christian Association of Alliance Women in Angola (ACMAA), March 8 at the Mission Center in Soyo. The Alliance churches of the two Congos will also take part in this celebration. Pray for God’s protection for all the participants. ACMAA is celebrating 110 years since the baptism of the first woman, Maria Mundo, in the Mboca Mission on March 8, 1914.
- The mobilization of our church members to evangelize remote areas.
- A true conversion of the church to a healthy spiritual life, especially the commitment of young people to the Lord’s work.
Praise God for:
- The second mandate of Rev. Marcel Bunda, the president of the C&MA of the DRC, and for the Management Committee. They are taking bold steps to move the church forward in mission and infrastructure development.
Please pray for:
- Our workers in Guinea as they face a shortfall in support due to the unavailability of funds from partners. May the Lord open the way for their financial provision.
- The many young people God is calling, while the Management Committee is facing a crisis of young leaders in economically weak areas.
- God’s comfort for the families of Rev. Thomas Mavungu Nzita and Rev. Festis Ndombolo Bindele of Boma District 1. Pray also for God’s comfort for the family of Professor André Masiala-ma-Solo of Kinshasa. All three men died of illnesses.
- Our workers’ support program to be embraced by all church districts.
Praise God for:
- The National Prayer Conference, December 13-15, 2023, under the theme “The Restoration of all Things for the Salvation of Souls and the Political and Economic Life of the Country.”
- The National Evangelization Campaign, December 18-24, 2023, throughout the country, under the leadership of President André Binet.
Please pray for:
- The people who put their faith in Jesus Christ during the National Evangelistic Campaign to remain in the Lord and to be well cared for in the Alliance churches.
- A successful trip by members of the National Board and Missions Department to the various mission fields of Benin, Togo and Ghana, February 13-March 4. The new national president of the Alliance in Benin will be installed in Cotonou. A missionary consultation will be held in Lomé with the Alliance church of Togo. And a new Alliance site will be dedicated in Accra, Ghana.
- The resolution of the political crisis at the national level so that peace may be preserved in Gabon.
Praise God for:
- The good progress of our new AWF Women’s Group as they study our newly produced Scriptures in their mother tongue and pray for the AWF prayer requests.
- The launch of The Living God Bible study book by Paul David Washer. It brought lively and important discussions with our men and fit well with the focus of the day: Fixing our eyes on Jesus (Hebrews 12:2).
Please pray for:
- God’s protection from spiritual attacks upon our church. We have begun to pray John 17 daily among our six outreach fellowships. We need the perfect unity Jesus spoke of.
- All obstacles to be overcome as the newly translated Gospel of John is made into a film script and recorded in the mother tongue of our people. Please pray for a technician, timing template and funding.
- Two of our granddaughters. Two-year-old Sarah is in the hospital in South Korea with a stomach infection. And Hannah needs the Lord’s compassionate touch.
- Family, especially new wives for two of our men needing to cross the border into our country and city. This will build more Christian families.
Praise God for:
- The centennial celebration of the C&MA of Burkina Faso in November 2023. It was a wonderful time of worship and fellowship.
- The inauguration of the new national office building during the centennial celebrations.
Please pray for:
- The Holy Spirit’s guidance at our National Board of Directors meeting, February 17.
- Peace for our country, and that internally displaced people can return to their villages.
Please pray for:
- The complete healing of Pastor Joseph W. Karbowhen, the treasurer of the Alliance of Liberia. He broke his legs in three places in an accident in September 2023.
- Spiritual and physical growth of the church in Liberia.
- God’s guidance and wisdom for the newly constituted government of Liberia.
Praise God for:
- The success of the General Meeting of the Church Women’s Association of the C&MA of Cote d’Ivoire (AFECMACI), and the renewal of the president’s term.
- The annual meeting of Alliance pastors, missionaries, evangelists, and chaplains, in Divo, January 12-15.
- The successful launch of preparations for the national church’s centennial in 2030, and the mobilization of the whole church.
Please pray for:
- The implementation of the 2024 Operational Action Plan, drawn up by the National Executive Board.
AWF Prayers – January 2024
January 24, 2024
Praise God for:
- The joy and fellowship that the AWF EMERALD Regional Coordinating Committee (RCC) experienced during their in-person meeting in the Netherlands to plan activities in the region for 2024.
- The positive and encouraging meeting that the AWF EMERALD RCC had with Unie-ABC during their time in the Netherlands.
- The national Alliance churches of the EMERALD, CLA and North America regions that are supporting the Alliance Fellowship initiative in Italy being led by the EMERALD Region.
Please pray that:
- The Jordanian church will take her position in these difficult times and share the message of salvation in Jesus with those who are hurting.
- God would revive the economy in Jordan, and that poverty would decrease.
- The unemployment rate would decrease. Many are not finding jobs in these difficult days.
Praise God for:
- The Christian Alliance Institute of Theology (CAIT) that has faithfully produced more than 80 graduates over the years and is now running a successful online program.
Please pray that:
- God will provide pastors for the churches that do not currently have a pastor. Pray that God will call and prepare new church leaders.
Praise God that:
- We were able to end the year 2023 with good results.
- We could send a large amount of money to Morocco for relief after the earthquake.
Please pray for:
- The CAMA Zending workers serving in, or close to, warzones. Pray for courage, wisdom and fruitfulness.
- The brave missionaries in the north of India who have the opportunity to plant churches despite major opposition and persecution.
- The church in Senegal where a Soul Care conference will be held. Pray that the Holy Spirit will prepare the hearts of people who will come.
Please pray for:
- Unity after we completed the merger of CAMA Zending and Baptist churches.
- The younger generations to find their way to Jesus and local churches in a secularized society.
- Mission partner projects where Dutch churches partner with church planters elsewhere (e.g. in Azerbaijan).
- Our seminary students and teachers to grow in God’s knowledge and discipleship to lead our churches.
Praise God for:
- The work that he is doing in people’s hearts to bring healing and reconciliation through fellowship and love that only comes from Jesus.
Please pray for:
- Wisdom and guidance as the AWF leadership seeks to encourage and foster fellowship among all Alliance associated workers and leaders in Italy, and Alliance leaders connected to Italy.
- The next Alliance fellowship meeting for associated Alliance workers in Italy that will take place in Bologna on February 10.
Praise God for:
- The discipleship in the diaspora teams in Spain. One convert was recently baptized.
Please pray for:
- Those who attend the faith gatherings of each of the five diaspora teams in Spain. Pray for “Adam” and his faith journey. He has had lots of exposure to believers and the message over the holidays. Pray that he would see the truth.
- The diaspora team in Salt (Girona) that is actively looking for a facility to rent as a place of encounter and ministry. Pray for God´s clear leading and open door.
- Alba, the Spanish missionary to Mexico who returns to her Bible translation work on Tuesday after a month in Spain. She is making great progress with the language and its written form. God has blessed Alba with men and women of peace who help and protect her.
Praise God for:
- The Lovel family. They provided training on spiritual gifts so that now almost all the members of the church in Burgas serve with their gifts.
Please pray that:
- God will provide the necessary resources for the church to thrive and reach the unreached people in their community.
Praise God for:
- The provision of new pastors for Alliance churches in the Paris and Toulouse areas.
Please pray that:
- God will open doors for the French authorities to grant visas so that the new pastor of the Alliance church in Boulogne-Billancourt can be united with his wife and daughter in France.
Praise God for:
- The Alliance Manchester (TAM), a church that is an intercultural, Jesus-centered family, sharing life together, and sharing his life with others. It is a home to families, a hub for students and a shelter for refugees where the culture of Jesus reigns.
Please pray for:
- The Alliance CAN Network to grow as God opens doors for Alliance CAN churches throughout the EMERALD region that bring together people from all nations and cultures into loving relationships, united in Christ, transformed by him to impact all the nations and peoples of the world.
Praise God for:
- The Giving Tree Coffee House which is building bridges and bringing hope to the unreached in Manchester, UK.
Please pray:
- For the new European wide digital media project bringing the good news to North Africans in Europe and connecting them to other believers and a discipleship movement. This digital-to-offline strategy is key to reaching North African youth in Europe and equipping them as reproducible disciple makers as they return to North Africa.
- That God will provide a missional cafe manager for the Giving Tree Coffee House in Manchester.
- For more disciple makers to join the project and the church to multiply in the city of Manchester.
Praise God for:
- The African Alliance Diaspora Church in Dijon, France that has joined the Alliance family in France and now finally has access to a place of worship due to the support of the French Alliance church.
Please pray for:
- The plans of the AWF International Commission of Theological Education (ICTE) to develop an Alliance Identity and Theology Training Conference for national churches in the EMERALD Region.
January 17, 2024
Please pray for:
- The Missions Training of the CLA Region, January 23-26 in Lima, Peru. Pray for protection and provision for the 200 participants and speakers.
Please pray for:
- Peace for our country. The internal conflict due to drug trafficking groups in recent years has led to a high rate of violence in the streets throughout the country, and today the national security team is confronting those groups.
- Our national president, Daniel Noboa. May he find in Jesus Christ salvation and guidance to make the right decisions for the welfare of the country.
- Safety for our pastors in church services and evangelization throughout the country.
- Our National Church Assembly, February 22-24 in Quito. Pray for Rev. David Muthre and those organizing the meeting.
- The country’s economic situation, especially for small entrepreneurial businesses, some of which have had to close due to extortion.
Please pray for:
- Two of our workers who are leaving this month to serve the Muslim community in North Africa. Pray that the entire migratory process can take place with complete normality.
- Provision and support for our pastors and missionaries inside Colombia and abroad.
- The National Prayer and Fasting Retreat, to be held February 2-4 at our Ebenezer Camp. Pray that our pastors may be sensitive to God’s voice and direction in 2024.
Please pray for:
- Renewal and strength of the pastoral families during this summer vacation.
- Financial provision and spiritual support for each of our missionaries and their families in the field.
- The complex economic situation and social climate in our country. Pray that we as a church will be a voice of hope and light in the darkness.
Praise God:
- That we managed to pay off a large part of the debt we had with the missionaries. We still need to sell one property to complete this.
- The people reached and transformed by the gospel during 2023. Pray for the disciples who started in ministry in 2023.
Please pray for:
- The National Council of the C&MA Brazil, January 29-Fabruary 1, and the election of the National Board. Pray also for God’s wisdom and guidance during the meetings and for fellowship.
- Pastors and ministers to be models for their churches of how to follow Jesus Christ.
- More young people and seminar students to answer God’s call in their lives.
- The project of uniting the Brazilian C&MA churches to reach and impact the cities where the Alliance has ministries. Pray that new workers in local churches and new church planters in the country will be trained and equipped. Pray for the marriages and families of pastors and church leaders. Pray for new partnerships with other churches and denominations on how to saturate the cities and work together in the Kingdom of God.
Praise God for:
- The baptisms and the camps for children and teenagers that our churches have been doing since the beginning of this new year. The church has been mobilized this summer.
- God’s provision to support the projects of the local churches, foreign missions, and various ministries.
Please pray for:
- Our annual sessions, the General Board of the Church, and the National Convention of the Women’s Union. The latter two will elect their new officers for the 2024-2026 term.
Please pray for:
- Physical healing for pastors and pastors’ wives who are going through challenging times.
- The Lord to raise up new pastors to answer his call. We continue to have churches without pastors.
- The missionary passion that continues to be awakened in the country so we can start new churches.
Praise God for:
- His love and faithfulness amid hardship.
Please pray for:
- The Cartanal church. Pray for their restoration, spiritual life, guidance, direction, and wisdom for leadership. May the Lord strengthen them as they go through the loss of Sister Caromoto in a recent church activity. She was a founding member and part of the pastoral team.
- Guidance, direction, wisdom and overall health for the pastoral body and the National Board of Directors.
- The new work in Los Guayos. Pray for committed leaders, and that we can reach that community for Christ.
- The national economic situation that is affecting churches and pastoral families.
Please pray for:
- The celebration of the 25th anniversary of the national church this month. Pray for God to be glorified on this day and his people to be blessed.
- The congregations of Tomasique and Henche. They have already acquired land, but we need the resources to build their churches.
- The mother church in Ouanaminthe working within the church. Pray that everything can be completed successfully.
- Wisdom for pastors and leaders. May God guide us in all that we do.
January 10, 2024
Please pray for:
- S.-sent international workers who have now returned to their homes in the Holy Land. Pray for their safety and for God to use them during this tenuous time. They are seeing many opportunities to help displaced Israelis and Palestinians, many of whom have become more open to the gospel. Pray also for the safety of our workers’ children and for life to return to normal as much as possible, given present realities.
- Project ReImagine, the vehicle for fueling One Alliance Place, a 14-acre mixed-use development in Reynoldsburg, Ohio. It will house the U.S. Alliance National Office, offer a welcoming place for the community to gather, and serve as a model for changing the posture of church engagement in society. Pray that God will continue to provide the funds needed for major construction expenditures in the months ahead.
Please pray for:
- Indigenous Voices. It is a New Venture that acts as a catalyst for the encouragement of individuals and existing churches. This online expression of ministry, dedicated to indigenous content, aims to engage communities in remote locations and be a source of hope. Pray for healing in indigenous communities in Canada, and for reconciliation. May Canadian church leaders recognize the importance of a right relationship and reconciliation with indigenous peoples as part of the ongoing story of the church in Canada.
- Joseph and Paula as they face many challenges in preparing to depart for the field next summer. Paula’s dad had a stroke and has now been diagnosed with terminal cancer. Neither of Paula’s parents are believers. Also, the leader of their sending agency has severe health issues. Ask for salvation, healing, peace, comfort, wisdom, and direction as they walk through these challenges and for the Lord to make the path forward clear for them.
- Wade and Cara, who are waiting in Canada for visas and paperwork to return to Central Asia. Pray for favor and patience as they sit in the unknown. Pray for their business in Central Asia and the man who manages it.
- Katzaire Zee, who was hired as a fully funded international worker for ministry in Japan. Pray for her long-term visa application, which will be submitted this month. Pray for favor and God’s perfect timing of its process and approval. The team is hoping that she will arrive in Japan in March 2024.
- Gary and Sharon Howell. They heard a report of a man from an unreached people group in Senegal who has received an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. He was previously lukewarm in his faith and confused about his convictions but has now renewed his faith and commitment to Christ with zeal. Pray for this man as he pursues intentional discipleship from a believer in his own people group.
AWF Prayers – December 2023
December 20, 2023
Please pray for:
- The Alliance churches in the region grappling with the impact of the war in the Holy Land. Pray that God will give wisdom to the church leadership. Satan is trying to gain control and take many souls with him. Our role as a church is to break all the plans and oppressions of Satan over the Holy Land.
- The AWF EMERALD Regional Coordinating Committee that will be meeting in the Netherlands January 18-20, 2024. Pray that any travel difficulties will be overcome, and that God will give the committee wisdom as they plan activities in the region for 2024.
Please pray for:
- God’s protection for Jordan from the consequences of the Mideast war.
- God to bring peace to Jordan and the whole area this Christmas. May our people encounter the Prince of Peace during this blessed season and may the church be able to help the needy families.
- The churches’ services during Christmas. Pray for new opportunities to share the good news of Jesus Christ.
Praise God for:
- The CAMA Zending office team, which is finally at full strength. All vacancies have been filled and we look forward to the work we will get to do together.
- The many people who stop by our office to explore being sent out as missionaries. This is an amazing blessing.
- The successful efforts at finalizing our 2022 annual accounts, and approval of those accounts by the auditor. This was a difficult task due to the long-term illness of our accountant, the only person who knows everything about our finances. Despite our lack of knowledge and the ability to check things, we were blessed to be able to work hard to bring the project to an end.
- The Mission Partners project that is building relationships between Dutch churches and churches abroad under Arie Verduijn’s leadership. We are grateful that many churches are enthusiastic about this opportunity. New partnerships are being formed every month.
Please pray for:
- The 11 short-term mission trips that CAMA Zending is organizing for groups and individuals. This represents a lot of work, so please pray for good organization and good cooperation with the local churches.
Praise God for:
- The new pastors who have been called to serve in the Alliance churches in France. Pray that their installation will go well and that the churches will grow in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- The partnerships that have been developed with CAMA Zending and the C&MA of Australia to support the French Alliance church planter couple who are establishing an underground church in a closed country in the sixth region.
Please pray for:
- The pastors who are retiring: that God will give them new ministries to continue serving the Alliance family in France.
- The French Alliance missionary, Amy, who is seeking God’s call on her life in a new season. Pray that God will open doors and speak to her during her vision trip to Japan.
Praise God for:
- The successful participation in the African Regional Conference for Awana / Discovery Land Global in Nairobi, Kenya, and for the new connections that have been made to develop mission projects and a child discipleship ministry in Africa.
Please pray for:
- Renewed health for Brother Eoghan Cosgrave, the AWF EMERALD Mission Mobilizer, following medical issues that arose during his recent trips to Africa.
Praise God for:
- The joyful celebrations of the successful merger of the ABC and the Unie churches that took place on November 18.
- The Iraqi Alliance church that was accepted as a member of Unie-ABC during the celebrations.
Praise God for:
- The church planted in Skopje, the capital of North Macedonia. It has just celebrated its fifth anniversary. God has been faithful, and now we have outgrown the facility that we started with.
Please pray for:
- The provision of a new facility. We currently are renting a small building on the edge of the city, and we want to move toward the urban part of town. We need guidance from the Lord concerning the location, and partners helping us in this step of faith.
Praise God for:
- The Ancona Alliance church that just celebrated its 13th anniversary due to God’s faithfulness through the years. May God continue to bless this ministry and give strength and wisdom to the pastoral couple, Mario and Alejandra Pereyra, and provide for their needs.
- The 10th anniversary of the Porto de Recanati Alliance church. Pray that God will continue to bless and use this church and give strength and wisdom to the pastoral couple, Biagio and Filomena Matarese.
Praise God for:
- The LIFE International School that is outgrowing its current location. Because of this, the school has delayed enrolment for prospective students. Pray that God will give the Board of Directors wisdom as their members discern the next steps for the facility – either expanding the current building, or, if God would supply, buying land and building a larger facility.
Praise God for:
- The great year that INFORMA (The Alliance Bible Institute in Spain) had in 2023. We launched the new Youth Ministry program, and we became part of the ECTE (European Council of Theological Education).
December 6, 2023
Praise God for:
- The students graduating from our seminary. We thank each family and church for their support. Please pray for these students so that many will hear the call of the Lord.
Please pray for:
- God’s guidance and wisdom in the election of new local and district leaders and deacons.
- The renewal of the Faith Promise, our missions offering. Pray for each church member who is committed to support our missionaries every year.
- The health of sister Soledad Regease and sister Zadia Arriagada, who have undergone heart surgery.
- Our retired pastors Javier Gallegos, Julio Maldonado, José Leiva, Hugo Ulloa, Domingo Mancilla, and others.
- The pastors who are being transferred, and others entering the pastoral ministry. May these changes be guided by the Lord in every detail.
- Our General Meeting in January 2024. May the blessing of gathering and planning for the future give us optimism and joy to belong to the body of Christ.
Praise God for:
- His guidance, protection, and provision for Rev. Jeremy Warden, the president of the Brazilian Alliance, during his trips in October (CLA Conference – Peru) and November (Mission Leaders Meeting – Liberia). Praise God for fruitful connections with many of the Alliance family from other countries and good conversations about the work.
- Jeremy Warden’s visit to our missionaries in Portugal. It was a good opportunity to get to know them better and to dream and think about the future.
Please pray for:
- The mental, emotional, and spiritual health of church workers and families as we increasingly see people dealing with the consequences of these diseases.
- The missionaries who are looking for partners and supporters to meet their physical and ministerial needs.
- New missionaries, leaders, and pastors for our churches, projects, and executive boards of the denomination.
- New students to be trained and equipped for ministry in our theological seminary.
- The sale of an apartment that belongs to the denomination to pay off some of the church’s debts.
Praise God for:
- The more than 1,300 young people who participated in the regional Reconnection Youth Camps “Life in the Spirit”.
- The “Shine 2023” women’s national conference and the more than 800 women who attended.
Please pray for:
- A new generation of leaders to serve the Lord in their churches.
- God’s guidance as we renew our partnership with International Cooperating Ministries (ICM) for 2024.
Praise God for:
- His grace and provision that allowed us to meet the financial commitments with our missionaries.
- The closing of the school year at the Buenos Aires Bible Institute and this year’s graduates.
Please pray for:
- Our churches and ministries that are planning their work for 2024.
- Our country and the government change on December 10.
Praise God for:
- His kindness and care for the C&MA of Venezuela. Two of our churches have begun the process of acquiring a place where they can function.
Please pray for:
- Our national gathering of pastoral families in December.
- God to raise up new servants who will faithfully answer his call to pastoral ministry. We currently have three churches waiting for a senior pastor.
- Our FUNDALFA Foundation, so that we can finish the legalization process before the governmental entities. Pray also for the provision of the equipment and furniture needed for its operation.
- Our country. Pray for peace, unity, reconciliation, and provision for so many families in need.
Please pray for:
- Healing and physical strength for pastors and their wives who are going through difficult situations.
- The pastors and missionaries’ retreat, December 7-9. May it be a time of edification and renewal.
Please pray for:
- Our 25th anniversary campaign under the theme “Ebenezer, thus far the Lord has helped us.” The campaign will begin on January 7 and will end on Sunday, January 21, 2024, with the celebration of our anniversary.
- Good communication between the governments of Haiti and the Dominican Republic so that they can find a peaceful dialogue and reach an agreement in the midst of this crisis.
Please pray for:
- A new awakening in the heart of every member of the Alliance in Guatemala towards missions.
- The new generation of pastors in training.
- God’s provision for the construction of new church buildings.
Please pray for:
- The arrival of a pastor to start a new work in 2024.
- God’s guidance for our churches to focus on church planting and missions.
- Support to continue extending the Kingdom of God in Bolivia.
Please pray for:
- Our national church’s assembly, January 11-14, 2024.
AWF Prayers – November 2023
November 22, 2023
Please pray for:
- The centennial celebrations of the Alliance of Burkina Faso, November 22-26, which will be attended by many of the country’s authorities. Pray that the Lord will reveal himself to many and that there will be conversions.
- Many children and young people to be reached with the gospel in Burkina.
- Peace to return to our country.
Praise God for:
- The success of the AWF Global Network of Mission Leaders Meeting, November 5-8, and the AWF Africa Regional Conference, November 8-12, both in Monrovia. Participants returned to their respective countries safely.
Please pray for:
- The health of sister Esther B. Liberty, the wife of C&MA Liberia president Rev. Roosevelt Zarwulugbo Liberty.
- The health of Pastor Joseph W. Karbowhen, treasurer of the C&MA Liberia. He broke his legs in an accident on the Buchanan, Monrovia highway in September.
- Our country’s safety. Liberia’s run-off election was held on November 14, resulting in protests and violence.
Praise God for:
- Our four missionaries in Guinea as the Lord shows himself in their ministry and in their lives in the way he uses them in his work.
- His provision and care so that our national church president, Rev. Marcel Bunda, and two delegates could attend the AWF Mission Leaders Meeting and the Africa Regional Conference in Liberia.
- The improvement in the health of Rev. Philippe Manzali Tsisi, the vice-president of our national church, following his serious illness and the treatment he received in Kinshasa.
Please pray for:
- Resources for our mission partners in Guinea so that they can continue doing their work.
- God’s comfort for the families of Rev. Simon Nzuzi Muila of the Moanda District, and Rev. Léonard Timvu Nsungu of the Nlemba District. Both men died last month.
- The Lord’s protection and guidance for our national church president, Rev. Marcel Bunda during his visit to Canada this month.
- Our Missions Month, and the missions fundraising activities taking place in all church districts.
- God to raise faithful servants to invest in the advancement of his Kingdom.
- Our country and the general election scheduled for December. Pray that these elections do not add to the difficulties of the people who are suffering from war in certain parts of the country. Pray that God will grant peace to our country.
- The many Christians who will be running for office in these elections. May God help them to make a difference by setting themselves apart from corruption and anti-Christian values.
Praise God for:
- His protection and care for our churches that held successful regional assemblies in Mayombe, Cacongo, Ngoio and Luanda.
Please pray for:
- The Lord’s comfort for the families and churches of the deaconesses and deacons who died of illness.
- The groups that were created to organize the youth, women’s and men’s ministries of the Alliance of Angola.
- God to provide the funds to buy three plots of land to build new churches in Soyo, Cafunfo and Madombolo in the provinces of Cabinda, Lunda Norte and Zaire.
Please pray for:
- The safe arrival of several family members and new wives for our single men traveling from danger in Sudan to our city.
- God to sovereignly protect our families back in Sudan as great evil is going on in the capital and in Darfur itself.
- The salvation of our people’s families and friends here and back in Sudan as they share the gospel.
- The successful and effective website building that is underway.
- A recording technician and funds for the new Gospel of John film we are doing with Campus Crusade of France.
Please pray for:
- The National Prayer Conference with the theme “The Restoration of All Things,” December 13-15. Pray that we will see a great mobilization of Alliance Christians in all 12 synod regions, with the involvement of church leaders.
- The National Evangelization Campaign, December 18-24. May hundreds of lost souls be saved in each region where the campaign will be held under the leadership of the national Alliance president, Rev. André Binet.
- The restoration of judicial power in Gabon in the face of growing corruption in the country. May former and newly promoted magistrates exercise their priesthood as ministers of God, filled with the fear of the Lord. Pray especially for Christian magistrates, that they may be filled with wisdom to render justice that pleases God.
- Gabon’s political transition. The recently announced transition timetable must be adhered to, so that the new presidential, legislative, and local elections scheduled for 2025 can be held in good conditions, and that the new authorities respect the laws in force.
November 15, 2023
Praise God for:
- The believers in the Holy Land who are shining with the light of Jesus during these difficult times.
Please pray for:
- Peace in the region, and for the war to end quickly.
- Families who have lost loved ones. Pray that the Lord fills their hearts with comfort and peace.
- Believers across the land, that they have inner peace and be salt and light, and that all their financial and physical needs are met.
- Protection of believers on both sides. Pray for Arab believers and Messianic believers to find unity in Jesus rather than division.
- The Lord to lead many to know him, so that they may repent and be saved.
Please pray for:
- The Jordan church to be light and salt in this difficult time that our region is passing through.
- Our churches while they are sending financial aid to our church in Jerusalem to support the Gazan individuals and families who are stranded there.
Praise God for:
- The gathering of the AWF Global Network of Mission Leaders in Liberia, November 5-8, on the theme of Partnership Building. Many clear testimonies and much great teaching was shared about removing culture barriers and avoiding the mistakes of the past to build Christ-centered partnerships that advance the Kingdom of God.
Please pray for:
- The visit of Rev. Jeremy Warden, the president of the C&MA of Brazil to the Brazilian Alliance missionaries in Portugal. Pray that it will be a time of fellowship, blessing and encouragement for the missionary families serving there.
Praise God for:
- The successful national pastors’ retreat that took place November 6-8.
Please pray for:
- The French Alliance couple who are planting an underground church in a closed country in the sixth region. Church planting in closed countries is never easy and demands a high price among families that answer the call to missions to share the good news with least-reached people groups.
Praise God for:
- The 5th successful Cross-Cultural Missions Conference, November 10-11, at the Barcelona Alliance Church with the motto “Hosanna to the Coming King, Let’s Finish the Task of Matthew 24:14!” Dr. Miguel Ángel Palomino and Rev. Tim Westergren were the keynote speakers at this annual event to stimulate the growing interest in missions and encourage those in our churches whom God has called to go across cultures with the gospel.
Praise God for:
- The beginning of the Diploma in Youth Leadership that we launched in September. Forty-eight students are enrolled in the program. This is a 12-module program on Youth Leadership.
- The great response to the conference “The Role of the Holy Spirit in the Church” given by Dr. Ernest Klassen from Canada. The conference is part of the activities that INFORMA is developing to offer theological reflection.
Please pray that:
- More students would attend the last three courses of the Bachelor of Theology program and two courses of the Diploma in Youth Leadership program.
November 8, 2023
Praise God with:
- Foster and Ebby for the Thanksgiving/Mid-Autumn Family Night. It was a great time for their South Asian friends. Imam, an Indian Muslim, even said Jesus was the only prophet who had raised a man from the dead, and he wanted to be a follower of Christ. Pray for Imam and his wife Rachel to be willing to accept the Lord as the only savior.
Please pray for:
- Foster and Ebby as they are trying to help a Muslim friend, Alan, an international student with mental health problems. There is a community volunteer clinic that might be willing to offer help to Alan. Pray that he could get the needed counseling services and see improvement in his mental health. Alan has come to Bible-based Family Night the past four times. Pray that God’s words would speak comfort and truth to him.
- Bryan and Jessyka as they seek to engage and develop new friendships with “Y” people in Canada. Pray for wisdom as they navigate how deep to enter in as they wait for God’s leading on their next assignment or vocation.
- Gulf Arabs. Almost all the Gulf Arabs are followers of Islam except for approximately 300 known believers. Joshua Project also states that 78,000 Gulf Arabs are living in Canada, who are 98.1% Muslim. Pray for favor, opportunity, and influence for those working among the Gulf Arabs. Pray that they can share God’s love with them and for local disciples who are bold and courageous to make disciples. Pray for Gulf Arabs living in Canada to come to know Jesus.
- Children of International Workers who are struggling with having to spend holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas away from extended family who they miss. Pray for them during these special times of celebration when they may be feeling homesick. Pray for God to grant them meaningful celebrations with a loving community where they are living.
Please pray for:
- International Workers who have had to temporarily relocate away from areas of intense conflict in the Holy Land. Pray that the Holy Spirit will give them wisdom and discernment as to when to return to resume their vital ministries.
- Alliance Young Adults (AYA). It is a newly launched, deeper living, church-driven, young adult movement within the U.S. Alliance that seeks to create community among young people ages 18-30 and affirm that they belong and have a unique and meaningful purpose in the Body of Christ, and that Jesus is inviting them to go deeper with Him. AYA held its first conference on October 14 in Cleveland, Ohio, where attendees worshipped, forged friendships and enjoyed recreational activities together. They also experienced insightful teachings and honest dialogue on finding identity in Christ, spiritual gifts, spiritual disciplines, healing prayer, vocation and calling, navigating church culture, local and global outreach, and an interactive session with U.S. Alliance President John Stumbo. Please pray that this movement will continue to gain momentum among an age group that has increasingly drifted away from the church.
- Church Planting. Several Alliance Districts are launching major church planting initiatives throughout 2023 and 2024. Many of these church plants will be among ignored and disenfranchised people who have not yet experienced the loving embrace of Jesus. Please pray for the training and equipping of new and future multicultural church planters. Pray also for existing Alliance churches that are partnering in church planting efforts through prayer, financial support and offering members of their congregations to serve as core teams for nearby church plants.
November 1, 2023
Praise God for:
- The construction of classrooms to replace the school that was burned down in the terrorist attacks. The new classrooms will provide an immediate solution for this rural school, which is located in the Mapuche territory.
- One of our social aid foundations, “Semejantes.” It has delivered hundreds of wheelchairs, with the support of the Joni & Friends organization.
- Several of our churches which are celebrating more than 100 years of existence.
- The public recognition of the 125th anniversary of the C&MA of Chile by the Congress of the Republic.
Please pray for:
- The recovery of pastors and pastors’ wives who are undergoing medical treatment, waiting on the Lord’s perfect will.
- Our missionary team abroad. May the Lord supply their various needs.
- The churches that are in areas with difficult access. Pray that the Lord would raise up new servants for these congregations.
- Our country. These are critical times for our national identity. We are threatened by ideologies alien to the ideals that for decades we have held. Pray for peace and reconciliation.
Praise God for:
- The Youth Alliance Conference (CAJ) 2023 in October. The focus was on missions under the theme “All of Jesus for All the World.” We see the youth movement as the next generation of the church.
Please pray for:
- The return of the Tivane family – Daniel, Patrícia and their daughters – to the field in Mozambique. Pray that God will provide the financial resources they need for their visas and transition.
- The missionary families and the new stages in the project field in Portugal. Pray for the necessary resources.
- The new two-year term of the board of directors of the W. Tozer Theological Seminary. Pray for new students and for those who will graduate in 2024.
- The new mission candidates emerging in the International Sports Ministry. Pray for their resources and the beginning of the new stage of the project focusing on soccer.
- The project of uniting the Brazilian C&MA churches to reach and impact the cities where the Alliance has ministries. Pray that new workers in local churches and new church planter in the country will be trained and equipped. Pray for the marriages and families of pastors and church leaders. Pray for new partnerships with other churches and denominations on how to saturate the cities and work together in the Kingdom of God.
Please pray for:
- God to raise up new pastors. We currently have four churches waiting for a senior pastor.
- More brothers and sisters to join the Alliance Theological Seminary of Uruguay (SETAU). The school has begun a new period of enrollment.
Please pray for:
- Support for the pastoral and missionary families in the field.
- The Annual Assembly of the Alliance Church on Saturday, November 11.
- The country’s election process and the transition to the new government.
- The economic situation of the country, which is experiencing a constant devaluation of the currency due to the inflationary process (140% in the last year). That is affecting the churches and the development of ministries.
Praise God for:
- The evangelism and discipleship work that was carried out during August and September through the “Pequeños Aliancistas” children’s ministry.
Please pray for:
- The various national events that will take place in the coming months:
- The “Shine 2023” Alliance Women’s Conference in November.
- The Pequeños Aliancistas Children’s Adventure Camp to take place simultaneously with the women’s conference in November.
- Public order in our country. Ask God to watch over the pastors and members of our churches.
Praise God for:
- The spirit of unity and fellowship in our churches; for God’s sustenance and guidance.
Please pray for:
- Church and ministerial leaders and work programs.
- The directors, professors, and students at the Spanish Bible Theological Institute.
- The 2024 planning for the churches, primarily the Hispanic church.
- Evangelistic outreach and discipleship in churches.
- The peace of Panama City during the riots and protests. May God place a hedge of protection around the population, the members of our church and the properties of the council.
Please pray for:
- Children who have not been able to start the new school year. Pray that God will provide them with what they need.
- God’s guidance, discernment, and wisdom for the leaders of the national office in all they do.
- The leaders and those in charge of the country. May God open a channel of dialogue and communication between them and may the political and social situation improve.
- An opening of the borders of Haiti and the Dominican Republic. The closed borders have led to food shortages, a lack of work, and much chaos.
AWF Prayers – October 2023
October 25, 2023
Please pray for:
- The centennial celebration of the Christian Alliance Church in Burkina Faso in November 2023.
- God’s protection for all those traveling to Burkina Faso for the centennial ceremony.
- The return of peace in our country and for displaced persons. Ask the Lord to strengthen their faith and provide for all their needs.
Praise God for:
- The successful centennial festivities attended by thousands of Christians in the San area.
- The safe and smooth running of youth camps in Zamana, Koutiala, N’torosso, Kimparana, Sikasso, Yorosso, Mankoina, Sanekuy and Tominian.
Please pray for:
- The centennial celebration of the C&MA of Mali in November 2023. Pray also for the safe journey of all those who will come to rejoice with us.
- Peace in our country.
Praise God for:
- The success of Family Week, October 9-15. On Saturday, October 14, the C&MA church of Cote d’Ivoire organized a parade to draw the nation’s attention to the dangers that Ivorian society faces if nothing is done to return to the biblical concept of the family.
Please pray for:
- A successful Mission Week, October 29-November 5.
- Us to be able to equip the Christian Alliance Radio and Television House.
- The development of the missionary field in Ghana.
Please pray for:
- The health of Esther B. Liberty, the wife of the C&MA’s Liberian president. Esther is presently home recovering gradually.
- The C&MA Liberia, that will host two AWF conferences: the Global Network of Mission Leaders Meeting, November 5-7, and the Africa Regional Conference, November 8-13, both in Monrovia. Pray for God’s wisdom and strength for the committees as they meet regularly to plan for these events. Pray for visas and the finances for those who are to attend these conferences.
- Peace in Liberia after the general and presidential elections October 10.
October 11, 2023
Praise God for:
- The fifth successful Cross-Cultural Missions Conference, with the theme “Hosanna to the Coming King, Let’s Do the Task!” It is based on Matthew 24:14.
- The small mission projects that continue to open in the north of Spain, where the evangelical presence is the lowest in this country. There are already two mission projects operating in the interior of Asturias. One is a small group starting in Vigo-Pontevedra and another small group is in Lalín in Galicia.
- The church in Husca, started on July 9. Pray that it continues to grow for the glory of God.
Please pray for:
- The churches that are appealing the refusal of the authorities to grant them charitable status following the implementation of new French legislation. Ask the Lord to remove any barriers and give these churches favor in the eyes of the authorities.
- The plans to roll out the dynamic children’s discipleship program “Discovery Land” among Alliance churches to reach the children of France and empower them to share the gospel.
Praise God for:
- The encouraging Alliance fellowship meeting that took place in Bologna on September 2. Praise God for the work that he is doing in people’s hearts.
Please pray for:
- Wisdom and guidance as the AWF leadership plans more Alliance fellowship meetings and an Alliance Peacemaking conference seeks to encourage and foster fellowship among all Alliance associated workers and leaders in Italy.
Praise God for:
- The successful merger of the ABC and Unie churches into one body. Pray that God will be glorified through the celebrations that are planned for November 18.
October 4, 2023
Please pray for:
- The 70th Anniversary Thanksgiving Celebration, October 9.
- Our annual membership meeting, October 28. Pray for God’s guidance and wisdom for the election of the new members of the Board of Directors. Pray also for us to be able to finish the ministry and budget planning.
- The ministry seminar, March 27-29, 2024, where we will discuss church planting strategies.
Praise God for:
- His blessings to the church in Northern Vietnam. In the first eight months of this year, 50 new churches were added. We also praise God for the Hanoi Bible Theological School, which has been in operation for 10 years, enrolling 220 people in six courses to equip them to serve God.
Please pray for:
- The Spiritual Enlightenment Council for 800 pastors and preachers, October 4-5.
- The Hanoi Bible College. They have purchased a new facility but are currently lacking $650,000 USD.
Praise God for:
- The meaningful time Foster and Ebby had with their South Asian friends at the last family night when they read of Jesus’ encounter with the demon-possessed man. Their Muslim and Hindu friends read first-hand how powerful and compassionate Jesus is. May God continue to speak to their friends.
Please pray for:
- Local pediatricians to join Ian, our International Worker, at the hospital in Africa. He made two good connections at a medical conference. Pray for guidance and discernment for these two doctors who are considering joining the work.
- The Yezidi People from the Middle East. Around 1,500 Yezidi reside in Canada. They practice Yezidism, a monotheistic ethnic religion; only 0.25% would be considered Christian. Pray that the Yezidis would hunger for God and that Jesus would reveal himself to them. Pray for Bryan and Jessyka as they transition to working with the Yezidi people here in Canada. Pray for the initial building of trust and blessing as they develop relationships.
Please pray for:
- The long process of grieving that continues in the aftermath of the catastrophic wildfires on the island of Maui. Pray for Alliance chaplains in Hawaii as they continue their ministry to military and federal service members. Pray for continuous protection and wisdom on how to direct the chaplain response on Maui. Pray also for God’s grace and peace to sustain those feeling anguish, uncertainty, and loss. Ask the Lord to reveal himself as their Savior, Comforter, Helper, Provider, and Healer during this incredibly difficult time.
- A Deeper Life Academy intensive, October 9-13, in Vancouver, Washington. The purpose of this event is to gather ministry-minded men and women and reconnect them with the C&MA foundational conviction that the pursuit of the deeper life in Christ will lead to personal and community-wide spiritual awakening. Please cover this time in prayer for lasting spiritual impact among participants and community transformation.
- The now. Campaign. The U.S. Alliance has entered a two-year campaign called now., characterized by faith-filled risks and bold gospel advance as we trust God for:
- One new international worker to be sent per week.
- One new open door for Alliance Missions advance per year.
- One new U.S. church plant per week.
- One hundred million dollars raised per year to launch and sustain gospel presence.
- The completion of the One Alliance Place site that will house the U.S. National Office and serve the greater Columbus, Ohio community and U.S. Alliance family.
Please pray for God’s abiding presence and provision to send new workers, open new doors globally, plant new churches, and raise needed resources.
AWF Prayers – September 2023
September 27, 2023
Haiti is experiencing an increase in violence caused by armed gangs in the capital, Port-au-Prince. These gangs have taken control of the city and have prevented the police and government from restoring order. The Alliance in Haiti has 36 churches, and three of them in the Port-au-Prince area have been affected by this situation, with two churches closing due to fear of violence. The third church suffered a fire that damaged part of the structure. Despite everything, churches seek to congregate in small cells and continue their evangelistic work.
Rev. Fils-Aime Idenaire, the president of the Alliance of Haiti, assures us that although the situation in the capital affects the entire country, the areas outside its boundaries, that is, the north and west, can operate and carry on their daily routines despite the problems they face as a country. In August, the church in Ouanaminthe held youth and women’s conferences with a massive response from both groups, and the participation of brothers and sisters from Puerto Rico. “We were surprised by the power of the ministry and impacted by the teaching. We want the next conferences to last not just three days, but the whole week,” said Pastor Fils-Aime.
Please pray for:
- The three C&MA churches that were destroyed in Port-au-Prince by the gangs. May God protect our brothers and sisters and provide what they need to continue the work.
- The brothers and sisters who have had to abandon their homes due to violence. Pray that they will find a safe place to stay, and for direction and peace amid the chaos.
- The pastors and church leaders. Pray that God will guide them in all that they do, but above all, that they may be able to fulfill their mission despite the difficulties.
Please pray for:
- The health of Rev. Natanael Gil, the president of the Venezuelan Alliance. He has suffered from spondylitis for a long time and for some time now he has had problems with his respiratory tract. Pray also for his wife Evelyn. After having COVID-19, she has been presenting several sequels, among them continuous and strong respiratory problems.
- God’s healing and for provision of medicine for pastors. Several of them have suffered from various illnesses. There is often a shortage of medicines, or they are very expensive.
- Financial provision of a new place to rent or own for the Bethlehem Alliance church. They have been meeting on a borrowed sports field.
- Legalization of the FUNDALFA Foundation, so that we can begin medical, dental, and educational assistance, as well as support for families, couples, and young people in the Los Guayos area.
Praise God for:
- Our brothers and sisters from the Comunidad de Adoración (Worship Community) and the Apopa Alliance who recently participated in our first short-term mission as a national church. We mobilized members of both churches for four days to go and support evangelism and related activities in small evangelical congregations in the interior of the country.
Please pray for:
- The five-year plan of the national church, specifically the topic that refers to the missionary identity which we are challenging our churches to fulfill in the Great Commission.
- Our Sister Jeimy Vigil, leader of the Apopa C&MA church. She started her three-month cross-cultural missionary training this month at the Vision 800 Global Cross-Cultural Missionary Training School.
Praise God for:
- The National Youth Camp held in Quillacollo. May God raise up a new generation of pastors and missionaries.
Please pray for:
- The new work in Cobija, Pando, in the Bolivian Amazon. Ask God to strengthen his workers and give growth to his church.
- The National Women’s Gathering in November in Cochabamba.
- God to send workers to plant new churches in capital cities where there is not yet an Alliance church.
Please pray for:
- Our international worker “MLC” in North Africa. She is facing serious health problems. Pray for divine healing over her body and peace in her spirit as she faces this situation.
- The various national events that will take place in the coming months:
- The “Acts 2023” Alliance Missions Conference in October.
- The “Shine 2023” Alliance Women’s Conference in November.
- The Pequeños Aliancistas Children’s Adventure Camp to take place simultaneously with the women’s conference in November.
- The “Connected 2023” Alliance Youth Conference in December.
Please pray for:
- Our Alliance district presidents. Ask God to strengthen them and give them wisdom to continue serving with love and compassion.
- The children in our churches. Pray for protection and that their parents may teach them in the knowledge of Christ.
- The Latin American Regional Conference and Symposium in October in Lima, Peru.
Please pray for:
- Several churches that are without pastors. Pray for the Lord to raise workers to serve in these churches.
- God’s wisdom and guidance for the National Board of Directors in important decisions they must make in the coming months.
Please pray for:
- A new generation of young pastors, whose leadership will greatly influence the youth of our churches.
- A greater reach and implementation of the Bible Seminary to train new pastors in all regions of the country.
- Strength, wisdom, care, and good health for the pastoral families of our churches.
- God to bless the generational changes of pastors in the national church.
September 20, 2023
Praise God for:
- The Regional Alliance Youth Conference in Boma, DRC, in We thank God for his protection and provision for the 388 participants from Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Mali, Guinea, Gabon, Angola, Congo-Brazzaville, and the DRC. Pray that these young people will put into practice what they learned during the conference and that God will use them to make a difference where they are.
- The successful visit of Rev. David Sessou, the president of the Benin Alliance church, who came to the DRC to share experiences in the mission. Praise God for his protection. Rev. Sessou was attacked and robbed while leaving his country.
Please pray for:
- God’s comfort and care for the families of Rev. Shadrack Konde Mbongo from Boma and Rev. Rudolphe Mfumu Ntoto from the Kinshasa Central District. Both died in August.
- Marcel Bunda, the president of the Alliance church of the DRC. He took a leave of absence after a long period of intense work. May God strengthen his health so that he can continue with the work to which God has called him.
- The Missions Conference with participants from all Alliance Church districts in the DRC, who are currently planning the mission activities for this year. May God guide them so that they work toward the advancement of missionary efforts where new fields are opening.
Please pray for:
- The Regional Conferences that will take place in the regions of Maiombe, Ngoio, and Luanda in October.
- The beginning of the new school year this month. Pray for God’s protection for the students.
- Our country. Instability caused by disagreements among political parties is affecting the well-being of citizens. Pray also for the people affected by the increasing food crisis. Many consider the trash can a source of food to get through the day, and young people are inclined to crime, drugs, prostitution, etc., due to lack of employment. Ask God to help Angola get out of this crisis.
- The Maiombe region, in the north of Cabinda, where there is an invasion of elephants. The population is abandoning the villages because their crops are being destroyed.
Please pray for:
- God’s comfort for Pastor Jeremie Coulibaly, our former mission coordinator. His son died in an accident.
- Several Youth Camps that are being held this month. Pray for the spiritual needs and protection of our young people.
- The centennial celebration in the districts and in the capital Bamako, November 16-18.
- The Evangelical Christian Church. It is the only one that was able to send a missionary to the strongly Islamic city of Djenne.
Please pray for:
- The necessary funds to build a Bible school where pastors will be trained.
- Financial provision to buy hectares in Djidja for agriculture.
- A car for us to go to the villages to do evangelism and missions with the aim of planting churches.
Please pray for:
- God’s guidance, wisdom, and protection for the family week which will take place in October.
September 6, 2023
Please pray for:
- Growth for a new church that has recently been planted in the Czech Republic.
- Our missionaries in West Africa who are dealing with difficult political situations.
- Our missionaries in South America who are planning to give agricultural farm training. Pray that it will be impactful, and that God’s love will become visible through that training.
- Provision and guidance for our missionaries in Spain.
- New connections in Portugal that will foster evangelism, church planting, and community work.
Praise God for:
- The zeal of believers to reach their family, friends, and neighbors for Christ in the mountain mining towns of Mieres and Sara in Asturias.
Please pray for:
- God to give the new Lighthouse of Hope Church in Mieres the joy of seeing others come to Christ, especially among the students who arrive this fall for the College of Engineering Mines and Energy.
- The two church plants in the towns of Mieres and Sara in Asturias. Pray for their economic and physical challenges to be met.
- The refreshment of the staff at LIFE International School as they begin the long and loving task of teaching children to learn in LIFE – Love, Integrity, Faith, and Excellence – in the new school year.
- Soravel and Johnny Llanos, the mission candidates from Puerto Rico who are participating in LIFE School. They are seeking God’s will to work in the administrative staff at LIFE in the future.
Please pray for INFORMA, the Alliance Institute for Ministry Formation:
- The new Diploma on Youth Leadership program that we will start this month. Pray that many youth leaders will be interested in training in this important area of church life. Our first course will be “Pastoral Fundamentals of Youth.”
- The next A.B. Simpson Conference on “The Role of the Holy Spirit in the Church” by Dr. Ernie Klassen of Canada. The conference will be held in Barcelona, September 8-9.
- The two courses in Madrid and Barcelona this month: “Hermeneutics,” with Rev. Timothy Westergren, and “Theology III: The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit” with Dr. Ernie Klassen.
Please pray for:
- Wisdom and guidance as the AWF leadership seeks to encourage and foster fellowship among all Alliance associated workers and leaders in and connected with Italy.
Please pray for:
- The new Alliance Women’s plan in France. It will be seeking to bring women together to pray and learn how to serve God.
Please pray for:
- Peace in the Holy Land.
AWF Prayers – August 2023
August 30, 2023
Please pray for:
- The APAC Regional Seminar on Relief and Development to be held in Bali, Indonesia, in October. Pray for the participants and leaders as we seek the Lord for cooperation, training, and opportunities.
- The AWF APAC Regional Conference we are planning for 2024. Next month, the Regional Coordination Committee will consider the host country and venue. We look forward to gathering as an Alliance family for this event.
Please pray for:
- Our Global Impact Week, September 9-16, with our special guests from the Philippines, the Lumawag family. Pray that our hearts will be in tune with God’s heart for missions and that our churches will be united in their desire to reach the lost locally and globally.
- The rebuilding and renovation that is underway at one of our main church buildings. It was badly damaged in a flood in January.
Praise God for:
- His blessing, protection, and provision for the new church building of the Hmunțha Alliance, even amid conflict and war. May God bless this church in reaching the people of this community with his love.
Please pray for:
- The missionary work and church ministry in Myanmar. The country faces many difficulties – insecurity, battles and rumors of war, inflation, and an increase in unemployment – which cause robbery and other serious crimes. Pray for God to provide the needs of the Alliance in Myanmar so that they can continue to do his work and be salt and light in these times.
Please pray for:
- The Kingdom Leadership Training Center (Bible College). Pray that the professors, staff, and students may be well prepared for the new semester. Pray also that the students will grow and bear much fruit for God’s glory.
- The Mongolian Alliance Churches. They recently restructured their administration system, making changes to the division of work and leadership roles. Please pray that the Lord will help the national leadership be more united and led by the Spirit to govern the churches with wisdom, faith, and humility.
- The people who have been affected by the flood in our capital city in July. Many lost their homes and all their belongings. Pray that God may use Christian people, churches, and organizations to help those affected and to reach them with the gospel.
The districts of Agandugume and Lambewi in Puncak Regency, Papua have experienced severe drought. Six people have died, and thousands have been affected by the lack of rainfall. All of them are members of our church. The drought has also affected the harvest.
Please pray for:
- God’s comfort for those who have lost loved ones and for all those affected by the drought.
- God to send rain and supply the need for food for the affected families.
- The church, so that they can help the people who are in need.
August 23, 2023
Please pray for:
- The Hispanic Leaders’ Retreat in Portland, Oregon, September 22-24. The event’s organizers write, “We are excited to invite our Hispanic leaders to our second annual retreat to connect, worship, and explore the area. We will also hear from Alliance Peacemaking about resolving conflicts within the church in a God-honoring way.”
- This year’s Missions Engagement. The theme is “now. to the hard places.” The U.S. Alliance joins other national church networks of the Alliance World Fellowship (AWF) in launching a gospel presence where none yet exists. Please pray for Alliance church and missions leaders as they engage their congregations more fully in our All of Jesus for All the World vision through the Missions Engagement campaign.
- Maui, Hawaii. The deadliest U.S. wildfires in more than a century started August 8 and spread rapidly, decimating the popular tourist destination of Lahaina. Although there are no Alliance churches on Maui, The Alliance has five chaplains in Hawaii either actively involved in relief efforts or ready to assist. “Continue to pray for our chaplains, first responders, authorities, and relief organizations as they provide practical aid and spiritual support,” says Kevin Pies, executive director for Alliance Chaplains Ministries. “Ask for wisdom, guidance in their decision-making, and renewed strength as they work long hours in the recovery process.” Pray also for access to resources and opportunities for rebuilding lives, homes, and communities. Intercede as well for those traumatized as they recover from injuries and loss. Above all, pray that survivors will find hope in Christ during this time of overwhelming need.
Praise God with:
- Kent and Clara, International Workers (IWs) in the Middle East. They report that a man named Victory has returned to church with his wife for the first time since last fall. Struggling with alcohol, Victory had asked for prayer. As four gathered around him to pray, Victory felt a hand on his chest, looked up to see whose hand it was, and realized it was not a human hand but God’s. He left the prayer time radiant with the Lord’s touch.
- Foster and Ebby for the barbecue outreach event. A few new people joined, and the prayer session after dinner was a sweet time to pray over their Muslim and Hindu friends. May God reveal his miraculous power to their South Asian friends. Their team will meet to assess the event and decide on a future approach. Pray for unity and a fresh commitment to reach out to these people.
Please pray for:
- IWs Gary and Sharon as they return to Senegal after a home assignment. Pray for ease in the adjustment back and renewed vision for strategies and ministry among the Fula and the Wolof people.
- IWs Blake and Kathy Penson and for the Chilean couple directing the launch of the new cultural center project. This couple and the two missions candidates they mentor are gifted in finding creative ways to serve the immigrant population. Pray that many new doors of opportunity will open into people’s lives when this cultural center opens. Pray for wisdom for another Chilean couple as they prepare to set up a coffee shop at the cultural center.
- NorthWind Family Ministries as it seeks to come alongside Indigenous peoples in Northern Ontario. In 2020, New Ventures partnered with NorthWind to develop the NorthWind Gathering. This weekly meeting welcomes a diverse group of people from Thunder Bay’s downtown core and beyond for a community meal, devotional, and Bible study.
- IWs children who are adjusting to a new culture and language. Pray that the Lord would enable them to learn their new language with ease and that they would feel confident in communicating with others even while they are learning. Pray they will have a sense of belonging even when everything seems different.
August 16, 2023
Please pray for:
- The Alliance Convention, August 17-20. May this be a time to exalt our God for the 100 years of the Alliance Church of Colombia and to enjoy the unity of our family.
- The deployment of two international workers in September. They will be serving Pakistani and Muslim communities.
- The various national events that will take place in the coming months:
- The “Position Yourself 2023” Alliance Men’s Conference in September
- The “Acts 2023” Alliance Missions Conference in October
- The “Shine 2023” Alliance Women’s Conference in November
- The Pequeños Aliancistas Children’s Adventure Camp to take place simultaneously with the women’s conference in November.
Please pray for:
- The leadership retreat of the churches of the Huánuco region, August 23-27.
- The work of the Peruvian missionaries in Europe.
- God’s strength and wisdom for the new national church’s leadership.
- The celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Lima Encounter with God movement in October.
- The political authorities of Peru. May the Lord pour wisdom upon them to make wise decisions for the benefit of the population.
Praise God for:
- The annual assembly at the end of July. It was a time of edification and unity of leadership.
Please pray for:
- Legalization of the FUNDALFA Foundation, so we can start medical, dental, and educational assistance, as well as support for families, couples, and young people in the Los Guayos area.
- Funds for sound equipment and chairs for the new church in Los Guayos.
- The reactivation of the national youth ministry.
- Health, financial provision, guidance, and wisdom for the pastors of the C&MA of Venezuela.
Praise God for:
- The National Women’s Conference, August 4-6. We rejoice in the Lord for this blessed time.
Please pray for:
- The Alliance church that will be planted in the Bettie Ouanaminthe village in September. Pray that the people will have a thirst for God and open hearts to receive the gospel. Pray also for the Lord’s guidance and wisdom for the pastoral family who will lead this new work.
- The unity of the Alliance churches so that we can continue to strengthen the relationships between our leaders and pastors, and thus continue to spread the Kingdom of heaven.
- Children and young people who have received Christ to grow in God’s Word and in their faith. Pray also for those who have not yet been reached so that they can know Jesus.
- Our country. Haiti needs tools to overcome violence. Let us pray for peace and for direction for our leaders so that they may look to God for their decision-making.
Praise God for:
- The spirit of unity and fellowship among the churches in Panama.
- The new missionary couple who was sent to pastor and raise up new leaders among the second generation of Chinese in Panama.
Please pray for:
- The Cerro Viento Church. Seven brothers and sisters from the Chinese congregation are taking on the responsibility of pastoring this congregation. Pray for their commitment, courage, and spiritual wisdom.
- The Brisas del Golf Alliance. It is the only 100% Hispanic church in Panama. Pray for wisdom and guidance from the Holy Spirit for the missionary couple Miguel and Yngrid Grassals to continue pastoring the flock.
- The leaders and participants of the “Houses of Hope” small groups. May they grow in God’s Word and in unity. Pray also for the multiplication of small groups.
- The families of the church that must leave Panama. May God guide them, and may they be light wherever they go. Pray also for the Lord to give us wisdom to train new leaders.
Praise God for:
- The brothers and sisters who have been baptized in recent weeks.
- His protection and care of our church families and buildings. They have not been affected by the recent natural disasters.
Please pray for:
- The health of pastors Luis Roa and Patricio Gómez and various brothers.
- The reconstruction of our school that was burned down in a violent attack. The students are now in temporary classrooms until they have a new building.
- The moral and financial situation which affects the life of the church in some way.
Please pray for:
- The Summer Vacation Bible Schools that are taking place at our churches this month.
- The mission trips of our youth every weekend in August to encourage the most distant and least healthy churches.
- The tour to all our churches in September to encourage, train, and refocus the vision of healthy churches.
- New workers to plant churches, and the resources to train them.
Please pray for:
- Health and spiritual support for our pastors and missionaries.
- The pastoral retreat in the Patagonia region in September.
- The evangelistic programs of our churches.
- The beginning of the second semester of the Buenos Aires Bible Institute. Pray for the students, teachers, and staff.
Praise God for:
- The Alliance DNA seminars that have been held with pastors and church leaders.
Please pray for:
- God’s wisdom for the resolution of administrative conflicts in some churches in the interior of the country.
- Financial provision for our churches.
Praise God for:
- Sending rain to our land after a severe drought. The supply of drinking water to the country’s capital has been restored.
Please pray for:
- God to raise up new pastors. We currently have four churches waiting for a senior pastor.
Please pray for:
- God to send missionaries and pastors to support the planting of churches in Bolivia.
- The National Women’s meeting in November.
August 9, 2023
Please pray for:
- The Alliance Youth Conference in Boma, DRC, August 14-20. The theme is “Influence Your World.” Pray for God’s protection and provision for the delegations from several African countries who will attend.
Praise God for:
- The church synod in Boma, July 16-23, and the renewal of the National Office led by President Marcel Bunda Bunda and the members of the Management Committee. The conference went smoothly. A new administrative vice president and a new treasurer were elected. Pray for God’s wisdom and protection for the National Office to lead the church the next four years.
- The settling of two missionary couples in Guinea-Conakry. They were sent by the national church last month.
Please pray for:
- God’s comfort for the families of two delegates who died during the synod: Rév. Crépin Luzolo of Kinshasa and Doctor Becken Bilendo of Kinkonzi.
- The Lord’s servants who are of retirement age but continue to work. May God provide for their retirement.
- The project to open a university that will allow us to train servants throughout the church.
- The Democratic Republic of Congo. The country is facing insecurity and massive inflation. Pray also for the general elections scheduled for the end of this year.
Please pray for:
- The health of Esther Liberty, the wife of the president of C&MA Liberia. She was recently admitted to the hospital for a week but is now recovering gradually.
- The C&MA Liberia, which will host two AWF conferences this year: the Global Network of Mission Leaders Meeting, November 5-7, and the Africa Regional Conference, November 8-12 in Monrovia. Pray for God’s wisdom and strength for the committees as they meet regularly to plan for these events. Pray for visas and financial provisions for attendees.
- Peace in Liberia as the country prepares for its October 10 general and presidential elections.
Praise God for:
- For the trip of Robert Sanou and Adama Soma to Angola. They were sent by the AWF to train the church in the principles of Farming God’s Way.
Please pray for:
- The Alliance church in Angola to be strong and inspired in its mission to bear witness to Jesus even in difficult times.
- God’s guidance and wisdom for the new national youth director of the Alliance of Angola in his mission to reorganize the department.
- Our country. Due to the critical situation of human organs trafficking, high mortality rates and the entry of foreign criminals into the country, the insecurity of the population has grown considerably.
- The Angolan authorities to not consider the suffering of the people as something normal, without any concern in the face of the real facts.
Praise God for:
- The government referendum that took place in June. It passed by 97%, allowing religious freedom for all Christians.
Please pray for:
- Financial and material provision for the centennial celebration of the C&MA of Mali in November 2023.
- Enough rain that farmers can have a good harvest.
Please pray for:
- God’s wisdom and guidance for the national president, Rev. David Sessou, and the members of the National Office to lead the church well in Benin.
- Financial provision for the purchase of a car that will be used for evangelization and inland missions in Benin’s villages.
- God to provide the funds for the construction of a Bible school to train future pastors.
August 2, 2023
Praise God for:
- The successful first Alliance Theological Symposium on the “History, Theology, and Mission of the C&MA” in June in Toulouse, France. It was hosted by the AWF International Commission of Theological Education (ICTE). The 50-plus participants heard 25 papers presented by scholars from five continents and in three languages: Spanish, French, and English.
- The successful AWF EMERALD Regional Conference hosted by the French National Alliance Church (AECM France) in June in Toulouse. More than 150 delegates from all over the world attended and were blessed with some wonderfully inspired teaching from Dr. Stanley John on “Missional Leadership in an Era of Global Christianity.”
- The dedicated team of volunteers, including those from Appleton Alliance Church, Toulouse International Church, and the AECM France, who helped make these events a success.
Praise God for:
- The successful launch of the Alliance Church of All Nations (Alliance CAN) Network at the Alliance Theological Symposium and the AWF EMERALD Conference in France. This is a new AWF initiative to encourage the planting and growth of churches where people from all nations, tribes, and languages can find a loving, welcome, warm family, and belonging.
Please pray for:
- The Missions Conference of the Alliance Church in Mexico, August 11-13. Brother Eoghan Cosgrave, the AWF EMERALD Missions Mobilizer, will be speaking and running workshops on Missions Mobilizations to help the church reach people groups that do not yet know Jesus.
Praise God for:
- The rich discussions that took place during the Alliance training workshop at the AWF EMERALD Conference. God is clearly at work as new directions take shape, while Alliance leaders and trainers work together for God’s glory in our region.
Praise God for:
- The many encouraging conversations between French Alliance pastors, missionaries, and Alliance family members from around the world during the AWF EMERALD Conference.
Praise God for:
- His protection for the various children and youth camps over the summer. Praise God also for the good news from the Bethany School of Discipleship and Missions, where many of the students reconciled with God and received healing for their souls.
Please pray for:
- Spanish church planter Alejandro Betancur, who had a momentary brain ischemia (TIA) that briefly affected his speech. He is hospitalized for diagnostic testing. Alex is a retired Army officer from the Canary Islands and a graduate of the INFORMA Ministerial Training Institute, who, with his wife, Nancy, is planting a church in Mieres, Asturias.
- Leopoldo Ayala, the coordinator of INFORMA classes in Barcelona. He has undergone open heart surgery. May the Lord guard his life and restore his heart to perfect health.
- The visa application of Jorge Tapia and his family, who have been commissioned by the Chilean Alliance to plant churches in Spain. The process has already taken two years due to the pandemic and red tape.
Please pray for:
- The Alliance church in the Holy Land and its annual conference, August 4-6. Pray for the churches coming together, for the speaker, and for a time of renewal, dedication, and encouraging fellowship.
- Peace in the Holy Land.
Please pray for:
- The preparations for the Alliance fellowship meeting in Bologna, September 2. Pray for wisdom and guidance as the AWF leadership seeks to encourage and foster fellowship among all Alliance-associated workers and leaders in and connected to Italy.
AWF Prayers – July 2023
July 19, 2023
Praise God for:
- The success of the three camps July 2-4, with 261 participants.
Please pray for:
- Two members of our National Board of Directors. They need treatment for brain cancer and heart disease.
- Our 70th anniversary thanksgiving celebration, October 7-9.
Praise God for:
- The 73rd Annual Meeting of the Japan Alliance Church, May 30-31. We were able to have Holy Communion at the service for the first time in four years, and we confirmed that we will continue to build up a church that listens to and obeys the Lord’s word and evangelizes in communion with the Lord Jesus. One graduate of the Japan Alliance School of Theology was ordained as assistant teacher and appointed as associate pastor at the church in the Kanto area. Five board members were elected and are beginning their two-year term of ministry.
- The inauguration ceremony of the Japan Alliance School of Theology. One new student is enrolled. Please pray that he will devote his life to the Lord and to studying all the seminary subjects.
Please pray for:
- The construction of the new seminary building. It started in June and is scheduled to be completed in February next year. We are planning to use the building for various ministries of the church.
- The Miyajima Deeper Life Conference in Hiroshima, August 22-23. The speakers will be Rev. Ken Koizumi (the main speaker) and Rev. Kuniharu Mandokoro. The theme is “To Live by Faith” from Romans 1:17.
Please pray for:
- The Missions Month Movement of the Alliance Church of Indonesia in August. Throughout the month, every church will preach about missions, pray for missionaries, hold mission seminars, and give offerings for mission programs in Indonesia and abroad.
- The Alliance Church of Indonesia. We are currently planting churches in Sumatra and are targeting 16 new churches by 2026. We are also planting churches among unreached people groups around the new nation’s capital, Nusantara in East Kalimantan.
- The new missionaries who have been sent to Thailand to reach the Myanmar people in collaboration with C&MA Thailand. Pray also for the mission among Indonesian workers in Hong Kong and Taiwan. Six missionaries are currently serving in Hong Kong and one in Taiwan.
Please pray for:
- Peace and reconciliation in Myanmar.
- The missionary families doing evangelization among Buddhists and in conflict areas.
Alliance University/Alliance Theological Seminary
On June 29, 2023, the Alliance University (AU) Board of Trustees made the difficult decision to cease all academic offerings effective September 1, 2023. The Alliance grieves the loss of this institution and its 140-year legacy of preparing and equipping tens of thousands of men and women to serve Christ faithfully—in vocational ministry, government, and the marketplace—here in the United States and in 90 countries abroad.
Please pray:
- For the AU students, faculty, and staff as they seek God’s guidance and provision for their next season of life and ministry.
- For Alliance Theological Seminary leaders as they seek God’s wisdom in sustaining the ministry of our national seminary.
- That God will equip and fortify our Alliance higher education institutions in the United States and abroad toward the ongoing fulfillment of our “All of Jesus for All the World” vision.
Home Assignment Ministry Seminar
- Please pray for the Home Assignment Ministry Seminar (HAMS), July 17-22. This is an event that helps prepare Alliance international workers and their families for a season of stateside ministry, interaction with peers and leaders, and reflection on what God has done in their midst. Pray specifically for safe travel as well as a productive, helpful, and refreshing time for all those attending after faithfully serving the Lord while in their host countries.
The now. Campaign
The U.S. Alliance has entered a two-year “now. Campaign,” characterized by faith-filled risks and bold gospel advance, trusting God for:
- One new international worker to be sent per week.
- One new open door for Alliance Missions to advance per year.
- One new U.S. church plant per week.
- One hundred million dollars raised per year to launch and sustain gospel presence.
- The completion of One Alliance Place site that will house the U.S. National Office and serve the greater Columbus, Ohio area and U.S. Alliance family.
Please pray for God’s abiding presence and provision to send new workers, open new doors globally, plant new churches, and raise needed resources.
July 12, 2023
Praise God for:
- The first regional pastors retreat in Córdoba. It was a time of blessing, healing, care, and fellowship for our pastors.
Please pray for:
- The next regional pastors retreat in Buenos Aires, July 14-16.
- The health, finances, and ministries of our pastoral families.
- The strength, finances, and ministry of our cross-cultural missionaries.
Please pray for:
- The Alliance Convention, August 17-20. Pray that this will be a time to exalt God for the 100 years of the Alliance in Colombia, and for us to enjoy the unity of our family.
- The pastors, leaders, and servants. May God prepare the hearts of those who will participate in the Alliance Convention, so that everyone can attend and enjoy God’s work in our Alliance family.
- The teachers, pastors, and parents of our national children’s ministry, Pequeños Aliancistas. May God give them creativity and the teaching tools to implement the Internal Child Protection Policy in each of our offices.
- Two of our workers who are preparing to be sent to the mission field in September.
Please pray for:
- The unity of the churches of the Brazilian Alliance to reach and impact the cities where the Alliance has ministries. Pray for new missional groups to develop into church plantings around Brazil.
- New students for our A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary. Pray for wisdom in developing new strategies to educate in the virtual world.
- The Lima family, missionaries in Portugal. Pray for the development of their son Rafael, who has Down syndrome. His vision continues to need attention and he will start his first year of school this fall. Also pray for the salvation of the school friends of the family’s eldest son, Eduardo. He is the only believer in his school.
- The Albuquerque family, also missionaries in Portugal. Pray for their physical and emotional health. Pray also for their daughters who will have a sleepover at the end of the school term to reach their friends with the gospel.
Please pray for:
- The new work we are planting with the U.S. Alliance Missions in Ciudad de la Costa, Canelones. Pray that the Lord shows his favor and that many people will be reached by the gospel in this area.
- The children’s health in Uruguay. There has been an outbreak of the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV). This virus especially affects children, causing serious respiratory problems. Many emergency rooms are filled, and ICUs are almost at their limit. Pray for the Lord’s mercy and healing for the children.
- The southern part of the country. It is facing serious drought, especially in the capital, Montevideo. Supplying drinking water is becoming increasingly difficult. Please pray for rain and for God’s guidance and wisdom for the authorities to handle this situation.
Please pray for:
- A new place for our church in Trou du Nord. The building they have been using is rented, and the landlord has asked them to leave by October. Pray that they will find another place and that God provides what is necessary for this move.
- The national Alliance women’s conference, August 4-6. Pray for God’s protection and wisdom for the speakers. The theme will be “Prostrate at Your Feet.”
- The national Alliance youth conference, August 11-13. The theme will be “How Young People Should Live in The Present Time.” Pray for direction and discernment so that we may find a speaker for the conference.
- The construction of the church in St. Michel, in Cap Haitien. Pray for protection for the workers, and that materials are available so we can finish the construction soon.
Praise God for:
- The completion of the planning for the constitution of the national church in Panama. Both the Chinese and Hispanic churches have worked in harmony and cooperation.
Please pray for:
- The short-term missions group of the Hispanic C&MA district in the United States. They will join us in social and evangelistic work in a community close to the city dump. We will rebuild the roofs, windows, and floors of three homes and do evangelism in the community school and counseling work with women.
- Resources for the Brisas del Golf Alliance Church to purchase their own building.
Please pray for:
- A series of children’s, youth, and worship and praise leadership training events in the coming months.
- God’s wisdom for the National Board of Directors to redirect the work of the national church and each local church.
- The meetings of pastors with members of the National Board to propose a training program for new pastors.
Please pray for:
- The missions conferences in 15 churches of the C&MA of Peru this month.
- A smooth transition of pastoral changes in large churches in Lima.
- The rector’s transition at the Alliance Bible Seminary of Peru (SEBAP).
- The training of pastors in various regions of Peru.
- The 50th anniversary of the Lima Encounter with God movement and its different activities throughout the year. The main celebration will be in October.
Please pray for:
- The Vacation Bible Schools (VBS) of the C&MA of Cuba. Pray that God will provide the resources and that many children will come.
- Financial provision and visas for the Cuban delegation that is planning to attend the CLA Assembly in Lima, Peru, in October.
A few weeks ago, the southcentral part of the country was affected by severe weather. Rivers overflowed due to heavy rain, especially in the Biobío and Maule regions. Please pray for:
- Our brothers and sisters in the city of Linares near the Embalse Ancoa river. Their homes have been affected by the flooding.
- The opening of the 5 South highway, which has been blocked in both directions, leaving the population isolated.
- Provision of supplies for the affected families.
- The Lord’s protection and strength for our brothers and sisters, especially the children and the elderly.
July 5, 2023
Praise God for:
- The series of retreats for pastors and spouses that have taken place this past quarter across the country, and for the resulting testimonies from some pastors about renewal, commitment to personal relationships with God, and profound changes in their way of serving the Lord.
- The missionary deployment in West Africa, which is now effective, with a thanksgiving service for the four missionaries on July 2 and their departure on July 10. Pray that God will provide for all the partners of this project.
Please pray for:
- The resumption of activities of the House of Prayer that were suspended with the death of the director, Rev. Isaiah Muanda, a year ago. May the Lord direct those responsible for choosing the new director.
- Our servant training institutions. May God help them to build a program that guides apprentices to work in rural areas.
- The General Synod, July 16-23 in Boma, and the renewal of the national office. May the Lord be at work and provide for all their needs and keep the physical, spiritual, and emotional health of the nearly 1,500 delegates who will gather there.
Please pray for:
- The country of Sudan. Thousands have been killed and many thousands more wounded in the civil war that continues there.
- The sovereign Lord, who can turn evil things around for good, to intervene and save the maximum number of Darfurians in Western Sudan.
- The Fur tribe, which has been the chief target of attacks until now. Pray, too, for a second entirely Muslim tribe, the Massalit, who are now under attack. Pray that the Massalit will turn to Christ as the Fur have done.
- Our summer special meetings to be attended by the Holy Spirit and for him to strengthen and encourage our four churches. Special emphasis will be placed on building Christian marriages.
Please pray for:
- A revival within the national church during this difficult time of insecurity in our country.
- New partners for our NGO called ODES-MALI so that we can meet the needs of displaced and marginalized populations.
- Financial and material provision for the centennial celebration of the C&MA of Mali in November 2023.
Praise God for:
- His wisdom and guidance during the meeting of the National Executive Committee, May 25-28. Pray for the Lord’s help in implementing the new strategies outlined for the proper functioning of the national church.
Please pray for:
- Participation of men in the programs of the Christian Men’s Association of the Alliance in Angola. The association has made several attempts at proper functioning, but the expected organizational level has not yet been reached.
- God’s guidance, provision, and protection for the AWF Africa Youth Conference in Kinshasa, DRC in August.
- The Lord’s protection of the pastors and their families who were transferred to other regions.
- The government authorities of Angola. May God touch their hearts to adopt the measures necessary for the social well-being of citizens.
Praise God for:
- The smooth running of the Jesus Our Healer campaign. It brought together in unity the body of Christ in Libreville with speaker Bishop Dag Heward-Mills of Ghana. We thank the Lord for the salvation of souls and the many miraculous healings.
Please pray for:
- The end of dramatic accidents in the country. After the events that Gabon has experienced in recent months, such as shipwrecks, landslides, crimes, rail and road accidents, etc., may all forms of idolatry likely to bring God’s wrath to the country disappear.
- Transparency in the upcoming national government election. After many tragedies recorded in previous elections, may this year’s election take place in peace, in justice for all candidates, and in the integrity of the results.
- Destruction of the plan to teach homosexuality in the schools of Gabon. May God preserve Gabon from this abomination!
Please pray for:
- The C&MA Liberia, which will host two AWF conferences this year: the Global Network of Mission Leaders Meeting, November 5-7, and the Africa Regional Conference, November 8-12 in Monrovia. Pray for God’s wisdom and strength for the committees as they meet regularly to plan for these events. Pray for visas and financial provisions for the attendees.
- The National Board of Directors. Pray that God will enable them to implement the plans they agreed upon at the board meeting in May. One of the key decisions was to renovate the guesthouse and other projects they are undertaking for the successful hosting of the AWF conferences in November. Pray that God will provide financial needs through members and other Christ-loving people.
- Peace in Liberia as the country prepares for its general and presidential elections October 10.
Please pray for:
- The success of the pastoral retreat July 18-21.
- The inauguration ceremony of the national president, Rev. Noël N’Guessan, on July 22.
- The tribute ceremony July 23 for the pastors who are retiring.
- The acquisition of equipment for the Christian Alliance Radio.
AWF Prayers – June 2023
June 21, 2023
Praise God for:
- His protection and provision of the Myanmar C&MA in the midst of civil war.
- The baptism of 25 young people last month.
- The safe journey of president Rev. Lian Suan Pau. He attended the 57th General Assembly of the Philippines C&MA (CAMACOP) at Bacolod, April 25-29.
Please pray for:
- The missionary work in Myanmar to progress, and for the wellbeing of the six missionary families.
- The children in our country. Some are going back to school while other children cannot get formal education due to war and poverty.
- The construction of the Hmuntha church. May the Lord provide what we need to complete the construction.
Praise God for:
- His care and protection. Many people in our churches have been diagnosed with COVID-19 but are doing better now.
Please pray for:
- The camp with three age groups to be held in Taichung, July 2-4.
- Our 70th anniversary celebration, October 7-9, 2023.
- God’s provision for three of our churches that have financial difficulties.
Praise God:
- For a meaningful, impactful, well-attended U.S. Alliance Council in Spokane, Washington, in late May and early June. Many feel this was a deeply historic gathering, as delegates not only elected a new corporate vice president, corporate secretary, and 12 new members of the Alliance Board of Directors but also updated the C&MA Statement of Faith for the first time since 1966 and made significant decisions regarding the role of men and women in spiritual leadership.
- That attendees arrived “expectant” to encounter God and receive his encouragement and guidance. They shared in vibrant, soul-renewing worship — including newly released songs from the Alliance Worship collection — and powerful preaching that affirmed the covenant faithfulness of God the Father, the love and mercy of God the Son, and the power and presence of God the Spirit in their lives.
Please pray for:
- S. Alliance churches as they work through revisions made to the Statement of Faith and polity. Pray that the unity of the Spirit will continue to strengthen our solidarity in creating and sustaining a meaningful, impactful gospel presence among the remaining unreached peoples in our communities and throughout the world.
Praise God for:
- International Workers Bryan and Jessyka, who serve in the Middle East. Six “Y” women were rescued from captivity and returned to their families. Pray for their transition back and their emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual healing.
Please pray for:
- Children of International Workers who are living in areas with various concerns, like security, health, or activities that they no longer have access to. Pray for the Lord to protect the children, especially those who live in areas where there have been natural disasters or governments that are unstable. May God keep children healthy and may they be able to access any needed medical care. Pray also for children living in countries where there is much air pollution.
June 14, 2023
Praise God for:
- The large number of registrations received for the AWF EMERALD Conference and the Alliance Theological Symposium in Toulouse, France, in June.
- The visas that have been issued for the pastors who serve in the Alliance churches in the Middle East to attend the AWF EMERALD Conference.
Please pray for:
- All those who are travelling from far and wide to attend the AWF events.
- The Symposium of Alliance Theology on the “History, Theology and Mission of the C&MA,” hosted by the AWF International Commission of Theological Education (ICTE) for the worldwide Alliance community, June 26-27, in Toulouse, France. Pray for the Alliance scholars, pastors, and leaders who will be presenting the papers that they have submitted for the symposium.
- The technical details required so that the speakers who are not able to travel can present their papers online at the symposium.
Please pray for:
- The launch of the Alliance Church of All Nations project at the AWF EMERALD Conference. Pray that God will prepare the way for this new tool to reach the nations and grow his Kingdom.
Praise God for:
- The local and international volunteers who are devoting their time, energy and resources to welcome Alliance workers from all over the world to Toulouse, France to participate in the AWF EMERALD Conference and the Alliance Theological Symposium.
Please pray for:
- The preparations by the churches in France to welcome the participants to the conference and symposium.
Please pray for:
- Ten couples in Tres Cantos who have started the seven-week Alpha marriage course. Some are from the local Alliance church, along with a few couples who do not yet know Jesus.
Praise God for:
- The Alliance church in Lebanon and the way that it is supporting the Alliance churches in Syria after the earthquake. They are helping them minister to the needs of people who have lost so much.
Please pray for:
- The volunteers who work tirelessly to keep shifts running around the clock to minister to the needs of people.
- The resources needed to provide food, heating and light to the families that have been devastated by the earthquake.
June 7, 2023
Please pray for:
- The Missions and Prayer event, June 14 on Zoom with Alliance women around the world. Pray for good Internet connections and a blessed time of worship, fellowship, and praying for the nations. Click here to join.
Praise God for:
- The students of our Theological Seminary in three locations and two regional extensions.
- The opening of the central offices of the Alliance Educational Foundation in Temuco.
Please pray for:
- God’s comfort for the families of four of our church members who died in a car accident in Frutillar, in southern Chile.
- The health of Pastors Luis Roa and Patricio Gomez, both with cancer.
- The evangelism and discipleship projects in our churches.
Please pray for:
- The “Month of the Alliance” celebrations in June. May each congregation be challenged to spread the missionary legacy and passion for Christ to carry out the gospel message.
- God’s provision and protection for the pastors who will attend the centennial celebration of the C&MA Colombia in August.
Please pray for:
- God’s guidance and provision for the missionary work in Ciudad de la Costa, Canelones, that will start in July in partnership with the US Missions. Pray that many lives will be touched by the love of Christ.
- The Alliance church in Montevideo. After nine years of church planting in partnership with the Alliance of Chile, missionary Cristian Salgado and his family are returning to Chile. Please pray that the church continues to advance and grow.
Please pray for:
- The youth camp, June 8-11 in São Paulo. May God continue to work in the lives of our youth and use them to expand his Kingdom.
- God to raise financial partners for the second phase of the Asia soccer project. Pray also for more partners to support the missionary work in Portugal.
- Missionaries Patricia and Daniel Tivane working in Mozambique. They are on home assignment in Brazil for one year. Pray for their ministry as they visit churches and finish the translation of the New Testament into the language of an indigenous people in Brazil.
- A new move of the Holy Spirit in the Alliance churches in Brazil.
- More students for the A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary.
- The sale of a property to pay off some debts and to have resources for the church.
Please pray for:
- The District Women’s Retreats, under the theme “The Value and Dignity of Women.” The retreats will take place in June and July at various locations.
- The safety of pastors in their evangelism journeys, especially in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
- The third Missions Mobilizers Seminar, July 14-15, in Lago Agrio, in the eastern region of the country.
- The political situation in Ecuador and the extraordinary presidential election in August.
Please pray for:
- The training of our leaders and pastors that will start this month. Pray for wisdom for those who will present the workshops. Pray also that the participants will be impacted by the love and grace of God.
- The Women and Youth conference in August under the theme “The Work of the Church Touches Us All.”
- Health and provision. Haiti is a country with scarce resources and its health situation continues to worsen, bringing epidemics and many diseases. Please pray for people suffering from illness to receive proper medical treatment.
- The missionaries and pastors in Haiti. They need new strength and God’s protection every day, because walking the streets is difficult and dangerous, due to the insecurity in our country.
Please pray for:
- The Board of Directors of the Alliance of Panama. They are working to become a national church within the next two years.
- The seven students of the Chinese church who finished our three-year theological in-house program and are in job training now.
- The immigration process of Pastor Jesús and Marion Nieto of the Spanish area of the Cerro Viento church.
- The Living Water Chinese Church. Attendance has decreased because some families have left for China and others have not returned. Pray that the Lord will encourage the church members so that the work continues to grow for his glory. Pray also for Latino pastors who don’t speak Cantonese. May the Lord help them in communicating and understanding when they meet Chinese brothers and sisters who speak little Spanish.
Please pray for:
- The National Youth Camp, August 5-7, in Quillacollo. Pray that God will send a missionary yearning among the youth of our churches.
- God’s guidance for the new students to start the Bible Seminary.
- The new work in Cobija, in the Bolivian Amazon.
Please pray for:
- Our five-year plan to create missionary identity in our church members. For this, we held a missionary service on May 28 with the participation of three missionary sisters from Venezuela.
- Funds so that our leadership can attend the Central American Alliance Fellowship event, in Honduras in September.
Please pray for:
- Renewal, edification, and fellowship at our regional pastors’ retreats.
- Financial, health, and spiritual support for our missionaries in Central Asia, Hungary, Italy, Croatia, Spain, and England.
- Our country: economic crises, high inflation rates, and the election year.
Please pray for:
- The full recovery of Pastor Eliud from prostate surgery.
- Resources for the regional women’s event this month in Havana.
Please pray for:
- A new location for the Conexión Vital church.
- Financial provision for the purchase of land for the Yagua church.
- Resources for the Cartanal church to comply with their commitment to pay the rent.
- The training of new leaders to serve the Lord in ministry. Pray also for a pastor for the new church in Los Guayos.
AWF Prayers – May 2023
May 24, 2023
Praise God for:
- The successful launch of the centennial festivities in Sikasso. It was the first Missionary Station of the C&MA in Mali. It opened in 1923.
Please pray for:
- The trip of National Church President Sadrac Diarra to the United States. He will attend the Alliance Council in Spokane, Washington, May 29-June 2.
- The centennial celebration of the C&MA of Mali in November 2023. The theme is “Child of the Christian Alliance, Know Your Origins and Go Further.”
- Those displaced by war. May they have support and be able to return to their villages.
- The government referendum, June 18. Pray for the majority to vote in favor of the referendum so that the church in Mali is protected by this constitution. A draft of the new constitution contains a transition to secularism but is opposed by some politicians and some Muslims who want the state to be more Islamic.
Praise God for:
- The health of our pastors. Every month we have been witnessing pastors dying, often from illnesses such as high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, etc. The church started praying that these many pastor deaths would stop, and God answered our prayers! Lately, most pastors, even the elderly, are in good health.
- The construction work of the new headquarters of the Missions Department. It started quickly and is progressing well. Pray that God will provide the necessary resources for the completion of the construction and for wisdom for the Missionary Committee that is leading this work.
Please pray for:
- Our mission fields. We have mission fields inside the country, like among the Pygmies. We also have fields abroad, like in Zambia and Guinea. This year, we have put all our energy into the work in Guinea, and we have not worked much on these mission fields inside our country. Pray that God would help us meet the needs of all our missionaries.
- The seminaries for the translation of the Bible into local languages. The meetings are to be held in Lukula, Boma, and Kinshasa, starting next month.
- The General Synod in July in Boma. Pray for the 1,500 delegates who are expected to attend, and for God to provide resources for them all.
Praise God for:
- The success of the election of the first National Board.
Please pray for:
- The Lord to give President David Sessou wisdom to lead the national church.
- God to raise up more servants for the harvest because we are only eight pastors.
- God to provide the funds to build a Bible school to train future pastors.
- Resources so we can buy land for agriculture in the Djidja region.
- The Lord to give us the means to buy two buses to build a transport structure on the Cotonou-Parakou line.
Praise God for:
- The successful national church conference, April 14-15, and the ordination of 76 pastors, including eight women.
Please pray for:
- The second term of President Noël N’Guessan. May the glory of the second house be greater than the first (Haggai 2:9).
Please pray for:
- The final transition of our people from scholarship and full-time Bible student roles to some of the 65 ministry options we have suggested to them.
- The many local Christian leaders to be of gracious and effective help to our people in this same transition as trainers.
- The work that is under way to provide the entire Scripture in the language of our people.
- Eternal fruit from our weekly evangelism efforts and home Bible studies.
- Peace back in Sudan, as the genocide and unrest in the capital of Sudan continue.
Praise God for:
- The partnership of our national church with International Cooperating Ministries (ICM) and for the audio devices with Bible passages they sent us for discipleship training.
Please pray for:
- God’s guidance and blessing at the national women’s meeting of the Alliance in Angola in the province of Zaire next month.
- The Lord’s wisdom and guidance at the meeting of the National Executive Committee, May 25-28.
- The Lord’s financial provision for one of our students at the University of the Christian Alliance of Abidjan, in Cote d’Ivoire. He is finishing his degree course this year but has no scholarship.
- The missionary work that has taken its first steps in the Angolan Province of Huambo. Pray for human and financial resources for the successful spreading of the gospel in that area.
- The pastors’ wives of the Alliance in Angola who will have a meeting with pastors’ wives of the Alliance in Congo next month. Pray for safe travel for our sisters, as well as for the settlement of several issues they will address.
Praise God for:
- The successful centennial ceremony held in most of the districts.
- The return of some internally displaced people to their territory.
Please pray for:
- Burkina Faso. Since 2015, our country has been going through difficult times due to terrorism. The population has suffered persecution, and villages have been devastated. That has led to the closure of several churches and the displacement of people from the countryside to areas that are a little more secure. Pray for the return of peace and for these displaced people, among whom are pastors, their families, and Christians in general. Pray that God will calm hearts and facilitate the return of thousands of displaced people to their villages.
- God to grant our government authorities wisdom and discernment.
- A good rainy season during the winter.
May 17, 2023
Praise God for:
- The pastoral retreat, May 2-5 in Jakarta. More than 600 Alliance pastors from all over Indonesia attended. The main speakers were Rev. Dr. Dave Smith (Fairhaven Church, Ohio, USA) and Rev. Ken Graham (Australia) on the theme ”Growing in Integrity” (1 Tim. 4:16). We are grateful to the Lord that the pastors were strengthened in their ministries and their commitment to the mission movement.
Praise God for:
- The 16 delegates from Taiwan who attended the Chinese Alliance World Fellowship (CAWF) Conference in Manchester, UK in March.
Please pray for:
- The mission camp, May 12-13 with the theme “The Next Step of Missions.” We invited our missionaries to share.
- The celebration of the 70th anniversary of the C&MA Taiwan in October 2023.
Please pray for:
- The Mongolia Alliance Church that is planning to ordain five to six church leaders as pastors this year.
- The country of Mongolia. It has been facing a cold, stormy and frigid spring this year. Critical amounts of new-born livestock have died. Please ask God to help the herdsmen and their families be patient and put their faith in God to maintain their economic stability.
- The herding families. Many natural fires have occurred, and many yurts – the portable, circular dwellings which herding families use as homes – have burned. Many of their livestock also have died. Please pray that the Lord grants us the opportunity to help them.
Praise God for:
- His protection and guidance. Church members of Tuingo had to flee their homes unexpectedly when a battle between the Myanmar military and groups of civil militias suddenly broke out on the morning of March 31. The church members escaped to the jungle and nearby villages. Meanwhile, the Alliance women’s department held an evangelistic rally at Tuivar village that is adjacent to the military camp from which big cannons were fired several times at Tuingo and surrounding areas. The battle lasted four days then ceased as the civil militia withdrew.
Please pray for:
- The war refugees of Tuingo. Church members are staying at relatives’ houses in Tahan while churches and communities provide them with food. Pray that God will heal their suffering, comfort them and keep their belongings safe. Pray that they may safely return home soon.
- Myanmar C&MA churches. Pray that members stand firm and do not lose their faith. Pray also that they may find dedicated partners for missions and church growth.
Please pray for:
- Our National Pastors Retreat which will focus on reaching people in our communities.
- The regional conferences for our pastors and members of Caring for Your Soul.
- Our National Board as we seek opportunities to send new international workers.
Praise God for:
- His protection from tornadoes that devastated parts of the South during March and April, including North Little Rock, Arkansas, where the Alliance Church at Burns Park is located. No church members were injured or lost their lives, and only the church roof was damaged. The church also owns two houses on either side of the property. A tree smashed through one of the roofs while the youth leader and her son were in the next room, but they were not hurt. Continue to pray for community members who did suffer injury and loss. Pray also for the church at Burns Park as it reaches out to those still in need with meals and other necessities, along with emotional and prayer support. Pray that this demonstration of Christ’s love will lead many people to trust him as Savior.
Please pray for:
- The U.S. Alliance General Council gathering, May 29-June 2 in Spokane, Washington. Pray that attendees will come expecting the Holy Spirit’s power and presence as they gather to worship, connect, and celebrate the U.S. Alliance’s “All of Jesus for All the World” vision. Pray for wisdom and spiritual discernment as leaders and delegates revisit the Statement of Faith, discuss issues relating to the polity of men and women in leadership, and elect a new corporate vice president, corporate secretary, and Board members.
- An outpouring of generosity at the National Great Commission Day, June 2. Funds received will be used to send 50 new international workers—and sustain those already sent—to serve among lost, displaced, and marginalized people in some of the world’s most difficult places. Praise God for several Alliance churches and friends who have committed significant matching funds toward the offering.
- Church Multiplication. The Thriving Hispanic Congregation Initiative is launching a training program for missions mobilizers and pastors. It will focus on learning what makes Alliance Hispanic congregations thrive and identifying resources needed to better serve other ethnic congregations. Pray for the 45 leaders who have registered for the program and for the coaches who are pastors in active ministry.
Please pray for:
- An emerging New Venture in Surrey, British Columbia. Pray for the New Venture’s Community Connection Ministry as it helps international students and their families settle in Canada. Pray for the young adults joining their team of leaders. Pastor Ben shares, “We are asking them where they see God moving in our midst.”
- The children of our international workers. They often face many transitions, whether arriving on home assignment, returning overseas, or coming back to Canada permanently. Those returning permanently may be with family or away from their immediate family upon graduation. Pray for God to direct the youth graduating this year and transitioning to post-secondary schools in the fall.
May 10, 2023
Praise God for:
- The large number of registrations received for the AWF EMERALD Conference and the Alliance Theological Symposium in Toulouse, France, in June.
Please pray:
- That funds will be found for all those who need to attend the conference or symposium but lack financial resources.
- That visas will be issued to all those who need them to travel to the two events, particularly for those who serve in the Alliance churches in the Middle East.
Praise God for:
- The local and international volunteers who are devoting their time, energy and resources to welcome Alliance workers from all over world to Toulouse, France to participate in the AWF EMERALD Conference and the Alliance Theological Symposium.
Please pray for:
- The preparations by the churches in France to welcome the participants to the conference and symposium.
- The Extraordinary General Assembly of AECM France. Many changes must be made to the statutes of the association to comply with new government regulations for religious organizations. Pray for wisdom, understanding and unity as we seek to glorify the name of God in France.
Praise God for:
- The Alliance church in Lebanon and the way that they are supporting the Alliance churches in Syria after the earthquake. They are helping them minister to the needs of people who have lost so much.
Praise God for:
- The Alliance church in Aleppo that has become a refuge, ministering to people who lost their homes due to the earthquake.
Please pray for:
- The volunteers who work tirelessly to keep the shifts running around the clock to minister to the needs of people.
- The resources needed to provide food, heating and light to the families that have been devastated by the earthquake.
May 3, 2023
Please pray for:
- The National Missions Conference, May 19-20. We want to promote unity within our churches to join forces and develop mission projects for the extension of the Kingdom of God. Pray that each attendee will be challenged to take an active part in fulfilling God’s mission.
- The short-term mission trips that the national church is coordinating. Pray that God will raise up pastors, leaders and church members to participate in these trips.
- God’s provision for the new work in Cobija, in the Bolivian Amazon region.
- The new work in the city of El Alto to become a reality. It is one of the most populated cities in Bolivia.
- For health, protection and support for our pastors.
Praise God for:
- The growth of the Alliance church in Panama.
Please pray for:
- God’s grace and favor for Pastor Luis Alberto Beltrán of the Fountain of Living Water Chinese Alliance church. Pray for wisdom to guide the congregation to be God’s instrument in the extension of his Kingdom among the Chinese-Panamanian community.
- The Brisas del Golf Alliance church. Pray for multiplication and wisdom for the small group leaders, for the people who will be baptized on May 7, and for the evangelism programs of the church.
- God’s wisdom at the assembly of the Cerro Viento church.
- The discipleship program of the Obarrio Chinese church.
- The steps we need to take to organize the national church.
Praise God for:
- The students who started a new semester at the A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary.
Please pray for:
- Financial partners for the second phase of the Asia soccer project.
- Our missionaries in Portugal. Pray for more partners to support the work.
- Encouragement of our pastors and church planters who are dealing with discouragement in ministry.
- The unity of Alliance churches in Brazil to reach more cities and more people with the gospel.
- The sale of a property to pay off some debts and to have resources for the church.
Please pray for:
- The pastoral families: for their health, economic provision, guidance, and protection, particularly for President Natanael Gil and his wife Evelyn.
- God to raise up more leaders to serve in ministry.
- Discipleship, evangelism, and for the youth and children’s ministries in our churches.
- The new Alliance church in Los Guayos, in the State of Carabobo.
- The formalization of the FUNDALFA Foundation, dedicated to the social care of the community.
Praise God for:
- The national women’s meeting in Tranqueras, Rivera. Around 350 women gathered for a special time in which they enjoyed fellowship and edification.
Please pray for:
- The new National Board of Directors of the Alliance of Uruguay, elected at the national convention on April 1 for the next two years. May they be guided and strengthened by the Lord.
- A worker for the Vichadero Alliance. The church has been without a pastor for almost two years.
- The new missionary project in Ciudad de la Costa, Canelones.
Please pray for:
- The Lord’s guidance and blessing for our leaders’ retreat, June 7-11.
- God’s protection for the Port-au-Prince Alliance church that is being vandalized by gangs.
- God’s provision and protection for our workers during the reconstruction of the church in Capotille.
- Our dream to have a theological seminary to train new leaders. We ask for tools to help and support us in achieving it.
- Peace and unity among Alliance pastors of Haiti, so that we can work as the body of Christ and thus have strong and healthy churches.
Please pray for:
- The new believers who started attending church after the intensive evangelism carried out in our churches during Holy Week. May the Lord continue to show his love and care for each one of them.
- Spiritual renewal in our regions. May the Lord show a revived vision to his servants and give them strength and wisdom to continue his work.
Please pray for:
- Sister Mónica Barria, who was sent to the missionary field in Spain in April.
- The health, finances and ministries of our pastoral families. Pray also for the regional pastoral retreats.
- Our nation: its high inflation, poverty and presidential election.
Please pray for:
- The start of the new school period of the Alliance Bible Seminary of Ecuador and the new extension and study centers.
- Venezuelan families who continue living on the streets of the main cities of Ecuador, looking for food and a daily financial livelihood.
- The climate in our nation. Pray that the intense rains no longer cause flooding that affects our agriculture and bring other consequences.
Please pray for:
- The health of President Ernesto Rosa and Pastor Luis Manuel Matos.
AWF Prayers – April 2023
April 19, 2023
Butterfly Way Muskoka focuses on coming alongside individuals and families who have experienced trauma, offering them respite in a supportive and loving environment. By incorporating nature, animals, and artmaking, the goal is to help restore calm and begin the process of healing.
Please pray for:
- Clarity and wisdom in decision-making for Butterfly Way.
- The vulnerable in their care.
- Many people who don’t normally attend church walked through the doors of U.S. Alliance sanctuaries on Easter Sunday and heard the resurrection message. We are grateful to U.S. pastors and church staff for all their preparations leading up to Holy Week; but in many ways, their work has just begun. Please pray for these leaders as they follow up with many visitors who may otherwise not have a church home where they can be nurtured and discipled into loving communities of Christ.
- Please pray for the families of people killed and severely injured by the tornadoes that ravaged parts of the South and Midwest in late March and early April. Pray also for church leaders as they continue to assess the damage to church properties and those of church attendees. Also, rejoice with the Alliance family for God’s protection in areas most affected by the storms.
- Recent surges in gun violence are plaguing U.S. cities and communities, causing many to feel unsafe as they attend school, work, and shop. Please pray for God to move mightily to end this violence. Pray that he will intervene in the lives of those who suffer from mental illness and other factors that trigger this violence. Pray also that churches in affected communities will provide hope and healing for those living with fear and loss in these tragic events.
Praise God for:
- The 24-Hour Prayer Plan online program that began on March 1. More than 1,000 intercessors have been gathering on Zoom, showing the unity of the church through prayer.
Please pray for:
- Our workers, who have been sent to different cultures. Pray also for those who will be sent soon and those who are being trained to fulfill the mission.
- The Young Alliance Reconnection regional camps that will take place from June through August under the theme “Life in the Spirit.”
Praise God for:
- The celebration of Missions Day in our churches the first Sunday of April.
- The numerical growth that many congregations are experiencing as they recover from the effects of the restrictions during the pandemic.
Please pray for:
- The Relief and Development seminars that are being held in our five districts with international worker Thomas McMurray of CAMA Services (United States).
- God’s wisdom and direction in reviewing and updating our national church’s bylaws.
Please pray for:
- The newly elected National Board of Directors. May God guide them to carry out his work according to his will.
- God’s wisdom and direction as we carry out our five-year plan. We have already started with one of the purposes: “The missionary identity in our churches.”
- The missionary training. Pray that more leaders will participate and be sent out to fulfill the Great Commission.
- God’s favor for us to establish a new church in our country.
- Our commitments to two agencies: one for missions and the other for vehicles. May God help us honor these commitments by paying our monthly installments on time.
April 12, 2023
Praise God for:
- The successful dedication ceremony of the Christian Alliance Radio House on March 11.
Please pray for:
- Significant investments for equipment so that the Radio House can cover the whole country with the gospel.
- God’s guidance and wisdom for our national conference, and for the election of the new national church president, April 14-15.
- The consecration ceremony of the servants of God, April 16.
- The recovery of the budget that is needed to support the servants of God in retirement.
- Good health for the servants of God in their activity.
Praise God for:
- The Cross-Cultural Ministry seminar for our missionaries, March 20-30, in Boma. Ten missionaries have completed the training and are awaiting deployment.
Please pray for:
- God’s comfort for the family of Rev. Paul Ngoma Nsasi, the regional leader of SEKE-BANZA. Rev. Paul died on March 17. Pray for his wife Augustine and his children, Trésor and Gerdrine, who are grieving.
- The management committee that works for the retreats of pastors. They will resume after Easter week.
- The many pastors ready to retire after long years of ministry. Pray for their succession and that financial means are provided for them.
- The meeting of the Extraordinary Executive Committee that will take place in the coming days to prepare the agenda for the Elective Synod Assembly in July.
Praise God for:
- The reopening of the church of Dounapin, in the District of Koro, that the jihadists closed three months ago.
- The women’s camps, March 28-April 2, in the districts of Sikasso, Yorosso, San and Bla.
Please pray for:
- The displaced people of the villages of Kani Bonzon, Farako, and Dimakuidaga. Pray that they will receive the necessary support to cover their needs.
- The Lord’s financial and material provision for the organization of the centenary of the national church in November 2023.
Praise God for:
- His continued care and protection of his Church in Burkina Faso.
Please pray for:
- The centenary celebration of the C&MA of Burkina Faso, in November 2023. Pray also for the celebrations that have already started in some districts.
- God’s provision for the construction of the new national church headquarters, so that by November the building will be ready.
- Burkina Faso. Since 2015, our country has been going through difficult times due to terrorism. The population has suffered persecution, and villages have been devastated. That has led to the closure of several churches and the displacement of people from the countryside to areas that are a little more secure. Pray for the return of peace and for these displaced people, among whom are pastors, their families, and Christians in general. May the Lord strengthen their faith and supply all their needs.
Please pray for:
- The C&MA Liberia, which will host the AWF Global Network of Mission Leaders Meeting, and the AWF Africa Regional Conference in November 2023 in Monrovia. Pray for God’s wisdom and strength as various committees meet regularly to plan for these conferences. Pray also for the financial needs of these events.
- The Alliance Liberty Theological Seminary, which started its new term on April 1. Pray for the financial needs of the students and administration. We are also in the process of renewing our accreditation with the National Commission on Higher Education (NCHE) in Liberia. That is very important for the global recognition of the seminary. Pray with us for $5,000 USD to complete this process.
- For peaceful elections, as Liberia is preparing for its general and presidential elections on October 10, 2023.
Praise God for:
- The successful General Assembly of the Women’s Association in March, where the General Board was reappointed.
Please pray for:
- The meeting of the General Department of Evangelization, April 14-16, in Cabinda. Pray that they will find new strategies to take the church forward in evangelism.
- God’s guidance for the meeting of the Executive Committee of the C&MA of Angola that will take place soon.
April 5, 2023
Praise God for:
- The large number of registrations received for the AWF EMERALD Conference and the Alliance Theological Symposium in Toulouse, France, in June.
Please pray:
- That funds will be found for all those who need to attend the conference or symposium but lack financial resources.
- That visas will be issued to all those who need them to travel to the two events, particularly for those who serve in the Alliance churches in the Middle East.
Praise God for:
- The successful Annual General Meeting of the C&MA churches of Jordan.
Please pray for:
- Rev. Munther Shahatit, the newly elected national president of the Alliance churches of Jordan & The Holy Land. Pray that God will give him wisdom as he seeks to strengthen the churches.
Praise God for:
- The 10 years of ministry of Boudewijn van Schoonhoven as director of CAMA Zending and his ministry in international churches.
Please pray for:
- CAMA Zending and its new director, Jan Wolsheimer, who started on April 1. Pray that God will give Jan wisdom as he seeks to raise and send new missionaries to the mission field.
Praise God for:
- The successful visit of the new French Alliance president, Rev. Olivier LO, and for the French Alliance Leadership team to the National Office, Hmong District, and partner churches in the United States. New projects and new partnerships are on the horizon to reach the nations in France and beyond for Christ.
- The successful French Alliance women’s retreat in March with more than 90 women in attendance. The keynote speaker was Judy Episcopo from Appleton Alliance Church.
Praise God:
- That INFORMA (the Alliance Bible Institute) has been accepted as a member of ECTE, the European Council of Theological Education. INFORMA’s director, Dr. Francisco Cerrón, attended the ECTE Assembly and Conference in Cyprus.
Please pray for:
- The launch of new INFORMA training programs: Pastoral Youth, Missions, and Christian Education.
- The residency process of the INFORMA director and his wife as they renew their residency in Spain.
AWF Prayers – March 2023
March 22, 2023
Praise God for:
- Our National Assembly that was held in an environment of unity and fellowship.
- The summer vacation time of our pastors and church members in general.
- His care and protection for our Alliance family and our church buildings during the forest fires in various regions. The churches have been a blessing in helping the victims.
- The support of our pastors, leaders and church families. After years of pandemic, activities such as baptisms, children’s classes, Bible conferences and others are slowly resuming.
Please pray for:
- The start of classes for our students at the Theological Seminary. The Alliance has some basic schools, and we ask the Lord’s help for the teachers, students and directors.
- Rev. Iván Flores, the president of the C&MA Chile, and for the National Executive Board’s new administrative period, 2023-2025.
- The missionary projects that are on hold for Europe due to foreign procedures that are preventing their authorization.
- The planting of a new church led by our missionary team in Ciudad del Este, Paraguay.
- Our mercy ministries, such as the Girls’ Home and ministry to people with disabilities (Semejantes Foundation).
- Our country. Apart from the fires, the political situation is unstable, especially affecting the economy.
Please pray for:
- God’s protection and safety for each person who will participate in our National Assembly March 23-24.
- The 18 students from the A.B. Simpson Intercultural Training Center who are studying to strengthen their missionary call. Pray that God will guide and keep them during this time.
- The winter wave that has occurred in the municipality of Rosas, Cauca. May God keep the families in this region safe.
Please pray for:
- The graduation at our Alliance Theological Seminary, March 31. Pray that it will be a time of rejoicing and that the graduates will follow God’s call to serve in his work.
- The National Alliance Convention, April 1. Pray that the Lord will guide the election of officers at the national level.
- The national Alliance women’s meeting in Tranqueras, April 3-4. May it be a time of blessing and edification.
Please pray for:
- Rev. David Muthre, the president of the C&MA of Ecuador, and the new National Board of Directors elected in February to serve for the next four years.
- Our missionaries who serve in the cross-cultural fields of Jordan, Israel, the Netherlands, Senegal and North Africa. May the Lord guide and strengthen them in their work.
- The new student cycle that will begin in April at the Alliance Bible Seminary of Ecuador. May God add more workers to serve him.
- The financial situation of Ecuadorian families and their need for food.
Please pray for:
- The members of the National Board of Directors of the C&MA of Peru. May the Lord guide them and give them wisdom to lead our national church according to his will.
- The political situation in Peru. Pray that channels of dialogue can be opened and that confrontations in the cities of southern Peru cease.
- Our pastors in the South region. May the Lord keep them and use them at this time, bringing peace and comfort to this part of the country.
- The city of Puno and its inhabitants, who have been affected by shortages due to the strike of carriers, and by demonstrations and protests.
Please pray for:
- Pastors who are undergoing cancer treatment.
- Funds for the purchase of properties for the churches that are currently renting buildings for their activities.
- A ministerial vocation renewal in the young generations.
- Resources to support our international workers in central Asia, Italy, Hungary, Croatia, England and with the Spain project.
- Our pastoral families’ health, children, marriages, finances and ministerial revitalization.
Please pray for:
- The health of pastors Juan Alejandro Mané, Félix Daniel Arias and Fidelina Ovalle.
- Wisdom and spiritual strength for our pastors and ministries.
- Finances for the construction of our camp.
- The development of our work plan in 2023.
Please pray for:
- The planting of a church in the village of Tour Du Nord.
- The evangelization campaign April 22-29 under the theme “The Son of God Shed His Blood for Us.”
- The construction of three churches in Hinche, Cabaré and Cap Haitien.
- The purchase of land for the construction of the national office.
Please pray for:
- Our National Assembly. May the Lord guide us to choose the officers according to his will, who will work the next two years at the National Board.
- The Lord to raise up new pastors from our Apopa El Salvador Alliance church to take on the challenge of opening new churches in our country.
March 15, 2023
Asbury Awakening:
On Wednesday, February 9, Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky, held their regularly scheduled chapel service for students led by Zach Meerkreebs of Envision, a ministry of the U.S. Christian and Missionary Alliance. At the end of the service, about 20 students remained in Hughes Memorial Auditorium seeking the Lord and worshiping. Shortly after, young people began returning to the auditorium in repentance and praise. A unique move of God has continued as students from Asbury, the University of Kentucky, several other area colleges, churches, and the community beyond have come to Asbury’s campus with holy expectation and general curiosity. Scores of people have surrendered their lives to Christ, accepting God’s call to the nations, and experiencing miraculous healings. The 24/7 prayer service went viral on social media and other news sources.
Please pray:
- For the pastors and leaders at colleges and churches around the United States who have opened their chapels and sanctuaries for the work of the Holy Spirit. Pray for discernment, wisdom, and rest as they continue to lead their communities in the days and weeks ahead.
- That a spirit of radical humility and repentance will continue to move across the communities in which God is bringing spiritual awakening. Pray for salvation, an increasing call to world missions, and miraculous healing.
- That the name of Jesus Christ will be exalted in more communities as lives continue to be changed by this extraordinary activity of God.
Project ReImagine:
- Continue to pray for a bold and generous response to Project ReImagine. It is the vehicle for fueling One Alliance Place, a 14-acre, mixed-use development in Reynoldsburg, Ohio, that will house the Alliance National Office, offer a welcoming place for the community to gather, and serve as a model for changing church engagement in society. Pray that needed funds will be raised as the project enters phase three. Pray also for continued favor and an ongoing, fruitful partnership with the city of Reynoldsburg, as well as clear communication and cooperation between the architects and construction firms as they coordinate their efforts.
Evangelism and Church Planting:
- Pray for Alliance church leaders who attended the Exponential Orlando 2023 Conference, March 6-9. The theme was “Lost Cause: Reviving Evangelism.” It was a call to action for pastors, church planters, and ministry leaders to revitalize their efforts to share the gospel and bring others to Christ. The conference provided inspiring messages and practical tools to help boost the evangelistic fervor of the local church. Pray that Alliance leaders who attended the conference will remain more deeply engaged and practically equipped to lead their churches in reaching the lost and overlooked in their communities.
Praise God for:
- The new partnership between two Christian and Missionary Alliance theological schools: Ambrose University in Canada and Seminario Teológico Alianza in Chile.
Please pray for:
- The 12-15 new students who will study in Ambrose’s Master of Theological Studies program. Pray for this dynamic partnership and its potential to prepare a handful of Chilean students for eventual Ph.D. work and the furtherance of theological education in Chile.
- The NorthWind gathering, a New Venture at work among Indigenous people through NorthWind Family Ministries in Thunder Bay, Ontario. NorthWind provides sacred places uniquely designed for discipleship for those who have been left vulnerable by the impact of Indigenous residential schools and other traumatic experiences. Pray for NorthWind staff and volunteers, as they come alongside many in difficult circumstances. Pray for wisdom to address the trauma that can impact them, and for financial support and God’s provision for this work.
Praise God for:
- His protection and care for us during the District Conference in February and the General Council Business Meeting in early March, while turmoil and hardships are around the corner.
Please pray for:
- The newly elected district leaders. May God give them wisdom and strength as they lead God’s people.
- A missionary family who recently moved to a rented house in Swe Pyi Tha Town in Yangon City. Pray that they may adjust well to the new environment and bring spiritual fruits there.
- God to bring justice, reconciliation, and peace among the people of Myanmar.
Please pray for:
- Two of our churches that have no pastor: in Hualien and Pingtung.
- The three-day ministry seminar conference in Tao-yuan.
- The celebration of the 70th anniversary of the national church of Taiwan this year.
March 8, 2023
Praise God for:
- His protection and guidance at the General Assembly of the National Women’s Department, February 21-24, in Koutiala.
Please pray for:
- The church of Douna Pen to reopen. The terrorists closed this church a few weeks ago.
- The national evangelism team to be able to continue sharing the gospel, despite these difficult times. They are planning four evangelistic campaigns this year.
- The General Assembly of the C&MA of Mali. Pray that the Holy Spirit will lead us during the major decisions that need to be made to establish the action plans.
- The protection of Christians who live in the third, fourth and fifth regions. They are suffering persecution and intimidation. Pray also for the schools to reopen so that the children can go back to their classes.
Praise God for:
- The protection of our missionaries and their families in Benin, Togo, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, and São Tomé.
Please pray for:
- Finances for the purchase of land and the construction of the Bâta mission station and a church building in Malabo, both in Equatorial Guinea.
- The necessary funds for the construction of church buildings in São Tomé; in Lomé, Togo; and in Accra, Ghana.
- The recruiting and training of another missionary for São Tomé. Pray also that the disciples would be strengthened in their faith and multiply.
Please pray for:
- The opening ceremony of the Christian Alliance Radio House on Saturday, March 11 at the Bouaké Mission Station. The radio station will significantly contribute to carrying our voice to the farthest lands with the gospel to edify God’s children and save lost souls. This is a reason for joy for the entire C&MA church of Cote d’Ivoire.
- The conference of the national church in April. Pray also for the election of the new National Board of Directors. May this be a great opportunity to consolidate and unify the church.
- God’s wisdom and guidance for President Noël N’Guessan to lead the 2020-2030 Strategic Plan for Sustainable Development.
- The Lord to bring many people to him through our inland mission fields.
- Our missionaries in Ghana and Togo.
Please pray for:
- The deployment of two Congolese missionary couples to Guinea. Only administrative formalities remain. May God use this team in cross-cultural ministry which is a new experience in their ministry life.
- The pastors and pastors’ wives who will be on a month-long prayer retreat. May this time be a personal encounter of each one with the Lord.
- The evangelistic crusades planned for March in Boma with the teams of the “Embassy of Jesus” of Canada, the C&MA England, and the Church of Christ in Congo. May God use these crusades to bring many souls to Christ.
- Our national church’s Alliance TV channel in Boma. The technical test phase has just been finished and it will soon enter the program broadcasting phase. Pray that God will use this channel as an instrument of evangelization and building up his church. May he equip the workers and provide the necessary resources for the advancement of this ministry.
Please pray for:
- The new works in Soyo and Cafunfo, in the provinces of Lunda and Zaire, Angola. Pray also for the acquisition of land and the construction of church buildings in these places.
- Robert Sanou of the AWF Relief and Development Team. He is planning to come to Angola to train pastors and leaders. Pray for his visa to be approved so he can travel.
- God to raise up young people to preach the gospel and plant new churches.
- God to touch the hearts of the Angolan authorities to rebuild our mission station’s infrastructure. The building was destroyed by the troops while they occupied the mission as their headquarters, and the government has already promised several times to rehabilitate it.
March 1, 2023
Praise God for:
- The successful EMERALD Regional Coordinating Committee meeting that took place in the Netherlands in January. Praise God also for the connections that were made with Alliance family representatives in the Netherlands from ABC-Unie, CAMA Zending and CMAlliance Nederland.
Please pray for:
- The 2023 AWF EMERALD Conference and the Global Symposium of Alliance Theology in Toulouse, France, in June 2023. Pray for the planning and organizing team.
- Visas to be issued to all those who need them to travel to the two events.
- Volunteers from local churches to step forward to help facilitate the conference.
Praise God for:
- The Alliance church in Aleppo that has become a refuge for people who have lost their homes due to the earthquake. The church is ministering to the needs of people who have lost so much. The church building is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week to provide shelter, food, and emotional and spiritual support.
Please pray for:
- Pastor Abdullah and his family in the Alliance church in Aleppo. He has been so busy that he sleeps only three to four hours a day and does not have time to see his children as he tends to the needs of the people who are suffering.
- The volunteers who work tirelessly to keep shifts running around the clock to minister to the needs of the people.
- The resources to provide food, heating and light to the families that have been devastated by the earthquake.
Praise God for:
- The national missions month of the Alliance in France in February. Many church services were focused on missions and church planting, challenging everyone to be a missionary where God has called them to serve, creating deep, loving relationships that reflect the love of Jesus.
- The successful church plant in Cayenne, French Guyana, where missionary Pastor Kong Ming Vang is teaching and training future leaders. Praise God for the Alliance family from Venezuela that has now joined the church.
Please pray for:
- The raising and training of new leaders and pastors because there is a significant need that is increasing all the time.
- Volunteers from local churches to come forward to help facilitate the 2023 AWF EMERALD Conference and the Global Symposium of Alliance Theology in Toulouse, in June 2023.
Jerusalem Alliance Church
Praise God for:
- The Redeemers Praise Team outreach event in January, which more than 300 children attended, enabling them to hear the message of the gospel. At the end of the drama event, the heroes of the play asked the children to stand up and commit their lives to Jesus. This scene brought the organizing team to tears.
- The special discipleship conference for people who don’t know Jesus that took place in the Bethlehem area. Twelve couples joined us overnight. The conference included three sessions on The Son of God, the Crucifixion, and the Authenticity of the Bible.
Please pray for:
- The political situation, that things will not escalate and that we don’t see more casualties. Pray for the months to come, especially April when Ramadan, Easter and Pesach all come together.
Praise God for:
- The work that the Lord is doing in Hungary, especially in the church of Pusztaszabolcs that remains firm and active. Praise God also for what he is doing in the group of Iváncsa, that little by little is consolidating.
Please pray:
- That the Lord will continue to guide and bless the town of Adony and provide the team with a meeting place for the group there.
- For the Lord to open the doors in the town of Besnyő to soon be able to hold evangelistic events, and in this way be able to reach the people there with the gospel.
- For the 40 days of fasting and prayer during the months of April and May. We are planning to finish with a big evangelistic event. Pray that the Lord will guide us in this time of searching in unity for his presence, and above all that many people will be able to meet Christ or be reconciled with him.
ACMI Church in Ancona
Praise God for:
- Allowing the church to be more and more involved in missions. Every two months we are starting to give our first missionary offerings. This is a great step forward, because God is touching our hearts to be a blessing to our brothers and sisters in other nations.
Please pray for:
- Missionary Fanny Levicoy, from Argentina, who is serving God in Hungary and will be visiting us in March. We are organizing many missionary activities that will include children, youth and the whole church. We are excited to see what the Lord will do through these mission events, and we ask for prayer that God will touch the hearts of the whole church to answer the call and be immersed in missions.
- Our daughter church in the city of Ancona. They are experiencing many changes and difficulties, and we ask for God’s guidance and direction to know what decisions to make and how to continue to follow his will.
- The new cell groups that we will start in our area to reach as many people as possible with the gospel. May God show us the right time and steps to follow.
Alliance Church in Erbil, Kurdistan
Praise God for:
- All the “Ms” who are coming to the church in constantly increasing numbers. We ask for prayers for the church to be truly the spiritual, psychological and material refuge for those who seek the truth and to lead them to the person of the Lord Jesus Christ so they can know him as their personal Savior.
Please pray for:
- All the church projects, as they seek to meet the growing material and medical needs day after day due to the increasing numbers of people in need. The need is great, especially in light of the global economic crisis and the increasing number of refugees coming from Syria and from other Iraqi cities to Erbil.
- The new church building. Pray that God will fill every need with the power of his grace.
- Discipleship groups and their growth. Pray also for the disciples that they may grow in the knowledge and love of Christ.
Praise God for:
- The Alliance church in Lebanon and the way that they are supporting the Alliance churches in Syria following the earthquake. The Lebanese are helping the Syrians minister to the needs of people that have lost so much.
Please pray for:
- The Alliance churches in Russia as they continue to be light and salt in this fragile world, ministering to people who have been impacted by the war.
Please pray for:
- The growing partnership between the AWF, the Alliance in Spain and the Alliance Canada in developing a national church planting project in Spain.
- The preparations to launch the Alliance Church of All Nations Project at the 2023 AWF EMERALD Conference. May God prepare the way for this new tool to reach the nations and grow his Kingdom.
Please pray for:
- “Project Spain”: The plan of the Alliance in Spain to plant at least one Alliance church in each of the 50 provinces that make up the territory of Spain. The plan is to have a church in each city to reach local Spanish people and all nations by creating community.
AWF Prayers – February 2023
February 15, 2023
Please pray for:
- Montreal Zion Alliance Church. Launched in April 2019, Montreal Zion Alliance Church’s vision is to see people and families transformed by Jesus. They strive to be a community of faith that builds a strong relationship with God and with each other. Starting from a Sunday morning gathering, they have expanded their influence through home group gatherings and various events.
Please pray for:
- The healing and restoration of communities that have been devastated by severe weather and gun violence. California has suffered a number of these tragedies over the past few months. Pray for U.S. Alliance districts and churches as they offer Christ’s healing presence to those impacted by these events.
- U.S. Alliance churches and U.S.-based Envision sites as they continue to meet the immense needs of growing immigrant and refugee populations. Pray for established Alliance churches to seek ways to open their facilities to immigrant congregations. Pray also for the expansion of ESL (English as a Second Language) ministries and other vital services that will help welcome overlooked and displaced people into loving, supportive, Christian communities.
- A bold and generous response to Project ReImagine. This is a widespread initiative born out of the Alliance National Office relocation, intended not only to extend Christ’s welcoming presence to the city of Reynoldsburg and the greater Columbus, Ohio area, but also to preserve and enhance the deeper life, missional, and multicultural distinctives of The Alliance in its U.S. communities and throughout the world. Pray for continued favor and an ongoing fruitful partnership with the city of Reynoldsburg. Pray also for good communication and cooperation between the construction firms as they coordinate their efforts for the first phase of the construction of Alliance Place, a four-story, 130,000 square-foot mixed-use building that will serve The Alliance and the broader local community.
- The more than 200 youth workers who recently gathered in Columbus, Ohio for The Alliance Youth Refresh event. The gathering provided opportunities for these leaders to share ideas and perspectives, care for each other’s souls, and to be equipped in the areas of cultural intelligence, missional engagement, and evangelism. Pray that these next-generation leaders will continue to feel renewed, empowered, supported and equipped as they train up the next generation of Christ followers.
Please pray for:
- The Mongolian Alliance churches to get activated for evangelism and to grow fruitfully. Pray also that the youth and young adult ministries will reach out effectively.
- The Mongolian herds people. In Mongolia, about 30% of the population are herds people who raise livestock to live on. In 2022, sixty percent of the Gobi regions were under drought, and as a result, herdsmen have been moving to different places looking for green pastures. Winter has been a particularly challenging season for them. Pray that churches will be available to reach out to herdsmen and find open hearts to evangelize them.
Please pray for:
- Narong and Thing, missionaries sent by C&MA Vietnam (North), who are leading the church planting ministry among the Vietnamese diaspora in Nakhon Phanom. Since their arrival, two churches have been planted – in Nakhon Phanom and Mokdahan. Please pray for the expansion of this ministry to the provinces of Nong Khai, Udon Thani, and Sakon Nakhon.
- Than Tun as he leads the church planting ministry among the Burmese diaspora in Bangkok. He has been working in partnership with the Union Baptist Church and with the support of Queency Wauran of C&MA Indonesia, who joined the team last year. Pray for the new church plant project among the Burmese on Kho Samui Island, in the southern part of Thailand.
February 8, 2023
Please pray for:
- The countries of Syria and Turkey that suffered a series of severe earthquakes starting February 6, 2023.
- The Alliance Church of Syria which is open 24/7 and working around the clock in full capacity trying to respond effectively to the needs they suddenly found themselves facing on top of the well-known desperate situation prior to this disaster.
- God’s protection and healing for the injured.
- The immediate needs: temporary shelter, food, medicine, heating.
- President Edward Awabdeh and the pastors and leaders of the Alliance Church of Syria, for grace, wisdom and strength from God.
If you would like to contribute to the relief work in Syria, please click Syria Relief or contact [email protected]
Please pray for:
- Our national assembly and the theme “Acts of the Holy Spirit,” February 23-25 in Guayaquil. Pray also for the election of the new National Board of Directors.
- The new cycle of students of the Alliance Bible Seminary of Ecuador, which will begin on April 17. May God add more students who wish to prepare themselves with excellence in their service to the Lord.
- Our country. The high crime rate that has emerged in recent months in Ecuador has resulted in several violent deaths and injuries to others.
Praise God for:
- His guidance to implement every decision made at the general assembly on January 28.
Please pray for:
- Pastor Braulio Lares and his family. They lost all their belongings in a fire.
- The new churches that are being planted. May God’s grace reach many people in these towns in the interior of the country.
Please pray for:
- The new work in Cobija: that many people can be reached with the gospel in the Bolivian Amazon.
- Dynamism and vision for the new national ministries: Missions, Women, and Youth.
- A larger place for the Alliance in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, to preach and teach the Word of God.
- The future work in the city of El Alto, La Paz to reach one of the most populated cities in Bolivia with the gospel.
- The pastors who are being trained, so that God strengthens and guides them in the places where they will serve.
Please pray for:
- The centennial celebration of the Alliance of Colombia this year and the Alliance Convention, August 17-20. May the name of our Lord Jesus Christ be glorified in Colombia.
- Provision for our pastors and missionaries in Colombia and abroad.
- Construction of the extension of the auditorium at Camp Ebenezer. Pray that we can obtain the necessary permits and funds.
Please pray for:
- Opening of new works this year. May the Lord open the door for us and guide the national church and the National Missions Department to advance together in places that have not been reached with the gospel in our country.
- God to raise men and women to start formal training at our theological seminary, so we can have more pastors and leaders to serve in churches and the mission field.
- A pastor for the Vichadero Alliance church that remains without a pastor.
- Our country has been facing a severe drought, which has caused fires, crop losses, and animal deaths. The lack of food and water is affecting the economy.
Please pray for:
- Support for the missionaries of the Missions Department of the Brazilian Alliance in Asia, Japan, Portugal, Mozambique, and Brazil.
- God’s guidance and provision for the students who will start classes at the A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary this month.
- Our pastors and church planters. May the Lord give them wisdom to lead the church with grace and humility.
- Brazil after the transition of government. Pray that God’s will be done.
Please pray for:
- Spiritual and economic support for our missionary families in the field.
- An awakening of the call to pastoral ministry and missions.
- The finances and health of our pastoral families.
- The preparations and coordination of the new school year of our Buenos Aires Bible Institute.
- The expansion projects of our churches.
Please pray for:
- God’s guidance and provision so that we can open a third Alliance church in our country this year.
- El Salvador. Our country is undergoing a period of exception to our constitutional rights. It was to have lasted a couple of weeks, but we have been in these conditions now for more than six months. Pray for wisdom for government authorities to reverse this process.
Praise God for:
- The national assembly we had at the beginning of January.
Please pray for:
- New workers and for our churches to grow.
Please pray for:
- The preparations for the Central American Congress that will be held here in Honduras in September.
February 1, 2023
Please pray for:
- The deployment of two missionary couples to Guinea this month.
- God’s comfort for the grieving families of our church members in Kinshasa. Pray also for those who lost plots of land and material goods during the torrential rains in December, which caused more than a hundred deaths and enormous damage.
- Peace in the east of the DRC which is under the threat of terrorists who killed Christians in a Protestant church in Kasindi in the territory of Beni. Pray that this situation will not affect the faith of the children of God.
Please pray for:
- The healing of Pastor Simeon Dembélé, the former director of the Bible School of Baramba. He has been sick for six months.
- Liberation of the village of Dounapin from the pressure of jihadists in the Bandiagara region.
- Christians to remain committed to their faith with the Lord despite terrorist threats.
Please pray for:
- The churches that are being planted in the cities of Mbanza Congo and Soio, both in the Province of Zaire, Angola.
- God’s guidance and provision for the General Assembly of the Women of the Alliance in Angola (ACMAA) in March.
- Our newly graduated student in theology from the Bible institute in Cote d’Ivoire. May God guide him in his new task.
Please pray for:
- God’s wisdom and guidance for the election of the new president of the C&MA of Cote d’Ivoire for the next four years.
- Aimée-Chantal N’Guessan, the new director of the Alliance Bible Institute of Cote d’Ivoire.
- Completion of the work on the Radio House and the dedication scheduled for this month.
Please pray for:
- The organization of the centennial anniversay of the Alliance of Burkina Faso in November 2023.
- Funds for the construction of the national church’s new headquarters.
- The churches that were closed due to persecution.
- Security and provision for the more than one million displaced persons. Pray also for healing of trauma victims.
- The return of peace to Burkina Faso.
Please pray for:
- The Christian and Missionary Alliance Church of Benin, which will elect its first national president in 2023. Until today, the church has been managed by the executive team installed by the national office of Gabon, the mother of this mission station. Pray that God will choose whom he wants to lead the national church for the next five years.
AWF Prayers – January 2023
January 25, 2023
Please pray for:
- The EMERALD Regional Coordinating Committee meeting in the Netherlands at the end of the month to finalize the arrangements for the AWF EMERALD Conference and the Global Symposium of Alliance Theology that will take place in Toulouse, France, in June 2023.
Praise God for:
- Alcañiz, a town in the province of Teruel. The Alianza de Fe church of Zaragoza is making an effort to start a new work there in 2023. Pray that this new church will be light and salt to many Spaniards and foreigners for the glory of God.
Please pray for:
- The new works that will be opened in northern Spain in 2023.
- The Alliance church of Spain to be able to continue financially supporting their first missionary in Bible translation.
- The Lord to give us the grace to be one just as he and the Father are one.
Please pray for:
- The French Alliance missionaries to be encouraged and radiant in their ministry. Pray also that this will have an impact in churches to reinvigorate and maintain support and bring forth new workers willing to serve.
- The new programs that are being developed to prepare church leaders. Pray that more people will answer the call to train in Bible institutes to serve the Lord.
- The national church and the Alliance churches in France as they adapt to the new situation created by legislation that reinforces government oversight of the administration and finances of religious associations. Many detailed changes must be made to statutes, bylaws and accounting practices in order to comply with the new legislation.
Praise God for:
- The leaders of churches who meet every month on Zoom to share and pray together for the advancement of God’s Kingdom.
- The brothers and sisters who met during December to pray for each other:
- Rome: Vigil of prayer, for a closing of the year and each activity related to it.
- Beyond Simple Alliance Church:
- Thanksgiving lunch and evangelistic activities during the Christmas season.
- For health and strength for the couple responsible for this ministry.
- For the finances, the commitment and spiritual growth of each member.
- Bologna:
- For the leadership of the church.
- For every family to develop a house altar time (the reading of the Word).
- For every man to be the priest of his house.
- Milano:
- For a young refugee who must return to his country. Pray that God will transform his life and cover him with his love.
- For wisdom to guide the leaders to develop the refugee ministry in Italy.
- For the dinner and lunch activities to share the gospel and reach lives for Christ.
- Porto Recanati:
- For its anniversary celebration.
- For each church member, so that the presence of Christ may be manifested.
Please pray for:
- The unity of all Alliance churches in Italy.
- God to give Italian churches the opportunity and resources to develop teaching materials in the Italian language.
January 11, 2023
Please pray for:
- The centennial celebration of the C&MA of Cambodia, January 26-28 in Phnom Penh. Pray for protection and safe travels for all participants and for a blessed time of worship and fellowship.
Please pray for:
- Missionary Ram Thiang Hlima and his family. In November they had to move from their rented house in Mingalardon Township, Yangon, because the Myanmar army claimed the village and surrounding areas to be their property. The Hlimas moved to Hle Suh, a village in Yetashi Township, Bago region, about 250 km from Yangon. Pray that they may adjust well at this new place and bring forth spiritual fruits.
- The Tit Kun village. Every year the Alliance church holds a camp, but the military entered the village and took away all they have. The villagers were Buddhists who had converted to Christianity. Pray that they will stand firm in their faith in Jesus Christ despite the opposition.
- The peace and restoration of Myanmar. May the new year bring healing and reconciliation to the people and the nation.
Please pray for:
- Our pastors and church leaders to grow in faith, wisdom, and ministry.
- The Mongolian Alliance churches to get activated for evangelism and to grow fruitfully. Pray also that the youth and young adult ministries will reach out effectively.
- The Mongolian herds people. In Mongolia, about 30% of the population are herds people who raise livestock to live on. According to the forecast, there is a high probability of having a very frigid winter throughout the land. Please pray that churches will be available to reach out to the herdsmen and find open hearts to evangelize them.
- The partnership with Alliance churches of South Korea and Philippines to be established well and grow mutually beneficial.
- The Mongolian economy to be stable, so that citizens may increase their income.
Please pray for:
- The effective follow-up and discipleship of visitors and new believers who attended Christmas services in U.S. Alliance churches. Pray that church staff, lay leaders, and mature believers will remain sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s prompts to reach out to those still seeking Emmanuel’s loving embrace.
- S. Alliance churches and U.S.-based Envision sites as they continue to meet the immense needs of growing immigrant and refugee populations. Pray for established Alliance churches to seek ways to open their facilities to immigrant congregations. Pray also for the expansion of ESL (English as a Second Language) ministries and other vital services that will help welcome overlooked and displaced people into loving, supportive, Christian communities.
- A bold and generous response to Project ReImagine, a widespread initiative birthed out of the Alliance National Office relocation. It is intended not only to extend Christ’s welcoming presence to the greater Columbus, Ohio, area but also to preserve and enhance the deeper life, missional, and multicultural distinctives of The Alliance in its U.S. communities and throughout the world.
- God is doing a new thing in Whitby, Ontario! Whitby is a town in the center of the Durham Region on the north shore of Lake Ontario. With more than 10,000 Chinese people, there is a growing need for a Mandarin church in the area. This is the call that the Whitby Chinese Alliance New Venture, led by David Pan, is responding to. Pray for God’s favor as they launch this New Venture.
AWF Prayers – December 2022
December 21, 2022
Praise God for:
- The more than 400 pastors and leaders who gathered at our Alliance convention in November with the theme “Breath of Life”! We thank God for giving our leadership a fresh breath of life, for his love and provision, and renewal of our vision.
Please pray for:
- Protection for our pastors and their congregations in the Cauca region. They have been affected by public disorder.
- Provision and support for the construction process of our Ebenezer camp.
Please pray for:
- The Vera Aguilar family, who traveled to Israel on November 9 to continue their missionary work in that country.
- The National Assembly of the Alliance of Ecuador, February 23-25, 2023 in Guayaquil. Pray also for the new Board of Directors that will be elected at this event.
Praise God for:
- The renewal of the “Faith Promise” missionary offering, which currently supports 26 missionary projects in Chile and abroad, especially in the sixth region.
- His faithfulness in the 125 years of the Alliance in Chile. We thank the Lord for missionaries Weiss and Dawson, who were pioneers not only of the Alliance, but of the gospel in the southern region of Chile.
- The new believers and baptized people that the Lord brought to our churches in 2022.
Please pray for:
- The pastors and their families who will take up new ministerial functions in new churches in the coming months. One of them is the Figueroa Ulloa family with their three children. They will go as pastors to the Palena region to strengthen the ministry there.
- God’s guidance and wisdom at our national assembly in January 2023.
Please pray for:
- A time of rest and renewal for our pastoral families during the holidays.
- Sister Monica Barria. Pray that her visa to Spain will be approved soon so she can start her ministry in that country.
- Economic, spiritual and emotional support for our missionary families.
Praise God for:
- The installation of Rev. Luis Beltrán as senior pastor of the Chinese C&MA church “Fuente de Agua Viva.”
- The Lord’s provision of resources so that we were able to contribute to the food and purchase of return tickets to Venezuela for several people stranded in Panama, showing them God’s love in words and deeds.
Please pray for:
- Financial provision so that we will be able to purchase the building where our church has been gathering for the last four years.
Praise God:
- That after several years we were able to hold a national retreat for pastors and missionaries in our country. It was a special time of fellowship and edification in the Word.
- For the provision of material resources to finish building the pastoral house at the Salto Alliance church.
Please pray for:
- The Santa Isabel church in Rivera. May God provide the necessary funds for the construction of a new church building where we can meet and carry out different activities that are limited in the current building.
- The Vichadero Alliance church in Rivera. They have been without a pastor for more than a year. A pastor from another congregation has been supporting this church as much as he can, but he lives far away. Please pray that the Lord will raise up a worker who can pastor this church full-time.
Please pray for:
- Our pastoral families, especially for Pastor Daniel Arias who has been ill.
- The national assembly of the Dominican C&MA, January 12-15, 2023.
Please pray for:
- Our national church. May God guide and bless the new national and regional Board of Directors in leading our denomination to new and better times.
- Our local churches. May God grant a renewed vision, passion and strength to our churches to continue extending his Kingdom from Peru to the ends of the earth.
Please pray for:
- Restoration, deliverance and conversion during the evangelization campaign “Jesus the True Way”, January 1-15, 2023 at the Ouanaminthe C&MA. Also pray for the preachers so that God uses them with anointing and power – especially those who will come from the United States.
Please pray for:
- Pastor Joel Fuentes, who will lead a church we are planning to open in 2023.
- God’s provision to one of our churches in San Salvador to be able to purchase a place of its own.
Please pray for:
- God’s guidance in choosing the leaders to start a new work in the city of El Alto in 2023. Pray also for the missionary team that will plant a new church Cobija next year.
- The Santa Cruz da la Sierra Alliance church. They need a bigger facility to carry out activities. Pray for provision of resources to rent a new place.
December 7, 2022
Praise God for:
- The recent Zoom meeting of the national Alliance leaders from the EMERALD Region. We received encouraging news from the churches about how God is clearly working in our region, building his Church, despite the difficult times. The gathering was a blessed time of fellowship among the national leaders.
Please pray for:
- The evangelistic dinner on December 9. We have invited authorities and representatives of the different public areas and of service to the community of the town of Pusztaszabolcs. Pray that the message of Christ will reach every heart.
- The Advent celebration that the authorities of the town organize every year. We have been invited to lead the celebration on Sunday, December 11, as representatives of the only evangelical Christian church in the town. Pray that we can be a blessing to the community and deliver the message of salvation.
- In the days leading up to Christmas we will be taking gifts to children of needy families in four villages where there is no church. Pray that we will be able to share the gospel with each family.
Praise God:
- In 2019, God moved the hearts of Jon and Mariasun Neff to respond to the crisis of juvenile immigrants in Málaga who were turned out on the street on their 18th birthday. This December, three years later, the first group of five will graduate from Project AMOR, the resident program the Neffs initiated to house, train, mentor and disciple young men from Africa. They all have papers, jobs and housing, and have been introduced to Jesus the Messiah.
Please pray for:
- Discernment for the Neffs and Nicholases as they choose and welcome up to twelve more young men for the next cohort at Project AMOR.
- The new advisory board of the Alliance Institute for Ministry Formation (INFORMA) as they meet for the first time to give direction. The members are Dr. Francisco Cerrón, rector; Rev. Aristides Flores, president of the national church; Rev. Jorge Jimenez, national board member; and Rev. Tim Westergren, director of the Alliance mission to Spain.
Praise God for:
- The new center in the West Bank reaching out to people with disabilities. They make up 12% of the population.
- The online courses in English that are available to everyone in the church throughout the world to teach them how to share their faith with “Ms.”
Please pray for:
- New believers as they seek to understand their faith. A lot of teaching is available, but it is often puzzling for those new to God’s Word.
Please pray for:
- Unity in the final stages of the merger process of the ABC church with the Baptist Union in the Netherlands.
- Promotion of mission partnerships in our country, supported by CAMA Mission and European Baptists. We aim to create partnerships between our churches and church planting teams in other countries.
- The AWF EMERALD board meeting in January in the Netherlands.
Praise God for:
- New people who are filling up the Jordanian C&MA churches since the epidemic.
Please pray for:
- Munther Shahatit, the AWF coordinator of the EMERALD Region. He is being sent from Second Circle as a missionary to pastor the Yediot church at the AAJ school.
Praise God for:
- The annual pastors retreat and regional fellowship events that took place in November. They were wonderful moments of togetherness with a clear direction for the future of the Alliance family in France.
Praise God for:
- Restoring the health of Rev. Mike Baraniak, the president of the C&MA GB.
Please pray for:
- Renewed direction and energy for the management committee of the C&MA GB.
Alliance Church in Erbil, Kurdistan
Praise God for:
- The people who are coming to Christ from many nations and people groups in Erbil.
- The 74 full-time volunteers serving in many ways and leading discipleship groups.
Please pray for:
- Deeper growth in Christ within the disciples.
- The new leaders who are heading discipleship groups.
Please pray for:
- The launch of the new church planting cycle among the Alliance Diaspora Ministries communities across Europe.
Praise God for:
- The new Congolese Alliance community in Dijon, France, that seeks to plant a church with the support of the national Alliance church of France (AECM France).
Please pray for:
- The Christian Alliance Institute of Theology (CAIT) in Lebanon as they build online and offer hybrid training courses in Arabic under their new director, Daniel Hutton. They are working with the support of Yazan Fakhoury from the C&MA Jordan.
AWF Prayers – November 2022
November 30, 2022
On November 21, a 5.6-magnitude earthquake struck West Java in a heavily Muslim populated area. More than 61,900 people were displaced, 271 people died, and 56,320 houses were damaged. Please pray for:
- The Kemah Peduli Indonesia Foundation (Relief work under C&MA Indonesia) that has been working with CAMA Services in Indonesia. They have been providing disaster response ministries by sending aid and volunteers. Pray for the volunteers to show real love to the people, especially those who cannot be reached by government assistance.
Praise God for:
- The successful trip to Spain of Rev. Marcel Bunda, the president of the Alliance of DRC. He participated in the Church Mission Conference of C&MA Spain in Madrid.
Please pray for:
- The prayer and fundraising campaigns for the Mission in the churches of the DRC.
- The missionaries who will go to Guinea shortly. Pray also that we can finalize the agreement with the partners who will collaborate with us in this project.
- The violence to cease in the two Ecclesiastical Districts of the Bateke Plateau and the region around Kinshasa where the churches are closed due to ethnic slayings.
- Financial and material support for the families of Alliance pastors and church members of the Bateke Plateau who lost everything.
Praise God for:
- The smooth running of the evangelization campaign called “The Coast for Christ.”
- The conversion of souls during the first two stages of the campaign in Songon and Fresco.
Please pray for:
- The completion of the Christian Alliance Radio House. About 70% of the work has been finished.
- The funds that are being raised for the construction of church buildings, for the work on the mission fields, equipping the radio house, and equipping the National Evangelism Team.
Please pray for:
- A smooth replacement of the general director of the Protestant Medical Assistance Center (CPAM), the NGO run by the Alliance of Mali.
- The families who lost their relatives to explosive devices in the Zamana District.
- Financial provision for our centennial celebration.
- The Lord to spare Mali from religious conflict. A lot of confrontation has taken place in recent weeks.
Praise God:
- That we were able to screen the film Jesus for the first time in the local language Gisir. One hundred fifty-two people attended and 21 accepted the Lord. May God be praised!
Please pray for:
- U.S. Alliance churches as they continue to reach out to and care for the ongoing waves of refugees and immigrants being welcomed into our cities and communities.
- Those affected by Hurricane Nicole on the east coast of Florida. Some coastal homes have been lost. Pray for families who lost loved ones, for those injured, and for people whose homes were damaged or destroyed. Pray also for Alliance churches as they reach out and help those impacted.
- A spirit of generosity among Alliance people as we approach the year-end giving season. The Alliance Christmas Offering invites U.S. churches and individuals to support and equip Alliance international workers to proclaim Love Is Here among those who have not yet heard the good news of great joy.
- Churches throughout the United States in the aftermath of the recent elections, specifically that believers will model unity and kindness. Pray that Alliance family members will seek to be salt and light as they navigate complex and divisive political realities.
November 16, 2022
Praise God for:
- The graduation ceremony of the Taiwan Alliance Theological Seminary, October 29. It was delayed due to the pandemic.
- The members congress of the Taiwan Alliance Church of Union, October 30. The ministry plan and budget for the next year has been finalized and approved.
Please pray for:
- The healing of our pastors who have COVID-19.
- Our churches. The gatherings and finances have been affected by the
Praise God for:
- The baptism of two young men at Tuingo Alliance Church in October.
- The successful visitation and ministry of the Tahan District Alliance Women to six local churches in early November.
Please pray:
- That we could buy three houses or apartments in different mission fields in Yangon City to run missionary work effectively and perpetually.
- That we could pay better salaries to missionaries. Currently, the salaries hardly meet family needs because of inflation.
Please pray for:
- Overseas missionaries who are working in various countries: seven missionaries serving Indonesian diaspora migrant workers in Hong Kong and Taiwan; and Ms. Queency reaching out to the Burmese from Myanmar in Bangkok in collaboration with C&MA Thailand.
- Our plans to send a missionary to Timor Leste. We have already made a visit to get started. Pray for the preparation of the missionaries who will be sent.
Please pray for:
- New churches to be planted in provinces such as Zavkhan, Övörkhangai and Selenge (Javkhlant).
- The growth of youth ministry of the Mongolia Alliance church.
- More fruitful and effective ministry of relief and development by the Mongolia Alliance church.
- The development of missionary projects outside Mongolia.
- The current CAMA center to become an educational training center.
Praise God for:
- The 70th anniversary of the North Point Alliance church that has been a strong missionary church and a great supporter of the ministry of AWF.
Please pray for:
- Peace, stability and justice in Hong Kong. May Christians be a channel of God’s peace. May the Lord bless the people of Hong Kong, especially the young people, and enable them to step away from helplessness, grief, and despair.
- The leadership and pastors of the Christian & Missionary Alliance Church Union of Hong Kong. They are facing great challenges as the city’s population exodus accelerates. It is also affecting the church membership.
Please pray for:
- Japan, one of the few countries with freedom of religion that has an evangelical population of less than 0.5%. Pray for Alliance workers from Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Peru, the Philippines, Taiwan and United States serving in Japan.
- The construction of a new building for the Alliance seminary and national office. The building will have men’s dormitories, meeting rooms, and all-purpose rooms. Pray that the construction plan will proceed smoothly, and that the budget will be approved at next year’s annual council.
November 9, 2022
Praise God for:
- His guidance and wisdom for the National Board of Directors and the Ministerial Council as they carried out strategic planning for the next three years. We pray that it will be a great blessing for our Alliance family in Colombia.
Please pray for:
- Our Alliance Convention 2022, November 17-20, with the theme “Breath of Life.” May the Lord prepare the hearts of the attendees and may it be a time of great blessing.
- The students of the A.B. Simpson Intercultural Training Center. They are carrying out their internships in various places in Colombia (Cauca, Risaralda, Nariño and Amazonas) and in Peru. Pray that God will give them grace, wisdom, and a time of spiritual, ministerial and personal enrichment in the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
Praise God for:
- The youth conference in October that brought together 122 young people with the theme “Transformed Ego.” Pray that God will continue to work and use our young people to reach this next generation.
Please pray for:
- The national women’s congress, November 12-15. Pray for safe travels for all attendees and for a blessed time of worship, fellowship, teaching God’s Word and prayer.
- The A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary. They have a new program to reach more young people who are interested in deepening their walk with Christ.
- Missionaries Patrícia and Daniel Tivane. They will be returning from Mozambique to Brazil in December for a period of studies and a time with family.
- The missionary team in Portugal. They are doing research to better understand the city and region to plant a new church and to grow the church in the city of Paredes.
- God to raise up partners for Project Asia.
- Our country, which is divided because of the result of the presidential election on October 30. This is causing protests and standstills that are affecting the country. May God, in his sovereignty, guide the government in the coming days and years. Pray also for our pastors who have to shepherd churches that are divided by the election.
Please pray for:
- Pastor Víctor Núñez and his family. After 25 years of ministerial service in Venezuela, they are returning to their home country, Chile. May the Lord guide and strengthen them. Pray also for the El Encuentro Bíblico Alliance church during this transition. May God guide, protect, give wisdom, and revelation to the new pastor.
- The physical and financial health of our pastoral families. May the Lord provide everything they need and give peace amid hardship.
- The provision of the necessary resources to advance the remodeling and operation of the Foundation for the Family (FUNDALFA). Pray also for the new church that will function in this same location.
- Provision of human and financial resources for the work in Guayos and Cumaca, both in the Carabobo State.
Praise God for:
- The growth of the Chinese churches. We have taken the first steps to implement the internal regulations of the churches in Panama.
Please pray for:
- Wisdom and health for missionary couple Miguel and Yngrid Grassals. They have been leading the planting of the Brisas del Golf Alliance church.
- For the Lord to raise up a couple to support the work in Panama.
- Our church. The landlord received an offer to sell the site that the church has been using for the last four years. Pray that the Lord gives grace to the landlord and helps the church to face this challenge of faith.
- The Lord to give us wisdom, mercy and provision to meet the needs of migrants in extreme poverty. Panama is a commercial and migratory bridge. Pray that these people feel the love of God in their transit through Panama.
Praise God for:
- The resources to complete the construction of the pastoral house in Salto.
Please pray for:
- Pastor Andrés Ripoll’s health.
- A worker for the church in Vichadero.
- The provision of funds for the construction of a new building for the Santa Isabel Alliance church.
- The Lord to strengthen the members of the Mandubí Alliance. They are in the process of pastoral transition.
Please pray for:
- Pastor Joel Fuentes. He has been invited to be the pastor of the new work that is planned to start in 2023. May the Lord confirm his will.
- God to raise many students from our churches to study at SEMMCA (Central American Alliance Ministerial Seminary).
- A deep, growing and strengthening unity among our churches that makes us stronger.
- The new National Board of the church to be elected at the beginning of 2023. May God give us the right people.
Please pray for:
- God to open to the doors for us to start a new work in Cobija and in El Alto.
- Perseverance of the students in the local Bible academy.
- The transfer of the Santa Cruz Alliance church to a new place.
- The political situation due to the Census in Santa Cruz de la Sierra.
Please pray for:
- Our pastoral family retreat to be held November 7-11.
- The healing of Pastor Eliud who is having prostate problems.
November 2, 2022
Please pray for:
- The AWF EMERALD Conference and the Global Symposium of Alliance Theology that will take place in Toulouse, France, in June 2023.
Praise God for:
- The gathering of ADM ministers in October. A church planting vision was cast, and reports were given from all over Europe.
- All that he is doing among Muslim immigrants and refugees.
Please pray for:
- The Arab church being planted in Berlin, Germany.
- The house church in Granollers, Spain and for the church in Marseille, France that are being planted among Muslim background believers.
- More workers to be sent to Milan, Italy and Manchester, UK.
- Muslims who are being discipled in Malaga, Madrid, and Salt, Spain. Pray for the workers who are walking beside them.
Praise God for:
- The graduation ceremony of five students from the INFORMA Alliance Bible Institute in Madrid on October 22.
- The 4th National Alliance Missions Conference that took place in Granada in October. The theme was of the role of the local church in cross-cultural missions as the host church. The conference had the privilege of hearing from a delegation from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the largest national Alliance church of the African region.
Please pray for:
- The last three courses INFORMA will offer in November in Madrid, Barcelona and Canarias. Pray that the students may be blessed by the Lord as the academic year comes to an end.
- The new INFORMA director, Dr. Francisco Cerrón, as he prepares the courses and professors for the coming year. May God give him wisdom.
- The next steps in the Alliance Training Institute for Europe and the School of Ministry Training Program.
Praise God for:
- The missionary work in Pusztaszabolcs. where the Lord has allowed us to establish an Alliance church. This is the only evangelical Christian church in this town and more than 20 surrounding villages.
- The doors that have been opened in the town of Beloiannisz to teach Bible as a subject in one of the schools. Please pray that through this opportunity we will be able to reach more people with the gospel.
Please pray for:
- Argentine missionaries Elisa and Jose Nemet, who oversee the work in Hungary. May the Lord continue to renew their strength. Pray also for missionary Fanny Levicoy. She is also from Argentina and joined the team a few months ago.
- The town of Adony. In September we held our first evangelistic event there. Pray for those who heard the gospel, so that soon we can meet with them again.
- The first evangelistic event to be held on November 4 in the village of Besnyő. Pray for those who will hear the message of Christ for the first time, that the seed will fall on good soil and produce good fruit.
- The visits we have been making every 15 days to the village of Ivancsa to share the gospel in a home for the elderly. Several have already made the decision to follow Christ. Pray for these new believers, their families, and that we can continue to share the gospel with more people in this village.
Ancona Alliance Church
Praise God for:
- The successful youth missionary camp that was held in September. It was an edifying experience and a great blessing.
Please pray for:
- The new people, including young boys and adult couples, with whom we shared the gospel message and who are beginning to relate to God and are being discipled. May they get to know him and learn more about him.
- The social service that we are carrying out once a month with the help of the State, through which we deliver boxes of food to families in need. Every month we are in contact with about 1,000 people for the distribution, and many families who receive the food are immigrants, especially of Muslim origin. Please pray that through this service we can share the gospel and that many will come to God. It is a great opportunity to talk to so many people from different cultures, languages, and religions, with many needs both material and spiritual. May God give us wisdom and the right words.
Praise God for:
- The many Alliance diaspora communities in France that have empowered leaders to serve with the national Alliance church.
Please pray for:
- The new national Alliance president, Rev. Olivier LO. Pray that God will anoint him with his Holy Spirit and give him wisdom and strength. Pray for his wife and family as they support him in this important role to help bring the good news to all of France and all the nations.
- The annual pastors retreat in November and the regional fellowship events. The keynote speaker will be Dr. Denis Episcopo from the Appleton Alliance church.
Alliance Church in Erbil, Kurdistan
Praise God:
- That the construction work of the new church building has finally started after three years.
Please pray for:
- The discipleship services and for new leaders for the discipleship groups.
- The Lord to provide the finances needed to complete the construction of the new church building.
AWF Prayers – October 2022
October 26, 2022
Praise God for:
- The baptism of 22 young men and women at Tuivar Alliance Church, Kalaymyo.
- The evangelization done by some missionaries among unbelievers amid a nationwide crisis.
Please pray for:
- The safety and wellbeing of Rev. Lal Duh Chuanga, president of the C&MA church of Myanmar. He will attend the APAC Regional Conference in Seoul, South Korea in November.
- Wisdom and good cooperation for the newly elected Board of Alliance Women.
Please pray for:
- Our three churches that are delivering meals to seniors and people living alone. Pray also for the healing of some of the church workers who have been diagnosed with COVID-19. They were helping to deliver food, and without them it is difficult to continue this work.
- God’s care and provision for pastors in remote villages who don’t have enough income to cover living expenses.
- The health of Rev. Silas Yang, the president of C&MA Taiwan. He suffers from hydrocephalus.
Please pray for:
- Overseas missionaries who are working in various countries: seven missionaries serving Indonesian diaspora migrant workers in Hong Kong and Taiwan; Ms. Queency reaching out to the Burmese from Myanmar in Bangkok in collaboration with C&MA Thailand.
- Our plans to send a missionary to Timor Leste. We have already made a visit to get started. Pray for the preparation of the missionaries who will be sent.
Please pray for:
- Churches and families in Puerto Rico impacted by Hurricane Fiona in September. Alliance disaster relief staff were mobilized to help the many Alliance churches affected by the storms. Meanwhile, Alliance churches continue to identify ways to help the many families who have lost homes, businesses, and possessions. Pray for these families and for farming communities that have suffered loss of agriculture. Pray also for Alliance churches as they repair their facilities and reach out to those affected in their communities.
- On Wednesday, September 28, Hurricane Ian pummeled Florida’s Gulf Coast with category 4-5 winds and storm surges, leaving millions without power, potable water, and working sewage systems. Shell Point Retirement Community, a non-profit ministry of The Alliance in Fort Myers, was hit hard by the storm. With approximately 2,500 residents and more than 1,200 employees, Shell Point is the largest single-site continuing care retirement community in the state of Florida. Please pray for the staff as they face a long road of rebuilding and the financial resources needed to do so. Pray also for the quick restoration of Shell Point property and residences that were flooded or damaged.
- The 16 Alliance congregations in Florida that were affected to varying degrees by wind or flooding. After massive cleanup efforts by district staff and volunteers, all but two church facilities were able to be occupied as of mid-October. These two suffered significant damage, and it remains to be determined what will be done with each building. Thankfully, there was no loss of life or serious injury for anyone associated with Alliance congregations. God was merciful.
- The need for financial assistance. A number of these congregations did not have “wind” coverage due to exorbitant premiums. As a result, the district is raising funds to get mitigation efforts underway and roof repairs completed as soon as possible. Please pray for these efforts and the necessary funds to complete them.
Please pray for:
- The Roxy Center. It is used as a multifunctional and people-oriented space providing connection with people living in Acton, Ontario. The center is used for various activities serving the community, like “Coffee Hour,” weekly Alpha courses, co-working table rentals, and volunteer opportunities for high school students. Pray for spiritual protection for the leaders and for God to continually refine the vision and goals of the Roxy Center.
Please pray for:
- Our Alliance Seminary, that will start its new term in November. Pray for the financial needs of the students because many of them owe the school money.
- The National Alliance Conference to be held in Monrovia, December 5-11. Pray for protection for the speakers and the participants who will be traveling from the various counties.
- Our National Women’s Ministry. At their last conference, the women committed themselves to support missions and local church development.
- The Lofa County District of the Alliance and its leaders. The National Board of Directors declared Lofa County as one of its districts. We praise the Lord for the unity of the Alliance church.
- The AWF Africa Regional Conference that is scheduled to be held in Monrovia, November 8-13, 2023. Pray for God’s wisdom and strength for the organizing committees.
Praise God for:
- His protection from a terrorist attack against our church of Douna Pin. The terrorists declared that the church was not allowed to worship anymore. We asked all local churches to intercede on their behalf. Glory be to God because when the terrorists returned to the village, they could not do any harm.
Please pray for:
- God’s protection for our Bible schools from all attacks by the enemy during this school year, 2022-2023.
Please pray for:
- Provision for the purchase of a Canter type truck for the Alliance Men’s Movement in Gabon.
- The funds needed for paving the road leading to the Christian Alliance Theological Training Center.
- God to open the door for the national Alliance chaplaincy to work in public schools in Gabon. Schools are facing many problems with drugs, violence, and sexual debauchery, and we want to show God’s love to transform society.
October 12, 2022
Praise God for:
- His blessing, guidance, protection and provision during the Latin American Women’s Conference Amada, the meeting of the AWF Global Network of Mission Leaders, and the CLA Assembly and Symposium, held in Colombia in the last week of September.
Please pray for:
- The Lord’s guidance and wisdom at ministerial council meetings to structure the strategic plan of the Alliance of Colombia for the coming years.
- The National Alliance Missions Congress “Acts 2022”, in Popayán, October 14-17. We expect the participation of 150 Alliance members.
- Our annual Alliance Convention, November 17-20, in Armenia.
Praise God for:
- The possibility to meet in person again in our churches after the pandemic, without restrictions that limit the participation of the church.
- The various ministries of the national church that are being carried out in our local churches: Sunday Schools, and Women, Youth and Men’s Ministries. Pray also for our external ministries: our Home for Minors; Ministry to the Disabled (SEMEJANTES); national Christian education; public schools; theological seminary; indigenous peoples; and our 25 national and international missionary projects.
Please pray for:
- Our missions team serving in the Sixth Region.
- The missions vision trip of Rev. Iván Flores (national president), Rev. Jorge Barra (national missions director), and other church members to Europe and Asia in mid-October. They will be visiting international workers to encourage and support them.
- Our daughter church in Ciudad del Este, Paraguay, led by Chilean missionary Jorge Vasconcelos. They are planting a new church in a community formed predominantly by Arab people.
- Our churches that are victims of violence and denial of the Christian faith in indigenous territories.
- Our Alliance Theological Seminary, which continues to prepare the next generation of ministers, in our two headquarters and two extensions. May the Lord give us many workers!
- Our churches and pastors throughout Chile.
- Our country. We’ve been experiencing a political crisis.
Please pray for:
- The students who are finishing their bachelor’s degrees at the A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary. We give thanks for their lives and ask for God’s guidance in their ministry.
- The missionary projects of the National Missions Department. Pray also for God’s wisdom and guidance for everyone involved in Project Asia.
- The Alliance Youth Conference, October 22, in São Paulo. May God continue to raise up young people and leaders willing to live for him.
- The second round of the presidential election, October 30. May God’s will be done in Brazil.
- Our pastors and churches during this election. May unity and love be more evident among church members.
Please pray for:
- The pastors of the Alliance in Ecuador. May God renew their strength and provide them with wisdom to guide each local church and continue to carry out their evangelistic work.
- Guidance and provision for the Vera Aguilar missionary family. They will be returning to Israel in November to continue their cross-cultural work.
- Our country. Extortion by drug traffickers has been occurring in many sectors of Ecuador, affecting businesses and families, and causing fear in the population. Pray also for more justice and better control within the prisons.
Praise God for:
- The Alliance work among the Hispanic and Chinese brothers and sisters in Panama City. We give thanks for the joint evangelistic activity that we were able to carry out in a park.
- The Nietos, a pastor couple of Venezuelan origin. They are second-generation pastors of the Cerro Viento church.
- Missionaries Miguel and Yngrid Grassals. They have been leading the planting of the Brisas del Golf Alliance church.
Please pray for:
- Marion’s pregnancy and her settlement in Panama.
- Wisdom and health for the Grassals family. Pray also for the extension of the missionary agreement that will enable them to continue their work in Panama over the next four years.
- The Lord to raise up a couple to support the work in Panama.
- God’s guidance in this last quarter of the year. Pray also that the Lord will give us wisdom in planning for 2023.
- The church members to commit financially so that the work can become self-sustainable.
- The young leadership of the church and the servants in each ministry. May they put into practice what they have learned.
- In Panama City there are many who identify with Christianity, but there also is a lot of merely superficial religiosity, which has been a real challenge for our young church. Pray that those who have been attending our church will have a true encounter with Jesus Christ.
Please pray for:
- The pastors’ convention and assembly of the national church, November 11-12, in Buenos Aires.
- The support of our cross-cultural missionaries.
- The various social aid projects that are being carried out by our churches.
- The socioeconomic situation in Argentina. May we, as Christ’s Church, bring encouragement that the Lord gives through his Word to the people who are hopeless and in despair.
Please pray for:
- The pastoral families retreat, November 7-11.
- God to open the doors for the C&MA of Cuba amid the financial and social crisis. We pray that more churches from other countries will get involved in the missionary work in Cuba.
- The theological seminary and the necessary funds to allow teaching different courses in each region.
- The western region of the island that was affected by Hurricane Ian. Pray for support and provision amid so many limitations.
Please pray for:
- Progress in the remodeling and operation of the Foundation for the Family (FUNDALFA). Pray also for the Lord to provide the funds for the new church that will function in that same location.
- The planting of two new churches, one in the town of Los Guayos, and another in Cumaca, both in the Carabobo State. May the Lord provide the necessary human and financial resources.
- Health, protection, guidance, and wisdom for the National Board of Directors to carry out the responsibility that the Lord has given them.
- The health of our pastors and their families.
- The economic, political, and social situation of Venezuela.
Please pray for:
- Provision of resources for the construction of a new church building in Santa Isabel. Pray also for the necessary funds to complete the construction of a pastoral house in Salto.
- Wisdom for the members of the Board of Directors in the decisions they need to make.
- The Lord to be glorified in the women’s meeting at the Salto Alliance church.
- Strength and healing for Pastor Andrés Ripoll of the Chuy Alliance church. He continues to face health complications.
- God to raise up a worker for the Vichadero Alliance.
Please pray for:
- God’s protection and provision for our pastors, especially those who are in indigenous communities.
- The new church planting Alianza las Brisas. Pray that the group will grow and be able to have their own church building in the future.
- God’s guidance and provision for our missionary work in Cuba and Venezuela.
Please pray for:
- God’s guidance regarding the possibility of starting a new church in 2023 with the support of the U.S. Alliance.
- The need of one of our churches to purchase land for the construction of a church building.
- The Lord’s wisdom to finish our five-year plan and its implementation as of 2023.
Please pray for:
- The strengthening of our national church leadership.
- The new generation of pastors who are being trained to enter the ministry in the next five years.
- The new churches that are being planted in Chumilá Ixla I and La Gomera Escuintla.
Please pray for:
- Healing of several pastors who are sick, including Pastor Mane, Pastor Ernesto and Pastor Daniel.
- A spiritual revival in the Dominican C&MA.
- Peace between the Dominican Republic and Haiti.
October 5, 2022
Praise God for:
- The students of the INFORMA Bible Institute who have been learning how edifying it is personally to study the Word of God inductively to nourish themselves and others.
Please pray for:
- The island of La Palma which is still suffering the effects of the volcanic eruption that started one year ago and lasted until Christmas day. It has changed the destiny of many people on the island. It has devastated the livelihood of 10,000 residents with one town, Puerto Naos, that is completely cut off and whose residents cannot return yet due to toxic gases.
- Aristides Flores and his wife Milagro of the Alliance church of La Palma. The church is holding its own despite the emigration of many due to the volcano. Pray for the growth and discipleship in the local Alliance church in Los Llanos de Ariadne as well as Rev. Flores’ role as the national church president of the Alliance of Spain.
Praise God for:
- The successful leadership transition of the national Alliance church with the new president, Rev. Olivier LO as of October 1.
Please pray for:
- Spirit-led planning and meeting for the ADM gathering to be held in Greece, October 7-11.
- New workers to be commissioned to Muslim ministry in Greece, Italy and the UK. The opportunities are many, the laborers few.
AWF Prayers – September 2022
September 28, 2022
Please pray for:
- On September 19, Puerto Rico was hit by Hurricane Fiona. The southern part was hit hardest by rain and wind, though the whole island experienced non-stop rain. This has created flooding in low-lying areas and landslides in the mountain regions. Alliance disaster relief staff were mobilized to help the many Alliance churches affected by the storms. Pray for those whose homes were damaged, and for farming communities that have suffered loss of agriculture. Pray also for Alliance churches as they reach out to those affected in their communities.
- The Church Multiplication Collective gathering that will take place in Columbus, Ohio, in mid-October. Pray that the district church multiplication directors and national office staff will have a fruitful time of sharing ideas and strategies that will lead to more churches being planted in gospel-thirsty communities throughout the United States.
- The nearly 200 new Alliance workers who attended the Resonate conference in early August. Pray that these new workers will be empowered in their local ministries and emboldened in their passion to live out the U.S. C&MA’s All of Jesus for All the World vision. As the Alliance continues to develop leaders among diverse groups within the U.S., pray especially for the quality of language translation and interpretation services, including Vietnamese, Spanish, and American Sign Language.
September 21, 2022
Please pray for:
- The safety of the six pastors who will conduct a three-day training at their churches in October.
- Safety and boldness for the missionary families who are proclaiming the gospel in the lower parts of Myanmar.
- The construction of a new church building at Saw-bua Ye-shin in Upper Myanmar.
- The healing and restoration of the country amid civil war and economic crisis. Thousands of people were killed, arrested and tortured, and many became homeless and had to flee into the jungle.
- The steadfastness of the Alliance people during this eco-socio-political crisis. May they reflect their faith in Christ Jesus.
Praise God for:
- The Open Lecture Series, “The Joy of Theology,” at the Japan Alliance School of Theology in July.
- The Miyajima Deeper Life Conference in Hiroshima in August. The theme was “Rely on the Word of the Lord’s Grace.” We thank the Lord for the 37 in-person participants and those who watched the conference online.
Please pray for:
- The construction of a new building for the Alliance seminary and national office. The building will have men’s dormitories, meeting rooms, and all-purpose rooms. Pray that the construction plan will proceed smoothly, and that the budget will be approved at the next year’s annual council.
Please pray for:
- The youth ministry and for the children’s Sunday school in our churches.
- The first ever pastors’ ordination event of the Mongolia Alliance church in October. Please pray for new pastors and for the growth of our churches, that they will bear much fruit for the glory of God.
- The six new house churches we want to plant within the next 12 months.
- The Mongolian body of Christ which just hosted a public evangelism crusade supported by the Billy Graham Evangelical Association. Please pray that the new believers will grow in their faith and be discipled.
- The households of herdsmen in Gobi. They have been changing their settlement to look for better pasture because of drought and lack of grass for livestock. Please pray that the herdsmen families may spend the coming winter without hardships such as losing their livestock.
Please pray for:
- Eduardo Cajes, the president of the C&MA Philippines (CAMACOP). He has been visiting the six Alliance regions this month to connect with our people in the field. Pray for good health and for the Lord’s protection during the travels.
- The CAMACOP General Assembly, April 25-29, 2023, in Bacolod City, with the theme “Be True,” based on 2 Thessalonians 1:11-12.
Please pray for:
- The Global Impact Week, October 1-8, and the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Alliance in New Zealand.
Please pray for:
- The Member Delegate conference, October 29. We will discuss and decide three important things: construction of a complex that will house the Taipei church, the national office, and the theological seminary; setting of the general secretary; and the celebration of the Taiwan Alliance church’s 70th anniversary in 2023.
The Indonesian government is preparing to move the capital city of Indonesia from Jakarta to the city of Nusantara in East Kalimantan in 2024. Please pray for:
- The Indonesian Gospel Tabernacle Church (C&MA Indonesia). They are making efforts to plant new churches among the unreached people groups in Nusantara City.
- The plan to move the office headquarters to the new capital in the future.
September 14, 2022
Please pray for:
- The health of Pastor Natanael Gil and his wife Evelyn. He is the president of the C&MA of Venezuela.
- The pastors, leaders and servants of our churches. May the Lord continue to prepare them and may they be sensitive to God’s call.
- Strength, provision and protection for our workers who are serving in missions, evangelism and discipleship.
- For the couples’ encounter ALMA. Pray that lives will be transformed and marriages will be restored. Pray also for the working team that the Lord gives them wisdom, joy and love to serve.
Please pray for:
- The pastoral families, especially for Pastor Antonio Trejo, his wife Glenda and their six children. They are working in the indigenous settlement of Asacualpa.
- Study materials to disciple the indigenous people groups.
- The door-to-door evangelization that our youth plan to carry out this month. Pray that the Lord will open many hearts to receive his Word.
- The family of Pastor Mayer Murillo, president of the Honduran Alliance. May God’s will always be done in their lives.
- That the national church can get legal status in the name of the Alliance in Honduras as soon as possible to be able to put all the deeds in the name of the legal entity.
Please pray for:
- The events that will take place at the end of this month in Colombia: The Latin American Women Congress Amada, the CLA Assembly and Symposium, and the AWF Global Mission Leaders Meeting.
- Provision for those who will participate in these events.
- Protection for the air and land travels of the participants and speakers.
- Each meeting, so that it will be a blessed time of learning and fellowship.
Praise God for:
- His faithfulness since the beginning of the work in Panama and for the support of the Chinese church.
Please pray for:
- Wisdom for the pastors of the Alliance churches in Panama.
- The ministries of the Chinese and the Hispanic churches so that they can reach the communities where they are.
- Missionaries Miguel and Yngrid Grassals. They have been leading the church planting of the Brisas del Golf Alliance church. Pray for their health, for wisdom, and that the Lord will provide more leaders to support the work.
- The evangelism and discipleship groups, that they may bear much fruit.
- The members to commit financially so that the church can become self-sustainable.
- Our work with immigrants. May the Lord give us grace and wisdom to minister to their needs.
- The young leaders of the Brisas del Golf May the Lord put the desire in their hearts to lead the ministries of the church.
Please pray for:
- The A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary. Pray for more students and for the planning for the coming year.
- The national missions department. Pray for the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of our missionaries.
- The trip of one of our pastors to Mozambique in November. Pray also for financial provision for the purchase of Bibles that will be donated for discipleship and evangelism of youth and adults at the Alliance church in Mozambique.
- The children of our missionaries, pastors and church leaders.
- Our country and the presidential election in October. May the Lord give wisdom and discernment to the people in choosing the new leader of the nation.
Please pray for:
- The safety of our pastors during their evangelization tours throughout the country.
- Homeless people, especially Colombian and Venezuelan migrants who live on the streets of Ecuador.
- Our missionaries: the González Arias family in Senegal, the Brito Raymer family in Jordan, and Vera Aguilar, who is about to return to Israel.
- Our country. The insecurity has increased in recent months, especially in the provinces of Guayas, Manabí and Esmeraldas, due to drug trafficking and the conflict between cartels.
Please pray for:
- The health of Pastor Andrés Ripoll of the Chuy Alliance church.
- A worker for the Vichadero Alliance.
- The Lord’s guidance and wisdom for the National Board of Directors in the decisions they must make.
- Financial resources for the construction of a new building for the Santa Isabel Alliance church in Rivera.
- Provision of the necessary funds to finish the construction of the Salto Alliance pastor’s house.
Please pray for:
- The health of Pastor Eliud Domínguez, who has been suffering from prostate problems.
- The planning meeting of the national ministries, September 14-15.
- The pastors and leaders of the Women Ministry (MIMAD) event, September 17-18.
Please pray for:
- Support of the missionary work in Italy, Hungary, Croatia, Kyrgyzstan and England, and for the Spain project.
- The continued growth of our congregations and for new workers.
- The political and socioeconomic situation of our country. May we, as Christ’s church, be the agents of peace that our society needs.
Please pray for:
- Our national church. May the Lord give wisdom and guide our new National Board of Directors in the plans and purposes God has for the C&MA of Peru. Pray also for the unity of the church. May the Holy Spirit guide our church members to live consecrated lives. Pray, too, for the blessing of the families, the church and our country.
- Our country. May God pour out his grace and mercy on the government authorities to work for the benefit of the people. Pray also for a spiritual revival in each Peruvian family, leading the country towards reconciliation with God and with one another.
Please pray for:
- New churches to be planted in Bolivia.
- God’s guidance and wisdom for the national leadership.
- The training of new pastors and leaders through the Bible Seminary (SEBAP).
- Albin and Stefany Salewsky, missionaries in Tunisia.
Please pray for:
- God’s guidance regarding the possibility of starting a new church in 2023 with the support of the U.S. Alliance.
- The need of one of our churches to purchase land for the construction of a church building.
- The Lord’s wisdom to finish our five-year plan and its implementation as of 2023.
Please pray for:
- The complete recovery of the health of Pastor Ernesto Rosa, president of the Dominican C&MA.
- The planting of new churches in the unreached provinces of our country.
- The new missionaries who are being prepared to be sent to the mission field.
- Wisdom and strength for our pastors to continue doing God’s work.
Please pray for:
- The AWF Women Ministries’ Leadership event, September 17 on Zoom. Pray for the women leaders from all over the world who will attend this meeting. Pray also for a blessed time of worship, hearing from the Word of God and praying for one another. Sign up today and get involved in this ministry.
September 7, 2022
Alliance Church in Erbil, Kurdistan
Praise God:
- That we are blessed to be in this prayer circle that unites all Alliance churches in the world.
- That construction has finally started on the new building after three years of prayer.
Please pray for:
- The team working on the construction. May God provide the resources required to complete the work on time.
- The discipleship ministry. Pray for God’s protection and wisdom for the discipleship group leaders, and for the students.
- The follow-up of the hundreds of new believers, and for the personal interviews with the seekers of Christ that happen every day.
- Protection for the team that serves, for the students to grow in the Word of God, and for the new believers to stand firm in Christ.
Praise God for:
- Keeping the door open to serve children of migrant workers in the “Sea of Plastic” greenhouses in Almería. Numerous children attended weekly Kid’s Club with Vacation Bible School content, and the team presented the gospel to many of the parents, too.
Please pray for:
- Provision for those God calls to announce the gospel among the enslaved and exploited, “to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn” (Isaiah 61:1,2).
- The young men who are in the sphere of influence of the Alliance diaspora teams: six in the AMOR house project, more than a dozen in the SALT mentoring program, and one in the internship in Terrassa.
ACMI Alliance Church in Ancona
Praise God for:
- The baptisms that we recently celebrated together with our daughter church. Pray for the new souls who have made the decision to be baptized, so that they may walk and grow firm in Christ.
Please pray for:
- The church to have a missionary heart, committing itself fully to missions and participating in intercession, information, collaboration and spiritual and material support of missionaries in the field.
- The missionary camp of adolescents and young people that we will carry out with missionaries from Colombia. May God touch hearts to prepare and form them, and may they commit themselves to the mission in a practical way.
- The Sunday school children, who recently had a lesson with a missionary theme, after which each child prayed for a specific nation during the week. May God prepare them already at this age to be involved and committed in doing missions.
- The missionary radio program that we are conducting once a month. May God continue to guide this program, so that many may come to know Christ. Pray also that many more people will become informed and involved in missionary work.
- Our daughter church in Ancona. It is a Latino church that cooperates with us in God’s work in this country. We will soon share a missionary service.
Praise God for:
- The French Hmong missionaries who have safely arrived in Thailand. They will reinforce the Hmong church there to reach their own people.
Please pray for:
- The leadership transition of the national Alliance church and the new president, Pastor Olivier Lo, who will assume his new position in October.
Praise God for:
- Many Muslim background believers who are walking in confidence in their new Christian faith.
- The many prayer and financial partners who sustain ADM workers and outreach programs.
- The opportunity for ADM ministers to gather in October 2022.
Please pray:
- That believers in Jesus will not be put to shame!
- That Muslims would realize the truth of the verse, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame” (Romans 10:11).
- For more workers for Milan (Italy) and Manchester (Great Britain).
- For several families who have transitioned to “home assignment” and temporarily left their places of ministry. Ask God to refresh them and use them to raise awareness and support for Muslim ministry in Europe.
AWF Prayers – August 2022
August 31, 2022
Praise God for:
- His guidance and wisdom during the National Church Synod in Boma, August 11-21.
- The Lay, Women’s and Youth Ministries, which renewed their offices during the synod.
Please pray for:
- The family of Rev. Henri Empio Likibo of the Bateke Plateau District. He died in a car accident, while coming to the synod. May God comfort his wife and children, and the Bateke Plateau church.
- The wife of Rev. Vangu of the Kavuzi District. She suffered a brain injury after a motorcycle accident during the synod, and the surgical intervention costs $5,000 USD. Pray that the church can find ways to raise the funds for the surgery.
- The Spirit of the Lord to renew and strengthen his servants to move forward in his mission during the general assemblies in all 60 Districts, and the Province of Katanga.
- God’s guidance and wisdom for the management committee that will choose the missionary candidates who will be sent to West Africa. Pray also that all resources will be provided.
- The concreting work on the road leading to the church’s headquarters in Boma 1, which is being done with contributions from the church members. Pray that God will provide the more than $70,000 USD needed for the completion of the work.
- The two Districts of Bateke Plateau that are facing an ethnic war between the Téke and Yaka peoples. This conflict has already resulted in deaths, houses being burnt down, entire villages wiped out and families being deprived of everything.
Praise God for:
- The successful General Assembly of the C&MA of Angola, August 2-7 with the theme “It seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us” (Acts 15:28). God acted powerfully in our midst and all sessions and decisions took place in an atmosphere of peace and calm.
Please pray for:
- God to guide, empower and strengthen the newly elected team to lead the national church in the light of the Holy Spirit over the next four years.
- God to raise up men and women capable of supporting or sponsoring the missionary work in Angola.
- God’s protection for the team that will be sent to Malange province to plant a new church.
- Our country. We are facing a difficult political time: the arrival of the body of the former president, who died in Spain, and the general election where historical parties do not want to lose, with threats of a war.
Please pray for:
- Pastor Emmanuel Goita, who had been kidnapped by the jihadists. He has been suffering from a liver cancer. May the Lord bring a miraculous healing for his glory.
- Several youth camps, that will take place August 29-September 15 in various locations: Yorosso, Kimparana, Tominian, N Torosso,Koporo Pen and Koutiala.
- The seminar with all local missionaries of the C&MA church.
- God’s financial provision and guidance for the planning of our centennial celebration.
- The Lord to bring a solution to a 7-hectare land that has brought us many problems.
- The Lord’s intervention to avoid an escalation between Mali and Côte d’Ivoire because of the soldiers charged in Mali. Pray that stability will return between these two countries.
August 17, 2022
Please pray for:
- The family of Rev. Thomas Traore, past president of the C&MA Church of Burkina Faso, who passed away on 15 August 2022, due to an illness with cancer. Pray also for the Alliance family in Burkina Faso, which lost a leader who was a source of wisdom and encouragement.
Please pray for:
- The family of a pastor who was shot dead by an unknown armed group on 16 July 2022 in Nduga, Papua. Pray for his family and the church he has left behind. People are still inclined to conflict between the military and Papuan separatist groups, where in this area many members of the Gospel Tabernacle Church, an Indonesian C&MA church, have become victims. This long-standing conflict has left thousands of people still seeking refuge in the forest to this day.
Please pray for:
- Life Conference 2022: More than 4,500 teens attended the LIFE 2022 youth conference in Orlando, Florida, in early July. Pray for successful follow-up and discipleship of students whose hearts were touched by the Spirit’s presence. Pray that they will stand firm against the enemy’s schemes to undermine their faith. Pray specifically that God will continue to direct the steps of the 400+ students who responded to the call to full-time ministry and that their communities of faith will surround and encourage them in their callings.
- Kentucky Flooding: In late July, eastern Kentucky was hit by severe storms that led to landslides, mudslides, and flash flooding. More than three dozen people have been reported dead while hundreds remain missing. Five Alliance churches were impacted by the heavy rains. One of these churches was damaged by 16 inches of flooding, while a retired Alliance pastor has had severe damage to his home and has lost both his cars and small businesses. Please pray for these families, churches and communities that are facing significant challenges in the aftermath of this disaster.
- Resonate Conference: Pray for those who attended Resonate, an Alliance orientation for newly licensed workers from the United States and Puerto Rico, that took place in early August. Nearly 200 new workers gathered in Columbus, Ohio, to connect with national leaders and colleagues from other geographical and ethnic districts. Pray that these new workers will be empowered in their local ministries and emboldened in their passion to live out the U.S. C&MA’s All of Jesus for All the World. As the Alliance continues to develop leaders among diverse groups within the U.S., pray especially for the quality of language interpretation services, including Vietnamese, Spanish and American Sign Language.
- The Hmong District: The leaders of the Hmong District, including District Superintendent Lantzia Thao and his wife, Aimee.
Praise God for:
- The Hmong District: Recently, Lantzia shared: “Praise God that He has led the Hmong District to be stronger through three initiatives: LOVE (relationships), LAUNCH (improving technology), and LEAD (next generation leadership). Through them, we are moving stronger and closer with God, the C&MA, and each other. Please pray for the three goals God has put on our hearts: to REACH IN (church cultivating – 2023), REACH OUT (community engaging – 2024), and REACH OVER (Mission Mobilizing – 2025)”.
August 10, 2022
Please pray for:
- The restoration of the health of Pastor Andrés Ripoll and his wife, who is pastoring at the Alianza Chuy church in Rocha.
- The Vichadero Alliance, in Rivera. May the Lord send a worker who can take charge of the work.
- The missions, this coming weekend will be the re-launch of the faith promise to contribute with missions. Pray that throughout the country there will be a good compromise.
- Resources for the construction of a new temple for the Alianza Santa Isabel church in Rivera. Pray that God will provide what is necessary to carry out this work.
Please pray for:
- Provision and support in the logistics of the events that will take place in Colombia in September: Congress of Latin American Women Amada 2022, Assembly & Symposium of CLA, and the Global Meeting of Leaders of Missions of AWF.
- The construction of the temple in Leticia, Amazonas. Pray for the provision of a safe, pleasant, large, and multipurpose temple to serve the community, the workers, and those who are to be added to the church of Christ.
- The new government led by Gustavo Petro. For public order, especially in places where the lives of civilians, police, and military are being threatened. Pray that the church will remain strong and constant.
Praise God for:
- The ACA youth retreat and the good progress of the proposed restructuring of the W. Tozer Theological Seminary.
Please pray for:
- Missionary Danilo, from Portugal, is currently in Brazil assisting in caring for his hospitalized mother. Pray that God would heal her and take care of her and her family at this time.
- The missionaries Patrícia and Daniel, need financial resources to renew their visas.
- The missionaries Romário and Jaqueline and for raising support for the Asia Project.
- Students and teachers beginning their second semester at W. Tozer Theological Seminary. Pray that God will continue to call and awaken new students to the seminary.
Please pray for:
- Pastor Iván Peña, national secretary, who has dengue, and Sister Yoandra Hernández, the national treasurer who is experiencing health problems. Pray for their recovery and restoration.
- Summer Bible Schools. In August, all the churches will do their Bible school. The month of August.
- The New Family Code. It goes against biblical, ethical, and moral principles and is about to be approved on August 26. Pray for a non-acceptance.
- God’s provision in economic resources and strategies for the national budget and its reduction and limits.
Praise God for:
- The pastors and missionaries, who, despite the high levels of contamination by the virus, God has taken care of them and so far there are no losses to regret.
Please pray for:
- The Children’s Home (Hogar de Menores). Every year in August, the national church raises an offering throughout the country to help the Hogar de Menores. Pray for the girls who are fully cared for, come from vulnerable homes, and are in the care of our brothers. This is a job that C&MA of Chile has been carrying out for more than 50 years.
- National ministries for men, women, and youth. These church departments are in all the local churches and are run by national boards, which are the active arms of each congregation. Pray for the Lord’s guidance for local and national leaders.
- The Educational Ministry of the national church has five rural schools, the vast majority of which are in the Mapuche indigenous communities. Pray that each child will be guided in the ways of the Lord and set on a path to a life of hope.
- Ministerial Vocations Day. On August 14, local churches pray and ask the Lord to call future national and international workers. Pray that new workers will be called to the ministry during this event.
- The next General Meeting, the election of the Executive Board will be held for the period 2023-2025. Pray for God’s guidance and wisdom at this time.
- Due to the situation of violence in the country. Pray for God to control the situation.
Please pray for:
- For each pastor so that God may continue to guide them in the strengthening and development of the churches they are in charge of.
- For finances may God continue to provide what is needed to meet the financial commitments of each church and the national church.
- For the training and evangelism programs each church carries out to consolidate members and win new lives for Christ.
Please pray for:
- The 35 students of the Local Biblical Academy, in the Advanced Church of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, can persevere and grow during teaching.
- For the students of the SEBAP Biblical Seminary, may God continue to instruct and train them to assume more leadership.
- For a proper temple for the Santa Cruz Advance, may God guide us to make decisions on that issue.
- For the unity of the Church to maturely resolve any difficulty within and outside the spiritual family.
- For a proper temple for the Church of Quillacollo.
- For the sick in our Churches, for a speedy restoration of their health.
Please pray for:
- Because of the socio-economic situation in Argentina that generates several fronts to attend to.
- The social aid work that the churches carry out.
- Provision for missionaries in the cross-cultural field and pastoral families.
- For the opportunities to preach the gospel in times where there is no hope for people.
- Provision for churches that rent meeting places.
- For the new works that are starting in different parts of the country.
Please pray for:
- The critical political and social situation of the country. Pray that God will give them a wise way out of this social chaos.
- The C&MA of Peru. May God allows that, in these hard and difficult times, the Church continues to grow steadily and comprehensively and continues to be wise by being light and salt for the entire country.
Please pray for:
- For the health of the shepherds, some of them are sick.
- New pastors for the work. Pray that God will provide new workers.
August 3, 2022
Please pray for:
- God’s comfort for the family of Rev. Issam Farah, his wife Nahed and his sons, Ibrahim and John. His sudden death is a great loss for the Alliance in Syria and the surrounding region. Rev. Farah was a kind man, with a strong and solid faith. Calm and secure, he brought joy to all around him.
Praise God for:
- The Muslims who are turning to Jesus, and for the small gatherings of Muslim background believers around Europe.
- New workers who have joined the Kingdom work among Muslims in Europe.
- Local European churches that are reaching out to Muslim migrants.
- The opportunity for ADM ministers to gather in October 2022.
Please pray for:
- Many Muslim immigrants who are traveling to their countries of origin during the summer. Ask God that this would cause them to be disillusioned with Islam.
- More laborers in the harvest field of Europe’s Muslims. Pray for local churches to be strengthened in their outreach.
- Our brothers and sisters who come from a Muslim background, that they would stand firm in their Christian faith. Pray that their hearts would believe and their mouths would confess Jesus Christ as Lord (Romans 10:10).
- The ADM gathering that will take place in Greece, October 7-11.
Praise God for:
- The church in Tenerife that is being inaugurated this weekend.
Please pray for:
- The Alliance church in Badalona, a suburb of Barcelona, where Puerto Rican missionaries José and Sonia Martínez serve. The church had to leave their previous rental site suddenly and was unable to find something that the congregation could afford. Please pray that they will be able to locate an adequate place to rent for Sunday worship.
- The inhabitants who face the threat of mountain fires racing down upon the town of Los Realejos, on Tenerife in the Canary Islands.
Praise God for:
- The dynamic mission-centered partnership between AECM France and an Alliance Church in Wisconsin, USA, during the recent visit by the France Alliance president, Rev. Michel Viguier.
Please pray for:
- The transition of sending the French Hmong missionaries to Thailand, who will reinforce the Hmong church there to reach their people.
- The annual pastoral retreat in October.
Praise God for:
- The Alliance Missions partnership in the Alliance church in Waren helping Ukrainian refugees who have joined the church.
Please pray for:
- Compassionate unity among the pastors of our churches and prayerful support for one another.
AWF Prayers – July 2022
July 27, 2022
Praise God for:
- The numerous Alliance leaders who were able to gather in Calgary in July to refocus and be inspired to engage Canada as a mission field through the “In Canada” event. Many also gathered to share time, make important decisions, and be encouraged together as Alliance leaders at General Assembly.
Please pray for:
- Alliance Kids: The new Alliance Kids Discovery Land Curriculum has been released. The curriculum provides weekly Alliance Missions content so that Alliance kids across the country can learn C&MA DNA, hear about Alliance projects and international work, and see how they can participate in the Great Commission too. Pray that the curriculum will further engage children and children’s workers in the U.S. Alliance vision: All of Jesus for All the World. Pray also for children’s workers as they help at-risk kids navigate the pressures they and their families face daily.
- Alliance Youth: More than 6,000 teens attended the LIFE 2022 youth conference in Orlando, Florida, in early July. The conference theme was Jesus Is Greater than Everything—including power, money, fame, privilege, reputation, social media followers, and personal adversity. Fifty seminars offered throughout the week were designed to provide spiritual support and a deeper connection with Jesus. Students also had the opportunity to serve the central Florida community through service projects and become immersed in a justice experience—a simulation that equipped students to recognize global slavery issues. In addition, they walked through a missions experience that challenged them to answer God’s call on their lives and take the gospel to their communities. On Friday evening during the main service, President John Stumbo shared his healing testimony and led a call to ministry. Over 400 students responded to the call to full-time ministry! Continue to pray for these students, specifically that they will have a community around them to encourage their call to ministry and that God will continue to direct their steps. Pray for successful follow-up and discipleship of students whose hearts were touched by the Spirit’s presence. Pray that they will stand firm against any schemes of the enemy to undermine their faith.
- International Workers: Around 100 U.S.-based International Workers (IWs) recently returned to the States for their home assignments. Intercede for these IWs and their children as they adjust to stateside life and for rest and times of refreshment. Pray, too, for effective church tours and good connections with their local body of believers. Pray also for IWs in residence at each Alliance college. These workers have committed their home assignment year to mentoring students on campus and nurturing the call to missions on their lives.
July 13, 2022
Please pray for:
- The General Assembly of the C&MA of Angola, August 2-7. Pray for the pastors who will be consecrated to the ministry and for the election of the new national Board of Directors. May the Lord guide their decisions and show his will to the church.
- The presidential election in Angola, August 24. Pray for a peaceful election and for God’s guidance as the people chose the country’s new leader.
Please pray for:
- Noël N’Guessan, the president of the C&MA of Côte d’Ivoire. He will be the keynote speaker at the 12th National Church Convention, August 8-13. Pray that his teaching will have a real impact on the life of the church.
- God’s guidance and wisdom for the election of the new president of the Association of Women Pastors and Pastor’s Wives for the next four years.
- The implementation of the Servant’s Health Insurance in July.
- The availability of financial means for the servants of God who are retiring.
- The healing of pastors and leaders who are on leave due to illness.
Please pray for:
- God’s comfort for the families and churches of the six pastors who died in June.
- The Synod of the National Church in Boma, August 11-21. May the Lord provide the resources for the organization, keep the delegates, and guide the work by his Holy Spirit.
- The Lay, Women’s and Youth Ministries. They will renew their offices during the synod. May the Spirit of God guide them in their decisions and actions.
- The Alliance Radio and Television broadcasting in Boma, which is in a trial phase. May it become one more powerful tool for the proclamation of the gospel.
- The reopening of the evangelical printing press in Boma. The church management committee wants to make it a modern printing press to serve the church.
- The East of the DRC which is still at war against terrorism. Pray for the government that is working for peace to return to this part of the country.
July 6, 2022
Please pray for:
- The country of Myanmar. The long-lasting civil war has affected the country in many ways. The situation has become worse by the COVID-19 pandemic and the military coup in 2021. Please pray for peace and the end of the civil war. Pray also for the population and the church members who are facing many problems and difficulties.
- The missionary work. It’s been more difficult to reach out to the Buddhists and to bring them to Christ as the country is facing all sorts of problem and upraising. Nonetheless, the Myanmar C&MA missionaries continue working in the mission field. We had to rent houses and apartments for some of them to have a place to stay and hold worship services. Please pray for partners who will help us buy houses, so we can expand the work.
- The church. May our church members continue to stand firm in their faith, and to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ. Pray for God’s provision for those who are in need. Pray also for the construction of new church buildings.
Please pray for:
- The adult Bible courses and the children’s Bible stories ministry of the Siloam Alliance church in the Timika District, Papua. Pray that they will put their faith in Jesus Christ and grow in the knowledge of the Word of God.
Please pray for:
- The AWF Women Ministries’ Prayer and Missions gathering, July 13 on Zoom. Pray for the women from all over the world who will attend this meeting. Pray also for a blessed time of worship, hearing from the Word of God about why we pray for the nations and spend time in prayer for least-reached people groups around the world. Sign up today and get involved in this ministry!
AWF Prayers – June 2022
June 29, 2022
Please pray for:
- Missionary Fanny Levicoy who left on June 21 to serve in Hungary for two years. Pray for her adaptation and support in this new location.
- Missionary Mónica Barría and the preparations for her departure to serve with the Alliance in Spain.
- Financial support for our missionaries in Central Asia, Hungary, Croatia, Italy and England.
- God to strengthen our churches and pastoral families in this time of economic and social crisis in Argentina.
Please pray for:
- Pastor Ricardo Oliva and his family. They lost their belongings in a fire in their home. May the Lord provide for them and bring peace to their hearts.
- The families of Pastor Isaías Chacón and Pastor Gertrudis Betancourt. Their children are facing health problems.
- The election of the new National Board of Directors of the Alliance of Cuba, July 5-7.
Please pray for:
- The health of Pastor Andrés Ripoll of the Chuy Alliance church. He has been going through a complex health situation. Pray for healing and strength.
- The national missionary training, July 18, with the goal of reactivating the national missions department.
- A pastor for the Vichadero church in Rivera.
Please pray for:
- The events that will take place in Colombia in September: the Latin American Women’s Conference Amada, the CLA Assembly and Symposium, and the AWF Global Mission Leaders meeting. Pray for the organizing teams and for God’s provision and protection for all participants.
- Donors who are passionate about making Jesus known in collaboration with the Barista Mission School project. We need $15,000 USD to adapt the internship site. Pray also for the registration of candidates interested in training as baristas to serve in places closed to the gospel.
- The missionary work in Leticia, Amazon. We need a safe, spacious, multipurpose building to serve the community, host missionaries and, above all, receive new believers.
Please pray for:
- Pastor David Muthre, the president of the CLA Region, and the preparations for the regional events in Colombia in September: the CLA Assembly and Symposium and the Women’s Conference Amada.
- The Alliance district presidents and work committees. They have been visiting and counseling church members throughout the country and bringing food to the brothers and sisters who are most in need.
- Our country. Some groups are protesting in the streets against the government. This has led to violence, lootings, and turmoil. Pray that they will come to an agreement that will bring peace to the country.
Please pray for:
- The full recovery of health for Pastor Natanael Gil, Evelyn Gil, Olga Gil, and Nayibe Chirino.
- Physical and spiritual health, strength, guidance and wisdom for our pastoral families.
- The training of new leaders to serve the Lord in ministry.
- The reactivation of the youth, couples, and women’s ministries.
- The reconstruction of the facilities of the Foundation for the Family (FUNDALFA) in Los Guayos, Carabobo. Pray also for the completion of the church building in the same location.
Please pray for:
- The missionary conferences and celebrations that are being carried out for the national church’s anniversary this month.
- Our churches. May God continue to protect, guide and bless our pastors, leaders, members and missionaries in these difficult times.
- A spiritual revival. May our church members live consecrated lives that reflect God in their families and in society.
Please pray for:
- The missionaries of the Brazilian Alliance in Portugal, Japan, Mozambique and Brazil. Pray also for partnerships and the necessary funds for the Thailand/Asia Project.
- The young people who gave their lives to Christ at the youth camp, June 16-19.
- Wisdom and discernment in managing the finances of the Brazilian Alliance.
Please pray for:
- The young leadership of the church. May the Lord give them stability and creativity in ministry and a fresh filling of the Holy Spirit.
- God’s guidance and provision so we can be more creative in reaching out to people in the community.
- The short-term missions group from the U.S. Eastern Hispanic District of C&MA, who will visit us in July.
June 22, 2022
Praise God for:
- The successful AWF EMERALD Conference in the Middle East in May and the joy of being able to meet all together again for the first time in three years.
- The resources that were provided to bring the Alliance pastors from Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon and Syria to the conference. Their presence was a blessing to all, and they returned home encouraged by their Alliance brothers and sisters.
- The solid biblical teaching on “Missions in an Ever-Changing World” and the workshops at the conference that brought everyone together in fellowship as we learned from each other.
- The leadership of our sister churches from two countries that are in conflict. They were able to attend the conference and come together as brothers in Christ to lead the Alliance EMERALD family in celebrating the Lord’s Table.
Please pray:
- That the Alliance EMERALD family will be able to put into practice what we learned about missions at the conference.
- That God will open hearts throughout Europe to provide for the needs (housing, food and transportation) of refugees and people fleeing the war in Ukraine.
- That God will provide people to love and care for the refugees and internally displaced people.
Praise God for:
- The local coordination team that made our recent EMERALD gathering a success.
Praise God for:
- The long-anticipated arrival of Matt and Alicia Moroney and their four children in Barcelona, Spain, on June 8. They will join our Alliance Diaspora Ministries in Europe to share the love of the Father with immigrant peoples in Spain.
Please pray for:
- The Vazquez and Tapia families from Chile. They will help the Spanish Alliance plant more churches. Pray that their visas will be approved soon. It is taking longer than expected.
- LIFE International School as it finishes the school year on June 24. We praise God for four prospective teachers who are planning to come for the fall semester. We ask God for the enrolment to top 70 students. Pray also for several of the teachers and prospects who are facing challenging personal issues, including family and health problems, personal struggles, and financial deficits. These problems are harder to face when you are separated from your family and home support system.
Praise God for:
- Olivier Lo, who was elected president of the C&MA of France. He will take up his new role in October. Pray that God will give him wisdom and grace as he seeks to lead the Alliance family in France.
Please pray for:
- The preparations for sending the French Hmong missionaries to Thailand to reinforce the church there and to reach the Hmong people.
Alliance Church in Erbil, Kurdistan
Praise God:
- That the paperwork for building the church is going well, and construction should start soon. Please continue praying for the new church building.
Please pray:
- That the Lord will bring more servants for the Praise and Worship team, and the Sunday School team, as a blessing for the church.
- For the media team to be more active and passionate in sharing the gospel online.
- That the Holy Spirit will work in the life of the disciples in the small groups, that they may grow to become mature believers and involved in the expansion of the Kingdom.
Please pray for:
- The C&MA Great Britain Annual Conference in Ashby, July 2, with Rev. Milad Dagher as the keynote speaker.
Praise God for:
- The partnerships taking shape in the region to mobilize missionaries to bring the good news to the nations, particularly in North Africa.
Praise God for:
- The preparations to extend the African Alliance Diaspora Ministry project to North America in partnership with the Alliance churches there.
- The financial support for the African Alliance Diaspora Ministry.
June 15, 2022
Please pray for:
- Missionary Queency Wauran. She has been sent by the Alliance Church of Indonesia to Thailand to reach the Burmese living in Bangkok. We thank Rev. Sanguansak Worawat, the president of C&MA Thailand, for this good cooperation.
Please pray for:
- Unity and a sense of encounter with the Lord at our national pastors’ retreat.
- Our church plants. Pray that they will continue to engage with their local communities and build bridges to connect.
- Our missions program review and fresh opportunities to cooperate in missions with our APAC partners.
Please pray for:
- A fresh visit of the Lord in Alliance churches so that the churches and leaders will be renewed and united. Pray also for a spirit of unity and cooperation among the spiritual leaders to bring Alliance churches forward with a new vision and commitment.
- The Maharashtra Bible College (MBC). Thousands of pastors, evangelists, and church leaders have been trained at this college, but it is struggling now. Former Principal Rev. Sanjay Chaudhari died recently, and the pandemic forced the college to close. Pray for the MBC Board as they trust the Lord to provide a capable and committed principal, as well as teaching staff and funding to sustain the college.
- Partnerships and networking among Alliance ministries in different parts of India to establish a spirit of mutual understanding and cooperation.
- Protection from the severe heat wave that is affecting central and western India, where most of our Alliance work is located. Also, the increasing threat of a resurgence of the Coronavirus in many cities of India is a prayer concern as the Alliance has lost many pastors and leaders to previous waves.
- India’s neighboring country, Sri Lanka. It is going through economic and political turmoil, affecting millions of lives. Thousands have crossed the sea and taken refuge in India. Pray for wisdom for the church in India to respond appropriately to this crisis.
- Our country has severe conflicts that are affecting the harmony and peace among communities. Pray for wisdom and grace for the political and religious leaders so that they can lead the country in the right direction.
Please pray for:
- The country of Myanmar. The situation has worsened since the military coup in 2021. The population and the church members are facing many problems and difficulties.
- The Alliance churches to find ways to help people. They have been distributing food and doing as much as they can.
- God’s intervention in the country so that the church will be salt and light in this crisis.
Please pray for:
- Our churches. We were planning a summer camp, but due to the increase in COVID-19 cases, we had to cancel it. This is the third year in a row that we have not been able to hold the camp, due to the pandemic. Pray that our churches will stand firm and not be discouraged by the situation.
June 8, 2022
Please pray for:
- Marcel Bunda Bunda, the president of the Alliance in the DRC. He has received invitations to visit sister churches in Spain and in Canada. May God protect him on these journeys and facilitate visa and travel arrangements.
- The young people in our churches. The socio-economic crisis has especially been affecting our youth, who sometimes find themselves embarrassed between serving God and the struggle for survival.
- Our church members. Pray that despite the economic crisis, they do not lose the spirit of giving to continue to be a blessing to our brothers and sisters.
- The Management Committee of the national church as they organize grassroots consultations in preparation for the next synod. Pray that the decisions made in this synod will advance God’s work in our nation. Pray also for the Lay, Women’s and Youth Ministries that will elect new leaders during these upcoming sessions.
- The success of the evangelism department to advance the work of planting new churches.
- The Boma 2 Alliance church. The construction of a church building is progressing but requires a lot of resources. This could be the first megachurch of the Alliance in the DRC.
- Our country. The East is still at war against terrorism, and today the threat of war is even more persistent with the deterioration of relations with our neighboring country, Rwanda. Pray for God to bring peace to this region.
Please pray for:
- The recording of the film Jesus in eight languages of Gabon with the help of technicians from Campus for Christ USA.
- More doctors for the Bongolo Hospital of the Christian Alliance in Gabon. Pray also for a regular supply of affordable drugs.
- The purchase of buses for the land transport company of the Alliance in Gabon, to be launched in June 2022. Pray also for the financial contributions of our churches.
- The formalization of the Theology Faculty and the migration to the Private University of the Christian Alliance of Gabon.
- The construction of the women’s academy building and the necessary equipment for the training of women, including sewing machines, a refrigerator, freezer, sewing supplies and other materials.
- The purchase of land for the Alliance churches in Parakou, Benin and in Lomé, Togo.
Please pray for:
- The success of the closing ceremonies of the academic year in our training institutes: the Bible Institute of the Christian Alliance of Yamoussoukro, on June 25, and the Bible School of the Christian Alliance, on June 18.
- The General Assembly of pastors’ wives and women pastors, July 6-10. Pray for the success of the work and for the renewal of the governing bodies of this association who have been faithfully serving the church.
- The National Church Convention, August 8-13. Pray for the organizing committee, the speakers and the participants. May it be a time of spiritual renewal for the church.
- The Christian Alliance Radio House. Pray for the continuation of the construction work and the acquisition of quality materials for its operation.
- The successful implementation of the Church’s Servants of God Health Insurance.
Please pray for:
- The safety of evangelism teams traveling across the country to win lost souls.
- The Mali Protestant Assistance Center. It is in a transition period and will have a new Board of Directors by the end of 2022.
- Our NGO Development Organization for Hope. Pray that it can benefit from funds from their partners to cope with the work on the ground and be able to recruit other agents to expand the staff.
- Bigger church buildings to mark the centennial of the national church.
- Good rainfall during this winter period. Pray that God will open the locks of heaven for our country.
Please pray for:
- God’s guidance and wisdom during the Ngoio Regional Conference, June 17-19, in Cabinda.
- Our country. The economic crisis has especially affected the most vulnerable, who often do not have the resources to buy their basic food baskets.
Please pray for:
- The General Assembly, July 5-8. It is a time when The Alliance Canada family gathers in person and online in fellowship and community. Pray that the Holy Spirit would move in our churches. The theme “All Things Jesus” will guide us as we worship, learn and discuss.
Please pray for:
- A strong response to the Great Commission Day Offering. These funds will help Alliance international workers remain present among unreached and overlooked peoples in spiritually desolate parts of the world.
- The upcoming retirement and transition of senior Alliance Missions leaders and staff. Please pray for the onboarding of the new leaders and for God to call and equip people to fill key staff positions in the National Office in the months ahead.
- Several U.S. District Conferences taking place over the next few months. Pray for smooth preparations leading up to each event and that all presenters and participants are physically and spiritually primed to pursue God and discern his leading in their local and global ministries. Pray especially for polity-related conversations that will be facilitated by the national team. Pray that conference attendees will participate fully in future-shaping conversations in pursuit of our U.S. Alliance vision: All of Jesus for All the World.
June 1, 2022
Please pray for:
- The Month of The Alliance. It is a celebration to give thanks to God for allowing us to serve him for 99 years since the start of the Alliance in Colombia. Pray that we will continue to train men and women who are passionate about Jesus.
- God’s guidance and provision for the events that will be held in Colombia in September: the Latin American Women’s Congress Amada 6, the CLA Assembly & Symposium, and the AWF global mission leaders meeting.
- Our churches. Heavy rains and public disorder have affected our missionary work. Some of our church buildings have deteriorated and leaders have had to leave due to threats.
Please pray for:
- The Sur Alliance church planting. The Chilean Alliance has been supporting this new church planting and has recently passed the responsibility over to Pastor Herbeth Vega, from Uruguay. Pray that the Lord will continue to bless this work.
- Pastor Andrés Ripoll. He has been going through a complex health situation. Pray for healing and strength.
- The Santa Isabel Alliance church in Rivera. They want to build a more spacious church since the existing one is too small for their needs. Pray for wisdom for Javier Sampayo, who is pastoring this church, and for the Lord to provide the necessary resources.
- The Vichadero Alliance. Pray that the Lord will raise up a worker for this church, since they haven’t had a pastor for a long time.
Please pray for:
- The district presidents of the Alliance of Ecuador and the work committees. They have been visiting, counseling and bringing food to the brothers and sisters who are most in need.
- The national retreat for pastors and their families in August. May the Lord bring a spiritual renewal to our pastoral families.
- Ecuadorian children and youth. They returned to in-person classes at the beginning of May. Pray that the Lord will provide everything they need to study and protect them from the insecurity in the streets due to the increasing violence in our country.
- Our nation. There’s been a high rate of violent deaths in recent months, due to drug trafficking networks, especially in the provinces of Guayas, Manabí and Esmeraldas.
- The country’s economy. The shortage of jobs has especially affected young professionals who recently graduated from universities.
Please pray for:
- Missionaries Miguel and Yngrid Grassals. They have been leading the church planting of the Brisas del Golf Alliance church. Pray for their health and that the Lord will provide more leaders to support the work.
- Our members to commit financially so that the church can become self-sustainable. The work in Panama has been carried out by local and national churches, some of which have been withdrawing their support.
- The young leaders of our church. May they put into practice what they learned in recent training about the challenge of moving on to the next stage of growth.
- God to use and guide each brother and sister in the expansion of his Kingdom in Panama. The Brisas del Golf Alliance church is inserted in a professional middle-class community of more than 10,000 families with very few churches, and the Alliance is the only one in this neighborhood.
- A true encounter with Jesus for those who are coming to our church. In Panama City there are many who identify with Christianity, but in reality, there is a lot that is only religiosity. That has been a real challenge for our young church.
Please pray for:
- Each member of the Alliance family of Venezuela. May we grow in the knowledge and love of the Lord to reach the communities that surround us with the gospel.
- Health, wisdom, guidance, discernment, and spiritual strength for our pastors to guide the church members in the Word of God.
- The start of small groups at the Maracay Alliance church. Pray also for new believers, and for the church to reach the community.
- A new place for the Yagua and Belen Alliance church to hold services.
Please pray for:
- Our newly launched Central American Ministerial Alliance Seminar. Pray for more students so that we can reach more people for Christ in the Central American region.
- Our first post-pandemic in-person congress of the Central American Alliance, in El Salvador in September. Pray that this event will be a blessing for the entire region.
- For one of our churches that needs a bigger place to continue growing.
- Political stability in the country. May the current polarization be resolved through democratic ways.
Please pray for:
- God’s guidance in the decisions made during the National Assembly of the Alliance of Bolivia, May 28 in Cochabamba.
- God to raise new pastors and missionaries so that the work in Bolivia and the mission fields abroad can grow.
AWF Prayers – May 2022
May 18, 2022
Praise God for:
- Alliance members in the EMERALD region and the worldwide AWF family, who have given generously to the Ukraine appeal to support our Alliance churches as they care for those who are suffering.
Please pray for:
- The Russian Alliance church plant in Burgas, Bulgaria as they minister to Ukrainian refugees who have fled the conflict.
- The churches and the Christians. They are caring for 300-400 refugees who arrive daily from the conflict area having lived in basements for one to two months under constant danger.
Please pray for:
- God’s protection and provision for the participants of the AWF EMERALD gathering in Jordan, May 25-27.
Please pray for:
- Follow-up on evangelistic opportunities now that the month of Ramadan is over. Pray also for ADM ministers as the outreach to Muslims returns to normal.
- More workers to respond to the call to serve among Muslims in Europe.
- Church plants and Bible studies among the Muslim diaspora in Malaga, Salt and Canovelles (Spain); Marseille and Paris (France); Manchester (England) and Berlin (Germany).
Please pray for:
- Francisco Cerrón, who will officially assume office as the new rector of the INFORMA Training Institute in May.
- The leadership transition of INFORMA, so that this theological school grows deeper and stronger.
- The Madrid team working among immigrants as they finish the renovation work on the ministry center. They are waiting on word from the lawyer and the Town Hall to become an official Cultural Association. Ask the Lord to facilitate the process so that it will be in place in September, and they can officially open the doors and start classes.
Please pray for:
- Mike Baraniak, the director of the C&MA Great Britain. He has been suffering health difficulties the last few months. Please pray that God will heal his body and give strength to Mike and Catherine as they navigate these difficult times.
- The new ministry center and “The Giving Tree” coffee house in Manchester. May the Lord provide the necessary resources.
Praise God for:
- The faithful leadership that the Alliance president, Rev. Michel Viguier, has given to the C&MA family in France over many years as he prepares to step down from that role.
Please pray for:
- The leadership transition in the French national church. Pray that God will indicate the path to follow for the new leadership team.
Please pray for:
- The new church planting team in the city of Porto. Pray that the Albuquerque family can find adequate housing in the city by July.
- Wisdom for the Paredes Alliance Church plant as they seek to become an organized church this year.
- We recently discovered that there are around 20 Ukrainian refugees (children, youth and women) in or near our community. Please pray for wisdom of how to reach out to them as it appears they are not receiving much support from local government.
Please pray for the Alliance church in Erbil, Kurdistan:
- The brothers and sisters from a Muslim background. They face constant social and spiritual attacks.
- Our new discipleship groups. This ministry will include a variety of tribes and races from different backgrounds.
- Our weekly ministries. They are expanding and we need more volunteers, especially for the Sunday school, youth, and humanitarian aid ministries.
- The start of construction of the new church building, especially as it hasn’t been an easy ride and we have faced many obstacles along the road.
Praise God for:
- The successful visit of Rev. Marcel Bunda, president of the C&MA of Congo, DRC, and Rev. Denis Kombetassie, Missions Director of the C&MA of Congo, DRC, to the Congolese communities of the African Alliance Diaspora in Europe and their contacts with the Alliance family of France.
Please pray for:
- Eoghan Cosgrave in his role as AWF Mission Mobilizer for the EMERALD region. Pray that the Lord will provide for him and his family.
May 11, 2022
Please pray for:
- The Alliance church in the DRC, which has seen the deaths of seven pastors in four months. May God comfort their families and church members.
- Our churches in rural areas. They have been threatened by charlatans, who sometimes enter the churches purportedly to deliver them from witchcraft. May God spare the church from this situation which can lead to trouble: some local administrative authorities support these charlatans. Pray especially for the Kuimba District that has experienced this kind of unrest.
- The Church Management Committee. They have decided to send workers to disciple people living in rural areas plagued by sects and harmful beliefs. This requires more than $70,000 USD per year, while the fundraising for this first quarter has yielded $20,000 USD. Please pray that the Lord will provide the remaining funds.
- The Urban Church Planting Program, which targets the middle-class population.
- The election of Provincial Governors in the DRC in general, and particularly in the Kongo Central Province, where the C&MA headquarters is located. The election campaign has taken on the appearance of a battle between socio-cultural groups. Pray that it will not cause social unrest. Pray also for God to raise up leaders who fear the Lord and work for the welfare of the people.
Please pray for:
- The 19 students who have just completed the theoretical phase in the Bible institutes and will be sent to work in local churches.
- A teacher for the Bethel Bible Institute in Koutiala.
- The installation of the new director of the Bible school for young girls in Baramba.
- The workshop on capacity building in agriculture, May 9-13 in Koutiala Bethel.
- A good mobilization and participation of the national church at our centenary celebration.
Praise God for:
- The churches that are being planted. May God use these new churches to be a blessing and reach the people with the gospel in these communities.
Please pray for:
- The national pastors’ couples retreat scheduled for the third week of June in Mossendjo, in the southwest.
- The national women’s conference in August.
- The consecration service of a servant of God to the pastoral ministry in l’Ile Mbamou, at the Congo River.
Please pray for:
- The three church community projects that are being implemented with the financial support of AWF: two church planting projects in Cabinda and a cutting and sewing project in Luanda.
- The General Assembly of the Alliance of Angola in August.
- The presidential election in our country in August. May there be an atmosphere of peace before, during and after the election.
May 4, 2022
Please pray for:
- Pastor José Rampa and his wife Estela Saldivia. They are pastoring the Mandubí Alliance church in Rivera. The church is going through a tough financial time but making a great effort. Pray also for Pastor Duverley Techera who is supporting this congregation.
- The Vichadero Alliance in Rivera. May the Lord send a worker to pastor this church. Brothers from the Bethel church have been supporting this work for over a year, but the congregation needs its own pastor.
- Pastor Herbeth Vega, who started leading the South Alliance church in Montevideo. May the Lord give him and his family wisdom to carry out this task.
- Missionary pastor Cristian Salgado of the Alliance of Chile. He is planting a new church. Pray for him and his family in this new phase.
- Missionaries Peter and Laura Marshall who are retiring from the Salto Alliance church and will be returning to the United States. Pray that the Lord will help this couple during the transition. Pray also for brother Robert Noble who will take over the work.
- The health of brother Andrés Ripoll of the Chuy Alliance church. He has had a series of complications.
Praise God for:
- The leaders of the Alliance churches of Colombia and Ecuador who participated in the training “Hablemos Alianza 2022” (“Let’s Talk Alliance 2022”), April 22-24. May they apply what they have learned in their local churches.
Please pray for:
- The church in Leticia, Amazon. The building has deteriorated due to the heavy rains that hit the Amazon. That makes it impossible to carry out discipleship activities and worship services. Brothers from the Ticuna, Uitotos and Cocamas indigenous communities who are being reached by our missionaries meet there. This place is key to reach the so called “Green Window” – the least reached ethnic groups of the Amazon and Orinoquia in the triple border area of Colombia, Brazil and Peru. Please pray that God will provide the $50,000 USD needed to rebuild the church.
- Our country. We will have our presidential election this year. Pray that God would have mercy on our nation and place the right person in office to govern Colombia.
Please pray for:
- The academic cycle of the Alliance Bible Seminary of Ecuador, which started on April 18. May each student persevere and be faithful to his or her call to serve God.
- Our National Women’s Retreat, June 31-July 2 in the Tungurahua province. The theme will be “Building Fences: Caring for Families and Generations.”
- The safety of our pastors during their evangelization tours throughout the country.
- Our country. The violence rate has increased in recent months, due to micro-trafficking networks and fights between gangs. This has resulted in the deaths of children and adolescents.
Praise God for:
- The pastors who were ordained and accredited in the last year. May God use them and give them wisdom to carry out his work.
Please pray for:
- The Lord to use and guide each leader of the ministries of the Brazilian Alliance for the expansion of God’s kingdom in Brazil and the nations: National Missions Department, Church Planting Project (Missional Focus), A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary, College of Prayer, National Women’s Ministry and Alliance Youth.
- The next generation of young leaders that God is raising up in our churches.
- Wisdom and discernment for the national church in managing their finances. The economic crisis, increasing inflation, and the high unemployment rate in our country have brought many challenges for the churches and for the missionary work.
Praise God for:
- The 125 years of the Alliance in Chile. Thanksgiving celebrations have been taking place in our churches throughout the country.
Please pray for:
- Two missionaries who have been sent to a country with restricted access. May the Lord help these two women in the transition and in adapting to the new culture.
- The churches that are resuming in-person activities after two years of the pandemic. Pray that God would give pastors wisdom and love to help members who have grown cold spiritually and don’t want to return to church.
- Our country’s situation. There is a lot of political instability and conflict.
Please pray for:
- The church. Pray the Lord would put in each member a hunger and thirst for him. May prayer, Bible study and other spiritual disciplines be our main weapon in the face of adversity so that we can reach and bless those who suffer.
- Our country. May the Lord heal our land. Pray also for our authorities, that there be unity and that they can legislate in favor of the people.
Please pray for:
- Comfort for the family of Pastor José Reyes. He died recently.
- Wisdom for the National Board of Directors of the Dominican Alliance.
- The church planting in provinces with no evangelical churches.
Please pray for:
- Our pastors’ families and especially for their children.
- The construction of the church buildings in Aguadas and Guantánamo.
- Our worship groups to be able to buy new musical instruments.
AWF Prayers – April 2022
April 20, 2022
Praise God for:
- The fellowship among national Alliance leaders during a recent regional Zoom meeting.
Please pray for:
- The AWF EMERALD gathering in Jordan, May 25-27. Pray that resources will be found to enable the pastors who have limited funds (particularly in the Middle East) to attend. Pray also for the local team in Jordan responsible for welcoming the participants.
Please pray for:
- The freedom of Ukraine and an end to the war.
- The churches, which now find themselves in territory occupied by the Russian army. Pray that God would bless our pastors and leaders who have stayed in their hometowns to minister to others.
- Our pastors and leaders who have left for western Ukraine or fled to another country. Pray that we don’t lose contact with them, and that they find new places to minister where they are now.
- The members of our churches who have become refugees. May they find good churches to attend.
- Our churches as we minister to those who are suffering because of the war. One of our churches closed its doors, and the pastor went west with his family. Pray that we live out the missionary vision in this time of change and war in our country.
- The health of the national president of the C&MA Ukraine. He is under much stress and has been getting sick often. He is having trouble sleeping, but ministry continues and there is much to do, which makes it difficult for him to find time to rest.
Please pray for:
- The Russian Alliance church plant in Burgas, Bulgaria as they minister to Ukrainian refugees who have fled the conflict.
Please pray for:
- Rev. Mike Baraniak, the director of the C&MA Great Britain. He has been suffering health difficulties the last few months. Please pray that he gets an appointment soon to see a cardiologist and a cardiothoracic surgeon.
- The trustees of the mission. May God give them wisdom and discernment as they take up some of the director’s responsibilities while he is ill.
- Unity among the pastors of our churches and prayerful support for one another.
- The outreach work in Manchester and the logistics of running this. Thank God for new people responding to this outreach.
Please pray for the A.M.O.R. (Assisting Migrants and/or Refugees) project in Malaga, southern Spain:
- That all falsely preconceived notions, ideas or teachings be eradicated by the transforming power of the gospel, bringing deep revelation and salvation to the A.M.O.R. young men.
- Favor with government and employers. Two of the men have residency, but one needs a job; three have recently qualified and applied for residency; one is awaiting his passport, which is being unduly delayed.
- Favor to receive legal employment that will allow the men to become independent and fully integrated into Spanish society.
- A willing landlord so that we can rent another apartment and take in more boys. This is the biggest obstacle we encounter. We need a breakthrough to move forward and help more young men.
- Full-time, fluent Spanish-speaking workers, especially able in the areas of administration and bookkeeping.
- The Lord to keep the finances coming in order for the project to continue.
Please pray for the Alliance church in Erbil, Kurdistan:
- For new discipleship groups for Syrians with Muslim background. This new ministry will include a variety of tribes and races from different backgrounds.
- For the expansion of weekly ministries and more volunteers, especially Sunday School, youth, and humanitarian aid ministries.
- For the beginning of construction of the new church building. It has not been easy with many obstacles along the way.
April 13, 2022
Please pray for:
- The C&MA church of Liberia, as it prepares to host the AWF Africa Regional Conference in Monrovia. We praise God for the visit of Rev. Joel Moriba Onivogui, AWF Africa general secretary, and the meeting held with the Liberian leadership. Please pray for the planning committees and for God’s wisdom and strength as they meet regularly to plan for the conference.
- The unity of the Alliance church. During Rev. Joel Moriba Onivogui’s visit, he brought Pastor Elijah Guilavogui, who helped planting the churches in Lofa County. After this meeting, we started sponsoring Pastor Elijah. He visited the churches in that county to explain about the new leadership of the C&MA church in Liberia. The pastors are planning to meet with the national church’s leadership as soon as possible. Pray for unity and for the new church planting.
- The National Women’s Conference, April 21-24 in Monrovia. Pray for the planning committee and for the success of the conference.
Praise God for:
- The election of the National Board of the Alliance Church of the Republic of Congo. Rev. Albert Bilongo was reelected as the national church president.
Please pray for:
- Peace, unity and the achievement of goals of the national church in the next four years.
- Boldness in the proclamation of the gospel. May our churches be instruments in God’s hands to reach the lost.
- New impetus of discipleship growth. Pray that God will strengthen our church members in their walk with the Lord Jesus Christ. May the Holy Spirit give true commitment and power to train, mentor and motivate a generation of new disciples for the glory of God.
- God to raise up men and women to serve our church members and the communities who are facing difficulties.
Please pray for:
- God’s comfort for the families of Rev. Isaac Tsava Mbenza, of Boma, and Rev. Georges Luemba Nguvulu, of Moanda. Both died in the same week.
- Marcel Bunda, president of the C&MA of Congo – DRC, and Rev. Denis Kombetassie, Missions Director of the C&MA of Congo, DRC. They have been on a tour in Europe for over a month visiting communities of the African Alliance Diaspora. Pray for God’s protection during their trip and for good contacts with the church leaders.
- The health of Rev Esaïe Muanda Ndungi, the head of the National Prayer Department. Pray also that the Lord will open the way for his treatment abroad.
- The plan to transform two local churches into mega-churches to make them great instruments of evangelism and resource mobilization for missions.
- The Synod General Assembly, July 25-31 in Boma. May the Lord guide his servants on the decisions to be made. Pray also that resources will be provided for the organization of this event.
- Our country. We have been facing killings in the East by terrorist groups. Pray for the government which fights these groups to restore peace to the population.
Please pray for:
- The new strategic plan of the church and the trips of the technical committees.
- The establishment of a national prayer shield in all regions.
- The State to put in place an effective strategy to fight against the destruction of farmers’ plantations by elephants.
Please pray for:
- Churches seeking fresh direction. Recently, more than 30 Alliance pastors and leaders from across the United States were trained to become certified consultants for churches seeking a new direction in their ministry. Pray for Spirit-filled authority in these men and women who are called to discern, equip, and coach in challenging contexts.
- Church multiplication. Pray for the more than 150 Alliance workers, church planters, and leaders who gathered last month at Exponential 2022 in Orlando, Florida. Pray that what they learned and experienced at the conference will inspire them toward renewed multiplication and disciple making efforts in their communities.
- Envision deaf ministries. Envision, one of the four specialized structures of Alliance Missions, identifies and develops missional leaders through short-term mission opportunities and innovative ministry strategies. Envision recently launched a deaf ministries site to not only help create greater gospel access for deaf people but also mobilize deaf believers into gospel ministry. Pray for Envision site leaders David and Aleah Nishizaki as they lead this vital ministry. It is estimated that only two percent of the world’s 72 million deaf people know Jesus.
April 6, 2022
Praise God for:
- His presence and guidance during our national assembly in March. We had a blessed time with the pastoral leadership for the advancement of Christ’s church in Colombia.
Please pray for:
- The National School of Missions that will take place in the triple border area of Colombia, Brazil and Peru, April 11-17. Pray that God will provide the necessary resources for those who will be trained in the principles of missionary work.
- The final preparations to send our workers Alex, Patricia and Amanda to Guinea. Pray for God’s guidance, care and provision.
- “Hablemos Alianza 2022” (“Let’s Talk Alliance 2022”), April 22-24. It is a theoretical-practical training for the ministries of praise and worship, dance, theater, sound, and communications, among others. Pray that local and national churches throughout Latin America can send their leaders to strengthen their ministries.
Please pray for:
- Missionary couple Brito Raymer, who left Ecuador in March to return to the Middle East to continue their work of planting churches among Muslims.
- Homeless people, especially Colombian and Venezuelan migrants who are living in the streets of Ecuador in search of daily provision.
- The more than 800 victims of the 6.0-magnitude earthquake that occurred on Saturday, March 26, in the province of Esmeraldas.
- The people affected by the intense rains that the Coastal and Sierra regions of Ecuador have had in recent months. The rain has severely damaged land routes and caused floods and landslides.
Please pray for:
- The health of Pastor Eliud, who has been suffering from prostate problems.
- The recovery of sister Emna, who underwent surgery for a disc hernia. She is the wife of Pastor Mario Fernández, the rector of our theological seminary.
- Sister Mayumi, the wife of our national secretary. She has severe bronchial asthma.
- The electoral commission that is choosing candidates for the National Board of Directors.
Please pray for:
- The meeting of the new National Board of Directors to discuss day-to-day issues of the church and to pray, plan and project the direction of the Brazilian Alliance for the next 10 years. Pray for God’s wisdom to make more disciples and support and plant more churches.
- God to raise up pastors, leaders and young people who will accept the call to plant new churches in the years to come.
Praise God for:
- The decrease in deaths and restrictions of COVID-19 in Brazil in recent weeks.
Please pray for:
- The financial support of our missionaries. Despite the devaluation of the Argentine peso, we were able to keep our commitment to the missionaries in the field (Central Asia, Hungary, Italy, Croatia and England).
- The centennial celebration of the Buenos Aires Bible Institute this year.
- The completion of the work of the new national Alliance headquarters.
Please pray for:
- The training of new leaders and pastors in the Bolivian Alliance.
- The planting of new churches and the growth of existing churches.
- The National Missions Conference, April 23. May God inspire the Bolivian church to cross-cultural missionary work.
Praise God for:
- The 125 years of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Chile, celebrated in 2022.
Please pray for:
- The testimony of our Home for Minors (Hogar de Menores) in the city of Santiago, serving girls in vulnerable situations.
- The beginning of the academic year in our theological seminary. In 2021 we celebrated 100 years, and we want to continue preparing God’s servants for the ministry to come.
- Our ministry team both in Chile and abroad.
- The political situation in our country. The new government is working on a new constitution, and some proposals violate our principles of faith. Pray that the future of our nation be of peace and freedom to exercise faith.
- Many who are sick with COVID-19 and other diseases.
Please pray for:
- Every pastor in the indigenous communities. The challenge is great and they often feel discouraged by the difficult situation. May God give them strength and guide them to pastor the people.
- The first national youth meeting of the Honduran Alliance on April 17.
Please pray for:
- God to provide a piece of land for one of our churches that needs more space to continue growing.
- Our five-year planning, which includes the planting of a new church.
- Our first post-pandemic in-person congress of the Central American Alliance, September 19-22 in San Salvador. May it be a time of strengthening and blessing for the entire region.
AWF Prayers – March 2022
March 30, 2022
Praise God for:
- The good response of the Alliance family, both in the region and throughout the world, to the refugee crisis caused by the war in Ukraine.
- The test cohort that successfully completed the first European School of Ministry. The training is organized and facilitated by the Alliance Ministry Center for Leadership Development.
Please pray:
- That God will open hearts throughout Europe to provide for the needs (housing, food and transportation) of refugees and Internally Displaced People (IDP) fleeing the war in Ukraine.
- That God will provide people to love and care for refugees and IDPs.
- For the preparations for the AWF EMERALD gathering in Jordan, May 25-27. Pray that resources will be found to enable the pastors who have limited resources (particularly in the Middle East) to attend. Pray also for the local team in Jordan responsible for welcoming the participants.
Praise God for:
- The Alliance churches and families in Ukraine who are helping and supporting many people in need, providing food, medication and comfort.
- The Alliance churches throughout the world that are supporting our local Alliance brothers and sisters as they serve others.
Please pray for:
- Protection for the believers and leaders in the Alliance churches in Ukraine.
- Physical, spiritual and psychological protection of the people.
- Peace, both physical and spiritual, for all concerned, and an end to the war.
- Wisdom for the pastors and church leaders as they seek to help and support those who are suffering.
- Boldness in opportunities to share the gospel.
- The young men being taken to war.
Praise God for:
- The Russian Alliance that declared at the start of the year that 2022 would be the “Year of Development of Prayer Life.” Little did the church know that this would be a prophetic decision. The church is now on its knees in prayer in the face of this difficult period with the military conflict in Ukraine.
- The Alliance churches in Russia as they intensify their prayer life with sincere humility before God, keeping the church life active and mission vibrant.
Please pray for:
- The period of prayer and fasting, from April 1-21, where all the churches in Russia will be united in prayer and fasting in a manner of “Daniel’s Lent.” Each day will be dedicated to special needs and areas of life, including the AWF family.
- Churches and Christians in understanding their spiritual, social and practical responsibilities at this time.
- The maintenance of healthy and brotherly relationships between the Evangelical churches in Russia and Ukraine, including the Russian and Ukrainian Alliance churches.
- Wisdom and discernment for Rev. Sergei Rybikov, president of the Russian Alliance, and his wife Lubov, in making hard decisions at a time when there are tensions and disagreements among church leaders about current events and methods of ministry. Pray also for their children. Three families, including two grandchildren who used to live in Kyiv, are now refugees with an uncertain future.
- The Russian Alliance missionaries who work with orphans in Nepal and India. Due to the Western sanctions imposed on Russia there has been a financial shortfall, and all international work is in danger of being shut down because the workers are no longer able to maintain the necessary financial support.
- Humanitarian and spiritual assistance the Russian Alliance can offer to churches in eastern Ukraine territories that are under Russian control. Some of our brethren have been forcibly conscripted into the army. There is a growing need for basic necessities such as food, medicine, and clothing.
Praise God for:
- The Russian Alliance church plant in Burgos that is supporting and caring for Ukrainian refugees.
Please pray that:
- God will provide the necessary resources for the church in Burgos to meet the needs of the refugees who are suffering, because financial support for the church planters coming from the Alliance in Russia is now blocked by sanctions.
Praise God for:
- The Alliance workers who took food to refugees in Poland and brought back 30 refugees to Germany to care for and look after them.
Please pray for:
- Arístides Flores, the new president of the Alliance of Spain. Pray for wisdom and grace as he seeks to lead the Spanish Alliance for God’s glory.
- Francisco Cerrón, the new director of the INFORMA Bible Institute in Spain, who will take up his responsibilities on May 1. Pray that the visa process will go well and that all the necessary funding will be provided.
- Missionary Alicia Palma, who continues to make a remarkable recovery after her stroke in the fall. Continue to pray for recovery of her verbal skills and the use of her right arm. Pray for stamina for Pastor Vicente and his wife Tania, who have been her advocates and primary caregivers during these long months.
- The plans for Pastor Jim Eaton to join the bilingual church in El Campello, pastored by Juan and Patty Zúñiga, to build up the Brexit-battered group of English speakers. Pray that the necessary funding will be found and that the application process for temporary residency in Spain goes well.
Please pray for:
- Marcel Bunda, president of the C&MA of Congo, DRC, and Rev. Denis Kombetassie, Missions Director of the C&MA of Congo, DRC. Pray for a successful visit to the Congolese communities of the African Alliance Diaspora in Europe and their contacts with the Alliance family of France.
Praise God for:
- The door that has finally opened for the deployment of the French Hmong missionary family to the mission field in Southeast Asia.
- The new ministry partnership between C&MA France and C&MA Australia to support Muslim outreach ministry in France.
Please pray for:
- God’s guidance in establishing a church planting ministry in Greece. May the Lord raise up workers.
- The teams ministering among the diasporas. Pray that they would walk in integrity and have boldness in their proclamation of the gospel.
- The Muslim diaspora. They are being reminded of trauma, discrimination and injustices as they watch the Ukraine crisis unfold. Please pray for God’s grace and wisdom as Alliance Diaspora Ministries workers share the gospel and bear the burdens.
- Muslim Background Believers during the month of Ramadan. This is a difficult time for many who are living in Europe.
Praise God for:
- The blessing of the first in-person pastors conference in the Netherlands in three years. It took place March 21-23 and was a blessed time of sharing and fellowship.
Praise God for:
- The successful opening of the new ministry center and coffee house “The Giving Tree” in Manchester.
Please pray for:
- The provision of the resources required to operate the new ministry center and coffee house.
March 16, 2022
Before the present war, fifty percent of members of the Alliance Church in Ukraine were Internally Displaced Persons (IDP). Now, this number is much higher. Various Alliance organizations are actively participating in relief efforts to support the Alliance Churches in Ukraine. If you would like to send donations to this effort, please click here, designating it to the Ukraine Relief.
Please pray for:
- Protection for the believers and leaders in the Alliance churches.
- Physical, spiritual and psychological protection for the people affected by this conflict.
- End to the war and the establishment of peace.
- Boldness in opportunities to share the gospel.
- Healing from trauma of IDP and the psychological burden.
Please pray for:
- The rehabilitation programs for church buildings that were damaged by Typhoon Rai (Odette). The Alliance of the Philippines welcomes donations to this program. Ninety church buildings need repair at an average cost of $500 USD each.
Please pray for:
- Physical and spiritual renewal for Rev. Noël N’Guessan, the president of the C&MA of Cote d’Ivoire, while he travels throughout the country to encourage pastors to continue working faithfully for the Lord.
- The pastors, leaders and members to understand and own the church’s vision for the year 2022 – “Restoring the Glory of God” – by caring for each other through sincere fellowship within our churches.
- The construction work of the Christian Alliance Radio House. Pray for protection for the workers, and for financial and material resources to continue the project.
- The preparations for the General Social Statutes. Pray that the C&MA church can think about its social policy in the field of education (school, university), health, and the fight against poverty within and outside the church.
Please pray for:
- The three members of the National Church Council Office who are organizing the National Church Conference, April 5-8, in the city of N’Zao in southern Guinea. Pray that the Holy Spirit will guide this conference. Pray also for safe travels for all delegates.
- Isaac Thea and his team who will welcome and care for all delegates during the conference.
- God’s wisdom and guidance for the election of the new National Executive Committee for the next five years.
Please pray for:
- The Evangelism Crusade “Operation André” which will be held in the Ngounie region in the north, May 23-30.
- The opening of a travel agency in June and the purchase of four buses for trans-urban transport as part of the new development plan of the church.
- The lifting of health restrictions linked to COVID-19 and for the resumption of good economic activity.
Please pray for:
- The church’s plan for gaining 6,000 new believers and strengthening the community this year.
- The Centenary Organizing Committee. May God guide them in their preparations. Pray for a successful event.
- God’s protection for the national missionaries who have been sent out.
- The lifting of the sanctions against Mali.
Please pray for:
- God’s guidance and wisdom in preparation for the National Church’s General Assembly in August.
March 9, 2022
Before the present war, fifty percent of members of the Alliance Church in Ukraine were Internally Displaced Persons (IDP). Now, this number is much higher. Various Alliance organizations are actively participating in relief efforts to support the Alliance Churches in Ukraine. If you would like to send donations to this effort, please click here, designating it to the Ukraine Relief.
Please pray for:
- Protection for the believers and leaders in the Alliance churches.
- Physical, spiritual and psychological protection for the people affected by this conflict.
- End to the war and the establishment of peace.
- Boldness in opportunities to share the gospel.
- Healing from trauma of IDP and the psychological burden.
Please pray for:
- The family of our beloved brother Bikash Adhikari, former general secretary of C&MA Nepal, who died on March 4th in Kathmandu. He was back in Nepal after undergoing COVID-19 treatment for several months in a hospital in Delhi, India. Please continue to pray for Bijata, Bikash’s wife, for his children, for Rev. Kosh Bilash Adhikari, his father and founder of the C&MA Nepal, and for his family.
Please pray for:
- Silas Yang, president of the Taiwan Alliance Church Union. The second surgery to replace a drainage tube in his brain went well. Please pray for his complete recovery.
- The new church plant and connections to the community.
Please pray for:
- The new governance structure for workers completed at the National Council in February, and for a smooth transition.
- The new workers who will be sent out in February 2023. Pray for unity in relationships and support for these new workers.
Please pray for:
- The rehabilitation programs for church buildings and families’ homes that were damaged by Typhoon Rai (Odette). The Alliance of the Philippines welcomes donations to this program. The average cost for the repair of one building is $ 5000 USD.
- The Regional Forum for Pastors and local church delegations. Pray for protection from COVID-19 and safety in their travels.
- The 175 clients of the CAMA Livelihood program in aid to families economically affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Pray for salvation for those who still don’t know the Lord.
Please pray for:
- Investing in Future Church Leaders. In February, 50 ministry students from five Alliance colleges took a vision trip to the National Office in Columbus, Ohio, to learn more about the Alliance family and its values, to meet national and district leaders, and to explore their next steps in ministry. Pray that these emerging leaders will increase their engagement with the greater Alliance family and discern their steps toward accreditation and service.
- Church Multiplication. Pray for the more than 150 Alliance workers, church planters, and leaders who will gather at Exponential 2022 in Orlando, Florida, March 7-10. Pray that attendees commit wholeheartedly to the vision for healthy multiplication and disciple-making that will infuse a movement of Alliance church planting in the United States.
- LIFE 2022. Pray for churches, youth leaders and students planning to attend LIFE 2022 in Orlando, Florida, this July. LIFE will celebrate its 60-year anniversary this summer by encouraging and challenging Alliance youth from across the United States and throughout the world to deepen their understanding of the greatness of Jesus. The theme of the conference is “Jesus Is Greater than Everything,” which springs from Colossians 1:15-22 and is a timely word for this generation as it faces significant individual, cultural and global pressures. Pray for the students as they raise funds and prepare their hearts for the event.
Please pray for:
- Damien Lee, the new vice president of International Ventures, who began work on March 1. Pray for a smooth transition and that God will continue to move the Global Ministries department.
- Defend Dignity. They hosted the webinar “Protecting Kids in the Age of Online Pornography” on March 8. Pray that people will be impacted by what they learn about the consequences of kids being exposed to porn and how we can protect them from harm.
- The General Assembly planning team as they anticipate their biannual gathering of churches across Canada in July. Pray for clarity and creativity in logistics, coordinating speakers, and more.
March 2, 2022
Please pray for:
- Protection for the believers and leaders in the Alliance churches.
- Physical, spiritual and psychological protection for the people affected by this conflict.
- End to the war and the establishment of peace.
- Boldness in opportunities to share the gospel.
- Healing from trauma of Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) and the psychological burden.
Praise God for:
- The council of the Brazilian Alliance held in January and the newly elected president of the national church, Rev. Jeremy Warden.
Please pray for:
- The new Board of Directors elected at the national church council (Jeremy Warden, André Souza, Wilson Ferrante, Jones Soares, and Fernando Pedro). Pray for God’s direction and wisdom for this team as they lead the Brazilian Alliance for the next two years.
- The unity of churches, pastors and missionaries so that there is a family atmosphere.
- The newly accredited and ordained pastors. May God use them for his glory and keep their marriages and families safe.
- The heavy rains since the beginning of the year in the country’s southeast region have killed more than 250 people and left hundreds homeless. Pray for the comfort of the families. May the Brazilian church bring hope and show God’s love to these people in word and deed.
Please pray for:
- Brother Robert Noble, as he finishes his seminary studies. He has also taken on the work of the Salto Alliance church. Until now, he has had the support of a missionary couple, but they will leave soon, and Robert will have to continue the task without them. Pray that he will be able to finish his studies and develop a fruitful ministry. Pray also that the Lord will provide financial resources to finish the construction of a pastoral house.
- S. missionary couple Randy and Alicia Clarke. They were one of the first Alliance missionaries sent to Uruguay in 2000, but they later returned to the United States. Last year, they came back to Uruguay. At the request of the national church, they are taking over a church in Montevideo for three years with the aim of supporting a new worker to stay in charge of the church. Please pray that the Lord will help them in this process.
- Brother Javier Sampayo. He has just started leading the Santa Isabel Alliance church in Rivera. Pray that God will guide and protect him and his family.
- The election of the new team for the National Missions Department.
Please pray for:
- The health of sister Emna, who is awaiting an operation for disc hernia. She is the wife of Pastor Mario Fernández, the rector of our theological seminary.
- The recovery of our sister Rosi, who had her leg amputated. She is the wife of Pastor Eleonardo Cabrera.
- The first national meeting of our theological seminary, March 7-12, and for the first Pastoral Council.
Please pray for:
- Albin and Stefanie, missionaries from the French-Bolivian Alliance project, who are in their first year of work in North Africa.
- The training of new pastors and church leaders in the Bolivian Alliance. Pray also for the continuity of the Bible Seminary Cooperation Agreement between the Alliance churches of Peru and Bolivia.
- The Alliance of Bolivia as they work to organize the records of church members and ministries, to have more effective churches in the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
- Unity, justice and harmony among Bolivians, in the face of the strong political division in the country. Some opposition political leaders have been accused and imprisoned by the current government.
Please pray for:
- The National Assembly that will be held in-person, March 25-26. May God guide the organizing team responsible for the preparations. Pray also for protection and health for the delegates.
- The National School of Missions that will take place in the triple border area of Colombia, Brazil and Peru, April 11-17. Pray that God will provide the necessary resources for those who will be trained in the principles of missionary work.
- The restoration of public order in Colombia, especially in the states of Valle, Cauca and Pacífico. There has been an armed strike of illegal groups, and that is affecting the work of the churches and the well-being of society.
Please pray for:
- The celebration of the 125th anniversary of the C&MA church of Argentina. Praise God for the heritage they received from the missionaries and pray for the legacy to future generations.
- The Buenos Aires Bible Institute. This year they will celebrate 100 years of ministry, training workers for the kingdom of God. Pray that they will continue honoring the vision of those who began this ministry.
Please pray for:
- God to strengthen the faith of every pastor and church leader during this difficult time.
- The economic provision of pastoral families.
- Financial support and wisdom for the leaders of the churches in Coro, Yagua and Belén as they plan to have their own church buildings.
- Provision to complete the refurbishment of the premises where a foundation will function to help the community.
AWF Prayers – February 2022
February 23, 2022
Praise God for:
- The successful Alliance DNA Webinar that took place in January with more than 30 participants.
- The first European School of Ministry test cohort that started on January 31 with nine students from all over Europe. The training is organized and facilitated by the Alliance Ministry Center for Leadership Development.
Please pray for:
- The preparations for the AWF EMERALD gathering in Jordan, May 25-27. Pray also for the local team responsible to welcome all participants.
- The students of the School of Ministry test cohort as they learn more about God, deepening their faith and learning to be Alliance leaders.
- The work of the School of Ministry curriculum to meet the needs of Alliance churches in Europe.
Praise God for:
- The Day of Fasting and Prayer for Ukraine that took place in the Alliance churches. They are praying for peace, so that there is no war and thousands of lives may be saved.
Please pray that:
- The Lord will have mercy on Ukraine.
- The current tensions between Russia and Ukraine will not escalate into further armed conflict.
- God will bring many to repentance in Ukraine. Pray that people will turn to the Lord to experience the freedom that is only possible through Jesus Christ!
Praise God for:
- New converts during the COVID-19 lockdowns.
- God’s strengthening and enabling for those struggling with life changing illnesses in our fellowships, and for their faithfulness and desire to see the Lord glorified through their witness.
Please pray for:
- Rev. Mike Baraniak, the director of C&MA Great Britain. He has been suffering health difficulties the last few months. Pray that God will heal his body and give strength to him and his wife Catherine in these difficult times.
- The manpower and finances needed to enable us to reach out to the diaspora in the UK.
- The future leadership of the Alliance in the UK.
- Our personal witness: that it will show people Christ and they will turn to him.
Praise God with the Alliance church in La Palma for:
- The wonders of what he is doing in La Palma, bringing life after the volcanic eruption.
- The three ministries that have been launched in January to provide encouragement to the church:
- Praise Team Ministry: The church is training a group of young people with musical talents to serve the Lord. There is a great desire to lead the congregation to worship God.
- Youth Ministry: This area has been opened so that young people of the church can meet and touch on issues of great importance for this age.
- Bible School Ministry: There is a great need for the church to learn more about God and know him in an intimate way. The teaching of the Scriptures is something fundamental for spiritual growth. Praise God for the brothers and sisters who now wish to be baptized after following the “Fundamental Truths” course.
Please pray for:
- The church in La Palma. The volcano’s eruption has dealt a hard blow, with many brothers leaving the island after losing everything.
- The church budget deficit. It is due to the lack of God-fearing brothers who have been forced to leave the island. The deficit has also occurred because the church had to help those who did not have food or enough to pay their rent. Gifts from Christians all over the world made it possible to meet this need.
Please pray for the Alliance church in Erbil, Kurdistan:
- For new discipleship groups. This new ministry will include a variety of tribes and races from different backgrounds.
- For the expansion of weekly ministries and more volunteers, especially Sunday School, youth, and humanitarian aid ministries.
- For the beginning of construction of the new church building. It has not been easy with many obstacles along the way.
Praise God for:
- The successful arrival of missionary pastor Kong Ming Vang in Cayenne in French Guyana to reinforce the churches there and to train leaders.
Please pray:
- That God will raise up workers and leaders in France, especially for the many churches that are without a pastor.
Praise God for:
- The new Alliance community from Gabon that has started in Fréjus in southern France and their connection with Pastor Jean Kra.
Please pray for:
- The preparations to extend the African Alliance Diaspora Ministry to North America in partnership with the Alliance churches there.
Praise God for:
- The publishing of the biography of A.B. Simpson, by Rev. David P. Jones, in the Dutch language. May this book be instrumental in raising new workers, missionaries and church planters in the Netherlands.
- The team that translated and edited the publication: Rocco Rausch, Jan Schippers, Marijke Volgers-van Wijk, Els Gootjes and Margaretha Coornstra van Sitos Tekstwerk.
February 16, 2022
Please pray for:
- Marcel Bunda (national president of the C&MA of Congo, DRC) and Rev. Denis Kombetassie (regional director of the Missions Department). They plan to visit the African Diaspora churches in Europe in March. Pray for the visa process for the UK, which is expected to take up to six weeks. May this visit be an enlightening and unifying moment for our brothers and sisters.
- Isaïe Muanda Ndungi’s health. He has not yet fully recovered from a liver infection and is awaiting a second operation.
- The pastors, spouses and widows retreat, February 14-21. The event will be held in all districts of the national church. May the Lord help his servants develop a deeper life in him.
- The women’s entrepreneurship training currently taking place in Boma. May the women’s ministry and the attendees be abundantly blessed.
- The organization of the Evangelization of Unreached Peoples Seminar by Rev. Jonathan and Dr. Jessie Ritchey in Boma in May.
- The preparation of the missionaries going to West Africa this year as the Missionary Committee works on their deployment.
- It hasn’t been raining recently in the Province of Kongo Central, in the southwest part of the country. People in this region live by farming. This drought threatens to paralyze the agricultural harvest season in a country facing a food crisis.
Please pray for:
- The AWF Facebook Live Stream with Rev. Serge-Armand Yao, Tuesday, February 22, at 6:00 p.m. GMT. Pray for good internet connections and for a blessed time as Serge shares about his story and ministry.
- The National Executive Board members and District Superintendents. They will have a training seminar on evangelism and missionary engagement, February 21-25. May the Lord renew the passion for lost souls in the hearts of these key leaders.
- The director of the Evangelism and Missions Department. He is visiting our mission fields to assess infrastructure needs. We have 110 mission fields and 80% of them have no buildings for worship. Pray that the Lord will provide the necessary resources for them.
- The cornerstone laying ceremony for the Christian Alliance Radio House on Saturday, February 26. May the Lord provide the funds for the construction and equipment to make it a powerful means of evangelization for the Muslim world in the north of the country.
Please pray for:
- The Lord to strengthen the National Executive Committee. Brother Jean Douba Thienou died suddenly on January 4. He was a member of the National Council. Pray for God’s comfort for his family.
- The Evangelical Christian communities to remain steadfast in their faith during this time of insecurity and COVID-19.
- The engagement of local churches in prayer to experience an awakening for the great harvest of the Lord.
- The smooth running of the national church’s General Assembly, March 3-5, in Koutiala.
- The church’s agriculture project to be successful.
Please pray for:
- The newly elected team of the National Office. Pray for the new president, Rev. André Philibert Binet and the smooth implementation of the new vision in all synod regions and local churches.
- The new evangelism and missions team led by Rev. Jean Blaise Makaya and the challenges of the Gabonese mission in Sao Tome, Togo and Ghana.
- Renewal of the national vision of opening house churches experienced during the height of the pandemic to have authentic churches and Christians in Gabon.
Praise God for:
- The 137th Anniversary of the Christian Alliance Church of Angola, celebrated on February 4. The first C&MA missionaries arrived in the country in 1885, and on February 14, 1992, the Alliance of Angola received recognition from the government.
Please pray for:
- The students of the C&MA of Angola at the Alliance Theological Faculty in Cote d’Ivoire. Pray for God’s provision for their training, support and housing.
February 9, 2022
Please pray for:
- Rev. Silas Yang, president of the Taiwan Alliance Church Union, who is recovering well from a surgery done on February 7 to drain infected brain fluid. A second brain surgery is scheduled within two to three weeks to replace a drainage tube that was the cause of the brain fluid infection. Please pray for a successful second surgery and his complete recovery.
Please pray for:
- The recovery of sister Norbelis, wife of Pastor Jorge Luis Peña of the Guantánamo church. Pray also for Pastor Iván Gustavo Peña Cruz, national secretary of the C&MA of Cuba. He has been suffering from health problems for several weeks, the consequence of COVID-19.
- The missionaries who are being trained at the Missionary Training Center. They will meet February 8-12 to set strategies and goals for new mission projects. May the Holy Spirit give them wisdom and guide them.
- The first national meeting of our theological seminary, March 7-12. Pray also for the Pastors’ Council, where all pastors of the Cuban Alliance will gather. Pray that God will provide the necessary means for transportation and logistics.
Please pray for:
- Our international workers – Violeta*, Amanda Rojas and the Meneses Forero family (Alex, Patricia and Evan). They are preparing to go to the mission field in the first half of 2022. Pray for the visa process, for financial provision and for God’s guidance and protection. *Name changed for security reasons.
Please pray for:
- God’s blessing for Pastor Juan Quinteros as he begins his ministry at the Cochabamba Alliance Church.
- The training of pastors and leaders of the Bolivian C&MA during this year.
Please pray for:
- Our pastors and leaders. May this be a year of new beginnings and renewed vision for our local churches and ministries.
- The church assemblies. May God guide the national, regional and local churches’ Boards of Directors during these assemblies. Pray also for a spirit of unity.
- Evangelism and missions. Pray that God will continue allowing us to advance and grow to plant churches in all provinces of the country and continue sending missionaries nationally and internationally.
- Our country. May the Lord guide our government authorities toward his will. Pray also for the Peruvian people, that we will see better times.
Please pray for:
- The national church. May there be a deeper search for God. Pray also for the spiritual growth of the church to reach people with the message of salvation.
- The health of our pastors and church families. Several of them are affected by COVID-19 and other diseases.
- Our government. May they know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Please pray for:
- Our pastoral families. The third wave of COVID-19 with the Omicron variant has been affecting the health of many.
- Our churches. May God give us wisdom to serve his people in these difficult times.
- Our country. The uncertainty in the economy and the possibility that the country falls into default has brought insecurity to the Argentine people. Pray that our governmental authorities will work on behalf of the people.
Please pray for:
- God’s wisdom for our leaders as they prepare the five-year plan of the national church.
- Our plan to establish the first new work in the next five years.
- The provision for transportation for youth and children from a local program.
- The process of incorporating our pastors into the national social security system.
AWF Prayers – January 2022
January 26, 2022
Please pray for:
- Rev. Bikash Adhikari, general secretary of C&MA Nepal. He has been in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit) in Delhi, India, since late November with COVID-19. He is conscious now and has started eating a small amount of blended food. Recovery of his lungs is still slow. Please pray for complete healing. Pray also for his wife Bijata, that she will be strengthened in the Lord.
Please pray for:
- Myanmar. The situation has worsened since the military coup in 2021. We face problems and difficulties in our daily life.
- The people in the Mual Zawl and Hakha Lay villages. Military burned their houses as well as church buildings. Some people were killed, others were arrested, and all their belongings were taken. Many people had to flee and are taking refuge in the jungle.
- The Alliance churches to find ways to help people. They have been distributing food and helping as much as they can.
- God’s intervention in the country’s situation and that the church will be salt and light in the midst of this crisis.
Typhoon Rai (Odette) was the fifteenth and strongest typhoon to hit the Philippines in 2021. Last month, this typhoon toppled trees, destroyed electrical and communication posts, and caused widespread flooding and landslides. The Christian and Missionary Alliance Churches of the Philippines (CAMACOP) have had six districts report that churches and members’ homes need immediate repair. Please pray for:
- Our brothers and sisters in the Philippines. May the Lord comfort them and provide for the local church as it steps forward to minister to those in need.
Please pray for:
- Renewal as the U.S. Alliance family begins the year with 40 Days of Prayer. Pray for a reawakening to the glory of Christ, the presence and empowerment of his Spirit, his invitation to join him on a mission to the world, and our anticipation of his glorious return.
- The churches that have been planted over the past year. Pray for strong lay leadership to carry the outreach and discipleship ministries that are so vital to the early stages of church life.
- Alliance churches that are helping with the resettlement of Afghan refugees and other immigrant populations entering their communities. Pray that Jesus will be proclaimed and embraced as these churches provide tangible help to these new populations.
- The U.S. Alliance National Office staff as they resume working together in their temporary office building in the greater Columbus, Ohio, area. Pray also for National Office leaders as they work with architects, city planners and contractors toward the design and development of the new multi-use facility that will serve both The Alliance and the greater Columbus community.
Please pray for:
- New Ventures leaders as they continue to develop communities, impact their neighborhoods, and step out in faith.
- The Global Ministries department as they anticipate a change in leadership. The new vice president of International Ventures begins work on March 1.
- Defend Dignity. The Canadian Sexual Exploitation Summit planning team continues to meet and plan for the summit in spring 2023. The theme is “Inspire Change.”
January 19, 2022
Please pray for:
- The Iffono family. God called Pastor Robert Iffono home. He was the administrative secretary of the church’s National Executive Committee and director of the Universal Bible Alliance in Guinea. Pray for God’s comfort for the pastor’s wife Anne and their five children.
- The church’s National Executive Committee and national council office. May God guide them and give them wisdom as they work for his glory during the rest of their mandate. Pray also for the council’s elections in April 2022.
- The church’s Executive Board and the Board of Relief and Development office. They are starting a 21-day tour in districts of the interior of Guinea. They plan to visit local communities and reflect on future actions. Pray for God’s protection and for a safe trip.
Praise God for:
- The successful fundraising campaign to support pastors working in low-income local churches. The event resulted in three months’ worth of support for these pastors.
Please pray for:
- God’s comfort and provision for the families of the pastors who died recently: Rev. Jean-Pierre Mayunda Tsumbu Nzelele, honorary president of the Alliance Church of the DRC, and Rev. Benjamin Khote Ngimbi, superintendent of the Tombo District. He and his wife died a week apart.
- Isaiah Muanda Ndungi, head of the National Prayer Department. He is suffering from a liver infection. He has had a laser operation and will need a second one soon. Pray that God provides the necessary funds for the $ 3,500 procedure.
- The Executive Assembly of the church, January 20-21 in Boma. Pray that God’s Spirit guides the leaders in preparing for 2022.
- The Missions Department as they prepare to send missionaries to Guinea this year.
- The churches in the southeast of the DRC and the missionary field in Mongala. They need more workers. Pray that the Lord provides the means to train locals.
Please pray for:
- Daouda Zonou in his new role as director of Bethel Bible Institute in Koutiala.
- The Women’s Department. They are building a multifunctional center in Sanakoroba.
- The National Executive Committee’s headquarters construction project. Also pray that the Lord grants wisdom to the committee as they manage the national church’s affairs transparently.
- The Lord to strengthen the church during the sanction crisis inflicted by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and the West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) against Mali.
Please pray for:
- Pastors and church members to claim this year’s vision. The theme for 2022 is “Restoring the Glory of God by Caring for One Another.”
- Noël N’Guessan, president of the C&MA of Côte d’Ivoire, as he starts a visitation tour around 30 administrative regions. May this tour prepare the churches for evangelization and the growth of local communities.
- The construction of the Christian Alliance Radio House. Pray that people will come to Christ through this radio ministry.
Praise God for:
- Sister Ester, who is back home now after undergoing health treatment in Congo, DRC for several months. She is the wife of Rev. Alberto Guala, president of the C&MA of Angola.
Please pray for:
- The manifestation of God’s power in favor of some of our church workers who are being affected by illnesses.
January 12, 2022
Please pray for:
- The preparations for the Alliance DNA Webinar in English organized by the EMERALD region that will take place January 20-21 and 27-28. May our family identity in Jesus Christ be reinforced through this webinar.
- The School of Ministry Test Cohort for Europe that the AWF EMERALD region will launch at the end of January 2022. The Alliance Center for Leadership Development wishes to make this high-quality training program available in different languages and cultures throughout the world. Pray also that recruitment of the Cohort students will go well.
Please pray for:
- The preparations for the new church plant project in the town of Cholet in western France.
- The preparations for sending the missionary pastor Kong Ming Vang to Cayenne in French Guyana to reinforce the churches there and to train leaders.
Praise God for the AWF EMERALD Mission Mobilization project as we seek to:
- Encourage national Alliance churches in mobilizing for missions through church planting, business as missions and relief and development.
- Encourage church planting networks throughout the region.
- Identify and coordinate mission and partnership opportunities in the EMERALD region.
Praise God for:
- The sovereignty of God to allow immigrants and refugees to enter Europe.
- Muslims who are choosing to follow Jesus.
- Churches in Europe that are motivated to reach immigrants and refugees.
Please pray for:
- Muslim immigrants and refugees to hear the gospel and encounter Jesus.
- Our brothers and sisters in the faith who come from a Muslim background. Pray that they will be strengthened in the Spirit and persevere.
- The European church to love their Muslim neighbors and proclaim the gospel in word and deed.
Praise God for:
- The success of the African Alliance Diaspora ministry under the leadership of Pr. Jean Kra.
Please pray for:
- The financial support for this ministry.
AWF Prayers – December 2021
December 9, 2021
Please pray for:
- The celebration of the 26th anniversary of the Alliance church of Cuba, December 19.
- The legalization process of the national church before the governmental authorities.
- Strategies and resources for the extension of the Bible seminary.
- The acquisition and construction of new meeting places for our congregations; most are held in the homes of our pastors.
Please pray for:
- International workers Amanda Rojas and the Meneses Forero family (Alex, Patricia and Evan). They are preparing to go to Guinea in the first half of 2022. Pray also for Violeta*, who is getting ready to leave next year to work with the Pashtun people. Pray that visas will be approved for all. *Name changed for security reason.
- The “Ventana Verde” (Green Window) missionary project, where we seek to bring the gospel to the least reached communities in Colombia.
- The Lord to raise missionaries to work in Tarapacá, in the Amazon region. We are looking for a young couple willing to go and make disciples there.
Please pray for:
- God’s wisdom and guidance for the new district directors elected by the Chilean Alliance for the period 2022-2024.
- The new international workers who have been sent to the Eurasia zone.
- Our 2022 ministry emphasis, “Growing in love and new strength in integral evangelism,” that will guide all our local and national activities.
- The Chilean presidential elections December 14. We ask the Lord to free us from polarization and from liberal and anti-Christian policies.
Please pray for:
- The planning and preparations for the 2022 Vacation Bible School of the C&MA of Ecuador.
- The national missions department of the Ecuadorian Alliance. They are working to recruit and send out missionary candidates next year.
- The safety and protection of the people of Ecuador. Armed conflicts have been taking place in Ecuadorian prisons, resulting in violent deaths and insecurity in the streets.
Please pray for:
- Strength, guidance, direction and health for the pastoral families of the Venezuelan Alliance churches. Pray that the daily physical and emotional wear and tear of the situation in our country does not affect the spiritual life of our pastors and leaders.
- The expansion and effectiveness of the small groups in our churches.
Please pray for:
- The Lord’s blessing for the new leaders and the pastor training programs that the C&MA of Bolivia is carrying out.
- God’s protection for our pastors and church members in the face of the increasing rate of COVID 19 infections in our country.
- The safety of the Bolivian people. Several laws that the current government sought to pass have raised political tensions.
Please pray for:
- A great revival in our country. May there be a true spiritual brokenness, a growing and fruitful life of prayer, and a great spread of the gospel.
- The government authorities in our country. May the Lord guide them toward his will.
Please pray for:
- God´s provision for our pastoral families working among indigenous communities.
- Young people and children in our country who don’t have the resources to study online. Pray for them to be able to return to classes in school.
Please pray for:
- The completion of the work of the new national Alliance headquarters and the Buenos Aires Bible Institute.
- The challenge of the Christian church in the face of social needs caused by the pandemic.
Please pray for:
- The national assembly of the Dominican Alliance, January 14-15, 2022.
Please pray for:
- Several elderly pastors with physical problems.
- The national church’s general assembly, January 29, 2022. May God give wisdom and guide the participants in the election of the new board of directors.
Please pray for:
- The planning of the Alliance churches of Costa Rica for the new year. May those plans be carried out and fulfill the purpose of expanding the kingdom of God.
December 1, 2021
Praise God for:
- The Alliance church in the city of Ariadne de los Llanos. With the support of the national Alliance Church of Spain (FIACME), they have been distributing aid to the families affected by the volcano eruption. May God use the Christians as instruments of love and open the hearts of many to himself through this disaster.
Please pray for:
- All the residents of the Canary Island of La Palma where a dormant volcano erupted suddenly on September 19. Some 200 homes have already been burned and around 5,000 residents evacuated.
- The Alliance church that has lost a significant number of members who have had to leave due to the continuing eruption.
- The families who have lost their homes but still have mortgage payments to make. Pray also for the people who are in denial and will not accept that they have been left with nothing after investing time and money to purchase a house.
Praise God for:
- The first Bolivian-French missionaries who will leave this month for the mission field in North Africa.
Please pray for:
- The Alliance churches in France as they adjust to the new French religious activity law, passed in reaction to radical Islam. It places increased burdens and costs on evangelical churches and restricts certain freedoms that the churches have enjoyed.
- The French Moroccan church planting family in North Africa as they follow God’s calling faithfully. Pray also that the Lord will provide for their material needs.
- The Hmong missionaries from France who were unable to leave for their mission in Southeast Asia. Pray also for God’s direction as the Alliance family works to find a solution for their deployment.
Praise God for:
- The provision of a new ministry center called ‘The Giving Tree’ for The Alliance Manchester. They got the keys in January and have been working on fixing the building.
- Amin who was baptized recently after persevering through the pandemic, attending our Zoom services. He was baptized after reuniting with his wife and two boys. He had waited two years for them to be granted entry into the UK.
Please pray for:
- A movement of the Holy Spirit among the university students in Manchester. Pray also for Seth who has joined the Manchester church plant team and has a passion for university students in the city.
- God’s provision for the work that is being done at The Alliance Manchester. The church has applied for three grants to provide barista training and employment of personnel to manage the church’s café so it can open in January 2022.
- Strength and spiritual renewal for the leadership at The Alliance Manchester. Two have full-time secular jobs, others are on home leave, and new people are joining the team.
Please pray for:
- The forming of the new association of churches in Ukraine. Pray also for a conference taking place on December 4, in which this joining of churches will become official.
- The two new church plants that are beginning in the eastern part of the country.
- Health and strength for Steve and Christina, and Mike and Joanne, Alliance International Workers (IWs) from another AWF country.
- The leaders of three potential new groups in Kiev to work with IDP’s (Internally Displaced Peoples).
Praise God for:
- The arrival of two new families to add to our Portugal team. The Camaras (IWs from the United States) arrived in August and the Albuquerques (IWs from Brazil) arrived in October.
Please pray for:
- The Camaras, who are in language study. Their four children are studying in a Portuguese private school. It is a steep learning curve.
- Direction and unity in spirit as the new team forms and makes plans to see a new church plant effort in an area near the city of Porto.
- Charlotte Hisle (IW from USA) and the Albuquerques to find good housing in or near the target area. They are facing a low availability of houses/apartments and prices are high.
Please pray for:
- Eoghan Cosgrave in his role as AWF Mission Mobilizer for the EMERALD region. May the Lord provide for him and his family.
AWF Prayers – November 2021
November 24, 2021
Praise God for:
- The National Ministry Center. The staff have returned to the office part-time. Pray that they will adjust well to their new workspace and that God will continue to be honored through their labors.
- Envision Canada. Greenhouse, their recent mentorship program launch, was a success. Pray for the mentors and mentees who are part of the program, that they would develop strong relationships and grow together. Pray also as they prepare to launch the Spring Season of Greenhouse.
Please pray for:
- The Alliance Canada Board from which President Rev. Dr. David Hearn recently resigned. Pray for clarity and guidance for the next steps. Pray also with David Hearn and his wife Agnes as he transitions out of his role.
- Churches across Canada as they anticipate the Advent season. May this be a time of spiritual growth while people prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ.
Please pray for:
- Efforts to identify, recruit and equip the next generation of church planters to help meet the growing spiritual and physical needs of increasingly diverse urban, suburban and rural communities.
- The translation of key training materials that will enable leaders of emerging ethnic churches to reach scores of overlooked people who continue to arrive from turbulent parts of the world.
- The 50 new international workers who were sent out in 2021 as they establish themselves among those they’ve been sent to serve in needy communities throughout the world.
- Alliance churches as they seek to find practical ways to help resettle refugees and immigrants in a display of Christ’s care and compassion.
- Efforts by churches to help families who continue to be affected by the physical, emotional and financial impact of COVID-19.
Please pray for:
- Our Bible Institute’s new school year (2021-2022). May the Lord protect and guide our students.
- God’s servants to stand firm and comfort people during this time of persecution and insecurity.
- God’s continuous protection of our local churches that are under jihadist threats.
- The national assembly in December. It will decide the country’s future.
- The freedom of hostages taken by extremist groups in Mali.
Please pray for:
- The success of the Servants of God Health Insurance project, starting in January 2022.
- Funds for the construction and equipment of the Christian Alliance Radio House.
- The organization of the national convention in August 2022.
Please pray for:
- God’s protection and guidance for the church being planted in the Zaire Province of Angola.
- The church workers who have been transferred to new places.
- Angola’s elections in 2022. May God take control of everything, avoiding aggressive conflicts that could culminate in armed attacks.
November 10, 2021
We thank God for the honor of hosting the 2021 AWF Quadrennial Convocation October 19-24 in the cities of Guayaquil and Milagro. It was a blessing for our global Alliance family.
Please pray for:
- The district presidents and the working committees of the C&MA of Ecuador. They are visiting, counseling and bringing food to the brothers and sisters who are in need.
- God’s protection in all in-person services and ministry activities that are being carried out in the churches of the Ecuadorian Alliance.
Please pray for:
- The National Convention of the Colombian Alliance, November 16-21. Pray also for God’s protection. May the Holy Spirit touch the lives of those who will connect online and those who will attend in person.
- Public order in Tolima and Caquetá and in the Pacific region. May the Lord protect the population from the violent groups that are causing anxiety and hinder the work of the church.
Please pray for:
- The completion of the work of the new Alliance headquarters building and the Bible Institute.
- The legislative elections in our country on November 14.
Please pray for:
- Financial support for our pastoral families.
- Strategies and resources for our churches to carry out in-person services. The government is imposing strict sanitary and isolation measures, which brings a lot of difficulties to our churches because the premises are small.
- Acquisition of land and construction of new churches for our congregations.
- Cuban families. The government wants to approve same-sex marriage in the new Family Code.
- The beginning of the school year. Many children are absent due to lack of vaccination.
Please pray for:
- The health of elderly pastors who have served the Lord for decades.
- The new generation of pastors who are being prepared to lead the ministry in local Alliance churches.
- An awakening for missions in our churches.
Please pray for:
- The new leaders who will be elected during the next business sessions in our five districts. May the Holy Spirit guide us to choose the right people.
- Our Home for Minors (Hogar de Menores), which cares for vulnerable girls. We have been victims of malicious attacks by people who harass girls and lead them to bad paths. May the Lord help our staff and protect each girl we serve in the home.
- Our team of international workers – for those who have been in the field for years and those who are preparing to take part in new projects. Until January 2022 we will send seven new workers abroad, most of them to the Sixth Region.
- The indigenous conflict in some regions of the country. Our national church is creating a foundation for Native Peoples to help our society.
- The health of our retired pastors, many of them elderly.
Please pray for:
- Our national assembly that will be held January 14-15, 2022.
AWF Prayers – September 2021
September 28, 2021
Please pray:
- That visas will be issued so that Alliance pastors and workers from the Middle East can attend the AWF Quadrennial Convocation.
Please pray for:
- All residents of the Canary Island of La Palma, where a dormant volcano erupted suddenly on September 19. Some 200 homes have already been burned and around 5,000 residents evacuated.
- The Alliance church in the city of Ariadne de los Llanos, 3 km from the volcano.
- The protection of Pastor Aristides Flores and the congregation as they face this mortal threat.
Please pray for:
- The formation of a new association of churches in Ukraine that will eventually become a part of AWF.
- The planning of a general conference of this association of churches in eastern Ukraine in November.
- The opportunity to acquire a building as an office for this new association of churches, as well as for one of the local Kyiv churches to be able to meet in.
- Lena G., a missionary from Ukrainian churches serving in the Caucus Mountain region in southern Russia.
- The formation of two short-term mission teams to serve in Kenya and Bulgaria in the summer of 2022.
Please pray for:
- The first Hmong missionaries from France who will leave this month for missions in Southeast Asia.
Praise God for:
- His sovereignty to allow immigrants and refugees to enter Europe.
- Muslims who are choosing to follow Jesus.
- Churches in Europe that are motivated to reach immigrants and refugees.
Please pray for:
- Muslim immigrants and refugees to hear the gospel and encounter Jesus.
- Our brothers and sisters in the faith who come from a Muslim background. Pray also that they would be strengthened in the Spirit and persevere.
- The European churches to love their Muslim neighbors and proclaim the gospel in word and deed.
Praise God:
- That the Alliance church has been able to meet every week by Zoom during the COVID-19 pandemic. People are attending from London (10), Coventry (3), Darlington (1), Barcelona (13), Madrid (2), Japan (1), Peru (17) and Argentina (1).
Please pray for:
- The Vida y Familia (Life and Family) Spanish-speaking church in London and for Pastor Fernando Castro.
- The plans to resume meeting in person this month.
September 22, 2021
Please pray for:
- The APAC Regional Coordinating Committee elected at the Regional Conference held September 2-3: Ken Graham (Regional Coordinator), Lai Ka Lai, Roland Lumawag, Bikash Adhikari, Daniel Ronda, Eduardo Cajes, Mac Nguyen Huu and Phuoc Truong Thai.
Praise God for:
- The 70 women from around the world who joined the virtual prayer journey on September 8, preparing the way for the AWF Quadrennial Convocation.
Please pray for:
- Yakob Ingle, president of Maharashtra Synod. His doctor has advised him that he needs surgery on his eyes. Pray also for the money needed for the operation.
Please pray for:
- The annual Global Impact Week of the Alliance Churches of New Zealand to be held October 30-November 6. Pray also for God’s wisdom and guidance for Rev. Andrew Marshall, president of the Alliance Churches of New Zealand, and his team as they prepare for this event.
Praise God for:
- The sale of the U.S. Alliance National Office’s Colorado Springs property to an organization committed to the ongoing care of those in its community.
Please pray for:
- S. Alliance churches to continue to find and seize opportunities to help those devastated by Hurricane Ida.
- Alliance churches as they prepare for the influx of Afghan refugees. Pray also that churches will find practical ways to help resettle refugees and immigrants in ways that display Christ’s care and compassion.
- The National Office staff in various stages of relocation to Columbus, Ohio. Pray also for those who will continue to serve remotely and for those remaining in Colorado to seek new employment opportunities.
- That the Alliance National Office presence in Ohio will be characterized not only by its ongoing commitment to its U.S. churches and global ministries, but also by its care for the overlooked and underserved in its own community.
Please pray for:
- The five sisters who tested positive for COVID-19 during the general assembly held September 1-5 in Cotonou, Benin. They are in quarantine. Pray for God’s protection, their prompt recovery, and for spiritual and financial support.
Please pray for:
- The churches in the northeastern region. May they continue to be strong under the jihadists’ pressure. Pray also that God will strengthen them and give them hope.
- The safety of the Malian people. Mali’s security is deteriorating day by day.
Please pray for:
- God’s provision for the successful deployment of his servants to missionary fields across the country. May the Holy Spirit bring a new impulse, and may we, through this work of evangelism and mission, achieve the purposes of Christ’s mandate.
Please pray for:
- God’s guidance and wisdom for the brothers in the eastern part of the country who have been promoted to auxiliary pastors.
- For the containment of COVID-19 cases after the implementation of a sanitary barrier in Luanda.
September 8, 2021
Please pray for:
- The youth of the Alliance of Ecuador. They will soon hold their 2021 national convention with the theme “Reborn.”
- The National Department of World Missions. The West Africa project is under way, with the recent arrival of the Gonzales Arias family, who are supporting missions in this place.
- Each of the 335 Alliance churches that continue to make donations to the poor since the beginning of the pandemic to the present.
- The C&MA district presidents and working committees. May the Lord strengthen them spiritually and physically and guide all planned activities.
- The preparations the Alliance of Ecuador – and especially the Central Church of Milagro – is making to hold the AWF Quadrennial in October.
Praise God for:
- The conference with the theme “A Militant Church in Times of Confusion,” held on August 21 by Zoom. The speakers were Pr. Cristian Salgado and Pr. Ramiro Machicado. Pray that this first conference on apologetics in the Bolivian Alliance can lead to further training on this topic in our churches.
Please pray for:
- The training of leaders and pastors of the Bolivian Alliance through the Bible seminary and the preparation programs in the local churches.
- God’s protection for our pastors, leaders and church members due to the risks of contagion by COVID-19.
- New church planting projects in regions where there is no Alliance work.
- The political situation in Bolivia due to the arrest of several opposition political leaders and the existing divisions in the country.
Please pray for:
- The evangelism and discipleship programs that are being developed in the church. May the Lord give an abundant harvest and bring new workers to his harvest.
- The members of our congregations and their families. May the Lord free them from the contagion of COVID-19 and bring strength and healing to those who are infected or have other diseases.
- The ministerial team in Coro. May God guide them and provide means, location and resources in the preparation for the celebration of the church’s 13th anniversary.
- The baptisms in October. May the Lord strengthen the faith and protect the brothers and sisters who will be baptized.
- The National Board of Directors and the pastors of the Alliance of Venezuela. Pray for guidance, wisdom, direction and health, as well as physical, emotional and spiritual strength.
- Peace, mercy and salvation for Venezuela. Pray also for provision, comfort and strength to families in flood-affected regions.
Please pray for:
- The National Missions Department of the Brazilian Alliance: Financial support and physical and emotional health of the missionary couple André and Tânia. Also pray for the Albuquerque family who will soon join the missions team in Portugal. May their visas be approved in time and may they be able to raise the necessary funds.
- W. Tozer Theological Seminary: May God bring new students and may they have the necessary financial resources for the development of the seminary.
- The Church Planting Department (Missional Focus): For Santos Espillco and the work he is doing with children in the city of Sorocaba in the interior of the state of São Paulo. Pray also for Leandro and the church he and his team are planting at a school in the city of Diadema, in the metropolitan region of São Paulo.
Please pray for:
- The Alliance churches in Argentina. At the moment they are enjoying certain freedoms to carry out in-person activities and services.
- Wisdom for pastors who are caring for bereaved people.
- Peace in our nation during the legislative primary elections that will take place this month.
- The church to be God’s instrument to bring a spiritual awakening in our country.
Please pray for:
- The Lord to renew our vision for the future of the national, regional and local church. May he allow us to fulfill this vision according to his will.
- The presence of God to be perceived in the midst of everything that is happening now and that will happen in Peru in the coming years.
- The government authorities in our country. For the benefit of the people, may the Lord grant them wisdom in every decision they make.
Please pray for:
- The pastors in indigenous communities. May the Lord keep encouraging them to continue the work.
- The churches in the different regions of the cities. May they grow and be self-sustaining.
- New leaders to work with the youth, and for new Bible study teachers.
- God’s provision for a Sunday school and pastoral office construction project.
September 1, 2021
Please pray for:
- The mobilization of the national Alliance churches in the region to attend the AWF Quadrennial Convocation in Ecuador so that all our national churches will be represented there.
Please pray for:
- The Spanish Alliance missionary conference in September in the Canary Islands. Pray that this will be the catalyst for many other national missionary conferences throughout the region.
Please pray for:
- The new wave of refugees from Afghanistan who are now arriving in Europe. Pray also for the ministry of Alliance churches and workers among them.
Praise God for:
- The paperwork that is going well for the new church building. Please continue praying for this new building.
Please pray for:
- The worship and media teams. Pray that the Lord brings new people to serve as a blessing for the church.
- The youth of this generation who are not always present.
- Small group discipleship. May the Holy Spirit work in the life of disciples to become mature believers involved in the extension of the kingdom.
- Syrian refugees. Many are open-minded and want to hear about Jesus, but few workers are available. Pray that the Lord of the harvest will send workers. Pray also for their physical and psychological needs.
Please pray for:
- The many church families who have been impacted by the pandemic.
- The Russian people who are deeply affected by the last wave of COVID-19. More than 5,000 people have died per week.
Praise God for:
- The revitalized ministry of the “Oasis des Culture” center for refugees in Toulouse, where members of several churches have come together to help refugees and share God’s Word.
Please pray for:
- The church families and children. Several churches have insufficient space to organize Sunday School activities in compliance with government COVID-19 rules.
- The Alliance churches in France as they prepare for the new school year.
Vida y Familia (Life and Family) is a Spanish-speaking church based in London. They have been meeting via Zoom during the pandemic and now have a worldwide gathering that includes people from the UK, Spain, Japan, Peru and Argentina.
Please pray for:
- Isabel from London, Christian from Barcelona, and Eleuterio & Belisario from Peru. They have been responding to the gospel and are seeking Christ in their lives.
- The plans in the coming months to start an English Bible study group, return to meeting in person on Sunday, and have two fellowships meeting in the North and South of London.
We ask that you pray the following for our church family: to love God over everything; to love everyone as Jesus Christ does; to be a praying church; to have hunger and thirst for God’s Word; to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
AWF Prayers – August, 2021
August 25, 2021
Please pray for:
- The general assembly of the national church, September 8-11, in Koutiala. Pray also for safety for all participants.
- The holding of youth Bible camps in many districts. May they be held in peace during August and September.
- The management of the funds received from the AWF for the support of pastors in difficulty. May God be glorified for the help received.
Please pray for:
- God’s guidance and protection due to the emergence of a new COVID-19 variant. Churches are allowed to meet in-person, but the health protocol only allows twenty persons per service. Pray also for the members to be strengthened to attend the various services that our churches are conducting every Sunday.
- The Liberty Theological Seminary (C&MA) that has been providing training for pastors for the Great Commission. Pray also for new students and teachers, and for the financial needs of the seminary and students.
- The national women association of the C&MA church in Liberia. They held their 39th annual conference on August 12-15. Pray for the women’s plan to visit all churches in Liberia before their next conference in 2022. Pray also for the leadership as they want to help the headquarters church’s building project.
- Boldness for the Alliance church of Liberia to preach the gospel. Pray also that the African Traditional Religious’ members in our country will accept Jesus Christ as Lord.
- The church planting project of the national church and the home missionary training program at our seminary. Pray that more men and women will be trained to plant new churches in our country.
Praise God for:
- The success of the synodal general assembly of the DRC Alliance church that took place in Boma, August 13-15. Thanks to God’s guidance, they managed to do six days’ work in two.
Please pray for:
- The healing of two leaders who were unable to attend the synodal general assembly due to health reasons: Mrs. Alphonsine Bunda, head of the social department, and Rev. Isaiah Muanda, head of the prayer department. Both are undergoing treatment in Kinshasa. Pray also for God to bring healing to the sick members in our churches.
- The vocation crisis in the DRC church in rural areas. May God raise up men and women willing to serve him in the rural areas of the country.
- The general assemblies of all the ecclesiastical districts. The meetings will take place September 13-19 throughout the national church. May all the workers in the districts renew their serving commitment to God.
- The physical, emotional and social well-being of the families that were victims of the volcanic eruption of Mount Nyiragongo.
- The local servant training program in the settlements in Katanga and Kwilu provinces, which will begin in the coming months.
- The war on terrorism in the East. They are still facing a tense political context. Pray also for safety, peace, and for God’s comfort to the families whose loved ones died in this conflict.
Praise God for:
- His protection and peace during the celebration of the 61st anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Congo on Sunday, August 15.
Please pray for:
- All Congolese to be united, regardless of their ethnic group, language, religion, region, or geographical district.
- God’s servants to work to relieve the pain of the people. May the body of Christ be involved in sharing the good news of the total deliverance from division and enmity.
- The emergence of the Congolese love of work. May God renew people’s vision of developing expertise in our country. And may they achieve the promotion of equal opportunities.
- Initiatives to create new jobs. May the unemployment curve stop rising and stabilize with a new prospect of rising employment rates.
- God to deliver Congo from the cycle of poverty, underdevelopment and spreading of tropical diseases. May the people experience a new desire to move forward in integral and sustainable development.
- God to use his church as a tool of holistic development. May Christians shine the light of Jesus and be a source of change in their communities.
Please pray for:
- The general assembly of the Alliance of Angola, August 23-29. May God guide the decisions and bring an atmosphere of peace and unity.
- God’s guidance and protection for those who will travel to Ecuador to attend the AWF Quadrennial Convocation. Pray also that countries’ borders will open so they can travel safely.
- The Lord’s care and protection for students and teachers. The new school year will start soon, despite the increase in COVID-19 cases.
- Sister Ester, who traveled to Congo, DRC to undergo hospital treatment. She is the wife of Pr. Alberto Guala, president of the Alliance of Angola.
- God’s guidance and wisdom to government authorities in the fight against corruption in our country.
August 18, 2021
Vietnam is facing the fourth and fiercest wave of COVID-19. The government controlled the first three well. But, during the last three months, the number of people who have been infected and died has increased considerably. The C&MA church (South) runs an Institute of Bible and Theology with around 300 students. They have stopped schooling activities since the beginning of this new COVID-19 wave. However, students, teachers and staff could not go home and stayed quarantined in the school dormitory. Of the total of 306 people, 287 were infected with the coronavirus and two students died. The situation has improved in the last few weeks and the most dangerous phase of the disease is behind us. Please join us in praying for:
- Full recovery of the seminary students and staff. May the Lord heal them physically, emotionally and spiritually in preparation for their ministry during this uncertain time.
- Relief projects and effort of the church to help the community suffering because of COVID-19 and the poor economic situation.
- Government policies to fight COVID-19: the health system, vaccinations and justice for the poor.
- The faith of believers and the changes needed for the church to nurture the members during this challenging time.
Praise God for:
- The success of the NAFI virtual conference held August 9-10 on Zoom with the theme “Festival of Praise.” The conference was attended by more than 100 Alliance pastors and leaders from all Indian synods, Kolkata, and members of the C&MA churches in India as well as from other countries.
Please pray for:
- The APAC virtual regional conference to be held September 2-3.
- God’s guidance and wisdom for the election of the new regional coordinator and the members of the regional coordinating committee.
- The outpouring of the Holy Spirit’s presence to manifest upon the invited speakers as they share God’s Word.
- Good internet connections for all participants.
Please pray for:
- Our teachers and their return to school. Pray also for our students as they may be experiencing anxieties with school approaching. May both the teachers and students have a blessed year full of learning with minimal interruptions from COVID-19.
- Our churches as they anticipate being able to welcome more people into their buildings. Pray also for all the Canadians who are nervous about attending church in person. Pray for grace and understanding from their peers, and boldness as they navigate rejoining the community of believers.
- Our international workers who are on home assignment. May they be able to take this time to reconnect and rejuvenate. Pray also for the transitions that they are facing and that they would continue to see God’s hand move in their lives.
Praise God for:
- Many of our international workers who have been able to go back to their workplaces. We still have quite a few who cannot return due to COVID-19 restrictions. Pray for wisdom on how to proceed and that restrictions will lift soon so our workers can return to the people they love.
August 11, 2021
Praise God for:
- The celebration of the centennial of our theological seminary. It is a training and specialization center for future pastors, leaders and missionaries. Their motto is: One hundred years – to God be the glory!
- The social outreach that our national church has through the Educational Foundation (rural schools), the Children’s Home, and the Semejantes Foundation (which serves people with different physical capacities).
- Our pastoral body, which serves from north to south. They have had edifying virtual training periods.
- Many of our churches that have helped feeding and caring for those in need as a result of the pandemic.
- The churches that have been able to construct new buildings during the pandemic.
- The more controlled COVID-19 situation with a high percentage of vaccinated people.
Please pray for:
- The “Ministerial Vocations Day,” which will be celebrated on August 15. May the Lord continue to call the workers that the church needs.
- The departure of a new missionary team to countries of the Sixth Region. May they find open doors to settle in their destinations.
- Families who are grieving for loved ones who died of COVID-19 and other diseases.
- The political and social situation in our country. A Constitutional Convention is developing a new constitution. Pray also that this won’t hinder the work of the churches and that family and personal values will be preserved.
- Ethnic problems, the product of ideological approaches, which also includes spiritual worldviews.
Please pray for:
- The conference on Christian apologetics and on the role of the Bolivian church in the face of gender ideology. The conference will be held on August 21.
- The biblical training of our church members through theological studies programs by extension.
- The training of new leaders and pastors through the Alliance Bible Seminary in the modules that are planned for this year.
- Peace in our country. There is political tension due to the prosecution of political leaders opposed to the government.
Please pray for:
- Our pastors. May the Lord give us wisdom, discernment and guidance in these difficult times.
- The spiritual growth of the believers, especially for the youth and the children of our churches.
- Health and protection in these times. Pray especially for the total recovery of Pastor Víctor Núñez and his family; for Pastor Ricardo Valladares, sisters Coromoto Pinder and Flor de Lindo; and for brother Celso Padilla.
- A place for our churches in Yagua, Cartanal and Belen.
- The start of the School for the Family and the College of Prayer in the coming months.
- Political and economic stability in Venezuela.
Praise God:
- That despite the global crisis caused by the pandemic, we have been able to continue advancing as a church in the fulfillment of many of our goals.
Please pray for:
- The missionary project in Leticia, Amazon. May the Lord guide us according to his will and provide the means necessary for the work there. Pray also for the Holy Spirit to fill us with his grace so that we may work together in the extension of his kingdom in the Amazon region.
- Support, care and protection at the national in-person events that we will have.
Please pray for:
- Missionary André Souza and his family. For financial support, for the emotional health of the family and for his daughter Letícia, who will go to college in another city.
- The leadership of the Missions Department of the Brazilian Alliance. May God fill them with wisdom and discernment.
- God to raise new church planters and for the development of new church planting projects. Pray also for encouragement and boldness among those leading a church planting project.
- The beginning of the second semester classes at the A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary. May students and teachers have a time of spiritual growth. Also pray for new students.
Praise God for:
- The development of the COVID-19 vaccination process that has been carried out in Ecuador.
Please pray for:
- The students of the Alliance Bible Seminary, who have already started the new cycle of studies in virtual mode. Some have not been able to enter due to the economic situation. May the Lord provide all the necessary resources, strength and wisdom for them to continue steadfast in their call.
- All online events such as times of prayer, conferences and training with the youth and women of the Alliance in our country.
- Material provision for the churches that continually make food donations and offerings to the brothers with limited resources.
- The total reactivation of the economy in Ecuador. May companies and businesses stabilize financially, and open new jobs for those who are currently unemployed.
Please pray for:
- The final stage of the remodeling work of the new headquarters of the Alliance of Argentina and the Buenos Aires Bible Institute.
- The preparations for the annual council of the Argentine Alliance where a new board will be elected for the next term.
- The churches in this stage of the pandemic, with the advance in vaccinations and more freedom for in-person activities.
- The socioeconomic situation and the next legislative elections in Argentina.
Please pray for:
- God to grant an unprecedented revival in our country. May there be a true spiritual brokenness, a growing and fruitful life of prayer, and a great spread of the gospel.
- The church to be the instrument of a renewed and true national brotherhood in the midst of the polarization caused by political and social forces.
- God’s sovereignty, mercy, goodness and justice to prevail over any personal or partisan interests.
Please pray for:
- Adequate facilities of our churches, so that they can overcome current limitations. Pray also for the construction of three classrooms in one of our churches – the House of Prayer for the Children’s Bible School and Discipleship.
- The creation of the first Central American Alliance Theological Institute. This institute will be training servants from at least six countries in the region.
- The Holy Spirit’s wisdom and guidance for the process that is under way for bringing a new pastor and his entire congregation to be part of the C&MA of El Salvador.
- God to raise men and women who will be spiritual and pastoral leaders for the new generations.
Please pray for:
- A strategic evangelism plan in this new time that brings us closer to the people and enables us to share the gospel.
- Teaching and spiritual training in new cities. We are discipling a group of people in Sampedro and San Juan. Our plan is to plant churches there in the future.
- God’s care for each pastor in the rural areas. Pray also for resources for study materials and for the leaders we will send to support our pastors in the nearby communities.
August 3, 2021
- Please pray for the preparations for the Alliance DNA webinar in English organized by the AWF EMERALD region. It is scheduled to take place in the Autumn.
- Praise God that the borders of Europe have finally opened and the Alliance workers who have been waiting can come and serve with the Alliance family in Europe.
Praise God for:
- The 800 children that gather every week (four meetings with 200 children, from 6 to 14 years old) at the C&MA Church of Homs to listen to the Word of God. The church in Homs is experiencing growth, with two new church plants, despite the pandemic and the economic hardship.
Please pray for:
- Wisdom and encouragement for pastors and leaders of the Christian and Missionary Alliance of Syria. May the church be a channel of blessing and an instrument of divine intervention in the community.
- The young adults who are suffering due to the high unemployment rate and economic hardship created by the pandemic.
Please pray for:
- The economic situation in Lebanon is catastrophic and people are depressed and anxious. Pray that the church and believers will seize the moment to share the hope we have in Christ and the peace of God to fill the land.
- A special anointing of the Holy Spirit for the teams visiting people at home to pray with them and meet their needs comforting them in the love of God and his provision for them.
- The church leadership, pastors, elders, ministers in any capacity. May the Lord fill them with joy and peace so as not to be sucked into the mode of worrying for the future as all those around them do. Pray also that their peace would be noticeable to many.
- The safety of all those who support the needy in the church and for the safety of the food stores and offices.
- People are in need of essential food items (expensive), medications (shortage), power (frequent power cuts). Pray for essential services of potable water and minimum alternative power to continue.
- God to guide the political leaders that they will have the love of God fill their hearts with peace and wisdom to form a government and save what can be saved.
- At least one third of the medical personnel in Lebanon have left the country and the system is about to collapse: services, equipment, medication, supplies, financing. Insurance companies are struggling to survive and keep the system going. Please pray that the Lord would give special wisdom and endurance for the doctors and nurses who are still trying to help. Pray also that the last wave of COVID-19 would stop so as not to overwhelm the medical system.
Please pray for:
- The outreach activities in Asturias in August. Our Alliance churches in other parts of Spain are sending outreach teams to share God’s Word. Pray also for the opening of hearts, provision for travel expenses and God’s blessing on Asturias.
- INFORMA, the Institute of Ministerial Training of the Alliance in Spain and for the new leadership team upon the departure of Steve Irvin, the current director who is retiring. Pray also for a new director, a dean and the others involved in this seminary that teaches in Spain and abroad.
- The Spanish Alliance missions conference that will take place in the Canary Islands in September. May the Lord guide the organizing committee and that the speakers will have safety in travelling.
Please pray for:
- The Alliance churches in France as the French government, in reaction to radical Islam, has officially voted a new religious activity law. This will place increased burdens and costs on evangelical churches. It will also restrict certain freedoms that the churches currently enjoy.
- Wisdom among the leadership of the Alliance churches in France to react wisely to this new law and adapt well to the changes that it requires.
Church planting and evangelism
Praise God for:
- The new church that has started in Redcar through the ministry of Claude Muya. Thank God for the baptismal services that have taken place leading to others coming to Christ as a result.
Please pray for:
- The project of The Alliance Manchester (TAM) as preparations are being made so that the Giving Tree Cafe can be opened.
- God to provide all the resources required and that everything will be finished in time so that the Giving Tree Cafe can be opened to the public.
London Chinese Alliance Church (LCAC)
Praise God:
- That Rev. Keith Chiu from Hong Kong joined the staff as the Chinese ministry pastor.
Please pray for:
- Brad Chu who has taken over the role of lead pastor of LCAC from Rev. Augustine Fung.
- The several new immigrant families that have arrived recently from Hong Kong. This has made a big impact, especially to our children’s Sunday School where the number of children tripled.
- The challenges to accommodate the increase in our children’s Sunday School. We need more volunteers to lead classes and space to split the children into smaller classes.
- Wisdom for the pastors and deacons to develop the community and learning aspects over the coming year. Pray also for LCAC as they focus on rebuilding their sense of community with in-depth Christian education classes.
AWF Prayers – July, 2021
July 28, 2021
- Pray for the students, faculty and workers of the Vietnam Institute of Bible and Theology (C&MA), located in Ho Chi Minh City. Of the 306 students living in the dormitories, 285 were infected by COVID-19.
- A 29-year-old student from a minority group died last night. Seven students are now in the hospital in critical condition.
Defend Dignity is advocating for policies and laws that reduce sexual exploitation. They ask us to pray:
- For their Choose Change campaign, which asks corporations to reduce the ease of access to violent, sexually explicit images.
- For their government advocacy, as they work to keep Canada’s equality model prostitution laws in place and to support proposed laws to curb the pornography industry’s harmful practices.
- That people would be eager to use their voice to make a difference. And that the organizations and legislators Defend Dignity is reaching out to would be willing to change.
New Venture leaders are launching new mission initiatives all over the country.
- Pray that our leaders would have energy and excitement as they navigate new ministries.
Wildfires are spreading throughout the British Columbia province.
- Pray that firefighters will be able to safely extinguish the fires and that people will be safe.
The transition of the national office to Ohio is underway. Many families have already relocated. Some are still trying to find housing in the Columbus area, because of the shortage of homes. Others are settling into their new communities and others will be transitioning in 2022. The temporary office building in Reynoldsburg was to be ready in August, but due to some unforeseen delays, we are now looking towards the end of the year. Please pray for:
- Those in this transition as we are weary and at times quite overwhelmed.
- Some of us have left family behind in Colorado, others are looking for housing, and just the overall wellbeing of our spirits.
- Change can be hard, even when it is for a God-honoring reason. May hearts be refreshed and a sense of excitement instilled as we look to all that God has in store for the Alliance in Columbus.
An Alliance church network in Africa is facing many challenges due to increased insecurity in the country. Please pray for:
- Those who are directly involved in providing aid to displaced people.
- A young man who needs the light of Christ to shine in his life.
- That nothing will hinder Alliance workers from sharing the gospel at the local prison.
July 21, 2021
Please pray for:
- The preparations for the General Assembly of the C&MA of Angola to be held at the Mboca Mission, August 24-29. May God guide and give us wisdom before, during and after the assembly.
- Financial provision from the Lord for the trip to Ecuador to attend the AWF Quadrennial conference. May God remove all obstacles and difficulties caused by COVID 19.
- The country’s economy. May God enable government authorities to rule wisely on behalf of the people.
- God’s comfort to Rev. André Conga da Costa, whose wife died on June 25.
Please pray for:
- Peace and safety for our country. Pray also for the return of families to their homes after being displaced because of terrorist attacks.
- The reopening of our churches that are closed due to the pandemic.
- Job Dao, the newly elected president of the Alliance church in Burkina Faso. May God give wisdom and guide him and the new office members.
- The organization and celebration of the church’s centenary in 2023.
- The construction of the church headquarters as part of the centenary celebration.
Praise the Lord for:
- The smooth running of the mission training on local discipleship, held July 5-7 in Mossendjo, in southwestern Congo. May the Lord continue to inspire his servants in this forest locality, to fully engage in the fruitfulness of the talents received from the Lord Jesus Christ.
- The successful preparation of the pastors’ consecration services in Pointe-Noire (July 18) and in Brazzaville (July 25). The smooth running of these two events is the work of God’s grace. May the Lord raise up, equip and send out a new generation of workers into his harvest.
Please pray for:
- God’s provision for the successful deployment of his servants to the missionary branches in the country. May the Holy Spirit give new impetus, and may we, through this good work of evangelism and mission, achieve the goals according to Christ.
- The 9th General Assembly of the C&MA of Congo in September 2021 and for the renewal of its governing bodies. Let us continue to pray that this will take place in an atmosphere of peace, fellowship and unity. May all of God’s servants be subject to his will for the work to which they have been called.
- The Republic of the Congo as the country prepares to celebrate its 61st independence anniversary on August 15. Pray also for the recovery of the county’s economic situation, which has suffered the consequences of the drop in oil prices and the recent COVID-19 pandemic. And pray that God will stir up a new dynamic of creation and promotion of employment.
Please pray for:
- For the Synodal General Assembly of the Alliance in the DRC. It was scheduled for July 19-25 but had to be postponed to mid-August. The date is still uncertain because the government has not yet lifted the ban on large gatherings due to the pandemic. Pray also that the public authorities respond positively to the request to organize this Assembly next August. And pray that believers are not discouraged while preparing for this assembly because of the uncertainty of its date.
- The families of many of our church members during this third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. Pray for the Lord’s protection, especially because the slow vaccination campaign in the DRC hasn’t convinced the population of its efficiency.
- Eastern DRC, where the violence against civilian populations continues, despite the measures taken by the government to stop the violence.
- The draft amendment to the electoral law under consideration in the DRC parliament. Some see it as a way of allowing fraud to happen. Pray that it will not further add to the current social and political unrest.
- The church to remain faithful during the social and economic turmoil. May the people stand firm in their faith in God and renew their commitment to prayer and missions.
Please pray for:
- The Liberia Christian Alliance Assembly (LCAA). Pray for God’s guidance, wisdom and protection for the C&MA national board of directors as they lead the church’s activities in the next two years.
- The National Women’s Association of the C&MA Liberia. They will be hosting a national women’s conference during the first week of August. In the wake of the increasing second wave of COVID-19, where social distancing, hand washing and keeping health protocols becomes the order, we need your prayers as the people of God assemble for training, praying for the national church, our nation and the world.
- The AWF agriculture projects in Liberia, both for the communities and the beneficiaries during this pandemic. May God keep our projects and our people safe. Pray also for the harvesting stage and that these projects will improve the lives of church and community members.
- The leadership of the AWF Relief and Development work in Liberia. We thank God for the AWF-sponsored R&D training conducted by Dr. Robert Sanou, June 8-9. This workshop blessed many of our leaders. Pray that we will be able to implement all that we had learned in the training.
- The only Alliance Seminary in Liberia and its students. The Liberty Theological Seminary started its second semester classes on March 1, 2021 with few students. Pray also for the enrollment and financial needs of the students.
Please pray for:
- Missionary Jean Dao’s life. He works among the Dafing ethnic group in Baye in the Banka circle. Jihadists are threatening him. Pray that God will keep him safe.
- The believers in Baye. Jihadists force them to carry crosses to avoid abuse and punishment.
- The General Assembly of the C&MA of Mali the first week of October in Koutiala. Pray that this event will be a blessing to all participants.
- The Malian people. In six out of the country’s eight districts, they have been suffering greatly at the hands of armed groups.
- The transitional government to respect and preserve the current secular regime. Pray also for the authorities so that God may guide them.
July 14, 2021
A mission’s partnership project is currently under development to send an international worker from Indonesia to serve among the Burmese migrant workers in Bangkok, Thailand. Please pray for this partnership and for the success of this project.
Please pray for:
- The NAFI virtual gathering, August 9-10. Indian Alliance pastors, leaders and members will join in celebration and thanksgiving for God’s grace amidst the pandemic.
- A God-centered discernment process to initiate church plant and missionary projects among the least reached people in India.
- Stable internet connections for all participants.
“The second wave of COVID-19 pandemic hits Indonesia badly, particularly in the Java area”, says Daniel Ronda, president of the C&MA of Indonesia. He asks us to pray for:
- God’s protection for the Alliance family and healing of those who have been infected. Pray especially for healing for David and Tania Paksoal, youth leaders of the Indonesian Alliance church. They are in isolation/home quarantine.
The Japan Alliance Church (JAC) was scheduled to have its 71st Annual Council on July 15 in Hiroshima. However, due to the threat of spreading COVID-19, the event will be rescheduled to August. Other activities, such as the Deeper Life Conference and Open Lecture Series sponsored by the Japan Alliance School of Theology also need to be postponed. Please pray for:
- God’s wisdom in the preparations for the council. Pray also that by August the COVID-19 situation will have improved so that the event can be held in person.
- The preparations of the Zoom pastors’ training, September 28-29. May every pastor come with a heart prepared to participate with excitement and passion.
- The members of several churches in the Kanto, Hiroshima and Fukuoka regions so they can gather again in church for worship. They were not able to meet in May and June due to measures taken to stop the spread of the coronavirus.
Please pray for:
- The Mongolian government, parliament and the president to work diligently, wisely and justly to make the right decisions for the people. Pray also that the entire corruption and bribery system will be eliminated. And pray that people in poverty may have their financial needs met and that children may be protected from crimes and family harassment.
- The churches that had to close the doors for a long time due to the pandemic. Because of this, believers are becoming weak in their faith and many are also facing financial difficulties.
- The evangelism projects for herdsmen to bear fruits. Pray also that people in the Uvur-Khangai and Dund-Govi provinces may turn to the Lord.
- God to open doors for evangelism and enable churches and Christian organizations to share the gospel.
July 7, 2021
Please pray for:
- Wisdom in this new time of ministerial work in the churches, with limited openings, capacity and restrictions.
- The health of pastoral families and church members.
- The government authorities and the political class of our nation in the midst of an election year and the pandemic.
- The fragile economy of the country that is affecting church families and the ministerial work.
Please pray for:
- New leaders and pastors for our churches. May the Lord allow us to train them through the Bible seminary and local programs in the churches to face the new challenges of growth and church planting in Bolivia.
- The Lord’s blessing on the Christian apologetics seminar that will take place on August 21, 2021.
- The care of our pastors and church members in the face of the danger of contagion by COVID-19.
- The political and economic situation in Bolivia due to tensions arising from the arrest of several leaders who are opposed to the current government. Pray also for the crisis caused by the pandemic.
Please pray for:
- Peace and protection for several municipalities of Cauca, Nariño and Huila, which are being besieged and harassed by illegal armed groups.
- The pastors and their families who are in the middle of this conflict. May God strengthen them and may our churches be places of blessing and hope in the midst of difficulty.
Please pray for:
- The virtual celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Alliance of Costa Rica on July 18.
- God’s guidance as churches plan for the second half of this year. Pray especially for how to continue working in the midst of the pandemic.
- The Lord’s provision for the brothers and sisters who contribute, so that the churches can cover their budgets and support members who are in financial crisis.
Please pray for:
- Cuban families. The government wants to impose gender ideology as a subject in the educational system in Cuba.
- COVID-19 vaccination in all spheres of the Cuban population.
- Those affected by the pandemic. That includes some of our pastors. Pray also that our Lord will bring peace and comfort to the relatives of those who have died.
- Economic support of our pastoral families.
- The acquisition and construction of new meeting places (churches) for our congregations.
Praise God for:
- The time of spiritual renewal at the virtual Amada 5 women’s conference. The theme was “Safe in Times of Crisis.” The event was held on Saturday, June 26, and brought together around 3,500 women from all over Latin America.
Please pray for:
- The preparations being made by the Alliance of Ecuador, and especially the Central Alliance Church of Milagro, for the AWF Quadrennial in October 2021.
- The daily financial support of pastors, ministers, missionaries and other servants of the Lord. May God provide everything they need.
- The various churches that are already meeting in person to carry out services and children’s Bible classes.
- Venezuelan families who remain on the streets of the main cities of Ecuador in search of food and daily financial support.
- Protection against drug trafficking networks that are being deployed in the country, especially in the provinces of Manabí, El Oro, Guayas and Pichincha.
Please pray for:
- God to raise new leaders and pastors who will be trained to serve in local churches.
- The Lord’s provision for churches that have construction projects in the midst of the pandemic.
- The members of our local churches who don’t have internet access and cannot attend in-person services. May they stand firm in the Word of God and be faithful witnesses in their places.
Please pray for:
- The Lord to guide the government authorities to make the best decisions in favor of the Peruvian people.
- The whole country to be guided by the true path of reconciliation and brotherhood, beyond the differences of the presidential elections.
- The Christian church to be the instrument of blessing and reconciliation that Peru needs in these times of health, economic and social crisis.
Please pray for:
- The Lord to send new disciples for the church work in Salamanca, Miranda State.
- Provision of land, a house or a warehouse for the expansion of the work in Yagua, Carabobo State.
- Health, strength and guidance to pastoral families and each member of our churches. Pray especially for Natalie Gil, who has been diagnosed with cancer. She is the daughter of Alliance President Natanael Gil.
- Spiritual growth and commitment of each believer. Pray also for the brothers and sisters who will be baptized soon.
- Greater and better outreach with the message of the gospel to the communities.
AWF Prayers – June, 2021
June 30, 2021
The C&MA GB asks us to pray for some of their mission partners in Europe, and especially for Bernard and Nada Mikulic, who are serving at a Bible school in Mostar, Bosnia & Herzegovina:
- The Bible school has survived this pandemic time, but because the school hasn’t been able to open normally, Bernard and Nada have been without income.
- Thank God for the students who have stayed faithful, studying through Zoom. One student from Split, Croatia says the Bible school has been a great help to him to stay with the Lord, since churches and all other activities have been closed.
- Thank God for opening doors to aid different churches in need, such as in Sibenik, Croatia where a Baptist Church that doesn’t have a pastor is being helped.
- Pray that God will provide direction for “Mission as Business” so it can find a good business model to help missionaries stay in ministry and also be able to work.
Please pray for:
- Russia, which is still experiencing significant difficulties with the COVID-19 pandemic.
- The protection of churches and Alliance family workers in Russia.
- Those who are on the front line, whether they be medics or nurses.
- The government as it deploys measures to limit the progression of the virus and protect local populations.
- Those who are anxious, not only regarding health issues, but also regarding work, finances, loneliness, isolation from families, etc.
Praise God for:
- The Alliance of Spain because they have seen the hand of God on each of their congregations during this pandemic. Our Lord has been faithful and has cared for each one of them. As a result, the Alliance of Spain is now a more united federation, with common goals and with a spirit of mutual support, eager to move forward.
Please pray for:
- The new church planted in Asturias by Pastor José Mederos. Pray also that the Lord will provide the spiritual and material resources for a strong church to be planted in northern Spain.
- The new workers ordained and licensed by the Alliance of Spain. May our Lord use them for his glory.
- Our missions team. May they continue to work with impetus and passion to strengthen our churches, provide evangelistic help and spread the gospel to this world in need.
Praise God for:
- The successful pastors conference that took place in Kiev last week. The Alliance family came together to walk and teach with the churches of Ukraine.
Please pray for:
- Ukraine, a country full of history and culture.
- The project of creating an official Alliance national church in the Ukraine. Pray also for all the steps that need to be taken while maintaining unity under the Holy Spirit.
June 22, 2021
Please pray for:
- God’s guidance for the General Assembly of the Alliance of Angola that will take place in August at the Mboca Mission.
- Peace and unity among church workers.
- The expansion of the church to the Cunene province and beyond.
- That God will move the hearts of the government authorities to rehabilitate the Mboca Mission, according to the promises they have been making.
Praise the Lord for:
- The smooth running of World Evangelization Day on Saturday, May 29, 2021. Many people accepted our Lord Jesus Christ at this event. Pray that God continues to bless the workers involved in the discipleship, baptism, and integration of our new brothers and sisters in Christ.
- The virtual conference on “The Role of the Church in the Conquering of Large Cities for Christ” held Thursday, June 10, 2021. It was a success and a great blessing. The attendees were ministers from the Central African Zone (the Republic of Congo, Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia, Gabon, and Central African Republic).
Please pray for:
- The preparations of two consecration services for new pastors in Pointe-Noire (July 18) and Brazzaville (July 25). Pray that these two events will go well and that the Lord will raise a new generation of workers for his Great Commission.
- The General Assembly of the Christian and Missionary Alliance of Congo in September 2021, and for the renewal of the governing bodies. Pray also for everything to go smoothly, and for fellowship and unity. May all of God’s servants be guided by his will to do the work he has for each of them.
- God’s provision for the successful deployment of his servants to missionary branches across the Republic of Congo. May the Holy Spirit give new impetus, and may we, through this work of evangelism and mission, achieve the goals established by Christ.
- The recovery of the national economic situation in our country. It suffered the consequences of the drop in oil prices and the recent COVID-19 pandemic. Pray that God will inspire a new dynamic of creation and promotion of employment.
Please pray for:
- God to raise new leaders among young people in rural areas where elderly and fatigued servants are retiring. The vocation crisis is persistent especially in rural areas.
- The church synod scheduled for July 19-25, 2021. It will take place while the third wave of COVID-19 is rising exponentially with new variants more aggressive than the first ones.
- The government authorities who have taken measures to close bars, restaurants and cultural spaces. Pray that they will not be pushed to close churches, schools and universities as well.
- The families of our church pastors who are being affected by this third wave of COVID-19. During the first two waves, the pastors’ families were less affected, but now there are already more than ten.
- Our sisters and brothers in the east of the country. They are still facing massacres, especially in the provinces of Ituri and Nord-Kivu, where people live without the certainty of waking up the next day.
- The victims of the Nyiragongo volcano in Goma. Especially for those who have lost their loved ones. Also, please pray for those who have seen their homes burned down, and for those who wander because they lack food and shelter as a result of this crisis.
- Alliance pastors and leaders of the DRC who wish to participate in the AWF Quadrennial Convocation in Ecuador. May God provide the necessary means for them to travel.
Praise God for:
- The protection of his servants on the National Board of Directors of Mission and Evangelization, and for the leadership of Movements and Departments. They completed a 10-day mission trip on June 1. This was a great opportunity to encourage our missionaries and their families, and to receive updated news so that we can pray more effectively for them.
- The successful ceremony of the laying of the foundation stone for reconstruction of the Dorata Alliance church on May 8. This church was ransacked and burned down in March 2020. During the ceremony, Satan attempted to disturb the celebration, but the Spirit of God brought him under his authority and the ceremony ended well for the glory of God.
Please pray for:
- The work of the constitutive general assembly of the new NGO (Non-Governmental Organization) of the national Alliance church of Guinea on July 1. The new Board of Directors and the Executive Board will be present at this assembly. Pray for protection of the delegates as they travel. Also pray for cooperation during the work.
Please pray for:
- Our Canadian churches and Christians as we seek to discern next steps around reconciliation in light of the discovery of 215 children’s bodies found in a residential school in Kamloops, British Columbia. Pray for wisdom and humility as we love our Indigenous neighbors and communities well.
- Our Muslim communities after a recent hate crime in London, Ontario that killed four people. Pray for our Muslim neighbors as they process and pray especially for the nine-year-old boy who lost his family.
- Envision Canada as they just launched Envision Greenhouse, a program that is focused on establishing meaningful mentoring relationships. Pray that this would encourage new and exciting disciplining relationships between emerging leaders and people who are passionate to mentor them.
- Patience and continued health for the Canadians who are still waiting for their vaccines.
This is moving month for many of us going to Ohio. Just coming off our Council and finishing up the packing of our homes and offices, there is a lot of stress and keeping up of details. Please pray:
– That details of packing come together.
– That we can finish well in the office (this includes packing up what is needed from our offices).
– For emotions of leaving family and friends (some of us have been here 32 years).
– For those who have chosen to not move—it is still an emotional process seeing friends moving and having to find new jobs.
- Please pray for Puerto Rico as we enter hurricane season. Weather reports indicate that it may be a busy and dangerous season. Pray that the Lord will keep the island safe.
June 16, 2021
Praise God for:
- The meeting of the AWF Global Network of Alliance Women held on June 9. This committee has been meeting once a month by Zoom to share God’s Word and to pray for each other and for the Alliance family around the world. This month, they extended the invitation to other Alliance leaders, and more than 70 women from the five AWF regions participated.
- “This virtual meeting is the divine breakthrough God has made among the women ministry in the Alliance. Through prayer for the unreached people groups and for the needs in every region, God has united our hearts and our vision in one mission: to be witnesses of God’s love to others and share what he has been doing in our lives,” said Priskila Paksoal, president of the Asia Pacific Alliance Women (APAW).
- Monika Breault, director of Women’s Ministries in the St. Lawrence District, Canada, shared, “The two ladies from Canada that joined our meeting were so blessed. They realized that they missed fellowship between women!”
Please pray for:
- The connection with each other to continue, and that we can reach out to more Alliance women to expand the global network.
- God’s wisdom, guidance and discernment for the committee of the AWF Global Network of Alliance Women as they prepare the workshops that will be held during the Quadrennial in Ecuador in October 2021.
- All the women who will attend the Quadrennial. May it be an opportunity to connect with sisters from other countries to share experiences and encourage each other.
Please pray for:
- Increased connection with our many cultural church opportunities.
- Our overseas staff as they seek to return to Australia for furlough.
- Our Faith Promise season as we seek to continue to support all our workers.
- Our leadership development program.
- Churches are still not allowed to meet in person on Sundays. Please pray that online live streaming continues to have good participation. Pray also that every believer’s passion to worship God will not diminish, though the services are virtual.
- Many people don’t have enough resources to live due to the pandemic. The church’s leadership is trying to raise funds to buy food for the needy families, both Christians and non-Christians. Pray that God will provide the necessary funds so that churches can continue to extend relief to the needy.
Please pray for:
- The Nomadic ministry of the C&MA Mongolia. They want to reach out to the herdsmen who live in distant provinces. Pray for the gospel to reach them, and that many may come to Christ.
- The mission ministries to be productive and fruitful.
- All pastors, church leaders and missionaries to have unity and to work cooperatively with one another.
- The president of the C&MA Mongolia, Rev. Lhawgasuren Munkhuu, who was re-elected for another term. Pray for God’s guidance and wisdom for him and his family.
- A good start of the ministry for addicted people.
- The youth and children’s ministries in our churches, and for God to raise up new leaders within the churches.
- Mongolian politics and for the economy to stabilize and be strong.
Please pray for:
- God’s guidance for the leaders of the Alliance in Nepal. The church in Lalitpur has to vacate the property because the owner will be taking back the area which the church has been renting. Pray that the Lord will give them the right place.
- The Alliance church in Kathmandu. They will have to move to a new place because issues with the landlord are increasing. Please pray that the church can have its own land and building.
- The spiritual life of each church member in Kathmandu. They are doing online fellowship, but many cannot attend because of internet connection problems.
- The pastors, leaders and church planters in different parts of Nepal. Many members of village churches have signs and symptoms similar to COVID-19 but cannot be tested due to lack of tests and health facilities. Pray also for their safety.
- The children in Nepal. They are having a difficult time because they are not able to play outside.
- The national church leaders as they prepare the strategic planning for growth and sustainability.
Please pray for:
- The Annual General Assembly of the Alliance Church of Korea, July 12-13, 2021. Please pray for God’s wisdom and guidance for the team preparing and planning the details of the gathering.
Please pray for:
- The complete recovery of Rev. Sanguansak Worawat, president of the C&MA of Thailand. He fell from a high stair last month and still cannot walk properly.
June 9, 2021
Please pray for:
- The preparations of AMADA 5, the Latin American Alliance Women Conference, which will be held virtually on June 26. This year Argentina is the host country, with the support of CLA.
- A renewal in the hearts of people. The prolonged time of the pandemic, the restrictions, the uncertainty, have generated discouragement and burden. May the church be a channel of blessing and carry the message of the gospel to bring hope.
- The churches. At the moment, a lot of contagion from the second wave of COVID-19 is being registered in pastoral families and members of our churches. Pray also for the finances of the churches.
- Wisdom for the church to continue to be dynamic and relevant in each community, with effective ministries in the fulfillment of the Lord’s call.
Please pray for:
- The COVID-19 situation in Bolivia. The Cochabamba and Santa Cruz regions are being heavily affected and many members and families of our churches in these regions are infected. Some are hospitalized and we have also had some deaths.
- The training of new leaders and pastors through the Bible Seminary.
Please pray for:
- The national and local celebrations of the “Month of the Alliance.” May God bless the lives of our pastors and minister to the hearts of each of their congregation members.
- Peace and protection for several municipalities of Cauca, Nariño, and Huila. They are being besieged and harassed by illegal armed groups. May God strengthen the pastors in these places, and may our churches be places of blessing and hope in the midst of this situation.
- A conciliation in the protests that are taking place in various parts of Colombia, blocking main roads. The strong clashes between the protesters and the government authorities have left more than 60 dead, hundreds wounded and missing, and arbitrary arrests. Let us pray that God restores public order. It is affecting the economy, supplies, and health.
Please pray for:
- God to give us strategies and resources to continue expanding his kingdom in Cuba in the midst of this time of isolation.
- Our churches to grow spiritually and in holiness, to continue sharing the gospel of our Lord Jesus.
- The financial support of our pastors so that they can continue doing the work of pastoral care.
- Human and financial resources for the preparation of new workers. Pray also for the work of teaching in local churches and national ministries.
Please pray for:
- The health of several church pastors who have COVID-19.
- The fulfillment of the goals and projects of the Alliance in the Dominican Republic.
- A spiritual revival in our country.
- Financial provision so that we can continue supporting missions.
Please pray for:
- All the preparations that the Alliance of Ecuador is carrying out to host the AWF Quadrennial in October 2021.
- The Ministerial Update 2021, which started on June 7. May it be a blessed and uplifting time for the whole Latin American Alliance family.
- Every home that has lost a loved one. May they find comfort, peace and strength in God to face pain.
- The COVID-19 vaccination process that is taking place in the main cities of Ecuador. Pray also for the medical and health teams that are working long hours to achieve the goal.
- The total reactivation of our country’s economy so that companies and businesses may stabilize financially and open new jobs.
- The new President of the Republic of Ecuador, Guillermo Lasso, and his administrative cabinet. May God guide and give them wisdom to make sound decisions to govern the country.
- The new national government and the trials of corruption cases in the midst of the health and economic emergency that our country is experiencing.
Praise God for:
- The churches that are being planted in different parts of the country, despite the pandemic.
Please pray for:
- The Lord to strengthen the widows of the pastors who have died from COVID-19.
- God’s provision for the pastors’ families who are in financial need.
Please pray for the church:
- That God would continue to keep in the hearts of his children the priority of extending his kingdom and to intercede for our nation.
- That God allows us to experience the greatest revival in the history of Peru.
Please pray for the country:
- May the sovereignty and the will of God be fulfilled in Peru. May God bring peace, faith and hope to the lives of all Peruvians.
- A restoration in interpersonal relationships among all Peruvians. Those relationships have been weakened by the recent presidential elections.
Praise God for:
- The unity of the church of Christ that allowed us to carry out evangelistic activities in different sectors of the Carabobo State.
Please pray for:
- All the people who have responded to the call and accepted the Lord during our evangelistic activities. May they grow in the knowledge of God.
- The physical, emotional and spiritual health of our pastors and leaders. Pray especially for Pastor Ricardo Valladares, who is hospitalized.
- The economic provision of our pastoral body, leadership and flock.
- All Christians to live deeper spiritual, consecrated lives in obedience to the Word of God so that we can be of influence in our environment.
- Our government authorities. May the Lord give them wisdom and guide them to be instruments in his hands.
- The people who are dying in health centers or in their homes. Pray for financial and health facility provisions for the treatment of those with chronic diseases and for cancer patients.
- Comfort, strength and peace for all those who have lost family members.
- For the COVID-19 vaccination process that has just started in Venezuela. Pray that the entire population has access to vaccines.
June 2, 2021
Praise God for:
- The online meeting of the EMERALD national church leaders on Monday, May 17. It was a time of sharing what God is doing in our region and praying for one another.
Please pray for:
- The preparations for the Alliance DNA webinar in English organized by the EMERALD Region. It is now scheduled to take place in the fall.
Please pray for:
- The borders of Europe to open fully so that the Alliance family workers who have been waiting can come and serve with the Alliance family in Europe.
Please pray for:
- The second edition of the African Alliance Diaspora webinar on June 26 with the theme “The Church facing the challenge(s) of interculturality.” It is in a spirit of fraternal communion, of sharing testimonies and edifying contributions that we will try to answer this question: how do we live this interculturality in the churches?
Please pray for:
- The Alliance churches in France. The French government, in reaction to radical Islam, is finalizing a new religious activity law. This will place increased burdens and costs on evangelical churches. It will also restrict certain freedoms that the churches currently enjoy.
“The Giving Tree” Manchester Ministry Center
- The UK government restrictions are easing up so we have been able to meet at the ministry center, still with some limitations. Pray for the Lord to use this venue to bless the significant number of immigrants who live around us. This is one of the most deprived areas in the city with a high population of South Asian and Middle Eastern communities.
- This coming Autumn we will have a big number of international and local university students returning to Manchester to start this new term. We are hoping to be able to have the Café open to connect with the student population and re-launch our student outreach for this coming year. Please pray for us to be able to open the Café by September 1. Pray for the Lord to provide a good number of volunteers to engage in reaching out to these students.
- One of the greatest needs for the ministry center is manpower to be able to run a variety of ministry projects for the community. Please pray for a multicultural children’s minister who can pioneer an outreach project at the center. Also, we urgently need a building manager to coordinate all the ministry operations within the center.
- We are so thankful that God has been providing in miraculous ways for the center. We still have some financial needs to fit out the Café and finish up fixing the building. Pray that the Lord will supply all these needs as we get ready to open the doors of the center to the public.
Please pray for:
- The Alliance churches in the Holy Land as they seek to shine for Jesus, despite the conflict and destruction that has occurred recently.
- The Lord to guard the hearts of our Palestinian brothers and sisters so that they do not have bitter hearts that paralyze believers.
- The Christian believers (less than 1,000) who are faced with so much devastation and hardship in Gaza.
- Five students in particular and the families of faculty and staff at Bethlehem Bible College, the only Bible College in Palestine.
A Dutch Alliance team is working on the translation of “A.B.” by David Jones. The goal is to publish a Dutch version of the book before the new season starts.
- Pray for this faith project where the books will be given to anyone who wants to delve into the story of A.B. Simpson.
- Pray for resources to complete this project that it may be of service to the Dutch-speaking Alliance family.
Please pray for:
- Sister Alba Martínez Núñez, the first missionary to be sent out by the Spain Alliance. She was commissioned in her local church on May 15. Alba left for Mexico on May 18 to join a Bible translation team with Wycliffe. This is a huge step forward as the Alliance churches in Spain become a sending church.
AWF Prayers – May 2021
May 26, 2021
Praise God for:
- The purchase of land for the construction of the church in the province of Benguela. This was a result of the efforts of the church board and some members who donated funds for this purpose. We also thank the brothers and sisters of our global Alliance family who prayed with us for this request.
Please pray for:
- God to intervene in the new variants of COVID-19 that are increasing the spread of the virus.
- The preparations for the General Assembly of the Christian Alliance Church of Angola, to be held at the Mboca Mission in August 2021. Pray also for God’s guidance and provision for all preparations, for the decisions to be made, and for the delegates’ travel arrangements.
- For the AWF Quadrennial Conference in Ecuador in October 2021. May the cases of COVID-19 decrease, and may God open the borders of our country that remain closed. Pray also for God’s provision and care for all the delegates who will travel to Ecuador.
Please pray for:
- The church in Congo to return to its primary mission as Jesus Christ’s witnesses and ambassadors in our country and beyond. Pray also for a new generation of men and women of integrity to rise.
- Every member of the body of Christ to be humble and experience God’s grace. May we use the resources we have as tools to please God through our service.
- God to inspire a new generosity in every member of the Congolese church. May each one put other people’s needs first for the salvation of the Congolese.
- All the plans of the President of the Republic. His term was renewed on March 24, 2021. May God allow him and his new government to succeed. Pray also for the Congolese to succeed in the ownership and management of the projects of the new government, appointed May 15.
- God to free our country from corruption, anti-values, poverty, and underdevelopment that has become cyclical.
Please pray for:
- The Synodal General Assembly of the Alliance Church of the DRC, which will take place in Boma, July 19-25, 2021. Pray also that the churches will find a way to send all invited delegates.
- The national church to find ways to support pastors who work in churches in low-income communities. Since the beginning of the pandemic this support has become weaker and weaker. Pray that bigger churches will be willing to support them. Pray also for some of the volunteers who no longer have the means they previously had or have lost their jobs.
- The plan to send missionaries from the DRC to Guinea in September. May God provide the necessary means and open all the doors.
- Our theological institutions. There is a vocation crisis in the church in general, and the institutions are not receiving many students. Pray also for our Alliance University in Congo, so that parents find a way to pay the tuition fees. It’s become increasingly more difficult to pay them.
- Our theology institute in Kinshasa, where the conflict with illegal occupants of our land continues. May the Lord intervene so that justice will take these illegal occupants out of our land.
Please pray for:
- God’s comfort and encouragement to the church families who have lost loved ones, including the family of our Missions director. May the Lord in his mercy put an end to the cycle of deaths recorded in the national church.
- The next National Synod scheduled for July 2021. It will be marked by the renewal of the members of the national office, of the national internal audit, and the establishment of the Council of the Wise. Pray that we will have these elections in the best logistic conditions, organization and internet communication.
- National Mission: That the challenge of church planting will be taken up. Pray especially for the achievement of the national objective of winning 4,000 new disciples within the churches of the Alliance in Gabon.
- International Mission: That the Lord will raise more donors to purchase land in Togo, in Parakou in the north of Benin, and in Sao Tome for the construction of new churches. Pray also for the development of the new mission field in Ghana and the holding of the planned evangelism conference in that country.
Praise God for:
- The protection of his servants. A group of armed muggers called “road cutters” attacked the women’s leaders of the Lower Coast Churches Zone. They were returning from a biblical training seminar in Guéckédou, 700 km from the capital Conakry, when the attack happened. Thankfully, they weren’t harmed.
Please pray for:
- God’s grace and strength to be poured out on all our transcultural missionaries. The directors of the Department of Mission and Evangelization will be visiting them from May 24-June 6.
- God to provide the resources necessary for the reconstruction of the temple of Dorota in the municipality of N’Zérékoré. This 2,000-seat church was attacked and set on fire by political demonstrators during the legislative and referendum elections of March 22, 2020.
- The revival action plan of the national Relief and Development Office of the Alliance of Guinea. Two delegates from the African C&MA, Dr. Robert Sanou and Désiré Kakou, participated in the training for Relief and Development.
Please pray for:
- The new National Executive Committee so that the Lord will give us his wisdom to lead his people in love and a spirit of discernment.
- The retirees of the national church. They have created the Caleb Network, which aims to strengthen missionary work in our country and the Diaspora. Pray for an easing of Islamic pressure and for the transition, so that it does not come to a dead end.
- Churches to support missionary work and leaders’ activities.
Praise God for:
- Our New Venture leaders who are reaching new people in their communities. May the recent podcast episodes of the New Waters podcast positively impact people.
- Defend Dignity, that their Canadian Sexual Exploitation Summit went well. Pray that the people who attended will be moved to continue learning and make a positive difference in their communities.
Please pray for:
- The end of the academic year for our students. Pray especially for the students who are online – for energy and the ability to concentrate.
- Renewed energy, peace and creative ideas for our international workers. Many of them are facing tight COVID-19 lockdowns and restrictions.
- Continued patience as many Canadians are still waiting to be vaccinated.
- Brem Frentz, the vice president of Venture for the Alliance in Canada and secretary of the AWF board. He was recently diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer. Pray for complete healing, and for peace and confidence. Pray also for his wife Donna, and for their family as they support Brem.
Please pray for:
Our Annual Council:
- For the preparation of our Council, which meets in Nashville, Tennessee, May 31-June 3.
- May we be able to meet and worship together without COVID-19 interfering.
- May this time be worshipful and may decisions made for our organization be what God desires.
- For God’s guidance in planning, and for wisdom and strength for those putting together all the moving parts.
Our National Office relocation:
- Moving out of our main building this summer. People still in Colorado Springs will need temporary workspace, and those who have moved to Columbus, Ohio will also need temporary space.
- People selling homes in Colorado Springs and buying homes in Columbus, Ohio. With all this going on and then working on moving too, it is a lot for people to carry.
May 19, 2021
Please pray for:
1) Gujarat Synod
- The situation of our C&MA churches. One of the pastors has died from COVID-19 and many church members are still in hospitals or home quarantine.
- God’s protection and healing upon the infected believers.
- God’s comfort for the families whose loved ones have passed away.
- The Indian government leaders to handle the COVID-19 situation wisely, especially in providing medical aids like oxygen, vaccines, hospital beds, and so on.
2) Maharashtra City Synod
- The bereaved families of two members of the Bombay Bible Fellowship Church who died from COVID-19. Both were Hindu converts. Their spouses are still following Hindu religion. Please pray that the Spirit of the Lord would touch their hearts and that they will also know the Lord.
- The people affected by COVID-19 in Mumbai City. Due to the density of population, the government has many challenges in controlling the spread of the coronavirus. Pray for the people who live in slums where social distancing is a great challenge.
Please pray for:
- The annual council of the Japan Alliance Church, May 25-26. It was intended to be held in person in Hiroshima, but due to the increase in COVID-19 cases the council will now be online.
- The national youth meeting which has been postponed again until next year.
Please pray for:
- Our plans to plant churches in three districts.
- The sports ministries that we plan to start.
- The youth, young adults, and children’s ministries to be more productive and fruitful.
- The development of missions and evangelism in our churches.
Please pray for:
- The country of Myanmar. After 100 days under military rule, the political condition does not seem to have improved. Rev. Lal Chuanga, president of the C&MA of Myanmar says, “Recently, I visited our local churches to check the people’s condition. Churches are facing difficulties daily to meet their needs. Finding work is still a big challenge.”
- God to strengthen and encourage the hearts of the believers to trust him in this difficult time. Pray also for divine provision for all their material needs.
Please pray for:
- The isolation center of the C&MA Nepal. The center has started to serve many people. Nepal’s health system has collapsed, and we are trying our best to support the people.
- The smooth management of the isolation center. Pray also that we will be able to raise enough funds to run it.
- The safety of pastors, leaders, church members and foreign workers. According to Bikash Adhikari, C&MA Nepal executive secretary, “My professor died recently. Many people are coming to the isolation center in need of an Intensive Care Unit, but we don’t have ICU facilities at the isolation center. We are praying and asking God to heal Nepal.”
- Provision of food and medicines for daily wage workers, the poor, people with disabilities, and their families.
Praise God for:
- The success of the General Assembly of the C&MA Philippines (CAMACOP) held April 27-30. More than 4,000 delegates joined this online event.
- The reelection of Rev. Eduardo Cajes as CAMACOP president.
Please pray for:
- God’s guidance and wisdom for Rev. Cajes in appointing and choosing his team at the national and district levels.
- Government leaders of the country to have a spirit of unity in working to fight COVID-19 effectively, especially in the rollout of COVID-19 vaccinations.
May 12, 2021
Please pray for:
- Our churches and pastoral ministries. For wisdom to continue with the task in this time of uncertainty.
- People to come to the Lord and receive salvation.
- The Argentine people: the contagion by COVID-19 is increasing and there is no vaccination plan for the entire population.
- The economic situation of the country: 42% of the population in poverty; 60% of the children live below the poverty level; high levels of inflation; constant devaluation of the currency.
- The country’s legislative elections this year.
Please pray for:
- The training of new leaders and pastors in Bolivia through the SEBAP Bible Seminary in partnership with the Alliance of Peru.
- Divine care of pastors and churches in the face of threats from COVID-19.
- The delicate political situation in our country as a result of the persecution of opponents by the current government administration.
Please pray for:
- The A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary:
– New students, new teachers, and perseverance in the virtual classroom system.
– We thank the Lord for being able to adapt to this new way of learning and teaching.
- The Church Planting Department (Missional Focus):
– The transition from two plantings into organized churches.
– The churches being planted to have an impact with the gospel of Jesus Christ on the cities where they are located.
– The planters to be able to equip and motivate their church planting base group.
- The National Mission Department:
– God’s wisdom for the department’s leadership in managing this difficult moment of financial adjustment of the missionary projects.
– More involvement of the local churches in the Promise of Faith to support our missionaries financially.
– We thank God that everything went well with the return to Brazil of our missionary family that was in Thailand. Pray for them to be able to raise new partners to obtain the necessary support that will make it possible from them to return to Asia and continue the sports ministry.
– Praise the Lord for the ten years of ministry of our missionary family in Portugal. Some Portuguese are coming to study the Bible and are giving their lives to Christ.
– Pray for our missionary family in Mozambique and the local team. Even with the pandemic, the number of people coming to church services has been increasing. So, they started two more Sunday services. Now they have three celebrations each Sunday: one in the countryside and two in the village.
Praise God for:
- His care of each of our church members, even more now that the pandemic is at its worst.
- The elections of our national church leaders. We thank the Lord for all the gifted men and women who have committed their lives to serve the church.
- The 124th anniversary of the national Alliance church in Chile in April. Several local churches are also celebrating more than 100 years of ministry.
Please pray for:
- The Lord to continue to strengthen the church. For more than a year now, all our churches, seminaries and ministries have been closed, but each home has become a center of worship and Christian outreach.
- Our national pastors and missionary team. Pray also for all our projects abroad, especially for the ones that will soon start in the Sixth Region.
- Our parachurch ministries such as: Home for Minors, Educational Foundation and its schools, Ministry to the Disabled (Semejantes) and to Native Peoples. Each of them has continued serving in the midst of the pandemic, reaching those most in need.
Please pray for:
- The Alliance Bible Seminary in Colombia. Pray that all students will be able to complete their training. Pray also for the seminary to be able to finalize the agreements to expand its educational offer within our Alliance family.
- Peace and protection for the municipalities of our country that are under siege by illegal armed groups.
– For strength for our pastors and leaders who are doing ministerial work in these places.
– For our churches, so that they can be places of blessing and hope in the midst of difficulty.
- Our international worker, who will be moving to the United Arab Emirates. May the Lord guide and bless all the preparations and execution of the trip: legal permits, no hindrance to enter the country, and financial provision. Please pray also for a successful entry and exit of our worker Yamid Nene to Leticias, Amazon. May God allow him to develop his ministerial work in this place.
Please pray for:
- God’s blessing and provision for the plans and projects of the Alliance in the Dominican Republic.
- God to awaken the passion of his people to reach the lost.
- Provision for missions.
- Thanksgiving to God that most of the C&MA churches in Guatemala have been able to reopen.
- Pray for protection for in-person services in our churches.
- Pray for provision of work for all those who are unemployed because of the pandemic.
- Please pray for our Alliance churches:
– May the anointing of the Holy Spirit and God’s vision continue to sustain and guide our pastors and local church leaders.
– For the members of our local churches to live in holiness, and to be instruments of blessing as disciples of Jesus Christ.
– May the Lord supply the material, emotional and spiritual needs in each family during this time of pandemic.
- Please pray for our country:
– May God’s sovereign will prevail in this time of presidential elections in Peru.
– For God’s grace, mercy, and favor to continue to be experienced in each Peruvian family. May God provide work, food and health for those in need.
– May the judgment and justice of the Lord continue to be manifested against all corruption, crime and violence that is taking place in the country.
Please pray for:
- The health of Yoleida de Suarez, the wife of Pastor Jorge Luis Suarez from the Maraca C&MA. May she be healed and regain normal coordination of mind, writing, motor skills, and speech.
- The celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Christian and Missionary Alliance of Venezuela in July. May God bless the celebration of this important date in the church.
- Provision of work for many unemployed brothers who do not have savings to support their families.
- The brothers who feel fear in the midst of this pandemic. May God fill their hearts with peace and security.
- Provision of a place or warehouse on a main avenue of the city for the Yagua Alliance church.
- Direction and provision from the Lord to open a daughter church of the Yagua C&MA in the Guacara Municipality.
- The children of our church members. Some are living with relatives because their parents are out of the country.
- God’s wisdom and direction for the pastoral body of the C&MA in Venezuela. May they remain steadfast in fulfilling the Lord’s purposes.
May 5, 2021
Please pray for:
- The meeting of EMERALD national church leaders Monday, May 17.
- Development of an Alliance Training Institute for all of Europe.
- Preparations for the Alliance DNA webinar in English in July. The webinar is being organized by the EMERALD region and ICTE (International Commission of Theological Education).
Please pray for the new AWF EMERALD Mission Mobilization project as we seek to:
- Encourage national Alliance churches in mobilizing for missions through church planting, business as missions, and relief and development.
- Encourage church planting networks throughout the region.
- Identify and coordinate mission and partnership opportunities in the region.
- And, pray for Eoghan Cosgrave as he starts his new role June 1 as Mission Mobilizer for the EMERALD region. May the Lord provide for him and his family.
Please pray for:
- Muslim immigrants and refugees to hear the gospel and encounter Jesus.
- Our MBB (Muslim Background Believers) to be strengthened in the Spirit.
- The European church to love their Muslim neighbors.
- A deep, spiritual stirring in the hearts and minds of Muslims as they celebrate Ramadan (April 13-May 12).
- Christ followers to be bold in their witness of Jesus.
Please pray for:
- The national Alliance church as they seek to recruit a new president and general secretary for their ministry in France.
- The family of Ya Choua Ly, a senior leader among the Hmong Alliance churches in France. Ya Choua died from COVID-19.
Praise God for:
- How the Lord has miraculously opened a new door for us to minister to people in Redcar. Six people are being discipled and three are being prepared for baptism.
Please pray for:
- GBS (Gospel, Bible teaching and Social well-being) Ministries Church in Enfield & Stevenage, UK, and for Pastor Claude Muya.
- The revival meetings and baptism planned for Redcar in June. Pray that we will be able to reach out to a lot of people and see many giving their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ. Pray that all COVID-19 restrictions will be lifted to allow this to happen.
- The many church members who have lost loved ones during the pandemic. Pray that we will be able to strengthen each individual and family as they try to recover.
Please pray for:
- Canadian international worker Pablo Papávero and his family. His mother died suddenly last week of a heart attack in her home in Argentina. Pablo was not able to travel, nor does he have prospects of doing so in the near future, because of COVID-19. Pray for the salvation of his siblings who have not yet trusted their lives to Christ.
- The family of Enrique Méndez, a Peruvian Alliance missionary to Spain. They grieve from afar the death of his mother from COVID-19 last week.
AWF Prayers – April 2021
April 26, 2021
Please pray for:
- The COVID-19 vaccine has had unexpected delays. Pray for patience for people who are waiting to be vaccinated. Pray for continued health for Canadians throughout the country.
- New Venture leaders across Canada who are working with international students. Pray that students would be reached through ministries that are on their campuses. Pray also for students preparing for their exams.
- Complete healing for Brem Frentz, the vice president of Venture for the Alliance in Canada. Brem was recently diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer. Pray also for his wife, Donna, and their family as they support Brem.
- Our National Ministry Center as we adjust to our new office building in Toronto. Pray for our staff as they continue to work from home during the pandemic.
- Defend Dignity as they continue to prepare for their Canadian Sexual Exploitation Summit. Pray that this event will be an opportunity to educate and connect people.
- Moving out of our main building this summer. Folks still in Colorado Springs will need temporary workspace, and those who have moved to Columbus, Ohio will also need temporary space.
- People selling homes, buying homes in Columbus, Ohio, etc. With all the above going on and then working on moving too, it is a lot for folks to carry.
For our Annual Council in Nashville:
- The preparation of our bi-annual Council, which meets at the end of May in Nashville.
- May we be able to meet and worship together without COVID-19 interfering.
- May this time be worshipful and may decisions made for our organization be what God desires.
- For God’s guidance on planning, wisdom, and strength for those putting the moving parts together.
For our International Workers:
- Many of them are starting to come home for their home assignments.
- Safety for those traveling.
- That housing arrangements come together for each family.
- May the months at home be a time of spiritual renewal and refreshment.
- Several of the staff in Colorado Springs have contracted COVID-19. Thankfully, no one has been seriously sick. May the rest continue to be healthy.
April 21, 2021
Praise God for:
- The pastors’ retreat, held April 9-11, with 23 pastors. They addressed these topics: Christian Leadership, Cooperation in the Ministry, Duties of a Pastor, Contaminated Ministerial Gift, Pastoral Ethics and Deontology, and Loneliness and Solidarity.
Please pray for:
- God to guide the regional conferences of the Alliance Church of Angola, which will take place in April and May.
- Unity among church workers and members.
- People to continue following biosafety measures. COVID-19 cases are still high, but many people no longer follow the protocols.
Praise God for:
- Peace before, during, and after the presidential elections on March 21st. May this peace remain throughout the national territory.
Please pray for:
- The missionary work in the Kouilou region in partnership with the missionaries of the U.S. C&MA. Pray that the gospel will reach other regions, such as Pool, Niari, Bouenza, and Plateaux.
- The progress of the consecration of three pastors, scheduled for July 2021.
- The recovery of the country’s weakened economy. It was affected by the drop in the price of oil and by the COVID-19 pandemic.
- The mission field in Ndola in Zambia, where our missionary Paul Kongolo works. His residence permit expired because he couldn’t pay $300 to change it to biometric. Now the country’s authorities are asking him to start the process all over again. It will cost more than $2,000. We ask you to pray for:
- God to provide the amount needed for Paul’s residence permit.
- Paul’s protection and for him not to suffer threats because of the presidential elections that will happen before the completion of these documents.
- The Lord to raise good people who can help build a comfortable place of worship in the Ndola region.
- Resources for other church plantings to start in this area.
- Marcel Bunda Bunda, the national C&MA president who often experiences health problems. The COVID-19 tests he took showed contradictory results. One laboratory tested positive, but the next day three other laboratories said the analysis was negative. May he find comfort and guidance in God.
- The church management committee. They are responsible for supervising the welcoming process of all pastors who have returned to the church. May God facilitate their adaptation and collaboration with other workers.
April 14, 2021
Please pray for the healing of:
- Brem Frentz, secretary of the AWF ExCom and VP of Venture C&MA Canada, from an aggressive form of prostate cancer.
- Rajesh Patole, executive director of ACA and AM (India), from COVID-19.
- Yakob Ingle, president of the Maharashtra Synod (India), from problems with his eyes. He needs urgent surgery.
- Natanael Gil, president of the Alliance of Venezuela, and his wife Eveyn, both from COVID-19.
Please pray for:
- The following national gatherings:
– General Council of the Gereja Kemah Injil Indonesia (C&MA Indonesia) in Jayapura, Papua, April 13-16 (in-person and online).
– General Assembly of the Christian and Missionary Alliance Churches of the Philippines (CAMACOP), April 27-30 (online).
- God’s anointing to be upon his servants who will minister to the people, and for God’s guidance and wisdom for the committees preparing for the events.
- Protection and safe travel for those who will attend in-person and good and strong internet connection for all the participants attending virtually.
- God’s presence to envelop the event, especially in the election of the president and national leadership (Indonesia and Philippines).
- The people who have been affected by the mudslides in eastern Indonesia last week. The death toll has risen to 140 with dozens still missing, as rain continues to pound the region. Several families of Alliance churches in the region have had their homes damaged. Alliance churches in Indonesia are raising funds to help these families with donations of clothes, food, and money.
- The country of Myanmar. The political condition is not getting better. Mass protests are still going on since the military seized control on February 1. According to one of our Alliance leaders in Myanmar, churches cannot hold services on Sundays. People still cannot work, and prices of goods are skyrocketing. They are eating and using what they had saved previously.
- God’s protection upon the churches and pastors in Tahan, Kalemyo where most of the Alliance churches are located. Most of the killings have happened in this region.
- Safety of all the ethnic minorities who are fleeing air strikes.
- Christians not to lose hope but continue trusting God for comfort and strength amid this political crisis.
- God’s intervention for a political solution that will not result in civil war.
April 7, 2021
Please pray for:
- The biblical-theological training of new leaders and pastors at the Bible Seminary, which will start in April. May God bless these new church leaders.
- The fulfillment of the Great Commission in the Alliance of Bolivia. May the churches be faithful to the word of God and dedicated to the edification of our members. May we train members, leaders and servants with an evangelistic vocation and cross-cultural missions.
- God’s protection and healing for the pastors and members of our churches in the face of the COVID 19 pandemic.
- The Church Planting Department (Missional Focus): Pray for the training of the leaders. Pray also for God to raise up more church planters, and for the training of these new workers.
- Missions Department: Pray for the restructuring of all missionary projects. Pray also for the physical and emotional health of our missionaries.
- A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary: May God bring in new students and may they adapt to the virtual classroom system. Pray for the financial resources necessary for the seminary.
- We thank the Lord for the recovery of our pastors and brothers from COVID-19. Several have been infected, but many have recovered.
- Pray for peace in indigenous territories where violence has been occurred, including assaults, and burning of houses and churches. This has brought serious social consequences, including assassinations.
- The immigration situation, with many entering the country. Some churches are helping these immigrants with food and lodging. One of the churches created a shelter for migrant women.
- The congregations in the north of the country. Due to consumerism and paganism, evangelization is slow and difficult. May the Lord give a clear vision to each of the churches in this region.
- Our Theological Seminary that celebrates its 100th Anniversary this year with the motto “To God be the Glory.” Praise the Lord for all the pastors and leaders who have been trained in the seminary and are faithfully serving the Lord.
- The church to advance through social networks and radio broadcasts, which have been their main outreach channels. Our church buildings have been totally closed for a year due to the pandemic.
- The residents of various provinces in Colombia. They have been harmed by the presence of illegal armed groups, who have increased the fighting, forced recruitment of young people, and the murder of residents. In some cases, they have affected communities with confinement and massive displacement.
- Divine protection and the comfort of the Holy Spirit for those who have been affected by these armed groups. Pray for the young people to be returned to their homes. May the peace of God abound in these communities. May our Alliance family in those places be strengthened in their faith.
- The victims of these armed conflicts. Pray also for the perpetrators. May all roots of violence, hardness of heart and impurity that have darkened minds be destroyed. May there be genuine repentance that allows them to know the grace of God.
- The new board of directors of the national church. They have been appointed to help the churches expand and develop this year.
- God to guide our pastors and their teams as there is more freedom to meet in person.
- The evangelism projects. May God help establish adequate strategies to continue reaching people for Christ in the midst of this pandemic.
- All church ministries of the Dominican Alliance. May God give wisdom and vision to our pastors and leaders.
- A spiritual revival in our churches.
- The regions of Costa and Sierra of Ecuador. They have seen an increase in COVID-19 cases in recent days and have had to undergo further restrictions imposed by the national government.
- The health and financial support of our pastors, missionaries, and leaders in general who are infected with the coronavirus.
- God’s protection against the increase in Ecuador of murders by organized crime and drug trafficking groups.
- Material provision for Venezuelan immigrants. Some are living on the streets and others in small refugee centers.
- A spiritual awakening in the church in Peru. May God help us to preach his word in all towns and cities of our country. May we be salt and light to the Peruvian people who are so in need of Christ.
- The presidential and congressional elections in our country on April 11. May the Lord give wisdom and responsibility to the Peruvian people to elect upright rulers, who truly seek the well-being of the country.
- The health of the president of the Alliance of Venezuela, Pastor Natanael Gil and his wife Evelyn.
- The spiritual and material provision of Venezuelan homes.
- A pastor for our Catia C&MA church.
- The C&MA churches in Venezuela. May they continue to support the church families with the word of God.
- The church to be strengthened in faith to be instruments of God to preach the gospel to all.
AWF Prayers – March 2021
March 31, 2021
Please pray for:
- The country of Myanmar. More than 100 peaceful protesters were killed by security forces last Saturday, March 27, becoming the deadliest day since the February 1 military coup. Pray that peace will be restored, and justice will prevail.
- Protection and strength for the Alliance family ministering in Myanmar. Pray that the Alliance church can be God’s instrument to bring comfort and reconciliation, and a prophetic voice in this time of social turmoil.
Please pray for:
Praise God for:
- Many ADM ministers who have recovered fully from COVID-19.
- A group of Muslim Background Believers (MBBs) in Spain that are gathering on Sundays for worship.
- Advancing Christ’s kingdom among the Muslim Diaspora in Europe.
Please pray for:
- The African Alliance Diaspora online conference on April 3 with the theme “Faith put to the test in a new context.”
- The discipleship of new believers. Many are walking through difficult circumstances (cancer, family opposition, unemployment, etc.) and often without a strong community. Pray for the believers who are discipling them to be patient, grace-filled and wise.
- The evangelistic efforts through center ministries, Bible storying, social media, and every-day friendships to bear fruit.
- God to raise up Alliance ministers to serve in new European locations among the Muslim Diaspora.
- The new business and collaborator couple of the National Missions Department of the Chilean Alliance, Alejandro and Carolina Brañez. They have recently arrived in the Bordeaux area to set up a farm that will serve as a base for Chilean Alliance missionaries working in Europe and the Sixth Region.
- God to provide solutions to all the logistical problems the Brañezes have encountered: accommodations, farm acquisition, residency papers, a vehicle and insurance, etc.
- Praise God for the local Alliance Missions team that has been supporting the Brañezes as they adapt to a new country, culture and way of life.
Praise God for:
- His faithfulness and blessings for the worship services and for the work the Lord is doing in the hearts of so many of our church members.
- The number of people from all over the world who have joined us online recently on Sunday mornings.
Please pray for:
- The Home Church Live Stream (HCLS) in Cardiff, Wales. They have been live streaming their services since 2017 with an online membership of over 5,000.
- Our fellowship, locally and worldwide, to live for the glory of God and know the intimate presence of the Lord.
- The salvation of all unbelievers who watch the services online. May the name of the Lord be lifted high among the unsaved.
- Wisdom and opportunity to reach out to our local community with the love of Jesus, through means that honor him.
- Revival to return to our lands and nations, and for a mighty visitation of the Holy Spirit among us.
Please pray for these requests from the Alliance Church in Erbil, Kurdistan:
- The new church building: That we can solve the obstacles preventing us from starting to build.
- The new believers who received the gospel: To grow and share the gospel with others.
- Our media team: To be more active and passionate in sharing the gospel online.
Praise God for:
- The Alliance national church of Spain. They approved support for the sending of their first cross-cultural missionary. We rejoice in the Lord for his calling upon Alba’s life. We praise the Lord for this step forward for the church and their vision of taking Christ to the nations.
- Pastor Pepe Mederos and his wife Loli who moved from the Canary Islands to serve in one of the areas of Spain least reached with the gospel.
Please pray for:
- Alba and her visa process as she prepares to depart in the coming weeks to serve as a Bible translator in Mexico.
- The Alliance national church of Spain which approved support for the new church plant in Asturias, northern Spain.
- The 50 students at the Theological Training Institute INFORMA. They have recently finished classes in three important modules and are working on their assignments.
- The students who have family members in their home countries – Equatorial Guinea, Ecuador, Venezuela and Perú – who are in ICU (Intensive Care Units) with COVID-19 or who have died.
March 24, 2021
Please pray for:
- Rajesh Patole, executive director of Alliance Church Association (ACA) and Alliance Ministries India. He is now at the hospital with COVID-19. Please pray for God’s healing and provision.
- Yakob Ingle, president of the Maharashtra Synod India. His doctor has advised him of the need for surgery on his eyes. Pray for the financial provision needed for the surgery.
- The Alliance Church of Mongolia and the nomadic families living in the Gobi Desert. Last weekend the west of Mongolia was hit by strong dust and snowstorms. More than 600 people got lost and ten were killed. As a way to assist them, the National Alliance Church had planned to implement their “Gobi Drought Shepherd Relief Project” at the end of this month. But this is uncertain at the moment because of the lockdown due to the increase of COVID-19 cases.
Please pray for:
- The church buildings in Angola. The buildings, including Alliance churches, are being assaulted and vandalized by bandits.
- Our Angolan students at the Theological Seminary in Abdijan, Ivory Coast. We continue to ask God to open the doors for their financial needs and education.
- Construction of another church building in the country’s capital, Luanda. Pray also for the purchase of land in the province of Benguela to build a church.
We thank God for:
- The end of the more than ten-year conflict that separated the National Alliance Church of the DRC from the District of Kinkonzi. The old missionary station, the big hospital, and the oldest Bible Institute are in this district. They are now back under the management of the national office.
- The consecration of ten servants on Sunday, March 14, in Kinkonzi. They will strengthen pastoral care in this region which has long remained in isolation.
- The retirement ceremony of Monsignor Jean-Pierre Mayunda Nzelele, the former Alliance national president on Sunday, March 21, in Boma.
Please pray for:
- The freedom to worship that we enjoy in the DRC. It has been misused by the people who aren’t following distancing measures. Even though the quarantine here is over, it could push the government to start a new one.
- Our project to send Congolese missionaries to Guinea. It should take place this year. May the Lord provide all the necessary funds.
- The construction project of the Boma Amphitheater. We would use it for major evangelical gatherings. It could pave the way for establishing the first mega-church for the Alliance in the DRC.
- An end to the financial crisis affecting the National Board of Evangelization and Mission. Pray also for the development and autonomy of the mission fields.
- The administrative recognition of the missionary fields of the national churches. Pray also for the missionaries and their perseverance in the work in Gabon and throughout Africa.
- The form and the holding of big national meetings and particularly the synod for the renewal of the national office scheduled for the end of the synod year 2020-2021.
- Humility and wisdom for those in power managing COVID-19 with all its health and economic consequences. Pray also for the right choice of vaccine solutions.
- That God will help the people and restrain them from all forms of provocation and violence. They have been suffering economically because of the prolonged curfew and the closure of certain businesses.
- The leadership of our C&MA Guinea Mission and its visitation and encouragement program for transcultural missionaries. It is taking place March 15-25.
- The National Assembly of the C&MA of Guinea (April 7-10 in Kankan). Pray for wisdom and humility in debates and decision-making.
- The Alliance Women’s Association postponed its national conference, which would have happened in February. They are considering the possibility of holding it in April. Pray for good decision-making by the women’s office and the National Executive Committee.
- The mission’s department of the Alliance of Guinea is studying certain regions where there is still a lack of a Christian presence. They would like to send new missionaries to these regions. Pray for God’s guidance and wisdom in this effort.
Our International Workers (IWs) from the U.S. Alliance ask us to pray for:
- Senegal, West Africa. While things are calming over the last day or two, political demonstrations have turned violent. Pray for protection over our workers, peace of mind for their children, and that God will continue to bring peace to this situation. This is also a great opportunity to bring people to Christ.
- Our IWs as they handle their work and the stress of COVID-19. While things seem to be lifting in the U.S. and some countries overseas, there is still much upheaval and unknown. It is difficult to be in a foreign country with such a difficult disease controlling everyday life.
C&MA National Office:
- Those at the National Office in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Staff are selling their homes and starting the relocation process. Quite a few families will be moving this spring and summer.
- The transition of relocation space as we’re in the process of selling our building in Colorado Springs. There are lots of details to cover with spacing issues for work once we have to move out of the building.
- Our former National Office employee Mark who is in the ICU after having triple bypass surgery. This was sudden and serious. Pray for his wife, Dian, as she tries to be strong through this ordeal.
March 10, 2021
Please pray for:
- The development of the ministry of the churches in the face of the limitations required by the COVID-19 protocols.
- Wisdom of the pastoral body in these complex times.
- The advance of the vaccination plan in the face of the threat of a second wave of COVID-19. May the vaccine reach the right people and without political corruption.
- Wisdom for the government and leaders in the face of the difficult and tense political and social situation in our country.
- The fulfillment of the Great Commission in the Alliance of Bolivia. May the churches be faithful to the word of God and dedicated to the edification of our members. May we train members, leaders and servants with an evangelistic vocation and cross-cultural missions.
- The biblical-theological training of new leaders and pastors in Bolivia through the new leadership in their local churches. For the training we have a cooperation agreement with the seminary of our sister Alliance church in Peru.
- The health care and financial needs of the pastors and church members during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- The return of our missionary family in Thailand in March. Pray for the financial and emotional matters involving this return.
- The Albuquerque family, who leave for Portugal in the middle of the year. Pray that all documentation and governmental issues will be resolved. Pray also for their necessary financial support.
- The A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary in Sao Paulo. May God bring in new students and may we adapt to the virtual classroom system. Pray for the financial resources necessary for the seminary.
- The Church Planting Department (Missional Focus). Pray for the planters’ marriages and their families, and for the discipleship taking place.
- An end to the pandemic in Cuba so that the Alliance can carry out its church programs.
- The spiritual strengthening of the Cuban church.
- Wisdom for the board of directors to carry out the program of healthy and multiplying churches.
- Wisdom and strength for Rev. David Muthre, who has been re-elected president of the national church for a new two-year term. We thank the Lord for the successful meeting of the National Assembly of the C&MA of Ecuador, February 19, 20 and 27.
- The health and support of pastors, missionaries and leaders in general of the Alliance of Ecuador who are infected with the coronavirus.
- The outreach activities the churches of the Alliance of Ecuador. May many find salvation in Jesus Christ.
- The presidential elections of Ecuador (the second electoral round) on April 11.
- A spiritual awakening in the church in Peru. It is prompting us to continue taking the Lord’s truth throughout our country.
- The next presidential and congressional elections in our country on April 11. May the Lord give us wisdom and guide the Peruvian people to elect upright rulers, who truly seek the well-being of the country.
- The national Alliance church in Venezuela and our pastoral body. May God give us wisdom and everything we need to continue guiding and caring for each member. May the Lord grant his church the tools to disciple, evangelize and preach his word at all times.
- God’s intervention in Venezuela where ideologies contrary to Scripture are affecting lives and families. May God pour out his grace, mercy, salvation, justice and judgment.
- God to guide each disciple to fulfill his purpose in their lives. May they be an instrument of blessing and influence for their families, communities and country.
- Protection, provision and blessing for all Venezuelan migrants. May the Lord sustain, guard and provide the necessary resources to every family in our country.
March 3, 2021
Please pray for:
- The health of Rev. Brem Frentz, secretary of the AWF Executive Committee and vice president of Venture (C&MA Canada), who was diagnosed last week with an aggressive form of cancer. Pray for God’s intervention and the complete healing of our beloved brother.
- Spiritual discernment and wisdom for the AWF Execute Committee. Pray for the decisions to be made on its meeting March 5, especially concerning the AWF Quadrennial Convocation.
Please pray for:
- Our nation and churches as we anticipate Easter during the Lenten season. Pray that people would grow in their relationship with Christ as they prepare to celebrate that he is risen.
- Our South Asia project. Pray that our partnerships will be strengthened and that more people will be eager to learn about Jesus.
- Efforts of Defend Dignity which seeks to bring an end to sexual exploitation in Canada. They are the designated support for English-speaking Canadian victims of Pornhub. Pray for healing for victims of sexual exploitation.
- The health of our workers who are all over the world. Pray that they would be protected from COVID-19 and that they would be able to continue spreading the gospel.
- Wisdom for New Ventures engaging with welcoming new Canadians and serving vulnerable people groups in Canada. Pray also for growth and collaboration for ministry in the region of Northern Ontario.
- Our National Ministry Center team as we move into our new office in Toronto.
- Some Alliance churches in Africa are in areas where people practice traditional religions. This is the time of year when sacrifices are demanded and Christians are threatened if they refuse to participate. Pray that local pastors will have wisdom to encourage church members and be people of influence in their villages even among those who practice other religions.
- Amadou is a young man who suffers from muscular dystrophy. Hospital staff are planning to send him home to his family. Pray that his faith and passion for the Good News will be a witness in his village, which has no gospel presence.
- Intercede for the children of Alliance workers in Indonesia—specifically for their safety and early commitment to the Lord.
- A migrant church plant is seeking ways to have greater impact on the migrant population in their city. Pray for wisdom, empowerment, and resources. Ask God to increase the believers’ influence and guide their efforts according to his plan.
- An Alliance worker couple in Asia writes: “Please continue to pray for our mother church as they pursue buying land and a building.” Ask God to lead the congregation to the right place. “As with many churches around the world, their local giving has taken a hit with the COVID pandemic, but they are trusting God for his provision. We, and they, are very thankful for all the gifts that have come in from overseas for their building program.”
- The U.S. C&MA’s National Office in Colorado Springs, Colorado, is looking ahead to relocation to Columbus, Ohio. Some staff have already sold their homes and will move to Ohio in the spring. Others will move this summer. Please pray for the many details that need to come together not only for individual families but also for the sale of the existing property.
Please pray for:
- The Alliance DNA webinar in Arabic on March 6 (5:00 PM to 8:00 PM, Palestine Standard Time), organized by the EMERALD Region.
- Preparations of Dr. Jack Sara and Amer Fakhoury for leading and teaching the webinar.
- All the Arabic Alliance churches in the Middle East and in Europe to be able to attend.
- The technology and internet connections to work well on the day.
- The Alliance churches in France. In reaction to radical Islam, the French government is considering a new religious activity law that will place increased burdens and costs on evangelical churches. This may also restrict certain freedoms the churches currently enjoy. Pray that the French government will choose wisely and not impose additional burdens and restrictions on evangelical churches.
- The Alliance Manchester. They rented a building to expand their ministry among the different cultures and students in the city.
- Potential partners that will engage in the project to further the gospel among the nations in Manchester.
- The elders and church members as they take this step of faith.
- Provision for the ongoing costs of such a project.
- Dov and Olga Bikas and the Aviv Ministry team in Tel-Aviv. They help street addicts, alcoholics and prostitutes meet their basic needs such as food and clothing.
- Oleg, the rehab center’s manager, who has returned to drugs and left the ministry. Now he seems lost again, maybe even in a worse state than before.
- The Aviv Ministry team. This situation is painful for all of them. They loved and trusted Oleg and saw real, beautiful changes in him when he became a believer.
- The rehabilitants as it was a shock for them too. Oleg was their example and leader, but, praise God, nobody returned to drugs as a result.
- The Lord to send the right candidate as Dov is looking for a person who will replace Oleg as the rehab’s manager.
- The women’s shelter, and for the women and children in it and for the team.
- Outreach in Tel Aviv. That the rehab center would finally be able to move their activities indoors for better conversations and fellowship with the street addicts. Also, for more of them to decide to start rehabilitation.
- Olga’s recovery. Praise the Lord, she is getting better and stronger, but it is a slow process, so we have to be patient.
- Small group leadership training. Pray for maturity, vision and dreams, and leaders to find their callings.
- New believers’ follow-up. Many new believers need to be served and taken care of. Pray for the mature believers to take responsibility in raising the young ones.
- Evangelism training and visits. Pray for movement in the church to go out and reach the lost, especially the majority of Kurdish and “M”.
- The hard situation of no salaries for government workers. The situation is difficult because many families do not have the funds to provide even their basic needs.
- Syrian refugees. Many are open-minded and want to hear about Jesus, but few workers are available. Pray that the Lord of the harvest sends workers. Also pray for their physical and psychological needs.
- Unity among all the long-term workers.
- Enough support for the ministry needs and the needs of the workers in 2021.
- More boldness in reaching out to the lost, and for new believers to share the good news among their own people.
- Wisdom and boldness for Pastor Nour and his family to be always an excellent example.
- God’s strength for the churches and leaders of our congregations. New missions and church planting projects are arising in the Spanish Alliance.
- Unity among the churches to unite in projects that benefit the advancement of the kingdom of God.
- The Alliance Ministerial Training Institute INFORMA. They are looking for a new rector after the departure of missionary Steve Irvin who fulfilled this function. Strength and provision for students. Expansion of the teaching ministry of our Institute both inside and outside of Spain.
AWF Prayers – February 2021
February 24, 2021
Please pray for:
- Myanmar that has gone dark after three weeks after Myanmar military seized control of the country in a coup. The military detained democratically elected leaders while making up charges to hold them. Protesters gathered in Myanmar’s biggest city despite the ruling junta’s threat to use lethal force against people who join a general strike. Pray that the protests will not turn out to be a bloody situation.
- The Alliance in Myanmar to be God´s channel to proclaim righteousness and justice. Pray for God’s protection upon his people.
- On Saturday night, February 13, a 7.1 earthquake rocked the area that had been hit hard 10 years ago. Next month marks the 10th anniversary of that earthquake. Many are reliving those memories. Pray for the Alliance family in Japan.
- The NAFI ad-hoc committee had Zoom meetings on February 15 and 22 for the first time since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic. Pray that the Alliance in India can cooperate to do missions and church planting among the unreached people and implement the development projects of Phase two of the AWF Global Response to COVID-19.
- C&MA Australia held its council meeting February 4-6. Praise God for the success of the event. Pray for God’s anointing and wisdom over Rev. Ken Graham who was voted in for another three-year term as president of the C&MA Australia.
- The preparation of the General Council of Gereja Kemah Injil Indonesia (C&MA Indonesia) scheduled for April 13-16, 2021 in Jayapura, Papua.
- Protection and the necessary funds for the pastors and leaders who will attend the council.
- Daniel Ronda, president of the C&MA Indonesia. May he be filled with God’s anointing and wisdom.
Please pray for:
- The Pan African Alliance Women’s Fellowship will hold an online meeting March 5. Around 20 women from the executive committee and national leaders will participate from Mali, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Gabon, Congo-DRC, Congo-Brazzaville and Angola. Each country will share their news and how activities have continued during this COVID-19 period. Please pray for God’s wisdom and direction to decide which country will host the next regional women’s conference.
- The women to remain faithful to their mandate in spite of sickness. Pray that they can engage more women in prayer.
- The country that has plunged into a wave of violence due to economic, political, and social crises.
- The implantation of the church in the province of Lunda Norte, in eastern Angola.
- There are rumors of the use of hidden practices by some workers in the church. Pray that God will destroy these practices.
- There is an illegal entry of foreigners into the country, even with the borders closed. This is causing an increase in cases of COVID-19, as well as violence – a danger to society in general. Pray that God will enable the government to control this situation.
- Thank God for the “zero-conflict” policy in the church advocated by the new Management Committee. It allowed the former president, Reverend Jean-Pierre Mayunda Nzelele, and those who left with him to return.
- The consecration of ten servants. It will take place at the old missionary station o Kinkonzi on March 14, 2021. The servants were trained during their time of separation.
- The retirement of Reverend Jean-Pierre Mayunda Nzelele. The ceremony is scheduled for March 21, 2021. May the church mobilize itself in honoring the former president.
- The General Assembly of the Synod scheduled for July 2021.
- The Bible Institute of Kimini’s land in Kinshasa. It has been illegally occupied, and the local authorities have not helped. Pray that the church wins the case and gets the property back.
- The missionary Paul Kongolo in Ndola, Zambia. Because of the COVID-19 crisis, he is still having problems with paperwork and documentation. May God quickly resolve this situation so he can continue the Lord’s work in peace.
- Many people of Gabon are hurting others and themselves because of financial crises. Pray for God to guide the authorities and for his continued blessings.
- The Lord to give ecclesiastical leaders wisdom to create a support program for church members involved in social and political matters (mayors, deputies, senators, etc.). May the laws and values of God’s kingdom prevail in Gabon.
- Laws to be enacted to fight prostitution and moral depravity. Pray for the salvation of children, young people, and families in Gabon.
- The government to treat people, churches and other organizations equally when dealing with the COVID-19 situation. Pray for God to give the authorities wisdom to avoid social unrest.
- God to touch the churches’ hearts with a willingness to give their tithe and voluntary donations. May the Lord open the heavens so that his people in all the mission fields in Cameroon, Sao Tome and Principe, Equatorial Guinea, Benin, Togo, and Ghana, regularly receive financial support.
February 10, 2021
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF CLA (Latin America) Region:
- Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Ecuador: Please pray for the pastors and members of our churches who have been affected by COVID-19. Pray especially for those who have lost loved ones. May they find comfort, peace and strength in God to face the pain.
- Chile: We praise the Lord for his care upon the pastors, missionaries and families of our churches. God has been protecting us, despite the worsening of the pandemic in our country.
- Uruguay: Pray for the services and ministries of our local Alliance churches. In some cities in-person services are not allowed, in order to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus.
- Pray for the economic, social and political situation in our country. We are in an election year for deputies and senators for the National Congress.
- We ask that you pray for the ministries of our congregations and for a renewal of those who are wavering in their faith.
- We praise God that his church continues to grow. Many people are surrendering their lives to the Lord Jesus and being baptized.
- Please pray for the continuity and progress of the training of new leaders and pastors in the Alliance of Bolivia during 2021.
- Pray for our plans to plant new churches in Bolivia.
- Please pray for the emotional and physical health of our missionaries and their families. Pray for the leadership of the mission department, for wisdom in managing available resources and faith in raising new funds.
- Pray for the return of our missionaries in Thailand in March. Pray for the financial and emotional matters involving this return.
- Please pray for the A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary in São Paulo. Pray for the students who started online classes this month. May they influence their churches and the world with the gospel. Pray also that God will bring in new students to the seminary.
- Pray for each church planter and their families, as well as for new planters to work in the Brazilian Alliance church planting projects. Pray also for wisdom to raise financial resources to support these projects.
- We thank the Lord for the online celebration of our national assembly. It was held January 20-23, with the participation of all our pastors and church delegates. We reviewed the plans that had been established in order to prepare the future. We want to invest more in missions, church planting and biblical-theological education.
- We thank the Lord that in times of a pandemic, financial resources have not diminished. This has allowed us to maintain our missionary contributions and help others.
- Pray that we will be able to send new international missionaries.
- Pray for the continuity of the online classes of our Alliance Theological Seminary, which in 2021 celebrates 100 years. All glory be to God!
- Pray for the solution of social unrest in our indigenous communities. Also pray for our country, especially in this wildfire season.
- Pray for the national assembly of the Alliance of Ecuador, which will be held online February 19 and 20. On February 27, the assembly will meet in-person, for the election of the national president of the Alliance of Ecuador.
- Pray for the various in-person services and meetings that some of our churches are holding. May the Lord protect them and may his name be glorified at all times.
- Pray for the total reactivation of the economy in Ecuador, so that companies and businesses can stabilize financially. Pray that new sources of income can be opened for people who have lost their jobs.
- Pray for Peru. May the Lord provide the necessary support to the households that have been affected by the lack of employment. Many had to close their businesses due to the measures that were imposed by the new government.
- We ask that you pray for the presidential and congressional elections in April. May the Lord guide the Peruvian people to assume a true patriotism and to become conscientious in electing worthy representatives. May the new leadership have as a priority the stability and growth of the country.
- Pray for the church in Peru. May the Lord use his people as a channel of blessing to those in need in this time of uncertainty in our country. May God provide the necessary spiritual and material resources for us to continue fulfilling the work of bringing the gospel to those who do not yet know him.
- Pray for our pastoral body. May we be filled with wisdom, discernment and guidance from the Lord in these times. Join us in prayer for a new pastor for our Catia C&MA church.
- Pray for the youth and children in our churches and our country. Pray also for the spiritual growth of our flock.
- Pray for God’s health and protection in these times – especially for the total recovery of the president of the Alliance of Venezuela, Pastor Natanael Gil and his wife Evelyn.
- Pray for political and economic stability in Venezuela.
February 3, 2021
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF EMERALD (Europe & Middle East) Region:
- “Éxito”, a residential discipleship program for MBBs (Muslim Background Believers) continues in its pilot stage. Please pray for those currently in the program to grow in their faith, Spanish language acquisition and skill training. Also pray for the leaders as they develop the program. There are more MBBs who have need and are interested in joining.
- Please pray for our MBB brothers and sisters who are in various stages of discipleship. Pray that they would know the voice of the good shepherd and continue to follow him.
- Several Alliance Diaspora Ministries (ADM) workers and partners are recovering from COVID-19. Please pray for full restoration of health.
- Changing government restrictions make in-person ministry, classes, and meetings challenging across Europe. Pray for ADM ministers to depend on the Holy Spirit for creativity, wisdom and peace.
- Please pray for boldness in the witness and verbal proclamation of the gospel among all ADM projects. May the kingdom of Jesus advance among Europe’s Muslims for the glory of our Savior.
- Praise God for the foundation that the Chilean Alliance has created to do business as mission in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East in partnership with other members of the Alliance family.
- Pray that God will bless the partnerships between the Alliance in Chile, Colombia and the AWF EMERALD region as they seek to create a network of Colombian coffee shops to reach the lost.
- Praise God for the vision workshops that are happening in Alliance churches, and for the national board as they seek God’s will for the Alliance in France.
- Pray for Emy, the French Hmong missionary, as she builds her partnership network to return to a closed country in Asia to continue to reach an unreached people group there.
- Please pray for all in vulnerable homelife situations and those who are overwhelmed, lonely and lost.
- Pray for those who are disconnected from others and have accepted this as their “new normal.” Pray also for those who are seeking out unhealthy coping mechanisms, and for those who are experiencing anxiety and worry about the future. Many are asking big questions about life; for example, “There can’t be a God if this is happening.” Pray that the church will be salt and light for these people.
- Please pray for Keith and Flora Chiu (the new pastor at the London Chinese Alliance Church) as they find a house to settle in and continue their ministry in Harrow.
- Pray for anointing, strength and guidance from the Lord to build a culture of prayer, worship and praise in the church.
- Pray for the growth of the worship and media teams. May the Lord invite new people to these ministries, as a blessing for the church. Pray for the church to reach the youth of this generation.
- Praise God that the paperwork for the church construction is going well. We ask you to continue to pray for this new church building.
- Pray for the small group’s discipleship. May the Holy Spirit work in the life of the disciples to grow into mature believers and to be involved in the extension of the kingdom.
- Pray for the Lord of the harvest to send more long-term workers, and more short-term volunteers to preach the gospel and reach the lost.
- Pray for wisdom in finding a large parcel of land and financial support to buy it for multiple outreach projects. This vision is focused on children, university students and elderly people. This project will also include a small retreat center and ministry among nominal Christians.
- Pray for protection over more than 50 long-term workers from different countries and organizations. May the Lord protect them from the coronavirus and give unity among their families.
- Please pray for easier visa rules in Jordan for non-Jordanians.
Pray for the fusion of the ABC and Unie churches, and specifically for the following as the fusion process moves forward:
- Unity as Jesus Christ asks from us, although (or especially because) the congregations involved are quite diverse and merging is an emotional process.
- Continually let the word enlighten us, guided by God’s Spirit. Keep in mind and propagate the importance of mission from local to international.
- Communication between congregations, and between board and congregations, since we are committed to supporting each other as followers of our Lord.
- The Portugal Alliance team will be growing this year. We are expecting a new family from the USA and a family from Brazil. Pray for documentation approval, their safe arrival (mid-year) and vision for expanded ministry here in the northern region of the country.
- The country is currently in a very restrictive lockdown. Pray that our church planting team will find innovative ways to effectively develop the church plant in the town of Paredes (close to the city of Porto).
- Praise God that the Gorniy Rodnick children’s camp has been saved from being shut down, in part due to the participation of the extended AWF family. Pray that God will protect the campers from the dangers that COVID-19 represents.
- Pray for our Alliance pastors and workers. Russia’s new law on freedom of conscience and religious association makes it impossible for pastors trained outside of the Russian Federation to preach in a church or even conduct home Bible study groups. Pray that solutions will be found so that all Alliance pastors and workers in Russia can continue in their ministry.
- The COVID-19 pandemic continues its brutal course. Because of people’s lack of self-control at Christmas and New Year’s, contagiousness has increased significantly. The hospital’s ICUs (Intensive Care Units) and COVID-19 wards are swamped and reaching new records of infections and proportional deaths each week. Pray that God will give the authorities wisdom and strategies in the fight against this disease. Pray also that the people will follow the restrictions and that the population will be vaccinated soon.
- We ask you to pray for the team in Terrassa, where eight out of ten caught COVID-19. Pray especially for Envision intern Kara Dry, who has asthma, and for Venezuelan missionary Xiomara Cassese.
AWF Prayers – January 2021
January 27, 2021
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF Africa Region:
- May God help and guide us during 2021. Pray for the many challenges we have this year, such as: The General Assembly of the Alliance of Angola in August; training of new teams that can contribute to the Lord’s work; strategies and resources for the expansion of the church; sharing the gospel outside the usual places (churches) in this pandemic, with real conversions; and the conclusion of projects that are in progress.
- Pray for the health of our workers, including Pastor André Conga da Costa (former president of the national church) and his wife, who are serving in the Mission of Mboca. Pray also for encouragement of our pastors and leaders in the face of the pandemic.
- Pray for our country. May the treatment of the people in the face of COVID-19 be fair. Ask for the Lord’s intervention against this pandemic.
- The Alliance Church in the DRC thanks God for his protection during their pastors retreat. More than 1,300 pastors and their wives gathered in Tshela, Muanda, and Kinshasa. During the meetings, 92 members were consecrated to pastoral ministry. Please pray for these new pastors as they start their ministries in rural areas.
- Pray for the pastor care program. Due to the current economic crisis in the country, the church is struggling to raise support for active and retired pastors. Even with some giving their tithes and voluntary donations, there are still many underpaid ministers and workers.
- Pray for the financial support of our missionaries. The national church plans to host a fundraiser for missions in February – Missions Month. Please pray that the Lord gives us fundraising strategies.
- Pray for the diaspora churches in West Africa. They are facing many challenges because of the pandemic and its consequences. Let us pray that God continues to support them as they spread his word.
- Despite the regime change, the country continues to be politically unstable. Pray for the safety of the people as they face this instability during a deadly second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Pray for the church’s leadership. They are designing a support program for the socio-politically involved members such as deputies, senators, government workers, and others. May they keep Christ in their hearts and not lose hope.
- Pray for the selection of the elders to be mentored over the next year. During this time, the C&MA DNA will be instilled in them and they can move into ordained ministry with our four Alliance fellowships.
- All 42 students presently on scholarship with us will complete their studies and fulfill their covenant to serve with the Alliance. Pray that final submission of all documents and planning could be done for the graduation of our students from one of our five Bible schools in partnership with us.
- Pray that Adella will be strengthened and given wisdom as she leads five teams of translators putting the eternal word into their language and creating a Bible story book of 102 stories. Pray also that Adella would be helped by the Lord to maintain discipline in prayer and exercise.
- Pray for protection from the Coronavirus for all our fellowships and us.
- Pray for securement of visas for the next year and beyond.
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF North America Region:
- Pray for the broad availability and efficient distribution of COVID-19 vaccinations across the nation. To date supply channels have been under-providing what the Canadian government has requested and ordered. Essential services personnel and the aged and most vulnerable are the priority people in the early stages of vaccinations.
- The second wave of COVID-19 has been far more severe than the first wave. Pray that our churches and pastors will receive much wisdom and grace from God as they maneuver primarily through Zoom platform services during these challenging days.
- Pray for Alliance President David Hearn (now in his third and last four-year term) and his team at the national ministry center in Toronto. Pray also for his team of six district superintendents. Pray that the renewal movement that has started in the Alliance would move forward with an even deeper anointing and infilling of the Spirit of God.
- We request prayer for ongoing efforts to develop more effective structures, greater efforts in digital technology platforms and living into the deeper life of self-sacrifice. At the same time, we want to prioritize the multiplication of missionally engaged disciples. We also want to launch fresh church planting initiatives that we call “New Ventures.”
- Pray for the online JMC – Joint Mission Conference – that is being planned for July 2-3. The purpose of this conference is to advance missions in our generation as an Acts 1:8 movement of people bringing access to Jesus where few or none have heard. Pray for our more than 100 ethnic Chinese churches that play the key role in coordinating this event every two years.
- We are rejoicing for new mission personnel. They have been sent into their first assignments in January, to people groups in Iraq and Senegal. Pray the Lord of the harvest would raise up many more international workers across our Canadian churches to work at completing the Great Commission.
- Pray for efforts of Defend Dignity which seeks to bring an end to sexual exploitation in Canada. Faithful lobbying of the Canadian government to maintain appropriate prostitution laws is at stake.
- Our main office in Colorado Springs, Colorado is looking ahead to relocation in Columbus, Ohio. Some staff have already sold their homes and will move to Ohio in the spring; others will move this summer. Please pray for the many details that need to come together not only for individual families, but also for the sale of our property.
- One of our employees just lost her brother to COVID-19. Pray that Diane and her family may feel peace and joy in the midst of this difficult time. Her brother left behind a wife and two sons.
- Pray for Katherine, a pregnant woman who was hospitalized shortly before Christmas with COVID-19 and stage four pneumonia. She was recently released from ICU (Intensive Care Unit) and has been improving, although she still has a long recovery ahead. Her doctor was amazed she was able to leave the ICU without needing a C-section. Please continue to pray for complete healing and a safe delivery of the baby.
- Many of our Alliance workers are trying to return to the field. With stricter COVID-19 requirements now, this is much more complicated. Ask for God’s favor and intervention.
January 20, 2021
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF APAC (Asia Pacific) Region:
- Pray for Indonesia. It has the largest Muslim population in the world. Of the total population of 272 million, 170 million (62.3%) are unreached. Evangelical Christians represent just 3.2% of the population.
- Pray for the preparation of the General Council of Gereja Kemah Injil Indonesia (C&MA Indonesia) April 13-16, 2021 in Jayapura, Papua. This will be a gathering of all pastors and national leaders. The event will be held both onsite and online. Pray for the provision of needs, as well as good internet connection. Pray also for the election of the new president of the C&MA of Indonesia. May God provide the right person to serve for the next five years.
- Pray that God will give wisdom and power to the Indonesian government to manage the crisis caused by the global pandemic. The Coronavirus numbers in Indonesia are increasing. Hospitals are full; there is no more room. Indonesia started its vaccination program on January 13. Please pray that the vaccine will quickly reach the population, including remote places scattered over more than eleven thousand habited islands.
- Pray for the comfort of the families of two Indonesian Alliance workers who died of COVID-19. Also pray for God’s healing and protection upon hundreds of Alliance pastors and members who are infected.
- Pray for the safety of our missionaries in Taiwan and Hong Kong. Pray for God’s protection over their lives – that they will remain healthy and safe from COVID.
- Pray for Japan, one of the few countries with freedom of religion that has an evangelical population of less than 0.5%. Pray for Alliance workers from Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Peru, Philippines, Taiwan and United States serving in Japan.
- Pray for the two board meetings of the Japan Alliance Church (JAC) to be held online on January 26 and March 22. Pray for God’s anointing and wisdom upon each member of the board so that God’s vision for the national church will be accomplished.
- Pray for the preparation and fruitful outcome of the joint board of directors’ online meeting of the Japan Alliance Church (JAC) and the Japan Alliance Mission (JAM) to be held March 23. Pray for unity of spirit and mind among all leaders as they cooperate for the expansion of the church’s ministry in Japan.
- Pray that God will bring in new students to study at the Japan Alliance School of Theology in Hiroshima this spring.
- Pray for God’s protection of our congregations nationwide during this COVID-19 pandemic.
- Pray for Nepal and its small but growing evangelical population. More than 90% of the population is unreached.
- Pray that God will sustain and encourage the lay pastors taking responsibility for the 15-church planting ministries in the villages. They are facing financial challenges. Pray for God’s wisdom to guide Bikash Adhikari, general secretary of the C&MA of Nepal, in creating strategies to raise funds to meet the needs of the village pastors.
- Praise God for three new local churches that would like to join C&MA Nepal. Pray for a smooth process and communication in incorporating these congregations into the Alliance in Nepal.
- Pray for unity and vision for the C&MA missionaries from different countries who are working in Nepal in close coordination with C&MA Nepal.
January 14, 2021
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF APAC (Asia Pacific) Region:
- The Taiwan Alliance Church Union elected a new president, Rev. Silas Yang, as well as new board members. Please pray for a smooth transition and handing over of responsibilities and other national leadership matters.
- Pray for God’s wisdom as the new leadership meets to discuss corporate donation, revision of the articles of association, and amendments to the regulations of the Second Association.
- Pray for God’s guidance and unity for the new leadership team of the Taiwan Alliance Church Union as a co-organizing member of the Chinese Alliance World Fellowship Conference in 2021.
- Pray for the implementation of the “Gobi Drought Shepherd Relief Project” as part of the AWF Global Response to COVID-19. COVID-19 has been spread across the cities of Mongolia since November 2020, but fortunately no deaths have been recorded. Moreover, the Mongolian Southern Gobi area has been in a drought since last year. It is the first drought in 80 years. Herder families of the Gobi area have lost their herds; even camels, the most resistant animals, are dying.
- Pray for the C&MA Church of Mongolia that is planning to start a new church in the Southern Gobi area.
- Pray for a smooth transition and handing over of responsibilities and other national leadership matters.
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF Africa Region:
- Pray for four of our students attending the Alliance Seminary (Liberty Theological Seminary) in Liberia. They are praying for $200 USD each to complete their registration. Also, the seminary is praying for four desktop computers for the library and three laptops for administration.
- Pray that God will raise up more pastors for our churches in Liberia. The opportunity to plant new churches in every town and city is possible. We believe with our collective prayers the Lord of the harvest will call forth laborers for his own glory.
- Pray for encouragement for our pastors in the villages and towns. They are going through financial problems due to the coronavirus. As we pray together, we believe God will strengthen them continually in the discharge of their duties of teaching, preaching and evangelizing.
- Pray for the Christian High School in Monrovia. Through the help of the C&MA National Church in Liberia, the school was providing free lunches to every student because most parents cannot afford a breakfast in the morning for their children. The enrollment prior to coronavirus was 1,250 students. But due to the pandemic and its financial constraints, the national church concluded after many prayers that God would provide so that the free feeding program could continue.
- Pray for the teaching, discussions and various decisions made by the convention held in Monrovia at the headquarters the C&MA Church of the Believers December 7-13, 2020. Among the many decisions, the national church has agreed to train five persons to be missionaries on apprenticeship.
AWF Prayers – December 2020
December 9, 2020
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF CLA (Latin America) Region:
- For the health of some of our pastors. May they experience God’s healing power in their bodies.
- For the finances of the churches. Due to the pandemic, several of them have been affected and are struggling to support their pastors.
- For the election process of the new Board of Directors at the beginning of next year.
- For the churches’ plans for the coming year. May God give wisdom to the leadership teams to make the projections.
- For protection, so that the reopening of the church buildings may be a blessing to all who will attend. Pray also that there are no new outbreaks of the coronavirus.
- For God’s financial provision for our churches, especially those with construction and/or social aid projects.
- That the Alliance Bible Seminary of Guatemala can continue training our leaders, even virtually.
- For our country: After the recent political and social conflicts that have polarized the country, may our God bring peace, harmony and hope to the Peruvian people. May the Lord take control of this whole situation by eradicating corruption, immorality and any intention of imposing ideologies against life, family and Christian principles.
- For the church in Peru: May our God provide his church with everything it needs and requires to continue being an instrument of peace, love and reconciliation throughout the country.
- Thank God for His care, provision and faithfulness to each of the Alliance families in Venezuela.
- May the Lord provide physical and spiritual healing to each sick person. May they see the hand of God moving in the midst of their situation.
- For comfort and strength for families who have suffered losses and those who are separated due to migration. For Venezuelan migrants who suffer discrimination and/or persecution.
- May we be intentional in seeking God’s presence and confidently surrender all spiritual, emotional, and physical burdens at his throne of grace.
- For wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit for the pastoral body in Venezuela, especially in these times.
- May God show His grace and mercy for the Venezuelan people in the face of such an acute crisis due to lack of drinking water, electricity, gas, fuel, medicine, public services, etc.
December 2, 2020
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF EMERALD (Europe & Middle East) Region:
- Praise God for the new MBB (Muslim Background Believers) workers who are joining the Alliance family in France to share the good news among all nations. “The Alliance family, which is so open and focused on sharing the gospel among all nations is exactly where God has called me to serve” – quote from an MBB worker.
- Praise God for the successful multi-cultural church plant in Marseille among MBBs. They are planning four more baptisms for when the lockdown ends.
- Praise God for the new church plant in Cholet in the west of France, where the French Hmong churches are working in partnership.
- Praise God for T&B, a French Hmong couple who are preparing to head to the mission field in a closed country in Asia to share the gospel with the Hmong people there.
The Alliance Manchester (TAM) is negotiating to rent a building in Manchester with a view to expanding ministry among the different cultures and students in the city. This is a major development, and we ask you to pray:
- That negotiations and the legal work will be done in a God-honoring way.
- For the elders and church as they take this step of faith.
- That provision will be made for the ongoing costs of such a project.
Praise God for how He has mobilized the worldwide Alliance church family to give generously to support the repairs to the Alliance churches and Christian Alliance Institute of Theology (CAIT) following the explosion in the Port of Beirut. The response has been so encouraging:
- Jordan and the Holy Land: 20,000 USD
- AWF appeal: 7,116 USD
- France: 10,285 Euros
- Netherlands: 10,000 Euros
- Germany: 8,000 Euros
- Great Britain: 4,000 GBP
- Pray for the fusion of the ABC and Unie churches that officially took place on November 18th. Pray that this new Unie-ABC church union will be blessed as they advance the gospel in the Netherlands and throughout the world through missions in partnership with CAMA Zending.
- Praise God for the financial support that arrived from the C&MA Great Britain and AWF EMERALD to support the church plant in Burgas, Bulgaria. Please continue praying for financial support as there still is a shortfall to cover all the project operating costs.
- Praise God for sparing the life of Canadian International Worker Peter Reichert during his heart attack and subsequent bypass surgery. He is doing well physically and spiritually during what he calls this “hidden season.”
- Praise God for sparing from COVID-19 the lives of many Alliance workers, pastors, church members and various other members of local churches.
- Praise God for moving the Alliance churches forward during this last month through INFORMA classes and graduation, the Bethany School of Missions, and the second national missions conference.
AWF Prayers – November 2020
November 25, 2020
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF Africa Region:
- Pray for Rev. Alberto Guala, president of the Alliance of Angola. He is ill, suffering from malaria and high blood pressure. Pray that God will heal him.
- Pray for Pastor Leonardo Gomes, from the Good Shepherd Church, who tested positive for COVID-19. May God manifest His healing power.
- Pray for our two theology students at the Alliance theological facility in Cote d’Ivoire. Due to financial difficulties in paying the tuition, they run the risk of missing the school year. We praise God for the donation sent by a brother from the United States, but the scholarship was not enough to cover all the expenses. The total amount required for the two students is $26,000 (USD), which corresponds to two years of study. Pray that the Lord will provide the necessary funds.
- Pray for the moral, material and financial life of the Angolan Alliance workers during this critical period. The pandemic is hampering access to food, medical assistance and medicines, and free movement within the country.
- Pray for the renewal of the committees, departments and districts of the local churches of the Alliance Church of Mali during the months of November and December 2020. Pray also for the elections of the National Executive Committee in March of 2021.
- Pray for the financial support of four missionaries from the missionary agency of the C&MA of Mali.
- Pray for the functioning of the Protestant Center for Medical Assistance (CPAM) which was greatly affected by the COVID-19 quarantine.
- Pray for the transitional president and the government of Mali following the resignation of the President of the Republic on August 18, 2020. Pray for the churches and people displaced within the country due to a lack of safety in northern and central Mali.
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF North America Region:
- The second wave of COVID-19 has hit Canada with a vengeance. Record numbers of cases are being reported across the nation and in some areas lockdowns are being implemented yet again. Amid this, the economy is lagging and many people are experiencing financial challenges as they have lost their jobs.
- International migration hit record levels in recent years and prior to COVID-19 international students poured into the country. The largest number of students by ethnicity are from the second most populated nation of South Asia. With a fresh emphasis across the Canadian Alliance to focus on the approximately two million who are in Canada, as well as launching fresh partnerships into South Asia, we are praying for a movement of Holy Spirit-anointed engagement in both directions. A pilot project is being put in place to disciple South Asian people through digital means. That will enable Alliance people across our country to be engaged in reaching the nations even during this global pandemic.
- Many of our churches and pastors are growing weary of living in the uncertainties and changes that they have to maneuver. They are wrestling with discouragement and fatigue. There has also been significant attrition of our international workers in 2020. Pray for fresh renewal of body, soul and spirit for our workers.
- Praise God for the innovation that is happening through digital communication methods and strategies. This is proving to be efficient and effective.
- Praise God for a re-thinking of how we engage in making disciples everywhere in the Canadian Alliance.
- The past couple of years has seen the foundations for a grassroots renewal movement through Holy Spirit encounters and Soul Care events. Pray that these will continue and increasingly be infused with missional engagement in bringing access to Jesus where few or none have heard. Mission engagement and disciple-making are integrated components of basic dynamic Christianity. May God’s divine and manifold presence be released powerfully across his church.
- Several workers on home assignment have faced delays in their departures and returns. This includes a worker who has been in the United States taking care of details related to his father’s death. Pray for spiritual and emotional refreshing and against discouragement.
- With the holidays upon us and the upswing of COVID-19 numbers, pray for people to be able to handle the difficult days ahead.
- Churches desire this to be a special season, and Christmas is always the perfect time to reach out to our neighbors. With COVID-19 complicating things, pray for wisdom as churches find creative ways to reach their communities.
- Pray for an outreach scheduled soon in an unchurched city. New COVID-19 restrictions complicate the planning, which has been on hold for nearly six months.
- COVID-19 is touching several at the C&MA National Office. We are down to 25% capacity allowed in the building. Pray that the team will not be discouraged but find ways to be productive and creative as we continue with our work.
November 19, 2020
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF APAC (Asia Pacific) Region:
- Pray for the Philippines, which was hit hard by the recent typhoons that came in close succession.
- Pray for the C&MA of the Philippines (CAMACOP). In Mindoro, 34 families were affected by Typhoon Quinta and were assisted with basic needs such as food and grocery items. Eighteen houses were partially damaged. Our partner church in Hong Kong donated a generous amount for the rebuilding of damaged properties and sources of livelihood for our brethren there. In Bicol, ten CAMACOP churches were heavily damaged, and three were less severely damaged. A total of 878 families from 33 communities in Bicol were among those affected.
- In thanksgiving to God for the first anniversary of the APAW Prayer Connection, the Asia Pacific Alliance Women’s Committee will hold a virtual Praise and Prayer Celebration on November 28. This online celebration will be attended by Alliance women in that region and others as well as the Alliance World Fellowship.
- Pray for singleness of mind, focus and God’s guidance for the APAW committee in the on-going preparations.
- Pray for good internet connections for all the women participating and for God’s anointing power of joy to fill every heart.
- Pray for the Sunday School seminar that was scheduled to be held in Tokyo on November 3 and had to be postponed until next year due to the coronavirus.
- Pray for the Board of Directors meeting of the Japan Alliance Church to be held by Zoom on December 1.
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF EMERALD (Europe & Middle East) Region:
- Pray for a newly appointed Palestinian pastor in a major city north of the West Bank. He was named to the leadership team of this international and local congregation.
- Pray for the newly established church in Bethlehem. The small but vibrant Alliance congregation is growing under the leadership of Jack and Madleine Sara.
- Pray for protection of our congregants during the COVID-19 pandemic and that the country will not go into another lockdown.
- Pray for the people’s economic situation. After the latest lockdown and loss of tourism, many are struggling to survive.
- Pray for the senior leadership team of the Alliance churches in the Holy Land. They need wisdom to handle difficult issues at hand.
November 11, 2020
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF CLA (Latin America) Region:
- For wisdom so that the Church continues sharing the gospel in the midst of crises. May we be a Church that manifests the love of our Lord to people.
- For us to be able to continue to support our missionaries.
- For the increase in COVID-19 infections to stop, and for the fragility of the Argentine economy.
- May God raise up new leaders and pastors for our churches in Bolivia.
- May God bring a spiritual awakening in all our churches.
- May God guide the new national government of Bolivia to just decisions, without corruption or abuse of power.
- For the spiritual health of our churches and their pastors. After many months in this pandemic, there is manifest fear, stress and desperation.
- Due to the resurgence of COVID-19 in our country, we have many infected Alliance families. There are new quarantine periods.
- For peace in those homes that have lost loved ones.
- For the upcoming district conventions. All will be by videoconference. May the Lord help and guide us.
- For peace to face these times. May it lead us to meditate on our paths. Let us examine ourselves before the Lord! “It is the LORD who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not leave you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.” Deuteronomy 31:8.
- For the economic situation in our country and the changes that will come from now on.
- For the unity of the C&MA of Cuba and the maintenance of ministries. May the vision that God has given us to promote and achieve healthy and multiplying churches be the focus of all our pastors.
- For each district and its board of directors to develop and plan strategies and goals directed by the Holy Spirit. Pray that our pastors will grow each day in character to be more like Jesus.
- That after so many months without being able to gather in churches, now that in-person services can be held again, the revival of the Lord has filled the heart of every believer.
- For our missionaries, Brandon and Ricardo, that God may help them in their work in these times of pandemic. For Fanny, a Chinese missionary, who has not been able to return to her country. For Miguel and Ingrid Grassals, Dominican missionaries in Panama, that God may bless and keep them. For Daniel King, a Korean missionary, that God may strengthen him in his work as a church planter.
- For God to supply the resources for the completion of the construction of our Alliance camp.
- For God to direct the national and district board of directors in these times of pandemic.
- For the evangelical church in Peru: May the Spirit of God guide His Church in reopening their buildings this month. May we be careful and responsible in complying with all the regulations decreed by the government.
- May the Lord continue to care for, guide and bless His people and allow us to continue spreading His Kingdom throughout Peru and the world.
- For our country: May the Lord allow economic activity in Peru to resurface. Pray that jobs will be created for the many Peruvians who have become unemployed because of the closure of small and large companies during the pandemic. May the Lord bless the Peruvian families and provide what is necessary, especially to the most-needy homes.
- May the people of God in Venezuela stand firm and be strengthened in their faith.
- For open doors for the preaching of the gospel and for new strategies.
- For wisdom and prudence in the reopening of our church buildings, to follow the guidelines given by the authorities.
- For the C&MA in Venezuela, so that we may be salt and light in the midst of everything that is happening in our country.
- For God’s help in the face of the crisis in public services, such as a lack of electricity, water, gas, gasoline, communication, and transportation. Pray that the economic crisis has a favorable change for citizens.
November 4, 2020
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF EMERALD (Europe & Middle East) Region:
- Pray for the workers among Muslims to be bold in their witness and wise in their decisions. Pray for those affected directly and indirectly by the Coronavirus and government restrictions.
- Community is important for new believers from a Muslim background, but with COVID-19 restrictions many are isolated. Pray for their growth in faith and for God’s peace and provision.
- Pray for local churches in Europe to see Muslim immigrants as an opportunity for Jesus to be known. Pray for God’s guidance and direction for some congregations who are seeking to reach out to immigrant communities. Also pray for God’s peace and provision for pastors and church leaders during the pandemic.
- Pray for Kingdom advancement in the needy areas of Italy and Greece.
- Pray for Alliance churches in France that are once again facing a lockdown due to the second wave of COVID-19 that is hitting the country hard. Pray that God will give us wisdom for restarting church life and for our worship services to be as normal as possible.
- Praise God for the successful multi-cultural church plant in Marseille among MBBs (Muslim Background Believers). It has grown to 30 people in under two months.
- Praise God for the successful Alliance pastors retreat that took place online for the first time ever.
- Praise God for the 8,000 Euros raised by the German Alliance (MAKD) for the work Pastor Charbel Malak does among those hit hard by the explosion in Beirut a few months ago.
- Pray for Shoin Go, the pastor of the Chinese project in Mainz/Frankfurt, who is experiencing issues with the extension of his residence permit. We hope and pray that the officials will soon decide in his favor.
- Pray for the oral ordination exam of Christian Lukas on November 20. He is the only German youth pastor in any Chinese church in Germany to work among the second-generation residents.
- Pray for the online annual business meeting on November 21.
- Pray for the MAKD churches and projects as they adjust to the new COVID-19 limitations. Meeting space is a big issue for all of them as we approach winter.
- Pray for the current challenges that our immigrant population is facing. We would appreciate your prayers for the European members and close friends who are facing uncertain times with the potential no-deal Brexit.
- Pray that the Lord gives The Alliance Manchester (TAM) creative ways to reach out to people in the city of Manchester.
- The Beirut explosion on August 4 damaged several buildings, including the Christian Alliance Institute of Theology (CAIT), churches, ministries and offices.
- Pastor Charbel Malak, academic dean of CAIT, thanks the global Alliance family for their prayers, donations and support. He writes, “We have been able to fix around 182 damaged homes. We distributed around 44 Bibles and we saw three people come to Christ. All of them receive a daily video message from the Word of God, that I record and send out.”
- Travel restrictions are in place in Portugal, not allowing residents to leave their county because of the second wave of COVID-19. Pray that God will direct our church as we return to online ministries. Also, pray for the physical protection of our church members.
- Pray for Fernando, the first baptized man in the Alliance Church of Paredes. He suffers pain from rheumatoid arthritis and is on oxygen for a lung disorder. He has been put on palliative care. He needs a miracle.
- We hope to receive two Alliance missionary families in July 2021, one Brazilian and one American to work in Portugal. Pray that God will direct us in preparing for the logistics of their arrival, including new strategies. Also pray that God will prepare and provide for them in their respective countries.
- Pray for the church plant in Burgas, Bulgaria and provision for their financial support. Due to lack of funds the rent debt is growing and, at the moment, they owe the landlord four months’ payments.
- Pray for C&MA US missionaries Isaac and Samantha Fox. Isaac has tested positive for COVID-19 and he and Samantha have light symptoms. Their children are fine. Pray that their teammates, Mike and Alyssa Brill, do not contract the virus.
- Pray for Colombian missionary Martha Bernal de Vega, a sixth grade teacher at an international school in Terrassa. The school has lost specialist teachers, so the pressure on the homeroom teachers has increased.
- Praise the Lord for the graduation of six students from our ministerial training institute, INFORMA. Pray for the men and women who have been diligent to present themselves as workers approved by God, with integrity and a faithful witness to the word of truth.
- Pray for the National Missions Conference of the Alliance of Spain (FIACME) to be held online on November 13 and 14 with the theme “But You Will Receive Power” (Acts 1:8).
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF Africa Region:
- Praise God for the reopening of the C&MA of Liberia Liberty Theological Seminary in Monrovia on October 1. Pray that the Lord will provide the financial resources to meet the budget of the seminary. We are also praying for missionaries to teach at the seminary and partnerships with any Alliance country in this endeavor.
- Praise God for a one-day workshop about the Alliance DNA held by the C&MA of Liberia on October 9. This workshop brought together 115 leaders. President Roosevelt Zarwulugbo Liberty was the keynote speaker. Pray that the leaders will also teach the importance of the Fourfold Gospel and the Deeper Life in their churches.
- Pray for a four-day district prayer meeting scheduled for the second week of November in the Zeewroh Church of the Believers. Pray for God’s provision for the members in that district who are planning to attend.
- Praise God that we are experiencing unity in the Alliance Church in Liberia. Pray for God’s wisdom and guidance as we reach out to the few members holding back to return to the church.
- Pray for the Christian High School in Monrovia. The school is within the Church of the Believers School System in Liberia. Besides free tuition, the school is also providing free lunch to every student because most of the parents cannot afford a breakfast for their children. We are praying that God will work a miracle for the free feeding program to continue.
- Pray for the annual conference to be held December 7-13, and for the members who are planning to attend. Also pray for those who may not be able to participate, due to the pandemic and bad road conditions. Our conference speakers need your prayers as they have been challenged to teach on the theme “Faith in Times of Crisis.”
AWF Prayers – October 2020
October 28, 2020
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF APAC (Asia Pacific) Region:
- Massive flooding in Cambodia. Please pray for waters to recede as it can affect the harvesting of rice (their main source of income and food). Plus, rains bring snakes and mosquito-transmitted diseases (dengue fever, malaria, etc.).
- We praise God for His care, protection and provision during this difficult time of the COVID-19 pandemic. We praise God that we could raise funds to support families in need during this time.
- We praise God for the opportunity to share the love of Christ via online worship services.
- Please pray for the work of the Alliance churches, the national church committee, and the four regional committees serving 230 Alliance churches in Cambodia.
- Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a shortage of ICU (intensive care unit) beds and ventilators in our capital, Kathmandu. Pray for the government to develop proper strategies to combat COVID-19 and demonstrate servant leadership. People are dying without getting treatment and from hunger, and more than 300 people have committed suicide since the start of the lockdown in Nepal.
- We are having difficulties with our rented church building. The landlord is building a big house on the same property and is asking us to leave, even though we have rented the building for 10 years. Pray that this situation will be resolved soon; pray for God’s direction whether we should stay in this building or move. We have started praying for our own church building.
- Our church ministry is working with the provincial government to fight COVID-19. Please pray for our partnership with them that we can be living witnesses of Christ.
- Praise the Lord for more than 30 people who have come to Christ through our ministries in recent months.
- Our congregations in villages are doing well and meeting in home churches. Pray that they continue to grow in their faith and love for Christ. Pray also for the financial situation of our church leaders.
- Pray for the academic year and online classes since schools are closed. All education is being done online, and children are becoming addicted to mobile phones. We have been working to provide educational support for children.
- Pray for our Global Impact Week running November 7-14. With our global partners unable to attend due to our borders being closed, we still plan to make this a meaningful time by using technology to connect us across the oceans.
- Pray for one of our pastors who is stuck in the USA and can’t get to New Zealand. Pray for a reopening of the borders to visa holders like Pastor Tyler.
- Praise the Lord for 83 new churches that have been planted this year despite the pandemic.
- Pray for the National Board of Trustees’ year-end meeting in November, the presentation and approval of a 2021 budget, the final General Assembly program presentation, year-end ministry reports, etc.
- Pray for God’s wisdom as we plan and prepare for two major online events: District Conferences (January-March 2021) and General Assembly (April 27-30, 2021).
- Pray that the current national church leaders may be able to reach and achieve their goals and programs for these last seven months of their terms. Pray also for God’s will and direction as to who will be the officers to be elected by the end of April 2021.
- Pray for God’s sustaining power for all workers and church leaders so that the ministries God has entrusted to them will continue to flourish and bear much fruit, in spite of the pandemic’s limitations and restrictions.
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF Africa Region:
- Praise God for the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Alliance of Angola that took place October 16-18. May God help and guide us in implementing the decisions that were made.
- Pray for the expansion of the Alliance Church in our country.
- Pray for two brothers from the Alliance in Angola who are studying theology at the Alliance theological center in Cote d’Ivoire. They could lose their scholarships due to lack of financial resources. Pray that the Lord will provide the necessary funds.
- Pray for the rehabilitation of the Mboca Mission, which is compromised due to the deterioration of the building’s infrastructure.
- Pray that the partnership of the Alliance churches with ICM (International Cooperating Ministries) will be strengthened.
- COVID-19 cases are increasing in our country. Pray that God will empower the Angolan government and provide necessary resources in response to the pandemic.
- Because of our abominable sins of unbelief, injustice, corruption, homosexuality, sexual orgies, and crimes of all kinds, we repent before God and pray for a nation where every public act and decision is taken in fear of the Lord and for the well-being of all.
- Pray that the government be honest and respect the constitution of the country which recognizes the important role played by religious communities, particularly the Church of Gabon which works for the salvation, education, health and prosperity of each citizen.
- Our country has been going through an acute crisis, manifested by the breakdown of consensus around the management of the COVID-19 pandemic and the unilateral positions taken by the current government against the religious community. Let us pray for the Body of Christ’s strengthened unity, and the revelation of new strategies for the expansion of the Kingdom of God in Gabon. Pray also for a stronger influence of the church in all the institutions of the country as well as for a more marked leadership of the Christian and Missionary Alliance.
- Pray for a strong consensus among religious communities and the calm resumption of activities in fear of God. May God incline the hearts of those who govern in the direction of His will.
- Pray that the doors of supply will be opened to the needs of the people and that the security and peace of God will be granted to all in Gabon.
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF North America Region:
- Pray for the C&MA as they decide where to relocate – a major decision. Many of the leaders are meeting this week in Ohio to hopefully come to a decision.
- Our churches in the western Pennsylvania area have several who are suffering from heart attacks and strokes, COVID-19, and broken bones. Pray that they not become discouraged but know they are cared and prayed for.
- As the Alliance seeks to continue broadening the reach of the gospel, gifts to Alliance ministries enable our workers to bring Christ’s life-giving message to lost people in our neighborhoods and around the world. Please pray for God’s people to give generously to help ensure that those without hope can experience His loving embrace.
October 14, 2020
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF CLA (Latin America) Region:
- May we as a nation acknowledge our sins of corruption, renounce them, and repent before God in prayer. We pray for a nation where every act and public decision is transparent and for the well-being of all. Let the fear of the Lord be upon each person in authority.
- May each believer have wisdom, purity, strength of character and growth in their faith to understand that we must not take shortcuts in the face of the acute crisis that our country is experiencing. Let us pray that doors of provision are opened to the needs of the people and that the peace of God reigns in the hearts of Venezuelans.
- For the church ministries that are being developed in the midst of all this crisis. Pray for God’s grace and wisdom, and for His people to boldly speak the word of truth so that every day more people are saved. As God’s people, may we love the truth that sets us free and announce to others the joy of our hope and raise a cry for the hopeless, the oppressed and the captives.
- For the preparation of the church to resume its in-person meetings and services.
- For improvement of the financial situation in Argentina and for the physical and emotional health of our churches, pastors and leaders.
- For the decrease of COVID-19 infections. Argentina is sixth in the world in the number of infections.
- For the improvement of the country’s economic situation. There was a 41% increase in poverty in general, and a 56% increase among children.
- For the climatic situation in Argentina. It has been affected by droughts in the north of the country and forest fires in 11 provinces.
- May God raise up leaders, missionaries and pastors in our churches.
- May God guide us in planting new churches in Bolivia.
- For God’s guidance and protection in this month of political tension due to the presidential elections, and in the midst of the COVID 19 pandemic.
- For the protection and care of the pastors who carry out their ministerial work in areas where violent groups operate. Pray, as well, for the congregations.
- For the spiritual renewal and restoration of our church members who have withdrawn from church activities and have diminished their relationship with God during this time of pandemic.
- For good support and implementation of the Youth Development program through the teamwork of our Alliance Youth and Children’s Ministries for the benefit of adolescents.
- For strengthening of the work of God in our country “to destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8b) so that the truth prevails in all the powers of the State. May ideologies and philosophies that are opposed to Christianity be slowed, so that all Peruvians may have a true encounter with God.
- May God help us to establish a new National Fraternity of Churches for the blessing of our nation. Pray for a spiritual awakening in all the churches in Peru, where we can be witnesses of God’s work in the lives of all members (pastors, leaders, brothers and new believers): “… Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you” (Joshua 3:5).
October 7, 2020
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF North America Region:
- Pray for our family of churches during a second wave of COVID-19 which is gaining momentum. Once again that will have implications regarding public and private gatherings. Some of our churches have still not begun to gather face-to-face for services. The impact has been significant and many of our pastors are experiencing extreme pressure and stress. Many churches have also seized the opportunity to innovate, and some are even growing during these circumstances.
- Although some of our international workers have needed to return to Canada due to the pandemic and its impact on missions, others have quite stable environments and are highly engaged in regular relational ministries.
- President David Hearn is inviting the Alliance family to speak about the vision and mission of the C&MA by holding a series of 10 “Listening Circles” October 13-19, and/or by completing an anonymous online survey.
- Pray for two days of Impact Team meetings that will involve Canadian District Superintendents as well as Regional Developers October 6-7.
- Giving towards the global advance fund from January through August of this year is down around 11% from anticipated levels. We praise God, however, for sacrificial giving by churches during the global pandemic.
- Pray for a series of meetings that are being held among national ministry center personnel to address racism, injustice and the church.
- Pray for vision, organizational structure and clarity for expansion of marketplace ministries to assist in bringing access to Jesus where few or none have heard the gospel.
- Continue to pray for churches and pastors as they navigate bringing their congregations together under restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic. Pray for new opportunities that will come from this difficult and trying time.
- Massive forest fires in the western U.S. have burned millions of acres and thousands of homes. Pray for rain. Also, pray for Alliance churches and their members as they bring a ministry of hope in these places
- In West Africa, pray for the protection of the church and international workers in the midst of growing extremist activities. Pray also for the advance of the gospel in spite of the danger people face.
- Pray for the Board of Directors and President John Stumbo as they meet at the end of October.
- Pray for the U.S. national elections on November 3.
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF Africa Region:
- Pray for the upcoming pastoral retreats with 712 pastoral couples and 93 newly ordained pastors attending. Due to social distancing measures, the retreat will be organized in three sites: Tshela (October 4-12), Muanda (October 18–25) and Kinshasa (November 1–8).
- Pray for the missions mobilization team as they plan the missions month to be held in February 2021. Pray for greater engagement in missions by the local churches and their members.
- Pray for President Marcel Bunda Bunda. May the Lord continue to inspire the national church leaders to plan and carry out work that leads to deeper life, church growth and missions engagement.
- Pray for the rule of law within our country. As we say, “Justice raises a nation.”
AWF Prayers – September 2020
September 30, 2020
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF EMERALD (Europe & Middle East) Region:
- Praise God for the Alliance churches in France that have raised more than 6,000 Euros to support the Alliance churches in Lebanon.
- Pray that God will give us wisdom for restarting church life and that it will be as normal as possible during our worship services despite the second wave of COVID-19 that is hitting France hard.
- The second wave of COVID-19 has led to the cancellation of the traditional Regional Alliance Fellowship services that take place every Autumn throughout France. Please pray for the preparations of the virtual National Alliance Fellowship that will take place online on November 8.
- Please pray for the preparations for the annual Alliance Pastors Retreat that will be taking place online for the first time ever (October 27-29).
- Pray for the preparations for an Alliance DNA seminar that has been rescheduled for Spring 2021 in Berlin with Dr. Marco Wittenberg and Rocco Rausch.
- Praise the Lord for the encouragement and response of the online members at the Home Church Live Stream (HCLS), Cardiff. The Lord has blessed His work in and through Home Church Live Stream and we give Him all the thanks and praise.
- Thank God that the legal process of acquiring the leasehold ‘retirement’ flat for Alexis and Ada, the pastoral couple of the North London Alliance Church, is near its final stage. Pray that it can be smoothly completed for a move in a couple of weeks before mid-October.
Praise God that we are very blessed to be in this prayer circle that unites all Alliance churches in the world. It is our pleasure to share with you our prayer requests in order for you to join us in praying:
- Praise God that the paperwork for building the church is going very well. Please continue to pray for the new church building, to solve the obstacles hindering us from starting construction. As it is written in Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”
- Pray for church members to grow and enter a new depth of brotherhood.
- Pray for the new believers who received the gospel, that they would grow and deliver the gospel to others. Romans 8: 29 says, “For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters.”
- Pray for our media team to be more active and passionate in sharing the gospel online. In the Iraqi language, we need to be “like fire on the top of a mountain.”
- Praise God for the Alliance churches in Europe and throughout the world that have answered the call to support the Alliance churches in Lebanon.
- Praise God for the four Alliance churches in the Netherlands that have raised substantial support (one church raised more than 6,000 Euros) for the Alliance churches in Lebanon.
- Praise God for the new workers that God is calling to serve in the mission field with CAMA Zending.
- Pray for Russia where more than one million people have caught the coronavirus. It is more active than ever in the country.
- Praise God that Peter Reichert, a C&MA Canada worker, was discharged only five days after open-heart surgery! He is on the road to recovery. Please pray that his recent bouts with kidney stones will not return during his rehab.
- Praise God that both the Papavero and Layfield families have found and moved into well-placed housing for their ministry assignments in and near Madrid and Malaga, respectively. Pray that they can make their houses a home for both themselves and others, offering Kingdom hospitality for those they meet.
- Praise God that the thrombosis in the legs of Alliance Missions worker Marci Foucault has stabilized with hot compression socks. Pray for healing before her October 2nd appointment with the specialist!
- Pray for the beginning of classes at LIFE International School this week. As a private Christian school, it has the potential to model safe practices for our community and other schools during the pandemic. Pray for the new teachers, Doreen Riedel and Samantha Johnson, and give thanks for the arrival of Leah Heneveld’s visa approval.
September 23, 2020
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF APAC (Asia Pacific) Region:
The number of people who have committed suicide in the state of Gujarat has increased due to the mental effects of COVID-19. Some of these people belonged to the Christian community. In response, the Gujarat Synod Committee is organizing a webinar for Alliance pastors and church leaders to become helpers in supporting and assisting their own people and communities in overcoming the adverse effects of the pandemic. Please pray for:
- The working committee to be united in the efficient preparation of the webinar.
- The success of this virtual event and full cooperation of pastors, and above all a spiritual opening to those non-believers who will be invited to join the webinar. These non-believers are the recipients of the AWF COVID-19 Response Project food distribution.
- Wisdom and guidance for Rev. Yakub who will lead the organization of the webinar.
- The spread of COVID-19 is still high in Indonesia and some of our pastors have been infected. Pray for God’s healing for those who are COVID-19 positive and for protection for all God’s people in Indonesia.
- All churches are already back in church buildings for worship. Pray for the digital ministries to reach children and senior citizens who are not yet allowed to attend any in-person worship services.
- That pastors in the villages and remote areas use the pandemic situation for a more holistic approach in ministries such as community development, farming, etc.
- For church leaders to be strengthened in unity and for spiritual growth.
- May the Youth Ministry be strengthened, and many new youth leaders be raised up in the Mongolia Alliance Church (MAC).
- The current property that had belonged to the international CAMA Center is about to be given to the Mongolia Alliance Church officially and legally. However, a problem related to Mongolian law in transferring property has arisen. As a result, it is possible that MAC will have to pay a certain amount to the government. Please pray that MAC may receive the property without problems and not have to pay any fees.
- MAC is planning to plant new churches in the provinces of Selenge, Uvurkhangai, and Zavkhan where Buddhism is strong among the locals. Please pray for a fruitful church planting ministry.
- In some Mongolian provinces there was a drought this summer. As a result, many animals have died due to lack of pasture, and herdsmen are feeling depressed. Pray that churches may visit herdsmen in the provinces and encourage them with the Word of God.
- Pray for MAC’s 2020-21 goal of preparing workers for church ministry as written in Ephesians 4:12, “to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ.”
Thailand C&MA (TCMA)
Praise God for the Thailand C&MA Annual Conference that was held September 2-3. The conference was originally scheduled for March 2020 but was moved to September due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Two-hundred-two representatives from all over Thailand attended the meeting. The highlight was the ordination and installation of pastors and workers.
Please pray for:
- The TCMA leadership team to successfully implement the national church plan that has been laid out.
- Successful planning and provision for the Pastors’ Conference in January 2021.
- The spirit of unity that it will become stronger and deeper among Alliance churches in Thailand.
- Sanguansak Worawat, the national president, that God may help him, give him wisdom and strength to lead the TCMA.
Vietnamese-Thai Church Planting in Thailand
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the church planting ministry among the Vietnamese-Thai in the provinces of Nakhon Panom and Mukdahan did not stop. Evangelism, worship, and discipleship are still going on. Please pray for the following:
- For God’s provision in meeting the financial needs of Narong and Thinh, a Vietnamese missionary couple whose outside support has been affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
- For God’ protection as Narong and Thinh travel from Nakhon Panon to Mukdahan, a newly opened church planting ministry.
- That everyone who attends church and is being discipled will grow spiritually.
September 9, 2020
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF CLA (Latin America) Region:
- For the protection of church members due to the increased spread of COVID-19.
- For changes in government management, which makes it difficult to send foreign currency to support missionaries.
- For wisdom to continue preaching the gospel of the kingdom in the midst of current crises.
- For the economy and the country’s political class, which is divided and not paying attention to the real needs of the population.
- May God raise up new pastors and missionaries from our churches, who are fully committed to the Great Commission.
- For the Alliance soon to plant new churches in Bolivia.
- For the new director of the A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary, Rev. Wilson Ferrante Junior, and the new Board of Directors: that they have wisdom in developing strategies and actions for the training of new leaders.
- For the reorganization and readjustment of the work of the Brazilian Alliance Missions Department, so that they may have wisdom in carrying out the strategies already elaborated, and that the members of our churches continue to contribute with the Promise of Faith for the support of our missionaries in the field.
- For the reorganization and readjustment of the works of the Missional Focus, so that the new churches that are being planted and/or being born can correctly read the reality where they are being inserted.
- For the National Board of the Brazilian C&MA (Acembras), that they may have wisdom and spiritual sensitivity in working out the 2030 Brazilian Alliance action plan.
- For the Alliance family in Cuba, because in many places our churches still cannot congregate.
- For to the economic situation of the country that is increasingly difficult. To get food and personal hygiene products, you have to stand in long lines and sometimes wait for days to get them.
- For the pastoral families so that they have at least the basics to sustain themselves and their families at this time. Money coming into Cuba for pastoral work is very limited and we have no budgetary resources.
- May the Lord keep every family of believers from COVID-19.
- For each Ecuadorian home that has lost loved ones: May they find consolation in God, peace and necessary strength to face their pain.
- For the total reactivation of the economy in Ecuador, for companies and businesses to stabilize financially, and to provide new jobs for those who are currently unemployed.
- For the various in-person services that some churches of the Ecuadorian Alliance are conducting in the Coastal Region. May the Lord provide them with protection, and may His name be glorified at all times.
- For the Ecuadorian C&MA district presidents and work committees who are conducting visits, counseling, and bringing food to the brothers who are most in need.
- May the gospel of Jesus Christ continue to be proclaimed despite government restrictions, which limit face-to-face meetings.
- For comfort and strength from the Lord for pastoral families and churches whose pastors have been called into the presence of the Lord in recent weeks.
- That the Alliance Church of Guatemala continues to carry out its work in each community.
- For the economic provision of local churches and pastoral families.
- For our country, that continues to face a health crisis, a new stage of economic recession, corruption and a great spiritual need. We see this as a great crisis today, but it can be a great testimony in the future.
- For our national church: May the Lord allow us to see the new generation take center stage as missionaries, pastors, leaders and consecrated members, becoming channels of a new spiritual awakening. Pray that the Lord will give them great vision, anointing and passion so that they can share His Word and the love and mercy of our God in all corners of the country and the world. We long to see better times for Peru, through the consecrated men and women that God has among us.
- Let us cry out for mercy and salvation for Venezuela. Pray for peace in the midst of this crisis. Pray for employment, food, medicine and security for each home.
- For pastoral families: May their faith be strengthened at all times. For the provision of our pastoral body.
- For our mission projects in Turkey and the Warao Ethnicity (Venezuela).
- For the appropriate and wise use of technology and social networks to bring the message of salvation and hope to all people.
September 2, 2020
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF EMERALD Region:
Local churches
- It is now possible for churches to meet with restricted numbers in compliance with stringent health and safety rules. Please pray that God will give us (1) wisdom for restarting church life, (2) for church life that is as normal as possible during our worship services (the Lord’s Table, baptisms, testimonies, Sunday School, offering, etc.), and (3) for our youth and home group ministries.
- Pray for spiritual renewal of our members, and true fellowship despite the current situation.
- For spiritual creativity to reach the lost.
AECM France
- 2019-2024 Road Map. Pray that everyone will find their place and their role in the new organizational structure.
- For spiritual renewal of our churches to plant new churches.
- That the Lord will send workers for the harvest. Matthew 9:38 reads, “Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”
- Pray for Alexis and Ada, the pastoral couple of the North London Alliance Church, and their application for a retirement apartment.
- For church members’ growth and a new depth in brotherly relationships.
- For a renaissance for servants concentrating on discipleship ministry to build a powerful and real body. We also have a special prayer request for the Erbil Church Council for wisdom in administration, solving problems, finding wise ways in strategic planning for the church, and follow-up and implementation of those plans.
- That we can reach many unbelievers through digital ministry and invest in the use of social media to reach the largest number of people.
- For construction of the new church building despite the difficulties that we have confronted with some people in the government. They are reacting very slowly in order to delay approving agreements and accomplish the work because they belong to the Islamic party.
- For our families and for the Lord to give us strength and wisdom in leading the church.
The explosion that happened in Beirut on August 4th damaged several buildings, including the Christian Alliance Institute of Theology (CAIT), churches, ministries, and offices. The repairs are estimated at nearly $400,000 USD. Please pray with us:
- For the city of Beirut and all the families who have been affected by the explosion.
- For the positive impact the Alliance churches can have on the communities that have been devastated by the explosion.
- That God will provide the resources required to repair the Christian Alliance Institute of Theology (CAIT), churches, ministries, and offices, as well as the damaged homes of church families.
- For the country of Lebanon, where the grave social and financial challenges facing the country have been compounded by the explosion.
- For the refugee families in Lebanon who are in great need.
- For María Gracia (Maia) Zúñiga, the daughter of Peruvian missionaries Juan and Patty Zúñiga. She is happily pregnant with her second child but has been ordered to have absolute bedrest.
- For Alliance Missions worker Marci Foucault who is battling thrombosis in her lower leg. She has finished a month of anticoagulant shots. Pray that God will dissolve any clots.
- For Alliance pastor José “Pepe” Mederos, his wife Loli and son Neftalíl as they move this week from the Canary Islands to the mountains of Asturias to plant a new church near its capital, Oviedo.
AWF Prayers – August 2020
August 27, 2020
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF Africa Region:
- For two theology students in Côte d’Ivoire who are without scholarships, that by the grace of God they may receive them.
- Because of high costs, the government has decided that COVID-19 patients remain at home, except for severe cases. May God provide the resources they need and enable them to make the right decisions at this critical moment.
- For the Lord’s guidance and direction at the meeting of the Executive Committee of the Christian Alliance Church of Angola (ICAA), which will take place at the Mboca Mission, from September 24 to 27.
- May God give wisdom and discernment to the government and leaders of Angola to deal with the crisis in our country, which is causing hunger and other problems.
- For our prayer month held by church members in every district September 1-21. Each district superintendent and his committee plans and supervises this prayer gathering of the saints. Please pray that there will be no pandemic lockdown during this month, because our government makes spontaneous changes as coronavirus cases increase.
- For traveling mercy for the National Relief Team. After their recent distribution, which benefited 625 people, the team is targeting Grand Bassa and Rivercess counties for distribution next week. The next target will be Nimba County the second week of September and Grand Gedeh County during the third week. Because the roads in those counties are very bad at this time of the year, we seek your prayers and wisdom as the teams work alongside the churches that submitted projects for distributions.
- For Jonathan Williams, Mission Director of the National Church. While driving to church, he was involved in an accident which resulted in the death of one man. As we prayed for God’s direction, the case was withdrawn from court, but Jonathan will have to make some severance payments required by law. Pray for financial provisions as he faces this unexpected situation. The Lord has begun a miracle already by giving a gracious heart to the widow of the deceased and the man’s family.
- For the Constitution Committee, which was set up and mandated by the National Executive Committee to draft new bylaws and a constitution for the Alliance work in Liberia. The committee needs God’s wisdom in writing these important documents and for smooth adoption by the National Assembly.
- For God’s guidance and wisdom as the only Alliance Seminary in Liberia plans to reopen on September 1, 2020. The institution is praying for (1) missionaries who are educators to join them training the Liberian people and (2) for the financial needs of the seminary.
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF North America Region:
- For Rev. David Hearn who was overwhelmingly confirmed through a digital election to serve a third and final four-year term as President of C&MA Canada. Pray for his team to be discerning of the will of God and the work of the Holy Spirit to guide the leaders in responsible and God-honoring ways over the next four years.
- For the proper timing and sufficient resources to send out our next group of new International Workers into various places where we “bring access to Jesus where few or none have heard!”
- For the Jaffray Project, an annual appeal in the Fall that mobilizes our churches to grow in their capacity to know who the least-reached peoples are that need access to the gospel and among whom Jesus has not yet been made known in their language or culture. This year we are looking at mobilizing new initiatives among the Tuareg, and Fulani of Niger, Azeri of Central Asia, and South Asians.
- For fresh efforts during COVID-19 to lay plans in to place for September and afterward. Pray too for church ministry plans and budget planning that allows our Canadian church to make significant advancement even when giving has been down 20 percent.
- That more of our young emerging generation will be called by the Spirit of God into passion and engagement among the nations that have not heard the gospel. Pray also for the recent immigrants and international students who have come to Canada.
- For the relocation to a new office in Toronto in October, and for our churches to return to active face-to-face services given the challenges of physical distancing and working from home during the lockdowns that are still current in parts of our nation.
- We are grateful for faithful giving by the US Alliance members to the Great Commission Fund. While giving is below budget, we are thankful that it is not as bad as it could be because of the COVID-19 situation. Pray for continued good giving.
- Pray for churches as they conduct worship services that are both in-person and on-line. Pray also that the present limitations resulting from COVID-19 guidelines will push churches to new levels of innovation and new opportunities to connect with people who normally wouldn’t attend a church service.
- We have many international workers, including newly appointed staff, in the US unable to enter their country of service because of COVID-19 restrictions. Pray for them during this time of uncertainty and that they can soon get overseas.
- There is an increasing threat from extremist groups in West Africa. Pray for protection of the church and international workers serving with them and for the advance of the gospel in spite of danger.
- Pray for John Stumbo and his leadership team as they move the US National Office from Colorado Springs to a midwestern city. The move could begin as early as the summer of 2021.
August 19, 2020
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF APAC (Asia Pacific) Region:
- That the Lord will direct the steps of the National Board leaders in looking for different mission options and initiatives.
- For God’s divine protection of the people as the COVID-19 virus re-emerges in the state of Victoria.
- Fiji Alliance Church
– Praise God for the baptism of 47 Fijians in one village. Neighboring villagers came to listen and witness this celebration. Pray for those who came to faith after our Alliance Youth Team went there for mission.
– Please pray for our mission team for good health and for the love of Christ in their hearts for the lost.
– Please pray for our Alliance pastors in Navakaka (church in the village) for God’s direction so they can lead humbly as God wants.
– Finally, pray for our Fijians who have lost their jobs, and for the families of the ones who died from the COVID-19 virus.
- For the current situation in India due to the increasing number of COVID-19 cases. Pray for the Lord’s protection of His people.
- For the missionary church planters who are working in urban areas. Due to some challenges within the synod some of the church planting work had stopped and some was hard to sustain. Pray that all the church planters will experience God’s provision to continue their ministry amid the challenges they are facing.
- For Rev. Yakob Ingle, President of Maharashtra Synod. His doctor has advised him of the need for surgery on his eyes. Pray for the financial provision needed for the surgery.
- For God’s wisdom and guidance for the new national treasurer in giving leadership to the financial ministry of the Alliance Churches of New Zealand.
- For a wonderful and enjoyable gathering as a church family for our largest church who is saying goodbye to its lead pastor.
- The country is entering a kind of “technical recession” brought on by the pandemic, and the growth in the GDP (gross domestic product) has shrunk the past two quarters. Pray for God’s intervention that the health crisis will not bring further damage to the Philippine economy, especially among those who are losing jobs.
- That government leaders will continue to unite, stay focused, and have the wisdom to bring down the number of cases of COVID-19 and create a strategy to revive the economy.
- Pray for God’s favor upon the businesses of the Christian community and protection of jobs of His children.
- For Vietnamese missionaries Ajarn Narongrit and Ajarn Ting, who are expanding their ministry to the Mukdahan Province. Pray that the Vietnamese people who live in that area will become open to the Gospel.
- For Burmese missionary couple Lagyi Sin Nang and Sarawut Sikrinpacdekun, who lost their son Nathan two months ago. Pray for more power and strength to do ministry among their own people, and that more Burmese in Thailand will hear and respond to the gospel.
- For Mrs. Praiwan Worawat, wife of the Thailand C&MA president, as she intends to visit and encourage women, and especially the leaders, in each TC&MA district. Pray for good health and God’s mercy and protection during the trips.
August 12, 2020
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF Sixth Region:
Following the devastating explosion in the port of Beirut that brought damage to the buildings of the Evangelical Christian Alliance Church in Karantina and the Christian Alliance Institute of Theology (CAIT), please pray:
- For physical healing for those who are injured, for emotional healing for those who lost loved ones and for spiritual strength for all church members who are reaching out the wounded community.
- For Rev. Milad Dagher, pastor of the church and president of CAIT, and for Rev. Sami Dagher, founder and minister of the church, for spiritual discernment and strength.
- For the faculty, the students, and the staff of CAIT, for wisdom, courage, and vision.
- For the whole country as they face too many challenges these days beside this explosion.
- That Sudanese leaders will finish their theological training in the Bible schools.
- That they will continue studies in Alliance History and Theology after the seminar given by one of the AWF Young Scholars. Pray that the leaders will use the training materials the speaker provided, including organizational models can be adapted to their settings.
- That leaders will be mentored by an Alliance team in North Africa towards licensure and ordination.
- That the Word of God will continue to be translated to the mother tongue.
- That established fellowships will exist in association with strong links to the AWF churches of the Middle East.
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF CLA (Latin America) Region:
- For the situation in the churches: finances, perseverance, commitment, wisdom to adjust to the “new normal.” May we be the church that is in the heart of God for this time. Pray for support for workers and churches that rent rooms for their activities.
- For the brothers and sisters of the churches, who have been diagnosed with COVID-19.
- Missionaries’ support: the devaluation of the Argentine peso, plus taxes that have been put on foreign currency. That has generated the need for double the amount of pesos for the financial support of our missionaries, but it has not increased purchasing power in Argentina.
- For the stage of the pandemic that we live in. According to specialists, we are going through the critical period. Pray for the health system and health professionals and for the emotional health of the population.
- For the economic situation: unemployment, inflation, insecurity, bankruptcy of businesses and companies.
- For the growth of the digital institutional spaces that we have arranged from the National Board of Directors for our entire Alliance family, such as the Alliance Family Devotional, Dawn with God, and Alliance Kids in a Mission, among others.
- For the support and care of the people in the churches located in municipalities where there is no presence of the virus. They are preparing and adapting biosecurity measures for reopening.
- For protection in the midst of the winter wave that is causing roadblocks and landslides in the region of Tolima and Meta. Those are affecting several Alliance families.
- For the realization of our National Alliance Convention, which will be broadcast via the Internet in August. May God provide all the necessary resources so that we can reach Alliance people in Colombia and the world.
- For the economic situation of many of our church members who have lost their jobs or have seen their working hours reduced.
- For the reopening process of the churches. All are in the Orange Zone, where there has been an upturn in COVID-19.
- For God’s wisdom to guide our national church leaders to know how to help the churches and pastors in this stage we are in.
- For the salvation of people who are being reached through online broadcasting and for God to give us the best strategy to disciple them.
- For God’s wisdom for the government to know how to guide the country in the face of the problems that are occurring and will result from this crisis.
- For the economic support of our Alliance pastors in Ecuador whose homes are affected by this difficult situation we are in.
- For the digital Bible spaces that the churches of the C&MA Ecuador are developing. May the Lord guide each servant in wisdom to proclaim the Word of Life everywhere.
- For teachers, administrative staff and students of the Ecuador Alliance Bible Seminary, who are developing their school year in virtual mode. May God provide them with wisdom and all the necessary resources.
- For the economy of Ecuador, especially in the area of exports of products. They have been greatly affected by the pandemic.
- For the Huaorani community of the Ecuadorian Amazon. They are experiencing an increase in COVID-19 infections. Pray that the necessary preventive measures can be implemented.
- For the Christian Evangelical Church of Peru, so that in this pandemic and social crisis God will produce the greatest spiritual awakening in the history of our country.
- May God bless the government of Peru that they may have an encounter with God: from the president of the republic to those who have any authority or responsibility in the country.
- For a new government in our country that honors God and values family and life.
- For healthy, growing and reproductive churches, for the use of technology to carry the message of salvation and hope, and for the training of new leaders and pastors.
- For physical and emotional strength for pastoral families, servants and the flock in general.
- For our missionaries David Sarmiento (Triple Frontier), Aristides Flores (La Palma, Spain) and Loreanny Carpio (Turkey Project).
- For Venezuela, because every day new cases arise and the number of deaths from COVID-19 and different pathologies increases. All this is occurring in the midst of an acute crisis in the health and economic sector.
- For employment, food and security in each home.
AWF Prayers – July 2020
July 29, 2020
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF EMERALD Region:
Reopening of places of worship
- The French government has authorized churches to reopen according to very strict health and safety rules limiting the number of people (1 person/4m²).
- Churches have had to create an advance booking system for Sunday services. Many people are still worried, however, about attending the in-person services.
- Churches have also organized to livestream their church services on YouTube, which requires the acquisition of skills and equipment. This is a real challenge for certain churches, while their churches continue to simply use the Zoom platform for their services.
- Please pray that our churches remain unified, supporting one another as they walk with the Lord.
- Pray that the Lord will use these church services to touch hearts.
- The majority of our churches have seen reduced giving combined with job losses due to the economic crisis.
French Guyana
- French Guyana has been very badly impacted by COVID-19. Pray that the Lord will protect the local population and our churches there.
- The Bible instructs us to pray for the authorities of our nations. Pray that God will give them wisdom to manage the economic, social and health situation.
Sharing the Good News
- Pray that our churches will remain fully attached to our Lord and Savior! Pray that they will find ways to manage this time of crisis using imagination.
- Pray that these times that we experience are an occasion to share the gospel with power among our families, friends, neighbors, work colleagues, etc.
- As churches are reopening, pray for wisdom in setting up according to guidelines so that all stay safe.
- Pray for pastors as they continue to minister under restrictive circumstances.
- Pray for financial needs that some pastors are facing.
- Pray for a weekly Zoom meeting for leaders that we are seeking to set up to keep connected.
- Pray that we will be diligent in prayer both individually and corporately.
- Pray that the gospel will be made known through the various churches and their associated ministries.
- The Lord has heard our prayers that we pray at 10:02 every day (according to Luke 10:2) that we see the Lord send out more workers. He is the Lord of the harvest, so please pray with us for the 60+ missionaries of CAMA Zending, that they would each reap a harvest.
- Pray for the family of the CAMA Zending missionary in Spain, Maarten Slot, whose stepfather had brain surgery for an aneurysm. Unfortunately, the analysis shows irreparable damage. Pray for Maarten’s mother and his family as they wait for further diagnosis and God’s intervention.
- Pray for pastoral wisdom to adapt our church models to the new circumstances brought by the pandemic.
- Seek God for spiritual revival in our churches so that the evangelistic fervor does not vanish due to the restrictions of the pandemic.
- Ask for empowerment of homes and churches for the advancement of preaching.
- Pray for more leaders to lead churches, a multiplication of churches, and planting of new congregations in the places in Spain where there is no Christian presence.
- Give thanks to God for the lives of our pastors and leaders who have been saved during the pandemic.
July 22, 2020
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF Africa Region:
- Pray that God will establish and renew the spiritual life of the Angolan church, the families, and workers.
- Pray for the economic and financial situation of our churches and that members will be faithful in their financial contributions.
- Pray for our country, the increase in deaths and the appearance of new cases of COVID-19, which may compel the government to issue another state of emergency.
- Pray for the ordination of 74 pastors to strengthen missions in the country.
- Pray for preparations for missions month in relation to the state of emergency caused by COVID-19. Pray for the financial situation of the faithful who support evangelization and missions in the world.
- Pray for the awakening of Christians so that the Christian faith does not disappear. The rise of Islam in the Lower River, Kongo Central Province poses a threat to Christianity.
- Pray for the efficiency of the church through the worship services of families in this period when the church buildings are closed.
- Pray for our country which, in addition to the pandemic, is experiencing a moment of political and social tension.
- Pray that the Lord extends the church to countries such as Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon, São Tomé and Príncipe, Togo, Benin, and others. May the Lord open doors for us in all these countries so that we can purchase land for construction. Pray, too, for administrative regularization to freely exercise the mission.
- On June 30, 2020, the Gabonese government passed a law decriminalizing homosexuality. Please pray that the Church in Gabon assumes its role of salt of the earth and light of the world to dissuade the followers of this sinful practice.
- Thanks to the Lord, the Alliance in Gabon (EACMG) has acquired a 58-hectare site. Let us pray that they can see their partnerships, investments, and social projects come to life and that it all glorifies our God. Please also pray that their ownership of the land is secured – something very much desired.
- Pray that all churches and their leaders commit totally and continuously to the financial centralization. The “Justice for All in the EACMG” vision oversees the proper functioning of the Church’s institutions, the consistency of pastoral salaries, and taking care of widows and orphans, among other things.
- Pray for the commitment of the Guinean government to rebuild the 2,000-seat Dorota church building in the town of N’zérékoré, so that constructions can begin before the end of 2020 and that the church can hold services and conduct their activities in complete safety. The building burned down on March 22, 2020, during socio-political demonstrations. For more details, click here.
- Pray for the people to obtain sufficient financial resources for the acquisition of land to establish many new communities in the city of Grand-Conakry, 86 km long, with 3,000,000 inhabitants.
- Pray for the new Colombian missionaries from the Alliance to arrive and settle in the Fouta-Djallon region. Pray that administrative, material, organizational and other arrangements will not be delayed or hampered. Pray for their adaptation to the culture and climate.
- Pray that God will provide additional financial resources for the completion of the church’s administrative headquarters. Pray for the leaders who have resolved to give the church an administrative seat, to house the various Ministry Offices (Women, Youth, Men) and departments of the church (Children, Prayer, Couples, the Voice of the Gospel, Protestant Rescue, etc.).
- Pray for divine protection in this time of reopening the churches, and the continuation of worship and spiritual activities. Pray that deep faith and confidence will preside over these moments of restarting spiritual activities with absolute respect for gestures of health barriers.
- Pray for wisdom and direction for the COB-Alliance Relief and Development Department of the National Alliance Church as they work alongside the local churches in responding to COVID-19 in their communities. The major food distribution is scheduled for the last week in this month.
- Pray for our church members as they go through this deadly Coronavirus crisis. The unemployment rate now in the country is 90 percent. Every family needs help in terms of food, payment of their rent, mortgages, and so on. Those that were in business are seeing those businesses collapse.
- Pray for strength and wisdom for our Alliance pastors and church leaders as they work with God’s people in the churches and communities and attend to their personal needs. Pray also for unity among the Alliance churches in Liberia.
- Pray for Mrs. Esther Bantoe-Liberty’s healing. She is the wife of the national president, Rev. Dr. Roosevelt Zarwulugbo Liberty. Esther nearly died last July 10, but God gave her back to us. She had diabetes and hypertension and the Lord has healed her more than three years ago. The most recent medical report has revealed that she has some sort of infection. The doctor has prescribed some medications.
July 15, 2020
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF APAC (Asia Pacific) Region:
- After eleven days since the tragic incident, baby Nathan is with the Lord now. Nathan was the one-year-old son of a missionary couple in Thailand, and was seriously injured when an audio speaker fell on him during a recent worship service. Let us give condolences to the family members, support and pray for them that God will guide and comfort them at this moment.
- Praise God that the needed funding was received by those carrying out the COVID-19 response projects. C&MA Myanmar distributed food packets to 120 families.
- Pray also for God’s divine protection of everyone who will be doing the food distribution. Pray that they will not have accidents or catch the virus.
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF CLA (Latin America) Region:
- Pray for the leaders of the A.W. Tozer Theological Seminary who are adjusting their ministry to an increasingly digitalized Christian society with more churches far from headquarters. We ask for wisdom from the Lord to offer distance learning materials, admission and training of teachers for this new reality, and for the development of disciplines that encompass a contemporary missional-oriented Christianity.
- Pray for those elaborating the Strategic Plan of the Brazilian Christian and Missionary Alliance (ACEMBRAS), aiming at 2030.
- Pray for those who are isolated by COVID-19 and do not know how to use modern technology (mainly the elderly and young children).
- Pray for spiritual eyes to see the opportunities of this “new normal.”
July 7, 2020
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF APAC (Asia Pacific) Region:
- Teams and volunteers to help needy and poor people towards COVID-19 projects and a post COVID-19 situation. Financial support through COVID-19, as well as for ministries and partnerships.
- C&MA ministry in India: unity, wisdom, discernment, financial provision and God’s favor for C&MA pastors and leaders; C&MA workers in North India; closed ministries to be reopened; properties of C&MA to be secured and protected and to be used to bless C&MA ministries.
- Christian Partners for Joint Venture and Projects to be planned and implemented as soon as possible; relationships with partners to be healed, restored, and strengthened.
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF CLA (Latin America) Region:
- For the adaptation of the churches, without losing effectiveness, in the different stages of the quarantine.
- For the country’s economic situation (unemployment, inflation, imminent default situations with creditors) and the physical and emotional health of the population.
- For pastors’ families (health, finances, ministries) and for the economic situation of the churches, especially those that rent buildings for their activities.
- For the health of members and families of our churches in Bolivia affected by COVID-19.
- For wisdom in the actions of our churches, to give hope and consolation to our members. Pray also for the influence of our denomination in Bolivia.
- Financial provision as our churches prepare for the necessary adjustments and security protocols in the reopening of the churches. May God give us prudence and diligence to respond to this challenge.
- Grace and support from God for the management of the Relations & Projects Department in order to help the churches with their ministry and social work.
- Provision and care for the well-being of the people who are currently in our hostel in Ipiales, Nariño. Recently a baby was born in this place and we trust that God will provide everything necessary for him and his family.
- The generous heart of 100 sponsoring donors to contribute 50,000 Colombian pesos (approximately $12 USD) monthly for 24 months for the support of 10 new students of the A.B. Simpson Intercultural Training Center.
- The physical and emotional health of our workers in Panama, the workers in preparation to go to Guinea and the “P” people, and also for the students of the A.B. Simpson Training Center. May God bring peace to their hearts in the midst of this pandemic.
- May God continue to give the Peruvian Church the opportunity to continue growing in generosity, helping those who have the least in this time of pandemic.
- May God continue to raise a new generation in the Peruvian Church that is more consecrated to Him and will be the cause of a national revival with worldwide results.
- May God continue to expand the vision and passion of the Peruvian Church to invest more in the mission and evangelization of Peru and the world.
- May the population react and be able to see and come to Christ to receive the peace that only He can give. For provision of employment, food and security in each home.
- May the C&MA in Venezuela be a channel for effective and committed evangelization moved by the Holy Spirit. For health, provision and protection of the pastoral body, leadership and the flock in general. For the training of new leaders and pastors.
- For the safe return to the country of those who are stranded in other countries due to the emergency situation. For Pastor Natanael Gil (President of the Alliance of Venezuela) and his wife who have been stranded for four months in Lima, Peru.
- For the upcoming reopening of the churches: may the Lord guide the church before the security protocols that must be adopted; for the prudence and responsibility of each citizen.
AWF Prayers – June 2020
June 29, 2020
One-Year Old Son of Alliance Worker in Thailand Seriously Injured
Please pray for Nathan who was injured in an accident during last Sunday service and is now in the hospital in critical condition. Nathan is the one-year-old son of Sarawut and Shing-Ni who are planting a church among Burmese migrants in Bangkok.
Yesterday, Sunday of June 28, while the worship service of Grace Community Mission (GMC) Church of Bangkok was going on, the big speaker sound fell accidentally on the head of the son of the Burmese workers while he was lying down. The son, Nathan, who is one year and 16 days old is in the hospital right now and is in very critical (50-50) condition. Last night, he had an operation, however, the doctor did not confirm that he would be back to his normal condition. The mother, Shing Ni, and the father, Sarawut, are both workers working together with Rev. & Mrs. Than Tun, a Burmese missionary couple supported by the AWF in partnership with the Thailand C&MA. Rev. Than Tun is the church planter of GMC church in Bangkok among the Burmese migrant workers. Please pray for God’s miracle healing upon baby Nathan, for comfort and encouragement to the parents and for financial provision for the medical expenses of the family.
Rev. Worawat Sanguansak (TC&MA President)
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF EMERALD Region:
- Praise God for the first ever National Alliance online worship service (1,864 views) that took place on Pentecost Sunday, May 31, celebrating the diversity of the Alliance Family in France.
- Praise God for the first ever French National Alliance online prayer event that took place on Pentecost Monday, June 1, and where all the participants prayed in their mother language.
- Pray for the churches in France as they are opening for church services in line with strict public health rules.
- Pray for the C&MA in Lebanon as they support local churches facing the challenges of COVID-19 pandemic and the grave social and financial challenges facing the country of Lebanon.
- Pray for a miracle to save the Gorni Rodnik camp facility, on the Black Sea coast, which the Russian National Alliance Church (ECMU) has used to reach thousands of children over the last 21 years. The camp only reached one third of its funding target (3 million rubles – $41,000 USD) by June 5, but ECMU have taken a leap of faith by opening the camp on July 1, trusting in God’s provision for their needs. For more details, click here.
- Pray for the team in Terrassa as they have been asked by the city to run a day camp all summer to help North African immigrant children whose parents were not able to help the kids with school work during lockdown.
- The Lord of the Harvest has sent workers into the fields. Please pray that we now look to him to teach us new ways to bring in the sheaves, as we dramatically change our approach to evangelism, discipleship, and service.
June 4, 2020
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF Executive Committee:
- Pray for wisdom and discernment as the AWF Executive Committee meets on June 5 (Friday) to seek God’s will collectively. The main discussion topic is the viability of keeping the AWF Quadrennial Convocation on schedule.
- Pray for the next steps of the AWF Global Response to COVID-19. Pray for God’s wisdom and guidance as the AWF Relief and Development taskforce discusses and decides, in a meeting on June 8 (Monday), which relief projects submitted by the Alliance National churches will be implemented.
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF CLA (Latin America) Region:
- For the president of the Republic of Ecuador and the entire Ecuadorian population, so that they have a close encounter with Jesus Christ and that the authorities are guided by the Lord to make wise decisions in favor of the nation.
- For the population of Ecuador that is infected with COVID-19, especially for the pastors, ministers in charge, and members of the churches of the Alliance of Ecuador: May the Lord provide healing in their bodies and encouragement for their hearts.
- For the Ecuadorians who have lost loved ones due to COVID-19 and other illnesses: May they find consolation in God, provision, and strength to face pain.
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF APAC (Asia Pacific) Region:
- Pray for our nation, especially our two top leaders: our Prime Minister and attorney general. We are asking prayers for faithful and loyal leadership.
- Pray for the people, many of whom have lost their jobs due to COVID-19 and are on lockdown. Pray specifically for tourism and FIJI Airways staff.
- Pray for the church, that God will open the minds of the people to the teachings of God’s word and that they will believe in the word of God, live a life that is worthy of the calling of God, and have a true repentance to serve Him wholeheartedly.
- Pray for the pastors and church leaders: for God’s renewing strength every day and guidance as they minister to the congregations.
- Pray for both C&MA Myanmar and our Alliance churches in India. According to the leaders, many churches are facing difficulty meeting their essential needs due to this ongoing health crisis. Many of them have lost their jobs and cannot work. Please pray for God’s special touch of comfort and for an inner joy in our affected Alliance family.
- C&MA Korea will hold its 3rd General Council June 26-27. We have officially changed the denomination’s name from Alliance Church in Korea to C&MA Korea. Please pray it will not be affected by COVID-19.
- C&MA Korea is currently renting office space, and thankfully we are expanding and in need of more space. We are praying to purchase a building.
- Pray for our C&MA churches that cannot open right now due to the pandemic. We are having online worship services. Pray that this COVID-19 situation will end soon.
- Pray for the financial needs of the church. Since members cannot give their offerings, it has affected the financial status of our churches. Many of our pastors in up-country are struggling financially. Pray for God’s provision for all their needs.
- Pray for the TCMA leadership, and for their work plan to go forward. Right now everything seems to be paused for a moment, but we are taking this opportunity to share relief and goods among the least fortunate families.
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF North America Region:
- The C&MA of Canada has canceled almost all of our global meetings and corresponding travel plans through the end of 2020. We still have the AWF Quadrennial meetings as a priority on our calendar for October, but we are wondering if these meetings will be able to move forward given the many countries that have not yet even hit the peak of infections from this deadly virus. Pray for meetings of the ExCom for AWF that will address this detail on June 22, 2020.
- Our province of Alberta, a major hub for our larger and stronger Alliance churches, is experiencing a crisis of mammoth proportions due to the economic downturn and recession in the oil and gas industry. Many Albertans have lost their jobs and are experiencing anxiety and fear. Pray against the fear and for the finding of jobs and economic recovery.
- Each month during COVID-19 the Canadian Alliance has hosted a national “Raise a Hallelujah” digital prayer time for an hour featuring worship, praise, prayer and stories of what God is doing in our midst and through us outside of Canada as well. Attendance for these events has been inspiring. Our churches are warming up to new ways of engaging others with the gospel and being on mission. Pray for collective renewal, revival and for wisdom and discernment with the clear objective of seeing disciple-making movements multiplied.
- General Assembly, which was to take place over most of a week in June, is now going to be re-imagined and in a very different format. We will have some business sessions as well as the election of the office of president for our incumbent David Hearn. No one is running against David, and if affirmed he would begin in July his ninth year as president. He is eligible to serve overall for twelve years.
- The Venture in Mission thrust to be “On Mission Everyone, Everywhere All The Time” is growing across our family of churches. We are exploring some very dynamic partnerships that are temporarily on hold due to COVID-19: we are asking God how we can assist with needs outside of Canada that are greater than the needs inside our country.
- Pray for a Spirit of generosity across the nation of Canada and especially across our evangelical churches to seize the opportunities that are so incredible to be Acts 1:8 mission-balanced churches engaging people in our Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and far-reaching places across the globe. Canada has more than two million migrant peoples settling into the country as part of the exodus of immigrants, refugees, recently arrived regular migrants, and international students. Pray that we will catch the wave of opportunity among these people whom God has destined to make their way to Canada and appointed for such a time as this in our nation.
- Praise God for a new Spanish-speaking church start that was averaging 25 people before COVID-19 and is now serving more than 100 through digital engagement during the pandemic. We also praise God for the many ways that our international personnel are seeing God swing open creative doors to sharing faith all across our regions.
AWF Prayers – May 2020
May 28, 2020
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF EMERALD Region:
- Pray for the first National Alliance online worship service that is to take place on Pentecost Sunday, May 31. We will celebrate the diversity of the Alliance family in France.
- Pray for the first French National Alliance online prayer event that will take place on Pentecost Monday, June 1. All the participants will be praying in their mother language.
- Pray for the new discipleship training course at The Alliance Manchester Church. It will be empowering people within the church to multiply, expecting God to do greater things through each of them so that they step out in faith, believing that this is the time God has designed for them to be more fruitful.
- Pray that church leaders with prayerful hearts make thoughtful preparations for the church lockdown exit plan according to God’s will.
- During the coronavirus crisis many church services are broadcast online and watched from home. This means that some family members who normally don’t go to church are also watching. Pray that they will discover the love of God and have a longing to know Jesus better.
- Even if the rules are eased, social distancing will most likely be maintained. That means people will have to stay at least 1.5 meters apart. It’s very complicated to achieve that in our churches, Sunday schools, Bible studies and small groups. Please pray for wisdom and creativity.
- Pray for a miracle to save the Gorni Rodnik camp on the Black Sea coast. The Russian national Alliance church (ECMU) has used the camp to reach thousands of children over the past 21 years. It will have to close due to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic unless they can raise three million rubles ($41,000 USD) by June 5. Click here for details.
- Pray for the pastors and music teams as they once again use their church buildings to broadcast worship services to their congregations. Please pray that we would be obedient to the will of God in Christ Jesus, for us to rejoice always, pray without ceasing, and give thanks in all circumstances (1 Thess. 5:16-18).
- Pray for spiritual revival to take place in the Spanish church that would dramatically transform Spain at all levels of society. Ask that God would deeply move the Spanish churches in communities with North Africans neighbors.
- Pray for the Alliance-affiliated missionaries from Latin America serving in Spain. They are especially affected by the pandemic in their homelands. On top of tragic loss, their sending churches are economically devastated and are unable to support their workers in the mission field as they desire.
May 20, 2020
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF CLA Region:
- Pray that there will be an attitude of all the members of the Alliance toward a ministry in the cities of Brazil. May they take initiatives to become involved in our mission in the world: that each man, woman and child will have the opportunity to hear the gospel on different fronts and in different ways.
- Pray that God will continue the work of sanctification in Jesus through the Holy Spirit in His Church, especially in its leadership, in these times of adversity.
- Pray for the reduction of political and economic instability in Brazil.
- That God’s provision is never lacking, that He supplies what is necessary and protects the economy, both for congregations and for pastors and staff.
- For God to make strategic allies available that benefit the local, regional, national, and international church.
- That the financial entities and lessees can reach agreements with the payments and economic commitments of our offices and membership in general.
- That, in the midst of this situation, the church does not lose its message, but on the contrary, that there will be a spiritual awakening in unity that brings a revival.
- That God gives creativity, understanding and knowledge in the use of the technological tools and resources that are at hand for us to continue the church programs and for Him to protect our Alliance family.
- Pray for our nation because here, too, the virus has caused a collapse of the economy; food has become scarce and the people are desperate.
- Pray for the national church that has suffered the attacks of this virus, because not gathering has brought spiritual cooling.
- Pray for the pastors and leaders of our churches and the rest of the denominations so that they can do their work under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
- We thank the Lord for Pastor David Muthre, President of CLA, and his family because in the last few weeks their health has improved tremendously and they are carrying out their usual activities. In the next few days, the COVID-19 tests will be completed to determine whether they still have the virus.
- For the pastors, their families and the churches of the C&MA of Ecuador. They are going through difficult times. The pandemic has caused a critical economic situation in the support of their basic needs. May God in His infinite provision provide timely resources.
- For the new safety and health measures that the national government has put in place as a way to progressively change from isolation to social distancing. Pray that all Ecuadorians fully respect these guidelines.
- For the economy of Ecuador and the people who have lost their jobs and have been added to the unemployment rate. Pray that God grants them income to support their families and give them peace.
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF APAC Region:
- Pray that the spread of the new coronavirus is contained, especially in the big cities where the Indian population is concentrated.
- Pray for God’s provision to the local Alliance churches that are distributing food in the villages of Gujarat and Maharashtra.
- Pray for the immediate relief that is needed in the poorest regions of India (food and medicine).
- Pray for the health and emotional well-being of the Alliance pastors who are ministering under stress.
- Pray for the 40 pastors and their families at C&MA churches in Kalimantan who have COVID-19. On top of the disease, they are suffering with the stigma associated with the virus.
- Pray for the relief project aimed at helping villages and small communities buy seeds for subsistence agriculture and small agribusinesses.
- Pray for the churches across Indonesia, especially the small congregations, as they face economic challenges due to the pandemic. The lockdown is posing a challenge to the churches’ finances because many people do not use bank transfers.
May 6, 2020
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF APAC Region:
- The situation in India due to COVID-19 is getting more dangerous, especially in Mumbai City and Maharashtra State. The number of patients is increasing rapidly, and the number of deaths is growing. Please pray for healing, control of the spread of the disease, and for cooperation from citizens in social distancing.
- People who had come for a job in Mumbai have become jobless and homeless and are dying without food. They are desperate to go back to their states but, due to the lockdown, trains and other means of transport are not available. This has led to additional tension and political and economic pressure in Mumbai City. In a mob lynching on April 16 in the village of Dhanu, two Hindu lowercast priests and their driver were killed by a mob of more than 1,000. Some 120 people have been arrested. Please pray for peace and justice in the city.
- Please pray for the safety of Christian leaders, communities, churches, schools and the properties of Christians.
- One of our former Alliance Pastor, Rev. Madhukar Surwade and Mrs. Beena Surwade from Pune tested positive. Kindly pray for them.
- Let us join the Mongolian National Church President Lxavgasuren (English name Luke) and the Alliance churches as they meet online and in small gatherings for prayer during this crisis.
- Some Christians are gathering with their families to read Scripture and pray for other people and for the country to find faith and health as the fear of this pandemic spreads.
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF Africa Region:
Please inform the AWF family that the coronavirus is in Liberia. Presently, we have more than 150 confirmed cases, 18 deaths, and 45 who have recovered. The government of Liberia ordered a lockdown for two weeks; it ended last week. But because the virus is spreading rapidly in the country, the government declared a state of emergency, announced another 14-day lockdown and a 46-day stay-at-home – a total of 60 days. Our churches are closed. During the first 14-day lockdown, the government did not provide food for needy people. The second 14-day lockdown is on, but there is no food provision yet from the government. Pray for God to:
- Strengthen the leadership of the church as we minister to the saints and evangelize during this crucial time.
- Give wisdom to the Liberian government in dealing with the coronavirus crisis.
- Reopen our seminary. This pastor-training institution was closed as a result of the long civil war in Liberia. The school was reopened on March 2, 2020, but now it is closed again due to the coronavirus.
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF CLA Region:
- Pray for the pastors, ministers, church planters, missionaries, and their families in this period of adversity and in the difficulties that will come ahead that through mutual shepherding and care and mentoring initiatives we can cooperate for the health of families, churches, world missions and church planting in Brazil.
- Pray for biblical unity for the purposes the Lord has for the Brazilian National Alliance (ACEMBRAS). Pray that in repentance and humility we can help each other, pray and plan together, cooperating with what God is doing in the vocation of people, and revitalizing and planting new churches for the advancement of His Kingdom on earth.
- Pray for the people most vulnerable to COVID-19 in our communities.
- Pray for the development of the ACEMBRAS 2030 vision, on which we want to work more this year.
- Pray that God will give wisdom of heart and direction to each board of directors and that they will move forward in the face of the difficulties that have arisen in closing churches due to the restrictions on displacement.
- Pray that God will protect the health of all families in the Alliance.
- Pray that God will perform economic miracles in the churches, and in this way we can continue to be the church on all fronts.
- Pray that God will strengthen our headquarters, that it does not falter in the preaching of the gospel and in the activities from home.
- Pray that we can carry out evangelistic movements from our houses and that the hearts of those who do not know the Lord Jesus are sensitive to the Word of God.
- Pray that God will protect the workers who are isolated in the countries where they exercise their mission work. May God provide and continue to bring hope to those around them in the midst of difficulty.
For our country:
- The health sector has collapsed due to the pandemic; corruption continues amid the crisis; poverty and extreme poverty have been exposed; the people are starving. Pray also for the government and authorities of Peru.
For our national church:
- We are seeing our “first wounded and very affected soldiers” and we are witnessing that we can do a lot with a little.
- Pray that God’s presence will strengthen us and supply every need at this time.
For the future in our country:
- Pray for more consecrated pastors, leaders and members, with more technological resources to extend the Kingdom of God, and that many doors will be opened to preach the gospel in Peru and the world.
AWF Prayers – April 2020
April 29, 2020
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF EMERALD Region:
- Pray that the Alliance churches and workers in Belgium, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Holy Land, Iraq, Italy, Jordan, Kosovo, Kuwait, Lebanon, Macedonia, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Russia and Spain can be instruments of blessing to their communities.
- Pray for Alliance pastors and church leaders as they engage in new methods, such as livestream services and virtual cell groups, to maintain community and spiritual growth in our churches.
- Pray for Alliance church members who are reaching out to others and encouraging them, in their time of need facing this difficult situation (Romans 15:2).
- Pray for the Emerald mission project in Burgas, Bulgaria, and the additional financial support that is required (€200/month) to ensure the sustainability of the project and the wellbeing of the missionary couple, Andrei and Tanya.
- Pray for the financial support for the African Alliance Diaspora Ministry.
- Pray for the AECM France AGM that will take place on May 9 by videoconference.
- Pray for the country of Italy as they are experiencing the highest level of mortality among those infected by the virus in the region (26,977 deaths as of April 27), and that people will turn to God at this time.
- Pray that God will bless the Alliance family in Italy and reinforce their unity.
- Pray for Pastor Nour and the Mafraq Alliance Church as they continue to share God’s compassion with the Syrian refugees in Mafraq despite the lockdown.
- Pray for the unification process of our ABC-denomination (Alliance of Free-Baptist and CAMA-Parousia churches) with the Baptist-Union. Pray this process may deepen our faith-values and our approach to strengthen healthy churches.
- Pray for the country of Spain as they are experiencing the second highest level of mortality among those infected by the virus in the region (23,521 deaths as of April 27), and that people will turn to God at this time.
- Praise God that the several church workers and members who were very seriously ill, have come back from the brink of death through prayer. They will have a long road back to full recovery.
- Pray for an international worker who recently reconnected with twelve women with whom she studied language. She asks for wisdom to consider God´s heart regarding these twelve: to see what He is giving them and to bear witness to the Messiah.
- Pray for God’s protection for the immigrant farm workers in Andalucía. There are also massive numbers of Sub-Saharan Africans caught in the horrendous conditions in the ‘Sea of Plastic’, the plastic greenhouses spread across two provinces along the southern coast.
Please pray for:
- the safety of the local Alliance churches in areas where there is instability.
- people to seek God and turn to Him in their time of need.
- the preparations for the centenary celebrations of the Syrian Alliance in 2020.
- Above all let us love one another deeply through prayer as we recognize that the Lord is working for our good and His glory (Romans 8:28).
- Pray for those who are on the front line whether they be medics or caregivers.
- Pray for the governments as they deploy measures to limit the progression of the virus and protect local populations.
- Pray for those who are anxious, not only regarding health issues, but also regarding work, finances, loneliness, isolation away from families, etc.
April 15, 2020
- Please pray for Rev. David Muthre, the AWF Regional Coordinator for Latin America and President of C&MA Ecuador, as he is under treatment for COVID-19. The diagnosis was confirmed last Friday, and he is feeling well. Isabel, his wife, and Michelle, his older daughter, are also undergoing treatment at home.
- Please pray for our brothers and sisters from the Global Alliance Family who are infected by the new coronavirus. So far, we are aware of such cases in Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, France, Italy, Peru, Spain and the United States.
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF North America Region:
- Pray for the Alliance family in the United States, especially for those living in New York, who are greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Following the example of C&MA pioneer missionaries who exercised their authority over illness, disease and all manner of evil, please pray boldly and persistently for the end of the COVID-19 pandemic in North America and all over the world.
- Declare that this is a season of great opportunity, supernatural provision, and spiritual breakthrough for the worldwide Church.
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF APAC Region:
- Due to the COVID-19 virus pandemic, pastors in small churches are financially affected. Pray for God’s divine intervention where His workers will experience His abundant material provision in the midst of this health crisis. Pray that all His churches in the region be spared from the devastating effects of the virus. Countries in the region continue to report more cases and deaths due to COVID-19.
- More countries in the region are spiritually awakening because of the COVID-19 virus. Churches are joining together praying for God’s healing upon every country that has been affected by the virus. Pray that God’s Kingdom will be born in the heart of every person who has yet not a personal experience with the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Pray for God’s wisdom to guide all the government leaders of every country in the Asia Pacific region to effectively respond to the people in crisis as well as cooperation on the part of the people to all the directives from the government.
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF Africa Region:
The collateral effects, financial and spiritual consequences are incalculable. For this, we ask the whole Alliance family to pray for:
- All of God’s workers and the leaders so that the Lord grants them the wisdom to manage the crisis.
- The believers, so that the Lord will support them and keep their faith throughout this trial.
April 8, 2020
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF CLA Region:
- May the Word of God run freely through the nations, reaching the lost and separated. May we make the most of the opportunities provided by social networks and technology to continue announcing the Gospel from home.
- For divine care during the crisis of the Coronavirus in our countries and in our churches. Pray for the people who are most vulnerable to COVID-19 in our communities.
- Pray that God will continue the work of sanctification in Jesus through the Holy Spirit in His Church in these times of adversity.
- Let us pray for the economies of the countries. Amid an economic crisis and high unemployment, the effects of the pandemic can be devastating to health and the economy of various sectors of society, including churches.
- Pastoral body: For wisdom from God to cover the congregations spiritually at this time where it is not possible to physically meet.
- For the Argentine workers who are abroad: Central Asia, Italy, Hungary, Croatia, England. For their health and support.
- Congregations: Perseverance, faith and hope in God.
- For the definition of church planting in Bolivia.
- For continuity in the training of leaders and pastors in Bolivia, despite the crisis of the new Coronavirus.
- Pray that there will be an attitude of all the members of the Alliance toward a ministry in the cities of Brazil. May they take initiatives to become involved in our mission in the world: that each man, woman and child have the opportunity to hear the Gospel on different fronts and in different ways.
- Pray for biblical unity. Pray that with repentance and humility we can help each other, pray and plan together, cooperating with what God is doing in the vocation of people, and revitalizing and planting of new churches for the advancement of His Kingdom on earth.
- Pray for our missionary team abroad. May they be cared for and protected.
- Pray for our elders. The cold season is coming soon, and they are very vulnerable to COVID-19. One of our churches mourns the passing of an elder woman.
- Pray for our theological seminary and its two subsidiaries. They are continuing their academic program through Internet platforms.
Let us pray for:
- Protection for our pastors who continue to carry out their ministerial work in areas where armed groups are operating.
- Pray for social work and evangelism projects in the Colombian Amazon communities and where our missionaries will be serving.
- Pray for a person with a calling and passion to act as coordinator of Young Alliance youth ministry in the Valle Region.
- Ask for a prompt solution to the indefinite unemployment that is developing in peasant communities in Caquetá.
- Pray for the pastors of the Alliance churches who are ministering to their members and proclaiming Jesus Christ in the midst of the pandemic. Pray especially for the churches in the Guaya region, whose capital Guayaquil will host the Quadrennial Convocation, where the pandemic situation is most critical. Many people are dying in this region, including members of various Alliance churches.
- Pray for the family of Pastor David Muthre, President of the C&MA Ecuador and CLA, and especially for his wife Isabel, who received confirmation yesterday that she contracted COVID-19 after undergoing laboratory tests. She does not present the most aggressive picture, due to which she does not need hospitalization, but will remain in treatment at home.
- For wisdom for our governmental, regional and district authorities, so that in this difficult time they make the best decisions.
- For health professionals, military, police and other workers who are serving the country in this time of crisis, putting their health and safety at risk.
- For the celebration of FAST AND PRAYER DAY: PERU, JESUS CHRIST IS THE ONLY HOPE, which will take place on Sunday, April 12. This event will unite the evangelical Christian people of Peru.
AWF Prayers – March 2020
March 25, 2020
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF EMERALD Region:
- Above all let us love one another deeply through prayer as we recognize that the Lord is working for our good and His glory (Romans 8:28).
- Pray for those who are on the front line whether they be medics or caregivers.
- Pray for the governments as they deploy measures to limit the progression of the virus and protect local populations.
- Pray for those who are anxious, not only regarding health issues, but also regarding work, finances, loneliness, isolation away from families, etc.
- Pray for all the Alliance churches in the region that have had to adapt to this new situation, where gatherings and church services are now banned in several countries.
- Pray for Alliance pastors and church leaders as they engage in new methods, such as livestream services and virtual cell groups, to maintain community and spiritual growth in our churches.
- Pray for Alliance church members who are reaching out to others and encouraging them in their time of need facing this difficult situation (Romans 15:2).
- Pray that the Alliance churches in France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Netherlands, Russia, Syria and Spain can be a shining light for Jesus during these difficult times as they support local churches facing the challenges of COVID-19 pandemic.
- Pray for the EMERALD Missions Project in Burgas, Bulgaria and the additional financial support that is required (€200/month) to ensure the sustainability of the project and the well-being of the missionary couple, Andrei and Tanya.
- Pray for the financial support for the African Alliance Diaspora Ministry.
- Praise God for the successful Alliance DNA seminar that took place March 3-4 with Rocco Rausch.
- Pray for the preparations of the C&MA GB conference (June 7-9), where Pastor Milad Dagher from Lebanon will be the keynote speaker, and that the current situation will improve so that the conference can go ahead.
- Pray for the country of Italy as they are experiencing the highest level of mortality among those infected by the virus (6,077 deaths as of March 24), and that people will turn to God at this time.
- Pray for unity and wisdom among the leadership of the Alliance churches in Italy. Pray that God will bless the Alliance family in Italy and reinforce their unity.
- Praise God for the for the annual meeting of the Council of the C&MA in Jordan and the Holy Land on Friday, February 28. Pray for the President and the Executive Committee that were elected at the annual meeting.
- Pray for Lebanon, which is experiencing significant social unrest and pray for the authorities as they seek to find solutions to quell the anger expressed.
- Pray for protection for the Alliance churches in Lebanon during these unstable times.
- Pray for the unification process of our ABC-denomination (Alliance of Free-Baptist and Cama-Parousia churches) with the Baptist-Union. Pray this process may deepen our faith-values and our approach to strengthen healthy churches.
- Pray for the preparations for the annual Leadership Conference that is due to take place April 20-22 and that the current situation will improve so that the conference can go ahead.
Please pray for:
- the safety of the local Alliance churches in areas where there is instability;
- people to seek God and turn to Him in their time of need;
- the preparations for the centenary celebrations of the Syrian Alliance in 2020.
- Pray for the country of Spain as they are experiencing the second highest level of mortality among those infected by the virus in Europe (2,696 deaths as of March 24), and that people will turn to God at this time.
- Pray for four Alliance churches that have been directly impacted by the contagion of the COVID-19 (two churches in Madrid and two in Barcelona). Various members are sick, mostly mild, but a few are hospitalized.
March 11, 2020
ICTE Meeting, March 17-20 in Amsterdam, Netherlands:
- Please pray for spiritual wisdom as the AWF International Commission of Theological Education (ICTE) meets to discuss the Quadrennial Declaration, select the recipients of the AWF Theology Award and plan for future events such as the Young Scholar Initiative for 2021, the Theological Symposia and the Alliance History and Theology courses.
ExCom Meeting, March 23-28:
- Please pray for spiritual discernment and vision as the AWF Executive Committee seeks God’s direction to work on strengthening of the Alliance identity and on cooperation for the fulfillment of the Great Commission worldwide.
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF APAC Region:
Thailand C&MA Annual Council, March 27-29:
- Pray for God’s special anointing to be upon all the participants and speakers, giving them a heart to glorify God and spur one another with words of wisdom and encouragement.
Vision Trip to Bangladesh, April 16-19:
- Pray for a fruitful result of this trip in view of the advancement of God’s kingdom of this country. Pray that the Lord will give us His divine eyes and loving heart to see and embrace the purpose He has prepared for us to do.
- Pray for our safety while engaging or visiting different ministry areas with our host.
Alliance Distinctive Seminar/Training in Bangkok, Thailand, April 21-24:
- Pray for Peter Laughlin and David Paksoal for God’s wisdom and the Spirit’s empowerment as they lead the event.
- Pray for God’s protection for all the participants to be spared from the ongoing effects of the Corona Virus.
- Pray for God’s abundant financial provision for the event, as well as for the participants.
March 04, 2020
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF North America Region:
United States
- 2020 is a very full year of conversations and events for the US C&MA. US Alliance President John Stumbo is chairing fifty conversations around the US regarding changes and updates to many facets of Alliance fellowship and mission engagement. Please pray for Dr. Stumbo and the Board of the US C&MA in these processes.
- Seven Seek Conferences will be held across the US during 2020. Seek Conferences are two-day Deeper Life and Missions events focused on renewing hearts for Jesus and His purposes. Pray for an outpouring of God’s Spirit on these events.
- God is opening doors in US Alliance Missions. In several long under-served areas of the world, new opportunities and responsiveness are opening among least-reached peoples. We rejoice in new believers who are among the first Christ-followers from among their people. We are asking God for more such open doors.
Prayer Report for C&MA Canada
- 2020 has started with several significant challenges for the Canadian church to address. While we are very aware in reading the days and times that we are to expect hardship, sorrow and suffering, the last two months has provided several significant global issues that while not concentrated in or on Canada, have greatly impacted our mission personnel and the combined efforts of our Canadian churches, calling forth heightened efforts to be in prayerfully intercession.
Middle East Turmoil
- One of our teams was relatively close to an attack site. This precipitated a decision by Global Ministries and members of the team to depart for a two-week period of time before returning to regular on the ground ministries. We are filled with praise that the potential for escalation was avoided.
The COVID-19 Virus
- The Alliance church in Canada has more than 100 Chinese churches and congregations. Many of these churches are reporting a sharp decrease in attendance amid the concerns that this virus might be passed from someone potentially exposed to the virus while travelling abroad. Many of our Chinese churches have members that have friends and families in Asia that have been exposed to lock downs and quarantine measures. While our Global Ministries have a significant number of international worker personnel working close to COVID-19 outbreak areas, they were all providentially either back in Canada on home assignments or in attendance at the annual field forum. Please pray for many people who are deeply impacted by this global health crisis.
Sudden passing of a beloved IW (International Worker)
- On February 12 Darcy, a marketplace worker on one of our teams in the Middle East, passed away suddenly following an early morning jog. He had recently turned 44 and leaves behind a grieving family of four children, his dear wife Kris and his teammates. Two memorial services were held in memory of a life well-lived, one in country and the second one this past week in Canada. Please pray for family, friends and loved ones and for our Canadian church that has lost a dearly committed member called to bring access to Jesus where few or none have heard.
Further prayer requests for our bi-annual set of key leadership meetings
- The Global Ministries Leadership Team convenes March 4-8 for meetings related to our Venture Missions agenda in Toronto.
- The Global Leadership Team of 30 or so leaders will meet in March in Toronto at our National Ministry Center.
- The ITeam (Impact Team of Regional and District Leaders) meets in March as well for key meetings.
- Pray for a strong sense of God’s presence, wisdom and discernment to hear and obey the voice of the Spirit of God and for faith-filled fellowship and vision for Kingdom impact across our integrated five regions.
Upcoming joint USA/CDN Envision Summit in New York – May 11-14, 2020
- Pray for this 4-day leadership conference that offers young leaders a space where they can collaborate and be equipped. It is for young leaders who are passionate about their local church being on mission and want to be inspired for a greater vision of God’s Kingdom.
- Pray for a Holy Spirit anointed agenda, especially the messages, worship times and the Creative Challenge for Missions.
- Pray for impact and transformational development to take place.
Canadian General Assembly, June 16-19, 2020
- Pray for a dynamic celebration of “All Things Jesus”. Pray as the Alliance in Canada come together for a week of re-connecting, worship, hearing from God’s Word, prayer and discernment, and healthy discussion and decision-making on key business items.
AWF Prayers – February 2020
February 26, 2020
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF EMERALD Region:
- Pray for the EMERALD Regional Coordinating Committee (RCC) meeting that will take place in Amman March 17-18, that the RCC will follow where God is leading.
- Pray for the EMERALD Missions Project in Burgas, Bulgaria, and the additional financial support that is required (€200/month) to ensure the sustainability of the project and the wellbeing of the missionary couple, Andrei and Tanya.
- Pray for the visa applications of Denis Kombetassie, Missions Director at the Centre Evangélique de l’Alliance du Congo (CEAC), as he plans to visit the diaspora churches in Great Britain, France and Belgium.
- Pray for the French National Alliance Church (AECM France) as they support local churches facing the challenges of transition (pastoral renewal, vision development, etc.).
- Pray for the preparations for the annual meeting of AECM France that will take place in Paris on April 4.
- Pray for the new project in Marseille for planting an international church, which will have three main languages (English, French and Arabic), and the project development meetings that will be taking place in March.
- Pray for the preparations for an Alliance DNA Seminar that will take place in Berlin in March with Dr. Marco Wittenberg and Rocco Rausch.
- Pray for the preparations for an Alliance DNA Seminar that will take place March 2-5 with Rocco Rausch, one the AWF Young Scholars trained last year.
- Pray for the preparations of the C&MA GB Conference in June where Pastor Milad Dagher from Lebanon will be the keynote speaker.
- Pray for the leaders of multi-ethnic ministries in Great Britain: Fernando and Maria Castro (London – Spanish), Juan Carlos and Genna Parodi (Manchester – English, Arabic, Spanish), Krys and Agnes Wlodarczyk (Polish).
- Pray for unity and wisdom among the leadership of the Alliance churches in Italy. Pray that God will bless the Alliance family in Italy and reinforce their unity.
- Pray for the Council of the C&MA in Jordan and the Holy Land as they meet on Friday, February 28 for the annual meeting of the Council. The President and the Executive Committee will be elected for a period of three years to come.
- Pray for Lebanon, which is experiencing significant social unrest and pray for the authorities as they seek to find solutions to quell the anger expressed.
- Pray for protection for the Alliance churches in Lebanon during these unstable times.
- Pray for the unification process of our ABC-denomination (Alliance of Free-Baptist and Cama-Parousia churches) with the Baptist-Union. Pray this process may deepen our faith-values and our approach to strengthen healthy churches.
- Pray for the preparations for the annual Leadership Conference that will take place April 20-22
- Pray for continued protection of the Alliance Bible Institute. Praise God for that the Alliance Bible Institute has won their court case to retain their license to be an educational institute.
- Pray for the safety of the local Alliance churches in areas where there is instability, people to seek God and turn to Him in their time of need.
- Pray for the preparations for the centenary celebrations of the Syrian Alliance in 2020.
- Pray for the residency renewal of international Alliance missionaries serving in Spain. Matters of residency for religious professionals have been moved from the Ministry of Justice to the Office of the Presidency under the new coalition government. May God give Alliance workers favor in the eyes of the vice-president’s office that will govern their presence in Spain.
- Thank God for the successful SDI (Strength Deployment Inventory) training seminar that took place in Kandern, Germany, and pray that the skills learned will be used to develop leadership teams throughout our region.
- Pray for the new Alliance Missions Member Care Team and their ministry in supporting U.S. Alliance missionaries in the region.
AWF Prayers – January 2020
January 23, 2020
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF EMERALD Region:
- Pray for African Alliance Diaspora Ministry in Paris as Pastor Jean Kra is reaching out to our Alliance brothers and sisters in the Paris region.
- Pray for the visit to the Centre Evangélique de l`Alliance (CEA) in London by the EMERALD Secretary, Eoghan Cosgrave, and the C&MA GB President, Mike Baraniak. The purpose of the visit is to support and encourage the African Alliance church in London.
- Please pray for the current situation in Iraq, the protests have been going on since last October. More than 400 killed and 20,000 injured. Pray for the safety of the churches.
- Please pray for the Alliance Church in Erbil, where the construction of the new church building will start soon. May the Lord help us so we would have a place that can be a base of ministry to Kurdistan, Iraq, and the Middle East.
- Pray for the Council of the C&MA in Jordan and the Holy Land as they meet on Friday, February 28, 2020 for the annual meeting of the Council. The President and the Executive Committee will be elected for a period of three years to come.
- Pray for the leadership and wisdom of the Holy Spirit to the glory of the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Pray for Lebanon, which is experiencing mass demonstrations by young people and pray for the authorities as they seek to find solutions to quell the anger expressed.
- Pray for protection for the Alliance churches in Lebanon during these unstable times.
Please pray for:
- The safety of the local Alliance churches in areas where there is instability.
- People to seek God and turn to Him in their time of need.
- The preparations for the centenary celebrations of the Syrian Alliance in 2020.
- Pray for the residency renewal of international Alliance missionaries serving in Spain. Matters of residency for religious professionals have been moved from the Ministry of Justice to the Office of the Presidency under the new coalition government. May God give Alliance workers favor in the eyes of the vice-president´s office that will govern their presence in Spain.
- Pray for Dr. Sonia Maldonado this week as she takes obligatory rest from course writing and syllabus preparation due to painful tendonitis. Ask the Father to relieve the inflammation in her shoulders and arms.
- Please pray for the SDI (Strength Deployment Inventory) training seminar that will be taking place in Kandern, Germany February 15-16, and that the skills learned will be used to develop leadership teams throughout the region.
- Pray for the French National Alliance Church (AECM France) as they support local churches facing the challenges of transition (pastoral renewal, vision development, etc.).
- Pray for the successful implementation of the Alliance Roadmap for France for the coming five years.
- Pray for the preparations for the annual meeting of AECM France that will take place in Paris on April 4.
- Pray for the preparations for an Alliance DNA seminar that will take place in Berlin in March 2020 with Dr. Marco Wittenberg and Rocco Rausch.
- Pray for wisdom for leaders as they seek the Lord`s leading to see His Kingdom extended in GB through Alliance ministries.
- Pray for the preparations of the C&MA GB conference in June 2020 where Pr. Milad Dagher from Lebanon will be the keynote speaker.
- Pray for the leaders of multi-ethnic ministries in Great Britain: Fernando and Maria Castro (London – Spanish), Juan Carlos and Genna Parodi (Manchester – English, Arabic, Spanish), Krys and Agnes Wlodarczyk (Polish).
- Pray for unity and wisdom among the leadership of the Alliance churches in Italy. Pray that God will bless the Alliance family in Italy and reinforce their unity.
- Please pray for the unification process of the ABC-denomination (Alliance of Free-Baptist and Cama-Parousia churches) with the Baptist-Union. Pray this process may deepen their faith-values and their approach to strengthen healthy churches.
- Pray for the preparations for the annual Leadership Conference that will take place April 20-22.
- Pray for continued protection of the Alliance Bible Institute. Praise God that the Alliance Bible Institute has won their court case to retain their license to be an educational institute.
Please pray for the following request from the AWF APAC Region:
- Please pray for the 51st General Annual Council of the C&MA of Australia (February 5-8). The theme for the council is “Together” and the main speakers are John Dickson and Jura Yanagihara. Our Alliance Family in Australia is a multi-ethnic national church and serves under the motto “A Missions with Churches. Our call is to reach Everyone, Everywhere, All the Time”. Pray for spiritual renewal and discernment as the church moves forward to fulfill the mission given by God.
January 17, 2020
Please pray for revival, spiritual breakthrough and deeper passion for missions as more than 120 Alliance pastors and leaders meet in the Alliance Training Center in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India from January 27 to 30. Aman Gupta (C&MA Australia) and Jon Mitchell (College of Prayer) are the main speakers for the event.
Please pray for this training week for missionary candidates from the region. Approximately 80 candidates from Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Uruguay will participate in this training that will be held from January 28 to February 2 in the Alliance Camp in Armenia, Colombia. Jura Yanagihara (AWF), David Muthre (CLA) and Tim Crouch (U.S. C&MA) are among the speakers.
Pray for the Brazilian C&MA general council that will be held in Campinas from January 27 to 30. The Brazilian C&MA is putting forward an ambitious church planting project to build a solid foundation to further the missionary work.
This week, the 2020 General Meeting of the C&MA Chile is being held in Temuco, where pastors and delegates from all over Chile meet to share, dialogue and make decisions that concern the National Church. In addition, this year there will be election of the new Executive Board. Please pray for the Lord to guide everything that will be accomplished.
Please pray for the unity of the C&MA of Cuba as its new president Liusbel Utrera accepted the present role to navigate through a sudden transition of leadership. Pray for the pastors and leaders as they minister to the existing congregations and plant new churches. The church planting effort has been conducted in Cuba with the support from the C&MA of Canada, Peru and Chile.
The Alliance in Puerto Rico asks for prayers as the island suffered the most damaging series of earthquakes in over 100 years. Many are still rebuilding from the devastating destruction of Hurricane Maria in 2017. The people of Puerto Rico have suffered greatly and need our prayers. No casualties for the Alliance church members and temples in the island were reported up to now.
January 10, 2020
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF Africa Region:
- Please pray for the training on Alliance Theology and History that will be conducted in the Arabic language in North Africa January 16-17 for future Alliance pastors. Armer, a pastor from the Jordanian C&MA who participated on the first “Alliance Young Scholar Program” last year, will be the speaker. The organizers are deeply excited for this opportunity.
- Please pray for the AWF Africa First Regional Mission Consultation that will be held in Cotonou, Benin, January 22-25. This will be a wonderful opportunity for the presidents and mission leaders of the region to share and discern together how the Lord is leading them to expand their missionary work.
- Please pray for the country of Benin and the three Alliance churches that were planted there through the ministry of the C&MA of Gabon. The Gabonese missionaries in Benin are focused on the following people groups: Fon (south), Goun (south and east), Yourouba, Adja, Mina and Pariba.
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF CLA (Latin America) Region:
- Pray for the celebrations for the 50th Anniversary of the C&MA of the Dominican Republic to be held January 9-15. The theme for the celebration is “The Church that Prays.” May the Lord grant grace and strength to the church to continue to grow in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and make disciples inside and outside of the country.
- For a deep and abiding spiritual renewal in the Christian and Missionary Alliance of Peru, from pastors to their new believers.
- For political, economic, social and spiritual stability in Peru. May the supreme and infinite justice, truth, grace and mercy of Jesus Christ be with our country until His return.
- May the Lord take control of the political situation in the country. It becomes more radical every day. The economy is more and more depressed as hyperinflation increases. The economic situation prevents people from acquiring medicine and food due to the high costs.
- That the population may turn to Christ in the midst of the difficulties.
- That we, the church, can be channels for effective and committed evangelism. We can see many new believers in our churches.
- For the migration to decrease. Our churches are saying goodbye to many of their leaders and brothers who had been committed to the ministries. Please pray for new pastors and leaders.
- For the pastors’ families to have their basic needs met. Please pray for the health of our pastors and families and for our congregations.
- For a prompt pacification of Bolivia after the political crisis.
- For the training of new leaders and pastors in the Alliance Church in Bolivia.
- For new Alliance Churches to be planted in Bolivia.
- A worrying issue in Argentina is the economy. A “stock” has been imposed again to buy and sell foreign currency. Currently, you can only buy $200 per person. This means that missionaries do not have enough money to meet their needs, since they must have cash to pay rent, school and utilities. Some missionaries from other agencies are thinking of returning to their home countries because of this.
- Pray for the social and political crisis our country is facing, with very violent and polarized actions.
- May God bring peace to our country through changes that meet the needs of many people who suffer.
- May God give grace and sensitivity to His church to face this moment.
AWF Prayers – November 2019
November 08, 2019
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF APAC (Asia-Pacific) Region:
- More than 200 women will gather in Cebu City, Philippines for the Asia Pacific Alliance Women (APAW) Conference and Prayer Journey November 14-18, 2019, representing nine of the 14 countries of the APAC Region.
- Pray for all the delegates to experience God’s mercy, and for a warmth and memorably united fellowship in the midst of diversity.
- Pray for a special blessing during the Prayer Journey in the island of Cebu, Bohol, and Siquijor. Pray for spiritual victory and God’s divine covering upon all delegates as they will engage in spiritual warfare. Pray also for good weather.
Please continue to pray for our brothers and sisters affected by the earthquake in the Mindanao area, Philippines:
- On October 31, another 6.5 magnitude earthquake occurred in Mindanao. That made worse the damage done by the previous earthquake. More buildings collapsed and people were injured. From time to time, tremors or aftershocks were felt.
- For donations, click here: (please refer to “Mindanao Earthquake”).
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF CLA (Latin America) Region:
- Pray for the countries in South America (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile and Ecuador) that are facing protests, violence and social unrest.
- Pray that the governments of these countries will be wise to meet the needs of their people and that the church will show the marks of the Kingdom of God, promoting peace and helping those most in need.
- On October 29, another church building was burned during the protests taking place in that country. This church, in the Victoria area of El Salto, was rebuilt just over a year ago with much effort from the local church. That church faces great financial limitations, since it is located in a rural area. Pray for our brothers and sisters in the country. May God raise His people to promote peace in each place.
- For the political and economic crisis in the country and the migration of many people. That affects the church. May this crisis be an opportunity for many to know Christ.
Pray for the pastors’ and families’ retreat of the Alliance in Ecuador. It is to be held November 8-10 with the theme “A Life that Pleases God.”
- That the pastors and their families receive a spiritual renewal from the Lord, and that they glorify the name of Christ at all times.
- That unity and joy be maintained among His servants and that they may continue to have homes that build our society.
- For God’s provision and protection on the trip the attendees will make from the different parts of the country to the meeting place.
On October 21, nine-year-old Jair, the son of Senegal missionaries Jairo Muñoz and Leila da Silva, underwent appendicitis surgery. That triggered vomiting and infection. A second surgery revealed that one of the internal stitches was loose and it resulted in an intestinal obstruction. So, Jair was transferred to a clinic in Lisbon, Portugal, and tests there showed that Jair has a fistula that is draining, so he remains hospitalized and is being treated with antibiotics. Today Jair will do other tests, so we will know if he will have to undergo a third surgery or not. Pray for healing, for financial provision to cover the amounts spent in treatment and transfer, and for peace in the hearts of Jair’s parents.
AWF Prayers – October 2019
October 29, 2019
President Eduardo Cajes (CAMACOP) sent us the following prayer request. Please pray for our brothers in the Mindanao Area affected by the earthquake.
A magnitude 6.3 earthquake rocked several parts of Mindanao last October 16. It was recorded 23 kilometers west of Makilala in North Cotabato at 7:37 p.m. and was felt at an intensity of seven in Kidapawan City, Tulunan and M’lang in North Cotabato, as well as in Davao City and General Santos City. At least seven people were reported dead and 215 were injured.
According to reports, hundreds of aftershocks, with some as strong as magnitude 5.3 and 5.2, continued to be felt in many places in Mindanao.
Many of our Christian brothers and sisters, particularly in Magsaysay, Davao del Sur are still reeling from the effects of the earthquake. To date, there are five areas that need urgent help:
- The CAMACOP (Christian & Missionary Alliance Churches of the Philippines) church in Upper Malawanit, Magsaysay Davao del Sur needs about P350K (US$ 7,000) to repair its damaged building. It was considered unsafe to use after the quake due to numerous cracks in its walls. Four church members reported that their houses were partially damaged.
- In Bacungan, Magsaysay, Davao del Sur, the church and the parsonage (pastor’s residence) were also declared unsafe for use. It is estimated that it will cost about P430K (US$ 8,400) to rebuild the church, the parsonage and the comfort room. Thirty-six members’ homes were also damaged.
- Balnate was another area in Magsaysay, Davao del Sur, that was affected. The church building collapsed and the 13 families there need at least P200K (US$ 3,900) to rebuild the structure.
- In Lower Magsaysay, our CAMACOP Church needs P400K (US$ 7,800) to put up a new building, since the church, including the pastor’s residence, were destroyed. Thirty-five families worship in this church.
- Still in Magsaysay area, the Alliance Pastors’ Bible School (APBS) Session Hall and comfort rooms are also unable to be used due to cracks. Some portions collapsed. The people there need at least P150K (US$ 2,900) for this rebuilding project.
- The Mt. Apo Alliance Bible College (MAABC), located in Bulatucan, suffered slight damage and needs to be repaired.
HOW YOU CAN HELP: Please pray for the affected families, for God’s comfort and provision for their needs. Pray for the repairs and/or construction of church buildings – provision for construction materials (about P1.5M – US$ 30,000), labor cost and a temporary but safe place for the church and members’ houses, while building projects are underway. Most of them are staying in makeshift homes, or in the barangay halls. Relief distribution has been made available to the affected members.
For donations, click here: (please refer to “Mindanao Earthquake”).
October 25, 2019
- Pray for Pastor Jean Kra and his family as they settle in Paris and adapt to a new culture that is very different for them.
- Thank God for the successful visit by the EMERALD Secretary, Mr. Eoghan Cosgrave, to the Centre Evangélique de l’Alliance (CEA) in Brussels to support and encourage the only Alliance church in Belgium. The CEA leadership has renewed its commitment to the Alliance family and look forward to working on projects together.
- Pray for the Pastors Retreat and the Executive Committee meeting of the National Alliance Church of Angola to be held in Luanda October 28 to November 2.
- We praise God for the recovery of the health of Rev. Celestin Koffi, AWF Africa Regional Coordinator, after the cataract surgery.
2) EMERALD (Europe & Middle East) REGION
- Thank God for the successful ADM conference that took place in Spain (October 9-13) where Dr. Rob Reimer taught a “Soul Care” seminar with a wonderful fellowship and the sharing of new ideas for ADM growth.
- Pray for the new Medlink project that is taking shape, mobilizing churches in the Middle East for Missions and developing partnerships in the ADM mission field in Europe.
- Pray for Dr. Martin Sanders as he prepares to lead two days of “Multiplication of Leaders” seminars in Paris and Toulouse on October 25-26.
- Pray for the joint AECM Pastors’ Retreat and C&MA Field Forum (October 28–November 1), where Rick Stein of Alliance Peacemakers will be training Alliance workers in France in how to resolve conflict based on Biblical principles.
- Pray for the development of the church planting project in Marseille, where the Alliance family has a vision to plant an international, multicultural and multilingual church. Pray for the Alliance missionary families already serving in Marseille.
- Pray for the preparations for an Alliance DNA seminar that will take place in Berlin in February 2020 with Dr. Marco Wittenberg and Pr. Rocco Rausch.
- Pray for wisdom for leaders as they seek the Lord’s leading to see His kingdom extended in GB through Alliance ministries.
- Pray for the Chinese churches as they seek to make Jesus known.
- Pray for the leaders of multi-ethnic ministries in Great Britain: Fernando and Maria Castro (London – Spanish), Juan Carlos and Genna Parod (Manchester – English, Arabic, Spanish), Krys and Agnes Wlodarczyk (Polish).
- Pray for the Bethlehem Bible College (BBC) 40th Anniversary Celebrations that will take place November 1-2. Thank God for how He has equipped BBC to train Palestinian Christians and others to serve Christ in the world and model Christ through community development.
- For God to bring peace in the land.
- For the testimony of the church to be light and salt in the community.
- For the protection of the church in Iraq as it faces persecution.
- Please join in prayer for the construction of the new church building of the Erbil Christian and Missionary Alliance Church, led by Pastor Malath, on the 2000 m2 land that they just purchased.
- Pray for unity and wisdom among the leadership of the Alliance churches in Italy. Pray that God will bless the Alliance family in Italy and reinforce their unity.
- Pray for Lebanon, which is experiencing mass demonstrations by young people, and pray for the authorities as they seek to find solutions to quell the anger expressed.
- Pray for protection for the Alliance churches in Lebanon during these unstable times.
- Please pray for the unification process of our ABC-denomination (Alliance of Free-Baptist and Cama-Parousia churches) with the Baptist-Union. Pray that this process may deepen their faith-values and their approach to strengthen healthy churches.
- On November 2 they will have their yearly National Day on Mission & Evangelism. Pray that 150 people may come, be inspired and leave with fresh, challenging thoughts to prioritize the Great Commandment in their lives and churches.
Three Alliance churches in northern Syria are located in the hot zone of the Turkish invasion, two of them are within 30 Km of the border. The local Alliance churches have maintained a presence to help those in need as they flee the violence under threat of death. An estimated 300,000 people have been displaced since the start of the invasion.
Please pray for:
- The safety of the local Alliance churches as they help those in need;
- Wisdom for the pastors and for the Syrian national church president, Rev. Edward Awabdeh;
- Other churches and the 100,000 Arabic, Armenian and Kurdish Christians in northern Syria who face voluntary or forced displacement in the face of aggression and foreign occupation;
- People to seek God and turn to Him in their time of need.
October 16, 2019
1) EMERALD (Europe & Middle East) REGION
We have received the following urgent prayer update from Pastor Edward Awabdeh, the President of the Syrian Alliance Church:
“I deeply appreciate your heart and prayers, it’s a tough situation, we keep on trusting the Lord and His promises, we need your prayers because we need the hand of our Lord to intervene in the situation. We have three major churches in that area, for sure it’s so concerning, however I am glad to report some good news, the Kurds had an agreement with our government which will let the Syrian army take control of the Syrian boarder with Turkey hoping that this presence will assure the Turks of safe boarders without the need for more fighting and bloodshed.
However, there is an urgent need for prayers for a different kind of disaster, large areas of fields and woods close to many villages in an area called the Christian Valley are on fire and many houses are threatened with little capacity to fight a fire of such a scale.
Please pray for safety to our brothers and sisters in that area, and for a divine intervention.
We live in a deeply turbulent part of the world, we learned very well that our peace comes only from above, we trust the sovereignty and goodness of our Lord.
It feels great to be able to share our needs with you.”
In Christ,
Pastor Edward Awabdeh
2) APAC (Asia-Pacific) REGION
Nepal Meeting – October 18-21, 2019
Leaders from AWF will come together in Nepal to meet the leadership team of the Beautiful Gate ministry and missionaries engaged in this country. Please pray that the meeting will bring a positive outcome for the furtherance of the gospel in Nepal and will create strategic partnership with harmonious unity. Please pray for God’s wisdom to Rev. Jura Yanagihara as he leads this meeting. Pray for God’s traveling mercy as well.
October 4, 2019
Please pray for the following request from the AWF APAC (Asia-Pacific) Region:
APAC (Asia-Pacific) REGION
- Pray for wisdom and discernment as the AWF APAC Regional Coordinating Committee meets in Hiroshima, Japan October 7-11.
Please pray for the ministry of the Alliance Churches in the EMERALD (Europe & Middle East) Region:
- Pray for the on-going Biblical and ministerial training of believers coming from non-Christian backgrounds that they will become Alliance pastors equipped to minister to their own people in North Africa. Pray that a strong partnership with Alliance leaders in the Middle East can be developed to establish and run a certification, licensing and ordination program for these men, using the ME majority regional language.
Pray for the ADM conference that will take place in Spain (October 9-13) where Dr. Rob Reimer will be the conference speaker:
- Planning Team – There are many details to the October gathering. Pray for good communication, financial provision, and “that we would do our work as unto the Lord and not unto men.”
- Speaker – Rob Reimer will be speaking about “Soul Care.” Pray specifically that he would dwell in the Spirit as he prepares. Pray for those caring for his children while he and his wife attend the conference. Pray that the Lord would sustain and refresh him.
- Children’s Team – Pray specifically for the eight adults who are coming from Redlands, CA to lead the children closer to Jesus. Pray for unity on their team, financial provision for those who lack it, and hearts that are impacted by the truths they will convey to the kids.
- Attendees – More than 70 are registered to come. Pray for them as they make arrangements to leave homes, families and ministries. Pray for financial provision, and for open hearts to receive from the Lord.
- Pray for the joint AECM Pastors Retreat and C&MA Field Forum (Oct. 28 – Nov. 1), where Rick Stein of Alliance Peacemakers will be training Alliance workers in France how to resolve conflict based on Biblical principles.
- Pray for the development of the church planting project in Marseille, where the Alliance family has a vision to start an international, multicultural and multilingual church. Pray for the Alliance missionary families already serving in Marseille.
- Pray for the implementation of the new 2019-2024 roadmap for the Alliance family in France as we seek God’s vision and will for His Church in France.
- Pray for the raising up of leaders within the French Alliance churches to help the Alliance family grow and be more effective in sharing the gospel.
- As the Alliance (GB) we are so grateful to the Lord for the opportunity to minister to many nations, and we are forming partnerships with others in the Alliance family around the world.
- Pray for wisdom for the leaders as we seek the Lord’s leading to see His kingdom extended in GB through Alliance ministries.
- Pray for the work with the Spanish speakers in London led by Fernando and Maria Castro.
- Pray for growth in The Alliance, Manchester, as they seek to reach the city under the leadership of Juan Carlos and Genna Parodi.
- Pray for the Chinese churches as they seek to make Jesus known.
- Pray for further development in our Polish ministry through Krys and Agnes Wlodarczyk.
- This fall we hope to take another big step forward in the process of uniting our ABC-denomination (Alliance of Free-Baptist and Cama-Parousia churches) with the Baptist-Union. Pray that for the glory of the Lord and the impact of our churches and members in society, we are willing to feel a little uncomfortable when things are changing for everyone. The good thing is that this process deepens our faith-values and our approach to strengthen healthy churches.
- On November 2nd we have our yearly National Day on Mission & Evangelism. Pray that 150 people may come, be inspired, and leave with fresh, challenging thoughts to prioritize the Great Commandment in our lives and churches.
- As some churches are searching for a pastor, may the Holy Spirit lead the elders and churches and equipped persons who love Jesus so that the vacancies will be filled.
AWF Prayers – September 2019
September 27, 2019
Please pray for the ministry of the Alliance Churches in the EMERALD (Europe & Middle East) Region:
EMERALD (Europe & Middle East)
- Pray for God’s wisdom for the EMERALD Regional Coordinating Committee as they work to make EMERALD a platform for Kingdom centered partnerships and fellowship within the regional Alliance family for the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
- Pray for the ECMU-EMERALD Missions Project in Bulgaria and for Tatiana Andrey Mamayev that resources will be found so that Tatiana’s family can renew their resident permits and continue their ministry.
- Thank God for the Alliance national church in France (AECM France), which has decided to participate in the financial support of the ECMU-EMERALD Missions Project in Bulgaria.
- Pray for the AWF African Alliance Diaspora project in France and Europe and the ministry of Pastor Jean Kra among the African Alliance Diaspora.
- Pray for the EMERALD Secretary, Eoghan Cosgrave, as he visits the Centre Evangélique de l’Alliance in Brussels on September 29 to support and encourage the only Alliance church in Belgium.
- Please pray for Ed and Julie Mangham as they take up their new role as the US C&MA Alliance Missions Regional Leadership Couple in the EMERALD Region, and pray for their family as they settle into their new life in Europe.
- For God to bring peace in the land.
- For the testimony of the church to be light and salt in the community.
- For the protection of church in Iraq as it faces persecution.
Prayer requests from Pastor Malath for the Alliance church in Erbil:
- Pray for the construction of the new church without any obstacles. In fact, Erbil Christian & Missionary Alliance church bought 2000 square meters of land meters because of the vision that the church has to own its own building instead of renting a building. The God of heaven Himself will help the Erbil church to succeed; therefore, they will arise and build! They will trust in His word and believe in the Sovereign Lord who always keeps His promises. Please join the Erbil church in prayer for the construction of the new church building.
- Pray that new leaders be filled with the spirit of wisdom by God’s will.
- Pray for unity and wisdom among the leadership of the Alliance churches in Italy. Pray that God will bless the Alliance family in Italy and reinforce their unity.
- Praise God for the successful FIACME National Missions Conference “Lift Up Your Eyes.”
- May God raise strong youth in the churches and leaders to guide the youth.
- May God raise up a new generation of national leaders to extend evangelization work in Spain.
- Pray for the work done by the Alliance Mission of the USA and Canada in the evangelization of Muslims in Spain. May God give wisdom to the missionaries and may the mercy of God be seen.
- Pray for Alba, who is a member of our Alliance Church in Granada. She has studied linguistics with Wycliffe and is ready and desiring to go wherever the Lord will send her. May God guide her and Wycliffe in this placement. She also needs to raise her own support and hopes to be able to go this coming fall.
September 13, 2019
Please pray for the following requests from the AWF APAC (Asia Pacific) Region:
- APAC Regional Coordinating Committee: Meeting on October 8-11, 2019 in Hiroshima, Japan. Pray for God’s favor upon those who need visas. Pray also for a fruitful meeting and fellowship with our Japan Alliance Church leaders and workers.
- Asia Pacific Alliance Women (APAW): Preparation for the APAW Conference in Cebu City, Philippines, November 14-18, 2019. Pray that the APAW team will be able to work efficiently in preparing for all the details of the event. Given the geographical distances, pray that there will be clear communication between the team members. Praise God that already 180 women are registered for this gathering.
- Trip of Rev. Roland Lumawag to Korea (September 27 to October 1, 2019): Pray for the discussions about ministry partnership between the AWF, the Alliance Church of Korea (ACK), and the mission agency Korea and her Neighbors (KHN).
- Pray for the thousands of people in Nduga who are displaced from their homes because of the Indonesian military operation that began in December 2018 to combat rebel groups in Papua. Our people have suffered from this conflict. Most of them are Alliance church people. Pray for a peaceful solution in Nduga Papua.
- Pray also for the recovery process in the cities of Papua. Recent riots were due to racism and Papua’s students in Java. In response, thousands of Papuans held demonstrations demanding justice, but protesters started burning government offices and shops. Pray that the central government handles the riots wisely.
- Please pray for Hong Kong. May God make Christians in Hong Kong a channel of His peace. May God bless Hong Kong’s people, especially the young people, to step away from helplessness, grief and despair. May God lead us to live and speak about the goodness of God in our own lives, and may he bless us to persist in goodness and self-control during these trying days. May God bless Hong Kong.
Pray for the following projects of the Gujarat Synod:
- To plant an Alliance Church in Nadiad city in Gujarat.
- To evangelize villages surrounding Agawada where we have recently planted a church.
- For the renovation of the boarding school at Dholka, and to have more students enroll in the school.
- For the renovation of the Alliance Conference Center-Mahemdabad and two bungalows where our missionaries lived for years.
- To pay sufficient salaries to our pastors.
- To motivate young people to join the pastoral ministry with the Gujarat Synod.
- To have all the churches get actively involved in missions and evangelism.
- To organize training for pastors and missionaries.
Pray for the New Zealand Alliance for its Global Impact Week, October 11-19, 2019. May God’s people receive his divine inspiration to serve globally through the lives of Keith and Annette Bennet, missionaries serving in India. Both are sent by the New Zealand Alliance Church. Pray also that the program and activities of the week will be full of celebration and support from the churches.
For more information, access
September 6, 2019
We ask your prayers regarding these requests from the Latin American Region (CLA):
- For the financial political crisis that affects the country and is transferred to the church.
- For social pressures regarding gender ideology, abortion, and ideological sex education.
- For the generation of new workers.
- For the new work in the city of Oruro.
- For the reorganization of the transcultural Missions Department in the National Church and for the raising up and sending of transcultural missionaries.
- For the planting of new churches and the training of new leaders and pastors.
- For the González Arias missionary family (Luis Felipe and Rixa and their children Josaphat, Abigail, Risa, and Priscila). They worked planting the C&MA Church in Calacoto, La Paz for 12 years and are in a transition process preparing to go to Senegal.
- For God’s direction in church planting and mission development.
- For the training of new leaders.
- For spiritual discernment for the change of the National Board of Directors next year.
- For the government of the country that fails to join efforts for growth.
- For the development of the national Christian Education plan.
- For the election of the new National Executive Board in January next year.
- For the process of legalization of the Alliance in Cuba and the self-sustainability of the church.
- For the planting of new churches in the country.
- For continuing development of the education of leaders and their training in seminars.
- For the families of the country and the high rates of divorce, abortion and family dysfunctionality that currently exist.
- For replanting the church in Asunción and the work of Pastors Segundo and Patricia Llanos.
- For a property for the Alliance Ministerial Institute.
- For more pastoral couples.
- For the growth of the national church.
- For the growth of missions.
- For the political and economic crisis in the country and the migration of many people, which also affects the church. May this crisis be an opportunity for many to know Christ.
AWF Prayers – August 2019
EMERALD (Europe & Middle East)
- Pray for God’s wisdom for the EMERALD Regional Coordinating Committee as they work to make EMERALD a platform for Kingdom centered partnerships and fellowship within the regional Alliance family for the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
- Pray for the implementation of the new 2019-2024 roadmap for the Alliance family in France as we seek God’s vision and will for His church in France for the next five years.
- Pray for the raising of leaders within the French Alliance churches to help the Alliance family grow and be more effective in sharing the gospel.
- As the Alliance (GB) we are so grateful to the Lord for the opportunity to minister to many nations and are forming partnerships with others in the Alliance family around the world.
- Prayer of thanksgiving for the successful annual conference in June, where the keynote speaker was Sunder Krishnan.
- Pray for wisdom for leaders as we seek the Lord’s leading to see His kingdom extended in GB through Alliance ministries.
- Pray for the work with the Spanish speakers in London led by Fernando and Maria Castro.
- Pray for growth in The Alliance, Manchester, as they seek to reach the city under the leadership of Juan Carlos and Genna Parodi.
- Pray for the Chinese churches as they seek to make Jesus known.
- Pray for further development in our Polish ministry through Krys and Agnes Wlodarczyk.
- This fall we hope to make another big step forward in the process of uniting our ABC-denomination (Alliance of Free-Baptist and Cama-Parousia churches) with the Baptist-Union. Pray that for the glory of the Lord and the impact of our churches and members in society, we are willing to feel a little uncomfortable when things are changing for everyone. The good thing is that this process deepens our faith-values and our approach to strengthen healthy churches.
- On November 2nd we have our yearly National Day on Mission & Evangelism. Pray that 150 people may come, be inspired and leave with fresh, challenging thoughts to prioritize the Great Commandment in our lives and churches.
- As some churches are searching for a pastor, may the Holy Spirit lead the elders and church and equipped persons who fully love Jesus so that the vacancies will be fulfilled.
- Pray for the Second Seminar for Mission Mobilizers and the Eighth National Conference for World Missions of the C&MA of Ecuador that will be held August 29-31 in Quito. The theme is “Healthy Disciples Reaching the World.”
- Pray for the First International Congress for the Development of Healthy Churches to be held August 26-30 in Lima, sponsored by LED (Lima to an Encounter with God). David Muthre and Javier Cortazar (present and past AWF CLA Regional Coordinators) and AWF President Jura Yanagihara will be among the speakers.
EMERALD (Europe & Middle East) & MISSIONS
- Pray for the ECMU-EMERALD Missions Project in Bulgaria and Tatiana Andrey Mamayev that resources will be found so that the family can renew their resident permits and continue their ministry.
- Pray for George Berberian and his ministry in Turkey. Pray that financial support will be found so that he can continue his ministry there.
- Pray for the AWF African Alliance Diaspora project in France and Europe and the ministry of Pastor Jean Kra among the African Alliance Diaspora.
- Pray for the ADM – Alliance Diaspora Ministry Conference that will take place in Spain (October 9-13) where Dr. Rob Reimer will be the conference speaker.
- A prayer of thanksgiving for the many representatives from the Alliance churches in Italy that participated in the EMERALD Conference. Pray that God will bless the Alliance family in Italy and reinforce their unity.
- May God raise strong youth in the churches, and raise up leadership to guide those youth.
- May God raise up a new generation of national leaders who extend evangelization work in Spain.
- Pray for the work done by the Alliance Mission of the USA and Canada in the evangelization of Muslims in Spain. May God give wisdom to the missionaries, and may the mercy of God be seen.
- Pray for Alba, who is a member of our Alliance Church in Granada. She has studied linguistics with Wycliffe and is ready and desiring to go wherever the Lord has prepared for her. May God guide her and Wycliffe in this placement. She also needs to raise her own support and hopes to be able to go this coming fall.
FIACME National Missions Conference – September 2019 — “Lift Up Your Eyes”
- Pray for the first Missions Week of the National Alliance Church in Spain (FIACME), September 8-15, and for the committee organizing this event. Also pray that the Lord would provide financially.
- Ask the Lord to inspire our people to get involved intentionally with cross-cultural missions through prayer, through giving sacrificially, and in sending workers across cultures.
- Pray for Munther Shahatit, the AWF EMERALD Regional Coordinator, and for Martin Chaaya, and for all the other conference speakers as they prepare for their workshops and for the preaching of the Word. Pray that the Lord would guide them and fill them with the Holy Spirit as they share what the Lord has laid on their hearts.
- Lift up to the Lord the gathering of the concentration of churches on September 13-14 at Alianza de Amor Church in Madrid. Pray that they might “see” the nations that have yet to hear the gospel.
AWF Prayers – June 2019
ICTE (International Commission of Theological Education)
- Pray for the inaugural meeting of the AWF Young Scholars Program that will be held from June 24 to 28 at Nyack College Campus in New York. Pray for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the lecturer, Dr. Bernie Van de Walle, and the participants, two from each AWF region.
- The Alliance in Spain will conduct five meetings of “The College of Prayer” in June and July (Madrid, Barcelona, Zaragoza, Canary Islands and Alicante). Pray that God will fan His Church with the Power of Prayer.
- Pray for the unity of the 24 churches that make up the Alliance in Spain. From November 15 to 17 they scheduled a retreat for pastors and national leaders. May God strengthen and challenge the church.
- May God raise up strong youth in the churches, leadership to guide this youth and a new generation of national leaders who the extend evangelization work in Spain.
- For the work done by the Alliance Mission of the USA and Canada in the evangelization of Muslims in Spain. May God give wisdom to the missionaries and the mercy of God be seen.
- Pray for the implementation of the new 2019-2024 Roadmap for the Alliance family in France as they seek together God’s vision and will for His church in France for the next 5 years.
- Pray for the AWF African Alliance Diaspora project in France and Europe and the ministry of Pastor Jean Kra amongst the African Alliance Diaspora.
- Pray for the GB Conference over this weekend (June 21 to 23). The speaker is Sunder Krishnan, and Eoghan Cosgrave will lead the mission sessions. Pray for the outreach planned for the Saturday afternoon in Manchester.
- Pray for wisdom as the Alliance leaders in Great Britain minister to many nations. May they seek the Lord’s leading to see His kingdom extended in GB through Alliance ministries.
- Pray for the work with the Spanish speakers in London led by Fernando and Maria Castro.
- Pray for growth in The Alliance Manchester as they seek to reach the multi-cultural city under the leadership of Juan Carlos and Genna Parodi. They have suffered a family bereavement at this time.
- Pray for further development in the Polish ministry through Krys and Agnes Wlodarczyk.
- Prayer of thanksgiving for the many representatives from the Alliance churches in Italy that participated in the EMERALD Conference. Pray that God will bless the Alliance family in Italy and reinforce their unity.
AWF Prayers – May 2019
Please pray for:
- The CLA Assembly and Missions Conference to be held in Guatemala in September. May the Lord prepare the venue that will host this important event for the Latin America region.
- The Alliance Church in Colombia. May the Lord strengthen and provide wisdom in the midst of the various actions that they are developing as a national church.
- The Alliance Church in Venezuela. These days, part of the economic aid from the Alliance Churches from Latin American countries has been sent. May the Lord grant them strength from heaven in the midst of the crisis in the country.
- Please pray for the National Conference and the 25th Anniversary celebrations of the National Alliance Church in Russia that is taking place on May 23-25 in Novorossiysk. Rev. Munther Shahatit (AWF Regional Coordinator for the EMERALD Region) and Mr. Eoghan Cosgrave (AWF Secretary for the EMERALD Region) will participate in both events.
- Pray for the C&MA GB Conference 2019 that will take place in partnership with the Manchester Chinese Alliance Church on June 21-23.
- Please remember the following prayer points as the date for the conference draws closer:
1. For all the arrangements that need to be made in preparation for this event;
2. For Rev. Sunder Krishnan as he prepares to be among us and that the Lord will use him as he teaches us the word of God;
3. For the planned outreach on the Saturday afternoon;
4. That Jesus will be glorified as the GB Alliance family gather together.
- The Missions Department of the C&MA Argentina will hold the National Missions Meeting 2019, from May 24 to 26, in the city of General Pico, Province of La Pampa, with the theme: “A Generation with Vision”. Let us join together in prayer to fulfill the Mission of God and bring the Good News to the ends of the earth!
- Pray for the US Alliance Council to be held in Orlando, Florida, May 28–June 2, 2019. The 2019 Council theme is “Beyond.”
“I sense the Spirit’s prompting to challenge us to move beyond our current limitations and, more importantly, beyond whatever may be holding us back in our relationship with Jesus. I’m eager to explore together where God is taking us next. Please pray with me that the Holy Spirit’s presence will welcome us as we gather to seek His renewing work within, among, and through us.” — John Stumbo, U.S. C&MA President
- Pray for the meeting of the National Alliance Fellowship of India (NAFI) to be held in Mumbai on May 27-30, 2019.
- The Alliance pastors will come together to share, pray and plan the next steps for church plant initiatives in the urban areas and among the least reached and unreached people groups.
AWF Prayers – April 2019
- Pray for our Alliance family in Venezuela who is proclaiming compassionately the Good News of salvation to the people experiencing a social and economic catastrophe.
- Pray that the humanitarian aid with essential goods can reach the people in need.
- The Christian and Missionary Alliance Church of Gabon asks us to pray for the repentance of people and their return to God, as it is written in 2 Chronicles 7:14, and for the spreading of the Gospel among Muslims, animists, and pagans.
- They will be praying for their nation from April 17-19, 2019, and invite us to join them, asking God for His support and His control throughout the event.
- Please pray for the upcoming 55th General Assembly of the Christian and Missionary Alliance Churches of the Philippines (CAMACOP), April 23-28, 2019. Pray for the safety and protection of the gathering, and God’s fresh anointing upon Rev. Dr. Stephen Elliot, the event’s main speaker.
AWF EMERALD (Europe & Middle East) Region
- Pray for the final preparations for the 2019 AWF EMERALD Regional Conference and Pre-Conference that will take place in Frankfurt, Germany (May 1-4) and for the mobilization of national churches to attend. Pray for visas and the availability of resources for all those who wish to attend.
- Pray for spiritual anointing upon the speakers of the EMERALD Conference, Rev. Steve Fowler and Rev. Rob Bashioum, and also for the speakers of the Symposium of Alliance Theology, Dr. Bernie Van de Walle, Dr. Marco Wittenberg and Dr. Jack Sara.
- Pray for Rev. Vernon Rehmann and the Alliance family in Germany as they prepare to host the 2019 AWF EMERALD Conference (May 1-4) and provide all the necessary logistical support to the Conference and the AWF ExCom (April 25-27) and Global Network of Missions Leaders (April 28-29) meetings.
- Pray for the meeting of the National Alliance Fellowship of India (NAFI) to be held in Mumbai on May 27-30, 2019.
- The Alliance pastors will come together to share, pray and plan the next steps for church plant initiatives in the urban areas and among the least reached and unreached people groups.
- Pray for the healthy/growing/reproducing churches.
- Pray for the pastoral and official worker families, for spiritual and emotional strength.
- Pray for the local churches as they seek to reach out into their communities.