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Blessing in 2018 at the AWF-ICTE

December 13, 2018

The end of the year is near, and our team would like to share the many blessings and victories we had this year. This is the message from Dr. Bernie A. Van De Walle representing the AWF-International Commission on Theological Education. We thank you for all the support and all the prayers. Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

Greetings Alliance World Family,

The International Commission on Theological Education is very thankful to our Lord who continues to enrich and bless theological training throughout the C&MA world. At present the worldwide C&MA has 94 theological Seminaries, Institutes and Bible Colleges that are training men and women for service in His Kingdom. This is a wonderful testimony of the faithfulness of God to raise up new generations of Christian leaders from every region of the world. Whilst many challenges continue to confront us, we are all the more convinced that the C&MA continues to serve the heart of God’s mission to reach the lost with the gospel.

We are also thankful to each AWF region for the encouragement and lively conversations that we have enjoyed throughout 2018. The Theological Symposia which have been held in both Argentina and the Philippines have been times of wonderful sharing with one another. The importance of the role and function of the Alliance heritage in contemporary ministry was discussed with many good conversations taking place as a result. What has become evident through these first two symposia is that our C&MA family is very keen to embrace the richness of the C&MA heritage. The ICTE is looking forward in the new year to holding these theological symposia in the other AWF regions as well as to continue to explore ways in which to promote the ethos and heritage of the C&MA.

Three ways that ICTE is planning to do just this are the implementation of the Young Educators Program, the development of the International Alliance Curriculum and the creation of an Alliance Theological Repository.

Applications for the Young Educators Program are now open from all AWF regions. Through some generous donor funding the ICTE will be holding an intensive in New York City on the history and thought of the C&MA. Key scholars, endorsed by their national presidents, will commit themselves to become specialists in C&MA distinctives and will then make themselves available to train others across the globe. The development of the International Alliance Curriculum will also make it possible for every C&MA national body to have access to a quality training resource on the C&MA that can be contextualised as required. By providing a standard curriculum there will be consistency in the teaching of C&MA distinctives across the globe. Sitting alongside both of these initiatives is the new AWF theological and historical repository (AWF Repository) Available online through the AWF website is large collection of historical documents, general resources and theological articles and books about the C&MA and its distinctives. All the resources are free to access and provide a great way of exploring the history and thought of our movement.

As the end of the year draws near we once again thank you for all your encouragement and support. May the Christmas season be a joyful one for you all as you celebrate and remember the birth of our Saviour and Lord.

Dr. Bernie A. Van De Walle, Chair of the AWF International Commission on Theological Education
