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He looks older than last time when I met him. Edward Awabdeh (left on the picture) is President of the Syrian      Alliance Churches. We meet in Beirut where he teaches course at the Alliance Theological Institute. «I am proud of our Churches», he remarks. In all their own  misery they try to offer help to those in greater need. This concerns especially the many displaced people within the country.

Look at the medical doctor who leads the congregation in Homs. The church-buildingand his clinic lie in a combat-zone, so he can’t go there. But the Church meets nonetheless every Friday, at two different locations. During the weekends he and his  team visit villages in the surrounding area.» Another example is the church in Tartus, in an area dominated by Alevites. Many move to this part of the country because it is relatively calm. But they come empty-handed and the church tries to help them meet basic needs. «How is the situation in Damascus, where you live?», I ask him. «Oh, in our neighborhood it’s quiet, there is some shooting, but only once or twice a week».  A major problem is that 30 to 40% of the Christians have left the country, among them church leaders. When asked if he condemns those who left, the reply is:  «No, every situation is different and everyone has to decide accordingly. «And you and your wife, have you considered leaving? «He looks surprised and replies with a strong voice: «We don’t even think about it. We have more opportunities than ever to share the gospel!» Then cautiously he adds: «Of course I cannot predict what might come and I admit that we are grateful that our children study abroad.» «What can we do for you?» The answer goes in threefold:

  1. Pray for us.
  2. Give thanks because regularly people come to Christ and Christians are more seriously following their Lord. More persons than ever ask to be baptized!
  3. Please help the Alliance Churches to reach out to those who are in need in Syria and across the border.



May the Lord bless you. Yours brother in Christ,

Arie Verduijn
Alliance World Fellowship
The Netherlands
Email: [email protected]

Funds for AWF: Account number: 5079941
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Address accountholder: Amersfoortseweg 44
Zipcode: 3951 LC Town: Maarn, Netherlands
Name of the bank: ING, Address bank: P.O. Box 1800,
Zip code: 1000 BV,   Town bank: Amsterdam, Netherlands.
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