Evangelical Churches of Vietnam (South)
President: Rev. Phuoc Truong Thai




Ordained Ministers

The gospel was spreading to Vietnam since 1911. During this length of 110 years, the Vietnamese churches have been developing in different situations of opportunities and difficulties. Although that is the long history of God's work for our people, now we are praising God's grace when we see the spreading of our churches in the 34 provinces of Vietnam.
In November 2013, there was the 46th General Conference of the ECVN and the Management Board was elected with new term. Each one of the responsible committees have been properly performing its plannings.
Each province has its own representative team to cooperate with the local churches and in general the church activities are stable and the churches are increasing in numbers. In some provinces, the church has difficulties in activities and express her faith, and headquarters is in contact with the government to solve the problems and to defend our local churches.
We praise God for having many worshiping places, sub-churches and local churches that were recognized by the government. New chapels, church buildings were built to make the beautiful sight for believers to gather in weekly services and to worship our Lord.