The Christian and Missionary Alliance
President: Rev. John Stumbo
8595 Explorer Dr., Colorado Springs, CO, 80920, United States of America
+1 719-599-5999




Ordained Ministers

When Alliance founder, A.B. Simpson, resigned a lucrative pastorate in New York City in 1881, he answered a call from God to reach the lost masses both in New York and around the world. Prostitutes, longshoremen, immigrants, and the homeless received the reconciliatory message that all people are eligible to receive the boundless, unmerited grace of Christ Jesus.
In 1882, Simpson established the New York Gospel Tabernacle to launch a movement that would ultimately bring the hope of the gospel to the lost, disenfranchised, and overlooked peoples of the world. He then established the Missionary Training Institute to train and equip men and women God was calling to take the good news of salvation to the ends of the earth. During that time, Simpson’s group sent out the first team of missionaries to the Congo in 1884.
Since then, thousands of people have followed God’s call to serve through The Alliance in the United States and abroad. In 1974, the U.S. Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA) officially became a denomination but kept a heart for overseas missions at its core. Former Alliance president Dr. L. L. King said of the C&MA that it “was not established as a mission divorced from the normal activity of a church, but a church which had within it the life and function of a mission. The mission came first, and the church grew out of the mission.”
Dr. John Stumbo, its twelfth and current president, describes the U.S. Alliance as “a Christ-centered, Acts 1:8 family.” More than 2,000 U.S. Alliance churches worship in 37 languages and dialects as they minister Christ’s love to their communities and cities, while sending and supporting international workers to proclaim the good news among the remaining least-reached peoples of the world.