Iglesia Alianza Cristiana y Misionera del Perú
President: Rev. Ángel Barrientos
Prolongación Cayetano Heredia 151, Pueblo Libre, Lima 21, Peru
PO Box 336 CURTIN, ACT 2605
+51 1 461-2530 / +51 1 463-0425




Ordained Ministers

The work of the Alliance in Peru began in 1925. The first years were difficult. Evangelical Christians suffered persecution, but God took care of his people and his Kingdom spread to various parts of the country. Churches were established in the Huánuco and Tingo Maria regions. In Lima, the mission director opened his home for prayer and Bible study meetings. It was the beginning of the Lince church, which was officially organized with two members as the first Alliance church of Lima in 1958. The following year they bought a property on Arequipa Avenue where the first church had a capacity for 1,000 people, inaugurated in 1974. Now, they a new church building with capacity for 3,000 people. This small congregation launched an evangelistic task in order to reach Lima.
Spontaneous prayer groups in the church and in homes asked God for revival in the congregation and the conversion of thousands of people in Lima and Peru. In response to these prayers, in 1973 the movement that we now know as “Lima to Encounter with God” was born. It is an aggressive evangelism plan based on the local church, by which we seek the growth of the congregations and an impact in the city and the nation.