Christian and Missionary Alliance Churches of New Zealand
President: Rev. Andrew Marshall
Alliance Churches of New Zealand
PO Box 48056 Blockhouse Bay, Auckland, New Zealand
+64 800 692 262




Ordained Ministers

The Christian & Missionary is a very small movement in New Zealand with 7 member churches and partner churches. Our congregations are Chinese (3), Korean (1), Vietnamese (1), and “Kiwi” (3) and mostly located in Auckland, all with pastors, some also with associate pastors and church staff. Our total membership (including partner churches) is approx. 800 adults and we have three church buildings which accommodate 5 of our churches, and a home office which houses our national 0ffice.
We’ve been in New Zealand for 42 years and over the past years have been working hard to rebuild and restructure for growth. During this time, we have drawn two churches into informal partnerships and begun discussions on two new church plant opportunities. We have established a National Youth program, an Alliance Academy for facilitating lay leader training, a National Prayer Ministry, and an International Missions program offering regular short term mission opportunities and supporting ministry in China, India, Thailand and Tonga.
A significant part of our International Missions program has been the establishment of our Global Women ministry — started as a result of Asia Pacific Alliance Women (APAW) being formalized at the APAC Conference in Bali, 2010. This ministry has grown into a significant women’s ministry, supporting a variety of ministries, often for other women throughout our region. In 2013 we hosted the APAW conference with women from across our region. We also subsidized a women’s conference in Thailand, and have provided seed funding for a women’s conference in India.
Also as part of our International Missions program, we’ve instituted two special fundraising events to raise the profile and financial support for missions. Mission 48 is a youth led event, where young people fast for 48 hours and serve in community projects to raise funds for community development overseas —mostly through CAMA Services (U.S.). This has had a significant impact of increasing mission awareness among young people as we seek to keep the DNA of Alliance missions flowing into the next generation, and has raised thousands of dollars for missions. We also run an event called Global Fusion which is a formal fundraising evening, designed to raise the profile of Alliance missions in a setting which communicates the value of missions. This has grown and become an extremely important event for us enabling us to raise significant funds to support a variety of Alliance projects around the world.
These two special events, together with Global Women and other strategic initiatives have increased the profile of Alliance Missions considerably, and produced a 170% increase in Missions giving.
The Alliance in New Zealand is a small movement in a small remote country but we’ve got big heart for God’s world and we’re committed to playing our part in building his kingdom. New Zealand celebrates 200 years since the Gospel was first preached to our local Maori people and our challenge is to continue to preach the gospel, in word and deed, to our own nation and throughout the world.