The Christian and Missionary Alliance Church of Myanmar (CMACM)
President: Rev. Lian Suan Pau
48/9, Myopad Street, Tahan-Kalaymyo 02092, Sagaing Region, Myanmar
+959 425v062 199




Ordained Ministers

The CMACM was founded in April of 1985 by Rev. Dr. Kawlthangvuta (K.T Vuta) in Yangon (Rangoon) former capital city of Burma (Myanmar). Yangon Alliance Church is the first local church of CMACM.
As Rev. Vuta preached the Fourfold Gospel in Kalay – Kabaw Valley, five churches were planted in Kalaymyo (Tahan), Nat Kyi Kone Village, Pyin Daw Oo Village and Sawbua Yee Shin Village in Kalaymyo Township and in Canan Village in Tamu Township in 1985. In January 1986 one more church was planted in the village of Bokkan (Zohmun) located at the boarder of India, 25 miles south of Tamu.
The first District Conference was held in Tahan (Kalaymyo) in November 1985. Two years later in 1987 CMACM became member of AWF. Dr. Louis King and his wife and Dr. Ben-de Jesus paid us a visit in 1986 and the first USA Alliance official who visited us was Rev. Bob W. Reed, in April 1984.
By the grace of God, the church gradually grow and was able to send its first home (native) missionary to Namhu Village, Loksok Township in southern Shan State (to the Shan Buddhists). Our members in Lower Burma speak Burmese as they are Buddhist converts and members in Upper Burma (Sagaing Region) speak Mizo as they are animist converts.
Every year, in summer, AYF, AW and Children Sunday Schools hold district conferences. CMACM is a three-self church, and even though we live in a LDC (Least Developing Country) in South East Asia, Loa is the poorest country. Myanmar is next to Loa in poverty though she is very rich in natural resource.
Our main challenge is evangelization of Buddhist Myanmar. According to 2014 census there are 52.5 million people in Myanmar and 88% are Buddhists especially Burman (Bamars). Only 6.3% are Christians according to the 2014 census. Therefore, 93.7% are still unreached, after 500 years of introduction of the gospel to Myanmar by the Roman Catholic Mission (R.C.M) and 200 years by the American Baptist Mission (A.B.M).
The Church in Burma will never be regarded as a living faith (the gospel of God will not be expanded) until we won the Burma Buddhists, the majority and ruling largest society.
We do need faithful and trained pastors and missionaries. Our present workers were trained at seminaries of other denominations. They were not taught Alliance statement of faith. We would like to train our future- workers at our own seminary. We would like to establish our own seminary.
We also want to establish an orphanage home. As we have mentioned Burman is one of the poorest nations in the world because of long military rule (1962-2010) and civil war (1949-present) even though it is rich in mineral resources. We have a lot of orphans because of civil war and natural disaster like Nargis Storm in 2008 that killed 140,000 persons and left many orphans. Pre-matured death of many parents left many Buddhist orphans, and we will save 100 souls if we take care of 100 orphans. Soon they will get married and we will have many Christian families.