Église Chrétienne Évangélique du Mali (ECEM)
President: Rev. Sadrac Diarra
+223 92878368




Ordained Ministers

The Evangelical Christian Church is the result of the missionary work of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. The C&MA is a Mission of American origin, founded by Pastor Albert Benjamin Simpson and was established in French Sudan, now Mali, in 1923. Its main objective is to preach the Gospel to unreached peoples. It first settled in the city of Sikasso. Then, she opened missionary stations in towns and villages in French Sudan, including San Tombouctou, Gao, Koutiala, Sangha, Sanekuy, Dioudiou, N’Torosso, and Somasso. So, its evangelistic efforts led to the conversion of many indigenous people in large numbers to Jesus Christ. So, in 1963, considering the socio-economic and political evolution of the country, and believing that the best way for the sustainability of its actions was to empower the nationals, the C&MA decided to give the communities their autonomy in matters of leadership, finance, and expansion of the Gospel.
The Church was officially recognized as a confessional association under the name of the Evangelical Christian Church in Mali by order N29 7 / D1-2 of April 2, 1963, of the Minister of the Interior, following law N 86 / AN- RM of July 21, 1961, relating to the organization of religious associations and worship. Thanks to a decision of autonomy agreed between the Christian Evangelical Church in Mali and that in Upper Volta ‘(current Burkina-Faso, the Christian Evangelical Church in Mali, became the Christian Evangelical Church of Mali in 1974. Thus, nowadays, the Evangelical Christian Church of Mali is a member of the Alliance World Fellowship (AWF). It is also a founding member of the Association of Groups of Protestant Churches and Missions in Mali (AGEMPEM), which, in turn, is affiliated with the Association of Evangelical Africa (AEA), making it a member of the AEM World Evangelical Alliance.