Iglesia Evangélica Ecuatoriana Alianza Cristiana y Misionera
President: Rev. David Muthre
Urdesa Central, Calle Primera #420 – entre Monjas y Dátiles, Guayaquil, Ecuador
+593 4-238-0244 / +593 4-238-9162




Ordained Ministers

One hundred twenty years ago, the inspirational effort of A.B. Simpson, founder of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, had his start in Ecuadorian lands with the tenure of the faith of men like Guillermo Fritz and Eduardo Tarbox, who laid the foundations of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our country. Added to this is the love work of others, such as Homero Crisman and Guillermo Reed, with the strength of consolidation to promote the growth of this work of perseverance in the hope of our Lord Jesus Christ, that since 1945 established as a national church, the same one that receives the precious legacy and assumes the fervent commitment to continue the task as Ecuadorian servants, to forge and form generations that shine for the glory of our God.
Today the challenge continues, and as the great Alliance family of Ecuador, we celebrate these 120 years grateful to God, for His grace with which He has sustained us at every step. Longing to see and experience a new society in our country, we know that this entails a high commitment on our part, and we will do it with our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of faith, following His footsteps, not quenching the Holy Spirit and hold tightly on the Word of Life. May the Triune God bring us a renewed fervor to live in His purpose, and to proclaim that Jesus Christ is our Savior, our Sanctifier, our Healer and our coming King, and announce it to all nations, until the end of the world, until His return.