Christian and Missionary Alliance of Australia
President: Rev. Ken Graham
Christian and Missionary Alliance of Australia
Unit 4, 22 Napier Close, DEAKIN, ACT 2600, Australia
PO Box 336 CURTIN, ACT 2605
+61 2 6282-2900




Ordained Ministers

The C&MA of Australia rejoices over what God has done after 50 years of Alliance ministry in this country. In 2019 they celebrated their 50th anniversary of ministry. Australia, while a lovely place with friendly people, is spiritually very challenging. People are largely content with their lives with often little interest in spiritual matters. The C&MA in Australia had its first meeting in December 1969. It has grown to some 83 congregations in 52 churches as many churches have two or more congregations. Churches are in six of the eight states and territories of Australia. Those attending an Alliance church each weekend are 6,600 served by 118 licensed workers.
The C&MA of Australia comprises an array of ethnic diversity that reflects the C&MA worldwide mission. We minister among: Anglo, Chinese, Vietnamese, Cambodian, Hmong, Indonesia, Korean, Philippines, Russian, and Spanish communities. There are growing opportunities among Mandarin speaking people entering Australia.
They are rejoicing in their ethnic diversity in the C&MA of Australia, but there is a huge need for more churches to be planted amongst many more people groups in Australia.