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May 30, 2018

In a country so ethnically diverse and with so many different beliefs, a second church is being built to continue to spread God’s word amongst the Beninese. God willing, the project will bless the lives of many and bring the people of Benin together to celebrate His name.

April 30, 2018

The C&MA of Myanmar has a new president, Rev. Lal Duh Chuanga, who diligently served as a pastor for 19 years before his election. He plans to dedicate himself to planting churches in at least 20 villages among the Burmese, Karen, and Mizo/Chin people.

April 30, 2018

Reverend Sanguansak Worawat, who is a senior pastor at the Gospel Church located in the Kalasin province, has been chosen as the new president of the C&MA in Thailand. He has worked the past eight years as a member of the board committee of the C&MA Thailand. Rev. Worawat is feeling honored, challenged, and excited for the tasks God has given and for the new steps in the missionary field!

April 30, 2018

The C&MA of Ivory Coast is one of the most vibrant Alliance churches in Africa and is crossing its boundaries to minister to other nations. Please, pray for the leadership of the National Alliance Church as they start new churches inside and outside the country and plan new community development projects.

April 30, 2018

Rev. Munther Shahatit is the newly appointed Regional Coordinator for the EMERALD (Europe and Middle East) Region. Rev. Munther is an ordained pastor and a leader of the C&MA of Jordan and travels the whole region to provide professional trauma counselling and trainings. He is replacing Rev. Arie Verduijn who asked to step down due to his growing ministerial responsibilities in the local church.

April 26, 2018

We are thankful to the Lord for the success of our final meeting with the leadership board committee of the Evangelical Church of North Vietnam in Hanoi on March 27, 2018 regarding the sending of a Vietnamese couple to plant a church among the Vietnamese-Thai in Nakhon Panom province of Thailand.

April 24, 2018

The Alliance church in France is building a new vision for the future and has just started a grassroots movement among its churches to develop that vision. Please pray that God will provide clarity and bring the Alliance churches there closer together for His glory.

April 23, 2018

The ministry of THE ALLIANCE MANCHESTER (TAM) is growing with new workers joining from the Alliance World Fellowship family. This growth requires finding a new venue. Philip Margesson and Juan-Carlos Parodi will journey to Lima, Peru in April to report on the ministry in Manchester and promote TAM projects to current and potential partners. Please pray that God will protect them as they travel and continue to bless the ministry at TAM.

April 19, 2018

Amid a secular, agnostic society, the Christian and Missionary Alliance of Uruguay faced many challenges and obstacles before it truly came to life. This article tells our brothers’ and sisters’ story, from its first moments to its present, successful reality. We have only God to thank for the amazing things that were made possible through His church in Uruguay.

April 18, 2018

The Middle East is the cradle of Christianity but nowadays is dominated by the strong presence of other Abrahamic religions. Europe is the birthplace of the Western Church but nowadays is a secular post-Christian society. Proclaiming Christ in this region has been a great challenge but the Alliance churches there are sensitive to the opportunities that arise. Please pray for the requests sent by our representative from the EMERALD (Europe and Middle East) region.

Caracas aerial view (Getty Images)
April 16, 2018

Please pray for the critical situation that Venezuela continues to experience: hyperinflation, lack of security, food shortage (and even when one finds food it's very expensive), and political uncertainty. The picture is very complicated and critical.

March 29, 2018

Rev. Andy Chi is the new President of the Taiwan Alliance Church Union. He grew up in a Christian setting, but it wasn’t until later that he and his wife, Mary, decided to dedicate themselves entirely to God’s work. He wants to share a little bit of his story, his journey with our Lord and how he became President.

March 28, 2018

Rev. Edward Kwong and Rosa Chan are reaching out to the Chinese community around the Cambridge campus in Great Britain. Their work goes from teaching English, to classes about everyday matters, like marriage and parenting. Their ministry is blooming and far from over.

March 26, 2018

The Blockhouse Bay Community Church of the Alliance New Zealand has organized a Vision Trip to India from September 29th to October 13th, 2018 under the leadership of Rev. Andrew Marshall, National Director and Senior Pastor of the Alliance in New Zealand. The team will travel to Hyderabad-Mumbai-Delhi. Pray for God's outpouring of blessings for a fruitful ministry, financial abundance, unity, protection, and good health for the duration of the trip.

March 22, 2018

On March 27th, Rev. Roland Lumawag will meet with the leadership board of the Evangelical Church of North Vietnam for the final briefing of the missionary couple to Thailand, finalizing the budget, and signing of the memorandum of agreement. Please pray for God's covering and success of the meeting.

March 21, 2018

The Alliance in France had its Annual General Meeting on March 10th and it was a time of blessing and encouragement for all those involved. The Alliance in France has grown from four churches to 39 churches in 40 years, and three new Chinese churches are seeking to join in 2018. Please pray for wisdom and renewal of the national leadership in France as they seek to guide the church through continued growth.

February 27, 2018

A group of approximately 200 women travels around 300 km, about 185 miles, to pray in another city. Why? To prepare it to receive the missionary couple commissioned by the Evangelical Churches of Vietnam North and the forthcoming ministry.

February 12, 2018

The Evangelical Churches of Vietnam North (ECVN) will send its first missionary couple to plant churches among the Vietnamese-Thai people. The couple will be sent in April 2018 to the Nakhon Phanom province and will reach around 60,000 people in the 5 provinces along the area of the Mekong River.

January 24, 2018

The C&MA Jabal Amman church in Jordan has been working with these people since the 1990s and offers assistance to around 1000 families.

December 15, 2017

One of the founders of C&MA Angola has a Paul-like testimony of radical transformation, from killing to saving, leaving a legacy that our AWF President testifies to on his most recent visit.