Pray for our Alliance Family in India. The Country Faces a Second Deadly Wave of COVID-19

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In Memoriam: Félix Jiménez, A Visionary and Compassionate Leader of Faith
The second wave of COVID-19 in India is taking a toll not only in its healthcare system and the economy, but on the lives of the people. Pray for our Alliance family in India. May the church bring hope and shine the light of Christ in the midst of darkness.
The record of infections and deaths is rising daily. On April 30, India set another single-day record for the number of positive COVID-19 cases with 386,452 new cases reported – the biggest one-day increase on record for any country. There were another 3,500 deaths nationwide. And that’s likely a significant underestimate. India has now recorded more than 200,000 deaths since the beginning of the pandemic – the fourth-highest death toll in the world behind the United States, Brazil, and Mexico.
The Christian communities, including our Alliance family in India, did not escape the sting of the pandemic. Among the most affected areas in India are the states of Maharashtra and Gujarat where the Christian and Missionary is largely serving. A member of an Alliance church in Ahmedabad said, “The ambulances that admit COVID-19 patients have a waiting list of 300. Without ambulances, there are no admissions in hospitals. The situation is becoming worse every day. We are seeing our enemy – death – face to face.”
In the Gujarat Synod, 16 Alliance pastors and church members died from COVID-19 and 100 are currently infected.
In the Maharashtra Synod, more than 52 Alliance members have died from COVID-19 and more than 80 people within the three Alliance districts are infected. Further, 22 Alliance pastors, evangelists, and church leaders who were involved in various Alliance-related ministries are affected.
Rev. Rajesh Patole, executive secretary of the Alliance Church Association of Mumbai, Maharashtra, was hospitalized with COVID-19 at the end of March. We praise God that he was discharged after several days in the hospital and is now recovering at home. Another Alliance Pastor, Rev. Shashikant Valvi of the Jalgaon district of Maharashtra state, was also critically ill because of COVID-19 infection. Praise God that they are now recovering.
Early this month, Rev. Sanjay Chaudhari, director of Maharashtra Bible College (Alliance School), was admitted to the hospital because of a viral fever. Two days later, he tested positive for COVID-19. Sadly, he died on April 14 and was buried the same day. Rev. Isudas Christian, pastor of the Anandpur Alliance Church in the Ahmedabad district (Gujarat Synod) also died from COVID-19. Pray for God’s comfort for the families of those who lost their loved ones that were serving the Lord within the Alliance.
We ask you to pray also for these pastors from Gujarat Synod: President Stenly Christian and his wife, Vice-President Yakub Christian and his wife, and former President Rasin Vasaivala, all recovering from COVID-19.
Pray for seven Alliance evangelists in Maharashtra who are serving in remote villages. During these past months, they have been restricted in their movements and thus are facing a huge financial struggle for their sustainability. One of the evangelists, Rev. Khandare, was evicted from his village. His house was destroyed, and he is in urgent need of shelter.
Pray also for the families of those Alliance pastors, leaders, and evangelists who are infected by the virus and are not able to afford proper treatment either due to lack of finance or accessibility to proper medical facilities.