Meet Olivier LO, the New President of the Alliance of France

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Keen on the multiplication of disciples, Olivier LO is committed to the “together to grow” slogan, preparing the Alliance family in France for being in one culture and reaching people from another culture. Elected on May 22 as president of the Alliance of France, Rev. LO began his two-year term on October 1, 2022.
For several years, the watchword for the national church of France has been “together to grow.” Rev. Olivier LO is committed to keep working on fraternal fellowship and unity. Elected president of the Christian and Missionary Alliance of France on May 22, Rev. LO began his two-year term on October 1, 2022. He seeks to encourage everyone to individually grow spiritually, and together work on multiplication of disciples, leaders, churches and being in one culture reaching people from another culture.
A visionary and dedicated pastor, Rev. LO studied Theology at the Bible Institute of Nogent sur Marne and at the Faculty of Vaux sur Seine, both in France. He has a master’s degree in Pastoral Theology and Church Planting. It was during his study years that he recognized God’s call to pastoral ministry. He served as pastor for ten years in a church in the Paris region.
Born in the suburbs of Paris, Rev. LO grew up in the provinces of Jura and Troyes. His family practiced traditional Hmong animism and at the same time attended the Catholic church in the village. His parents became Christians when he was ten years old and started attending the Hmong Evangelical Alliance churches.
Rev. LO had a smooth life growing up. He was an engineer, earned a good living, had his circle of friends, and was in good health. For him, God was “the good God.” He believed if he was a good person, he would not have problems with God. But one day in October 2004, at the age of 26, when he was studying Romans 3:23 at a youth camp, he was so impacted by that word from Scripture he gave his life to Jesus. Wanting to study the Bible more, Rev. LO quit his job and began theological training.
Rev. LO wants to see the Alliance in France take on an increasingly important role in the evangelical world in that country. The French Alliance is a unique multicultural denomination with the ability to work both with local and international partners such as the AWF, the EMERALD Region (Europe and the Middle East), and the national churches of other countries to reach more people with the gospel.
Pastor LO met his wife, Pao, in a Christian youth camp. Pao also comes from a Christian family. The couple has five children: Lana, 15; Emi, 14; Yoni, 11; Lisa, 9, and Nolan, 7.
Rev. LO asks us to pray for the Lord’s wisdom so he can keep healthy to serve. He also would like us to pray for his wife and children to be fulfilled in their spiritual life, for spiritual and numerical growth of the Alliance, and for the unity of the Alliance churches in France. Let us pray for healthy and deep relationships with their local partners and international Alliance family, and for the Alliance in France to be a valuable instrument to allow men, women and children to know the love of Christ.