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INFORMA Seminary: Hope for Latino Communities in the EMERALD Region

August 20, 2024

In 2022, INFORMA Seminary, a vital Christian institution in Spain, embarked on a mission to empower Latino communities across the EMERALD Region.

Rooted in faith and leadership, this institution has dedicated itself to equipping future leaders for the Christian church through diverse educational programs. With a focus on theological education and discipleship, the Alliance Institute for Ministry Formation (INFORMA) has quickly become a hope for evangelical leaders in Spain and beyond. Its programs, which have profoundly impacted students from countries such as Peru, Italy, and Ireland, aim to expand the seminary’s influence and foster a significant community of faith.

INFORMA is a university-level Christian institution dedicated to forming leaders for the Church of Jesus Christ. Its mission, “Forming Disciples Capable of Teaching Others,” is realized through its Bachelor of Pastoral Theology, accredited by the Latin American Theological Faculty (FATELA). Offering diverse formats— in-person, online, deferred, Moodle-based, hybrid, and independent study— INFORMA attracts students from various Christian denominations.

Dr. Miguel Ángel Palomino, the rector of FATELA, set up the vision and the program as he moved to Madrid to kick off INFORMA. It officially started in January 2012 when Dr. Palomino taught classes to 38 students – 24 in Madrid and 14 in Barcelona – a large number not anticipated at that time. He served as an advisor for the first three years, representing FATELA. Other key individuals in establishing INFORMA were Dr. Juan Zúñiga, pastor of the Alliance church of Fuenlabrada, who led INFORMA in its beginning, and Ray Ebbett, an American missionary who provided the connection and support of the Alliance Mission. The support of FIACME (Federation of C&MA Churches in Spain) was instrumental to the successful launch of INFORMA.

In 2022, a new chapter of INFORMA began with a newly appointed leader. Dr. Francisco Cerrón, who served as a pastor in Lima (Peru) and Florida (USA), as a teacher and rector of the Alliance Bible Seminary in Peru, and academic dean of FATELA, accepted the role at INFORMA in Spain, driven by a vision to cultivate leaders for an engaged and expanding church. He has witnessed the dedication of a community committed to spreading the message of Christ in Spain, where evangelical believers make up only 2% of the population, and only seven of the 17 autonomous communities have Christian and Missionary Alliance (C&MA) works. Spain, with its growing Islamic demographic of 1.5%, presents both challenges and opportunities for the C&MA.

The seminary has made remarkable progress, including establishing an Advisory Board, drafting regulations, and organizing its curriculum. Financial stability has been achieved, laying a solid foundation for future growth. Medium-term goals involve refining teaching methods, expanding INFORMA’s reach across Spain and Europe, and forming strategic partnerships with local churches and institutions.

Looking ahead, INFORMA aspires to academic excellence, the development of new certificates in Missions and Christian Education, a master’s program in Pastoral Studies, and the creation of a network of Spanish-speaking theological education institutions. The long-term vision includes achieving self-sustainability, fully supporting its staff, and continuing its mission to train leaders for the church.

The impact of INFORMA’s programs on Latino communities in the AWF EMERALD (Europe and Middle East) Region is profound. Alejandro Cheung from Madrid reflects on his experience with the Youth Leadership Certificate, emphasizing how the program has deepened his understanding of God and enhanced his ability to listen and connect with young people in his church. He says, “It has been a huge blessing for my life, as I have been able to learn more about God and even multiple tools to do so.”

Marita Marroquín of Lima, Peru, shares how the Youth Leadership Certification has equipped her with relevant tools for guiding young women in her community, expanding her understanding of contemporary issues and improving her communication with her own children. She adds, “I have a better understanding of what mentoring young believers and non-believers is like thanks to the tools that this certification has given me. I have also been able to establish a clearer and more effective path for biblical counseling. I am very grateful and feel fortunate to have been able to obtain this academic experience.”

From Rome, Italy, Brunella Velasquez, also shares: “There is a masterful organization behind everything, from what the teacher teaches us, in the choice of study materials, the organization of everything on Zoom, etc.” She is thankful that INFORMA has provided more than just theological education; it has strengthened her relationship with God and improved her organizational skills, enabling her to be a more effective leader in her church.

Marlon Torres of Barcelona, Spain highlights how INFORMA has transformed his personal and ministerial life, offering a community of learning and practical resources that have enriched his understanding of the Bible and his role as a church leader. “Since the beginning I have felt supported by a passionate learning community committed to spiritual growth and theological knowledge,” Torres shares. “The professors are not only experts in their fields but also dedicated mentors who have deepened my understanding of the Bible and inspired me to apply this knowledge in my ministry. Each course has strengthened my faith and equipped me to serve my community more effectively.” Torres adds, “The program’s flexibility has also been invaluable, allowing me to balance my studies with personal and ministerial responsibilities. I am grateful for this opportunity and excited to see how these learnings will continue to impact my life and ministry.”

Gabriela Jiménez of Midleton Cork, Ireland, speaks of the Youth Leadership Program’s role in motivating her to study, and she reflects deeply on the needs of young people, enhancing her readiness to support and guide them with God’s Word by adding, “How much our youth need people who are prepared and willing to accompany and advise them with the Word of God.”

INFORMA’s long-term goals include:

Elevating INFORMA’s status to a leading institution known for its doctrinal integrity and theological reflection.

Developing New Programs: Introducing certificates in Missions and Christian Education by 2025 and 2026, respectively, and launching a master’s program in Pastoral Studies by 2027.

Creating a Theological Education Network: Forming a network of Spanish-speaking institutions to enhance academic collaboration and support.

Ensuring Self-Sustainability: Securing full-time support for key staff members and expanding INFORMA’s impact.

Evaluating Needs and Expanding Reach: Identifying areas in Spain and Europe lacking theological education and offering INFORMA’s programs as a solution.

Building Partnerships: Collaborating with local churches and institutions to integrate INFORMA’s education into their communities.

INFORMA faces challenges such as appointing a full-time Academic Dean and addressing economic constraints. However, the growing presence of evangelical churches in Europe and the increasing need for well-prepared leaders present significant opportunities. The support from global partners is crucial in meeting financial needs and expanding the mission.

The Alliance World Fellowship (AWF) family can support INFORMA through prayer and financial contributions. A goal of US $17,000 is needed for 2025 to support various initiatives, including the academic dean’s studies, the director’s budget, and scholarships. Prayers for continued guidance and support are vital for advancing INFORMA’s mission across Europe.

Laura Tufiño, a graduate of INFORMA, encapsulates the transformative experience of studying at the seminary, highlighting how it has enriched her understanding of God’s Word and enhanced her service to the church. She shares, “Right at the beginning of the classes of this second module, God turned my life upside down like a real hurricane. The Holy Spirit did a wonderful work of conviction, deliverance, healing and restoration in my life, in an integral way.”

As INFORMA continues its journey, the commitment to preparing Latino leaders for effective ministry remains steadfast. Through faith, dedication, and the support of partners and friends, INFORMA is poised to make a lasting impact on the Christian community in the EMERALD Region and beyond.

By: Francisco Cerrón and Eunice Ron Mateo