In Times of Pandemic and Social Seclusion, the C&MA Church in Mafraq, Jordan, is Using Technology to Stay Together

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Pastor Nour and his team believes that this crisis is just an opportunity to put God’s compassion on display. They are finding people more open now than ever! As Pastor Nour says, “As Christians, we should help people in their most difficult time of their life, as the light is most needed when the darkness is greatest.”

The world has been impacted by COVID-19 and Mafraq, Jordan, is affected by the new limitations. The entire country has been on a strictly-enforced stay-at-home order since March 20 to keep the spread of the virus to a minimum. It has been effective. There are relatively few cases in Jordan. But all public transportation is shut down and traveling by car is limited to a very few essential workers. Like the rest of the world, this has changed the way the Christian and Missionary Alliance church in Mafraq does ministry, but it has not brought that ministry to a halt. The church continues to provide supplies to hundreds of Syrian refugees, and it ministers to both Syrian and Jordanian people.
Supplies & Care to Refugees

Leaders connect with the refugee families daily, using technology to encourage them and ask about their situation. Food supplies are delivered daily to many families, and others are provided the means to buy food from a store within walking distance. The refugees also have their own authorized person who has permission from the government to use his pickup truck in any area of Mafraq and he is vital for the ministry in delivering supplies, but he is only one. Pray for his health and stamina. In March, more than 10,000 JD ($14,100 USD) of food supplies was distributed. Pastor Nour has decided to give as much as the Lord provides because the need is so great. There are no reserves. So, please pray with us that the Lord provides for the refugees’ desperate needs.
Life in the Ministry Center
A small group from seven different countries is living at the church during this time. They spend their time texting and calling as many in the Mafraq community as possible, doing a deep cleaning of the ministry center, preparing medical/vitamin supply kits for refugees and assembling welcoming bundles for new babies.

In the Sunday School for Syrian and Jordanian children, the lessons are online, and efforts are being made to stay connected with the children and their families with calls and Bible games to occupy the youngsters. The church has an ESL (English as a Second Language) Program and continues to provide professional ESL instruction online. All the teachers remain connected daily with their students. Two weeks ago, during the second week of online classes, one of the teachers said, “I put out two WhatsApp broadcasts today and I got about 400 messages back. People are becoming increasingly grateful for the TLC (Tender Loving Care).” Pray for the ESL students and their teachers.

Pastor Nour is busier now than normally, connecting with many people and coordinating efforts. He does two daily devotionals in both Arabic and English. This is broadcast to the church family and many others, some of whom do not yet know Jesus. The pastor sends a riddle from the Bible each day, all in the context of the corona virus, to different groups. He receives answers and sends feedback to them. This creates an atmosphere of fellowship and joy.
The primary focus now is meeting as many of the needs as possible and providing for those families who work for the church and depend upon their monthly salary to feed their families. Pastor Nour was able to pay everyone their salary at the end of March, but they are waiting on the Lord for His provision to pay the salaries in the months ahead. He has also established a benevolence fund to help meet the urgent needs among Christians. Pray expectantly for God’s supply and watch to see how He does that.