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The “Story Behind the Story” of My Portrayal of Mary, the Mother of Jesus

January 10, 2023

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When I got an invitation to write and perform a short portrayal of the life of Mary, the mother of Jesus, for the Thanksgiving and Christmas event of the AWF Women’s Ministry, I was a bit overwhelmed. I was very busy at that time, and declined the opportunity, not even asking God for direction. But the Lord had other plans.

Jen Vogel, the U.S. Alliance Women’s national director, contacted me to write a short portrayal of the life of Mary, the mother of Jesus, from the time the angel of God appeared to her and told her she was chosen to be the mother of the Son of God to the torment of watching him be crucified on that cruel, ugly cross, and then to witness the tomb being empty, keeping his promise that he would rise from the dead the third day. But I was a bit overwhelmed. I was very busy, traveling and presenting portrayals, helping my sister run her Bed & Breakfast at a busy time of the year, and keeping up with the running of our family farm. So, I apologized to Jen and declined the opportunity, not even asking God for direction.

As the days went on, the Lord would not let me rest. I did not have peace at all. All I could think about was how to adapt three different portrayals about Mary and Jesus into one 13-minute portrayal. To me, it was just too much to tackle at the time.

All my portrayal scripts come straight from God, and I had not given him a chance to give this short portrayal to me. I had completely shut the door. But God had not shut the door!

I walk every day on our farm and pray and practice whatever portrayal I am presenting that week or day. That day as I walked, God got my attention and began to pour this special, short portrayal into my heart. And before I knew it, he had given me the entire script except for the ending! It was like he was saying to me, “You should have said ‘yes’ to Jen the first time and trusted me to give you the script. It is called faith. Instead, you turned to your own strength.” Talk about being set in my place. God has ways of getting our attention. He got mine that day!

God gave me this gift 30 years ago. I had nothing to do with creating this ministry – it was all him. I told him I would go anywhere I was asked to share his Word through drama. I was not keeping my promise to him.

I contacted Jen, asked if the opportunity was still available and told her what had happened. She answered, “The spot is still open.” Praise the Lord!

I had two weeks to practice and perfect the portrayal. Two hours before the taping, God changed my ending and put his ending in its place which was perfect, of course. I love it when God steps in. That’s when I know the Holy Spirit is in control.

We only had to do one take. Can you believe it? That is all God!

I am so humbled and honored that he has allowed me to present this portrayal of Mary to Alliance women all over the world. I give all praise, honor, and glory to God!

Click here to watch the portrayal.

By: LuAnne Baker
Related Topics: Women Ministry