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Alliance Scholars Convene in Toulouse to Reflect on Our Ministry and Mission

July 6, 2023
AWF Alliance Theological Symposium

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The first AWF Alliance Theological Symposium was held in June 2023 in France. The objective was to deepen the understanding of the history and theology of the Alliance movement and to reflect on ways the Alliance should engage in ministry and missions today.

More than 50 participants gathered in the beautiful city of Toulouse, France on June 26 and 27, 2023, to share together at the Alliance Theological Symposium. Hosted by the AWF International Commission of Theological Education (ICTE), 25 papers were presented over the two days by scholars from five continents and in three languages: Spanish, French and English.

The presentations covered a wide range of topics, including Alliance distinctives, history of Alliance mission, Alliance ecclesiology (both in theory and practice), and effective missionary strategies. Each speaker was given 20 minutes to share, followed by 10 minutes of discussion time. We were also blessed to have Dr. Daryn Henry, author of the recent A.B. Simpson and the Making of Modern Evangelicalism, join us online to present Albert Simpson’s 1893 journey to visit Alliance mission fields. A panel discussion with four members of the ICTE and Dr. Henry also was held on the importance of understanding the theology and practice of the notion of “Union with Christ.”

A frequent comment was how great it was to be able to come together to consider these important topics. Discussions often continued over lunch and dinner, and fruitful connections were made between scholars and institutions. A special note of thanks must be extended to Brother Eoghan Cosgrave and the Toulouse International Church, which hosted the symposium. Without their excellent work and service, it would not have been possible to hold the event.

The symposium was live streamed and the recording is available on the AWF YouTube channel. An edited volume is being planned and will be published in due course. The ICTE has been encouraged to plan additional events, and it is likely that further symposiums will be held in the future.

The ICTE thank all the participants and especially the presenters who made the effort to prepare and deliver their excellent papers at the Symposium.

By: Peter Laughlin