Alianza Cristiana y Misionera de Chile
President: Rev. Iván Flores
Ordained Ministers
The Christian and Missionary Alliance of Chile was born in 1901 during its first annual conference with the attendance of the Weiss, Alberto Dawson, McDonald, Mancilla and Diener couples. At that conference they drew up a simple constitution, which established a statement of faith and doctrinal practices to which activities and teachings as mission should adhere. The mission was reinforced with new missionaries in the years 1902, 1903, and they were extended with the movement to Chiloé. But also, the attacks and obstacles were accentuated.
The first Bible Conventions were held in 1910 and the important visit of Dr. Albert B. Simpson, president and founder of the missionary society Christian and Missionary Alliance of New York, reinforces and encourages us to continue advancing. With the visit of Dr. Simpson, new funds are raised to acquire a property in Santiago so that the Weiss’s can move there to disciple the new believers.
During those years the persecution of Weiss and the faithful brothers who accompanied him was not lacking. Also, the sacrifices due to “continuous trips on horseback and on foot, in which he often got wet and suffered all kinds of deprivations in his service to his fellow men”, undermined his health to such an extent that he contracted tuberculosis. At the insistence of his collaborators, he left Chile to take a well-deserved rest. But the Lord promoted him to higher service, and so he left this world on May 26, 1915 at the young age of 48. He gave 18 years of selfless service to the work and was the founder, under the hand of God, of the work of the Christian and Missionary Alliance in Chile.
Upon Weiss’s death, God sends another man with the same passion and enthusiasm to continue the work among the Chileans. The missionary Carlos Lefevre and his wife are remembered as pioneers in southern Chile, who built the first evangelistic boat on the island of Chiloé called “The Light.” It was used not only for preaching, but it also helped the locals in the transportation and progress of the area.
With the grace of God, the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church of Chile extends its churches from Arica to Punta Arenas, having work and pastors in more than 150 cities. In turn, they have sent pastors with a missionary call to the countries of Bolivia, Russia, Portugal, Germany, Cuba, Mali and the Dominican Republic.
Today as yesterday, we remain convinced that Chile will have a splendid future if many more come to know God and his Son Jesus Christ through a personal experience. This is and will be our task until Christ returns.