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A Resurgence of Interest on A.B. Simpson

November 13, 2020

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Two books on A.B. Simpson were published in 2019. One of them, A.B. Simpson and the Making of Modern Evangelicalism, will be discussed by its author Dr. Daryn Henry during the Alliance History and Thought Symposium hosted by Ambrose University on November 24, 2020. Click here to register.

The Alliance World Fellowship (AWF) is pleased to note that in the last few years there has been a resurgence of published works on the founder of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, Albert Benjamin Simpson. Two works appearing recently are particularly worth highlighting: A.B. Simpson and the Making of Modern Evangelicalism by Daryn Henry (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2019) and A.B.: The Unlikely Founder of a Global Movement by David P. Jones (Christian & Missionary Alliance, 2019).

The most recent of these is by Daryn Henry who is a postdoctoral research associate and Lecturer in Religious Studies at the University of Virginia. Henry masterfully situates Simpson’s life and work within the context of his times. This is an exceptional biography, rich with detail and thoughtful analysis that introduces us not only to the man but also to his world. The work is academic in nature, with more than 60 pages of endnotes and bibliography providing the reader with a comprehensive resource for further study. Starting the narrative some generations before Simpson was born, Henry tells of the Simpson family’s migration from Scotland to Prince Edward Island and then to the circumstances and contexts of A.B. Simpson’s own arrival. The narrative then doesn’t miss a beat throughout Simpson’s life, exploring in detail his travels and ministry from Hamilton, through Louisville and then on to New York and the founding of the C&MA. One of the highlights of the book is the analysis of the Fourfold Gospel which does a great job of reminding us yet again of the heart of Simpson for a deeper life with Christ. This work not only introduces us to Simpson but also invites us to consider our own relationship with Christ.

Also appearing in 2019 was David P. Jones’ biography of Simpson which stands on its own as an excellent introduction to the life and work of Simpson. Written in an easy-to-read style and touching on all the main areas of Simpson’s life, Jones invites us to glimpse the mind of Simpson as he strived to serve his Savior. Not afraid to highlight areas of weakness in Simpson’s life, Jones’ account reminds us that God does not require us to be perfect in order to be used, He only requires a willing and available heart. One of the highlights of the book is the insight given to the other members of Simpson’s family, in particular his wife Margaret (Maggie). It is clear that without Simpson’s wife, the early C&MA would not have had the success that it did. If you’ve never read anything about the life of Simpson before, then this biography is a great place to begin.

Such works as these demonstrate not just the ongoing interest in Simpson himself, but the enduring attraction and legacy of a man who above all, pointed others to the surpassing supremacy of Christ.

By: Peter Laughlin