ICTE: Promoting the Alliance Ethos
July 12, 2019

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The members of the International Commission on Theological Education (ICTE) met in Nyack, New York, to discuss ways in which the AWF can encourage the Alliance National Churches to continue to embrace and promote an Alliance ethos within their ministries and contexts.
The following points were discussed at the meeting that was held from July 1-4, 2019:
- The Young Scholars Initiative took place from June 24-28, 2019 at Nyack Campus. Two scholars from each AWF region were selected, with representatives from Jordan, Chile, the Dominican Republic, Ivory Coast, Indonesia, the Netherlands, Australia, Canada and the USA. The overall evaluation was positive. There were good interactions, and the sense of Alliance family was recognized. The teachings were sound in theological and historical perspective and the exposure to Alliance experience (healing, sanctification), balanced in theory and practice.
- The Theological Symposia which were held in 2018 and 2019 were discussed. The CLA (Latin America) Conference in Mar del Plata, Argentina was very beneficial and a follow up meeting was scheduled in Lima, Peru. Topics addressed were the Fourfold Gospel, Sanctification, Eschatology and the life of A.B. Simpson. The next CLA conference will be held in September 2019 in Guatemala. The Africa Regional Conference was held in Bamako, Mali, and the next regional conference will be in Liberia in 2022. The EMERALD (Europe & Middle East) Conference took place in Frankfurt, Germany. The same format was followed as elsewhere, and there was ample time for discussion in various language-based small groups (Arabic, French, Spanish, Chinese and English). The presence of missionaries who had attended the Missional Leadership meetings was well received. The APAC (Asia-Pacific) Conference was also well received but the region is difficult because of its diversity in practices and theological issues. The next APAC conference will be in 2022.
- AWF Quadrennial Convocation: The theme is “Going Deeper & Going Beyond”. The ICTE started working on a Quadrennial Declaration to be presented to the assembly.
- ICTE Ordination Recommendations: The ICTE recommends to the AWF member nations that candidates for ordination or consecration be able to demonstrate (at a minimum):
a) A suitable level of competency in Biblical knowledge, theological understanding, and pastoral practice appropriate to the nation;
b) A suitable level of competency in regard to the distinctive emphases of the Christian and Missionary Alliance;
c) A suitable level of experience in a given ministry;
d) A formal evaluation (written or oral) of the candidate’s achievement of the above points. - Network of Alliance Theological Institutes: The ICTE is keen to see a network develop between existing Alliance theological institutes and Bible colleges. Invitations will be sent to Alliance theological presidents and deans to attend a meeting at the quadrennial gathering to discuss the development of such a network.
- AWF Theological Repository (AWF Repository): Further discussion was held about the repository and the addition of materials. The creation of the AWF Theology Award (see related news AWF Theology Award) will help in developing additional materials of a contemporary nature.
- International Curriculum in Alliance History and Thought: The ICTE is continuing to develop a standard curriculum for the teaching of Alliance History and Thought that can be suited to each region.
The next meeting of the ICTE will be in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, March 17-19, 2020. The members of the commission would value your prayers.
By: Peter Laughlin