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Meet Sanguansak Worawat, the new President of the Christian and Missionary Alliance of Thailand

April 30, 2018

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Reverend Sanguansak Worawat, who is a senior pastor at the Gospel Church located in the Kalasin province, has been chosen as the new president of the C&MA in Thailand. He has worked the past eight years as a member of the board committee of the C&MA Thailand. Rev. Worawat is feeling honored, challenged, and excited for the tasks God has given and for the new steps in the missionary field!

Rev. Sanguansak Worawat and his wife, Mrs. Praiwan, have a son, Mark, and a daughter, Grace. Currently, he is a senior pastor of the Gospel Church, Kalasin province, which is under the Thailand Christian and Missionary Alliance (TC&MA). He is a member of the C&MA Thailand since 1998. In the beginning, he worked in the Northeastern Bible Seminary, but later on, God called him and his family to plant a church in the Kalasin province, located in the northeast of Thailand.

Prior to his election as president in March, he was elected treasurer and, before that, secretary. He has worked with the C&MA Thailand for the past eight years as a member of the board committee.

Rev. Worawat is honored for being chosen, and he feels challenged by the greater tasks that God has given him, as well as excited for taking bigger steps in the missionary field all around Thailand and abroad. He is thankful to God for the members of the TC&MA board committee. Rev. Worawat is sure that their coming together was God’s doing. In his words: “I believe that God has put every one of us to support and encourage one another as a team”.

In the next 10 years, Rev. Worawat hopes to achieve many things: expanding and increasing the numbers of churches; sending missionaries aboard, starting from Southeast Asia and the neighbor countries; conducting the leadership training for the younger generations, who are willing to serve the Lord; increasing mission partnerships; and rallying sufficient supplies for the mission fields.

Rev. Worawat asks us to pray that God will give him wisdom and understanding to take on the new responsibilities. He also asks that we pray so that the C&MA Thailand continues to grow faithfully, for the expansion of the missions and for God’s providence, as well as for church planting alongside the missionaries from Myanmar and Vietnam.

Related Topics: APAC, Biography, Thailand